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<br />.`-`�'�k�:'. 1�OCifi7'HSR 11VITH etl the improvcments now or haeafter croctcd on dic property.and all easement��aPpurtcnAnc,�s,and
<br />-�"'xs Cuetures now or hercafter a part of the proptrty.All replaccmeats end additions st�all also be covcrod by this Sxurity Inswme,nG
<br /> :.t;� All of thc for�going is refcrrcd to In this Saurlty Insmuttent as the 'Property. �_
<br /> , „
<br /> �OTtROWBR COVHNANTS thu Bortower is l�wfully seised ot tha estate henby conveyed and has thc dght to g�ant nnd
<br /> ��� convey thc Prope:tY ar►d that 1he PtoPcrty'is uncncumbabd,tacept for encumbrances of raord.Bortowex wa�►ts and wiU -
<br />--:. defend genuauY tl�e dtla to the I'roperiy sg�tnst all clafms and demands,subjxt to any encumbeances of rocord.
<br /> •• -�r�Y TWS SECURITY INSTRiJN�IVT con►b�nes unlform covenents for national nse nnd non-uniform covenm�ta with Umlted
<br /> --...�:, vari�tions by judsdjcdon to oonstimu a unifurm secudry instrucnent covuing rtal pmpeitY•
<br />�;�r��:.�' .
<br />`��z;:'� UAIIFORM COVHNAN'I'S.Borrawer end I.cnder covenant and agroe ag follows: a when duc tiw _.
<br />;;;:�:_��,,,- 1.Paymeut ot Principal and Intercsti�PaY��t�Ad l.�te C6uges. Bocrowcr shaU promPUY p Y
<br />_,-�';� principa!of and intenst on the debt evldenad by the Note end anY pnpaYmcnt and 1su chuges daa under tha Note.
<br />��-:==�,�- 2.Ptiada tor'Taxea�tnd Inaurnace. Subjact w applicable law or tc�a wrluen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay w
<br /> --���� Lender on the day momhlY PaY���due under the Nate.untll the Notc is paid in fuU,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> ��. and assessmcnts whlch may ettain priority ovu this Sxurlty Insuument as a llen on thc Pcopetty;(b)Yearly kasehald payments
<br /> ���:� --- --or ground tents on�the PmpatY.if any:t�l Yea�ly h�znsd or P�P�Y iasUrance pcsmiums;(d)Yearly Elood insurenee premiums.if �
<br /> __ �,�,� _
<br /> �r:��� �Y:(�) Y�IY mortgage insurance premiums,if any:ai�d(t}enY sun►s PaYabl�by Borrowu to Lender.in accordance with
<br /> .' —_= provlsions of paragraph 8. in lieu of tl�e payment of mortgage insurance premiurt�s. 'Ihese icems are called "Fscrow Items:'
<br /> ;�n;..�:� �d��y,��y pme.colkct and hold Funds in en amaunt not[�o exceed the m�imum amount a lendu fa a federally relaned
<br />�'^�'���"� ��geg�ioan may requlre for Borrower's escxow account under tt►e federal Real Estate Sealement Procedures Act of 1974 a5
<br />°�s��� aa�endai frnm dme to dme,12 U.S.C.Sadon 26()1 et s�q. ("RESPA"),unless another lew that applies to tha Funds sets a ksser
<br /> ��`�--''�°.�s■ aawun� If so.l.endu msy.at any dme,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to wcceod the lessu amounG Lendu may
<br /> °-�°°��''� e3dmace the amount of Fnnds doe on the buLv of currem data end reasonable estimates of eacpendiwres of fuwn F.scrow Items or
<br />_°;'� otherwlse ia axordance with appllcable Lw.
<br /> 'Ibe Funds shall be held in an ir�stitudon whose deposits are fnsural by a federal agcocy,inshumentaljty.or entlty(including
<br /> - -� U,�da,if L.ender is such an institutbn)or in Any Fede,rel Hoa►e Loaa Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds W pay the S,9ecow
<br /> _ Items.L�ender may not ctiarge Barowu for holding end applyIng tha Funds.enn�alty anelyzin8 the escrow aa�oont,or veiifYinB
<br /> d�e Escrow It�rn�.wiess Lenda Paya aaiacuwp��i�W"t an sl�c F::ssd�snsl appl�bL taw��ennits I.cndcr to malce such u ch�age.
<br /> - However.Lender may rWuice Borrowu to pay a orte-dme charge for an indenendent real estate te�c rtpocWB servic��bY
<br /> L,zndu in counocNon wIth 1!►is losn,unkss applicabla law pcorrtdes othawLve.Un3ess m agroement!s made or applicabb taw
<br /> � roqujres iaurost to b�paid,Lender shall not be required w pay B.ortower eny interest a eamings on the Funds.Baroowa u�d
<br /> --. = Lendu may agrea in wridng.howova.thas interest ahall be peid an ihe Funds.Lender shall gtve w Barowu,wltlwut churg�.aa
<br /> �� en�ual axoundng of the Fuads.show�ng credtts and debitv w tde Funds end the pu�pose fa which cach dc,Sit to tha Fuads was
<br /> mado.The Funds an plod8od a�additi�onal�ocurity tor all sums sercured by this Sccurity InstrumenG
<br /> If dk Fands held by Lendcr ea�cced the anwunts pemiiued to tse held bY ePPlics+6le 1aw.Lenda shall accouat co Barowa for •
<br /> ���F���o�clanc�with tbe reqairement�af applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lendrr at ony dma is
<br /> �s��t W p�y the Escmw Items whee►due,La►der mav so notiffy Borrowa in w�ridng.aad.i�such c�se Borrowor sha11 FaY
<br /> to Lendu ihe amaunt nacessarY co make up the deficiency. Bornnwer shall make up the defickncy in no more than twelve
<br /> monthlY P�Y�ans�at La�der's sok disccedon.
<br /> Upon payment in full of ell sums secured by Ihis Securlty Inst:ument,Lender shall PromPdy refund w Borrowa any Fiu►ds
<br /> hekt by Lendu. If�wider P�raBr�h 21�Lender shall acquira or sell the Proputy�Lender.Pr�or to the acqui4idon or sala of the
<br /> pmppty,shall apply eny Funds h�ld by L�ender at the ti�ne of acquisidon or sale a4 a credit ageinst the sums secnrod bY t�.is
<br /> Security InsffumaiG
<br />- -_=.-�y 3.A�pL'catiaa a!�yr:se��. Unl�ss npp�irahle!aw provides otherwise.all PaYma►ts receivod by I.a�der under pa�grapha
<br /> , . 1 end 2 shall be appliod: fusb w eny prepaymcnt charges due undu the Note:se�ond,t�o amounts payable under paregraph 2;
<br /> - lhird.w intaest due;fourth.w pri�iPal due:and lau.to any late chargcs due nndu tha None.
<br /> 4.Chargesi Lkas. Borrower shall pay ell taxes.assessments�cherges,fines and imposittons attrlbuutbb to the ProP�Y
<br /> which may atla�n priorlry over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments a g�+nund rents�if any.Bomowu shell psy these
<br /> obligations in the manna yrovided in paragreph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bomnwer shall pay them on�me dirocdy ta tha
<br /> persor► owed paymen� Borrawu shall PromPaY furnish to I.ender all nodcae of amounis to be paid under this paragraph.If
<br /> Borrowu makes thesa payments direc3ly�Borrowu shall prompdy fumish to Lendu roceipts evidencing the paymerits.
<br /> Botmwa ahall promptly discharge auy lien which has priority ovu thi.g Securicy Inshvment unkss Borrowu: (a)agrees in
<br /> - - wri�ng to the payment of the obligadon sacu�ed by the Gen in a manner acaptabk to I,endes:(ba contests in Bood faith the�iw
<br /> -_�,;�� by, or dcfcnds against enforcement ot the llen in, legal proccedings which in the Lender's opinion opuate to prevent the
<br /> "'`���u,�,. enfac�ement of the L;en;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfacwry to I.ender subordinadng the Gen W
<br /> _:=,�,-- this Security Iasuumen�If Lendu detem�ines that any part of the 1'ropercy is subject w a lien which may ausin priority over this
<br /> -=°=�" gec�rity Insmunen�Lender may give Horcower a no�ce identifying the lien.Borrower shell satisfy the lien or takc onc or more
<br /> s-�=��� of the acdons set forth atwve within 1 O days of the giving of notice.
<br /> -,_,xti�� Forn,sose 9�00
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