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<br /> •prc�ceeds')In conneclbn wilh condemn�tlon ar other takln�oi ths Property ov p�rt thereoi,or tor conveyance In Ileu ol condomn+illon•
<br /> Lander shell be entlqod et ite opQon to commenca,ep,Qeer In and proaecute In Ile own neme eny ectian or(xoceedinge,and ehaN slw �
<br /> be endtled to make e�y compromise or settlement In connectlon with such takinp or demage.In the event any poAlon of Ihe Properry��
<br /> so taken or damaged,Lendor ehell have the option►n Ita eole end aba�olute diseratlan, to epply ell such proceeds, aHsr de�iucpnp
<br /> lherefrom ell costs and axper.sea incurrad by it In connsctbn with euch Proceeds,upon eny Indebtedneaa secured hereby and in�uch
<br /> order ea Lencbr may determine,or to epply all euoh Proc�eds,eRar euch deducllonn,to the restorstion oi the Property upun�uch con• w
<br /> dltbns as Lerxler may detarmine.Any appl�aUan of Proateda to Indebtedr►sse ehall not extend or postpone lhe dua dete ol sny pAy-
<br /> ments under the Note,or curo eny deiauft thereunder or hereunder.My unappllod funds ehall be paid to Truetor.
<br /> 8.Petforrriance by Lend�r. Upon the o�currence of an Event of Defeult hereunder, or If any act Ia teken a lepel pra'.eedi►�p �
<br /> commeneed wh�h materialy aAeete Lender'e Interoat in ths Property,Lender mey in Ite own diacretwn,Gut witha,t ab!lgatlon to do so,
<br /> aRd without notke to or demand upon Trustor and without roleeaing Truetor trom eny obllpstlon,do any act whid�Tn��tar has spreed �
<br /> but felled to do and may elso do e��y other act it deem� nece�sAry to protect the securlty hereoi. Truatar shell, Immedletely upon
<br /> demand therefa by Lender,pay to htsnto�ather with in�terest thereon at�th edeteuim ate provided n the Note,whlch ehalWbe tedded to
<br /> cise by Lbrider'of the foregoing rig
<br /> the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shall not Incur any Ilabllity beceuse oi enything It mey do or omit to do heraunder.
<br /> 9. Hasardous Matarlsi�.Trustor ahall keep the Properly in complianee with alt eppllcable laws,ordinancea end regutetlons
<br /> relaUng to Induatdel hygiene or environmentel protectlon(collectivety referced to hereln as"Envlronmentai laws'). 7rustor ehnil keep
<br /> the property iree trc�m all substences deemed to be hazerdous or toxlc under eny Environmental Laws(colleotivety referced to herein
<br /> as'Hazerdous Materisls").Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Meterials on or under the
<br /> property.Truator hareby egrees to Indemnify end hold harmlea�Lerider.Ita dkectora,oHicers,employeea and agents,�nd any atxxxs-
<br /> sore to Lendere interest.irom and egalnst eny and ell cialms,damagea,bsaes and IIabllitiesTHE FOREGOING W RRANTIE3�
<br /> use,dfsposal or ve�spo�t of any Ha�erdoua Materials on,under,irom rx ebout the Property.
<br /> 1p,/1RSlpnm�nt ot R�nts.Trustor heroby esaiyna to Lender,and prents Lender e securitY fnterest In,all preaent,futuro and
<br /> after erising rents,tssues and profita oi the Properly;provided thet Trustor shall,unUl the occurrence of an Event ot Defautt,hareu�dar,
<br /> have the right to collect and retel�such rents,Issues and proflts as thoy become due end payable.Upon the occurrence af en Event ot
<br /> Refault, Lender may,either iry person or by agent,w(th or wltho�ut bringing a�ection or proceeding, aor an r�rt theeoa�f,Iinti� own
<br /> court and without regard to the adequacy af Its secudty,enter u n and teke ssesslon of the Propeity, y P
<br /> neme or In the name ot the 7ruatee,and do any acta which it deems necesaery or desirable to preserve the value,marketaWliiy or
<br /> renteWlity of the Property�a any part thereof or Intereat theretn,or to increase the inoome therefrom or protect the securily hereot and,
<br /> with or w(thout taking poseessbn of the PropaAy,sue tor or otherwise cofiect the rents,ntsu'�u�s A d��roft i�oos�ts��e�cpenst
<br /> due end unpald,by notitytng tenante to make payments to Londer.Lender may apply p
<br /> ea of operetion end oollectlon Including attomey's feea,to eny tndebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as Lender may deter-
<br /> m�ne,'Che entedng up�n end takli�g posseaslon ai the Property,tha collection o/such rents, Issues and profita, and the epp�ice�
<br /> mereot as eioresaid ahaii nvi curo�r waiire any rtatauli or srotic$01 defe��lt►,nreunder or invelidate any act done in�t���,
<br /> defeult or purauant to such noUce of defeult end, notwithstanding the conUnuance in poss�ssbn of the property
<br /> reoeipt and epplMsUon of renta,i�suea or proflta,T�ustee and Lender shall be entiUed to exercise evory right provkied tor in any of the
<br /> Loen Instruments or by law upon axurrence of any Event ot Defeult,including withaut Iim(TStion the right to exerdse the power oT sele•
<br /> Further,Lendete ri9hts end remedles under this paragreph shall be cumulaUve with,and in no wey a IlmitaUon on,Lendora rights and
<br /> remedies under any esslpnment oi leases and rents recoMed against the Property.Lender,Trustee and the receiver sha�l b�Iiable to
<br /> eccount only for those rents actualty received.
<br /> 11.Ewnls o(D�twtl.The folla"iny shall consUtute an Event of Default under thls Deed of Truat
<br /> (a)Falluro to pay eny inatellment of principal or Interest or any otfier aum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A Ixeach ot or defauft under eny provision contelned In the t�ate,ihis Deed of Trust,any ot the Loen Inawmenhs,or any
<br /> pther tlen or encumbrance upon 1he PropeRy;
<br /> (c)A w�it ot executbn or ettachment or any simllar proc;ess shall be entered agalnst Trustor which shall become a Ilen on
<br /> ths property or eny portloro 1t►ereof or interest therein;
<br /> (d)There shau be fNed by or egalnst Trustor or Borrower en ecSic�n under any preaent or tuturo tederel,state or other statute.
<br /> 18w or ropul�tlon rN�Unp to benkruptey,In�olvsncy or othsr rolief for debtore:or thero shall be eppotnted any Wetee,rea+lver a'
<br /> Ilquidator of Truator or Bonower or oi ell or eny peR of Ms Property,or lhe rents,issues or proflts thereoL or Truata or Bomower
<br /> shall meke any general asalgnment for the be�efit of creditors;
<br /> (e)The eab,Van�fer,lease, aasignmant,oonveyanoe or turther encumbrence of eli or any pad of or any ioterost In tha
<br /> property,either volunterily or involuntedly,without tfie ezpres�wdtten consant of Londer,provlded thet Trustor shnN be pertnit
<br /> ted to execute a lease of the Property that does not contein an optlon to purchase and Mo tertn of which cioes not exoee�d one
<br /> yeer.
<br /> (�I►bandonment of the Property;w
<br /> (g)Ii Trustar is not an Individual,the issuance,sele,transfe�,assignrrsnt,conveyance or encumbranoe of mare than(K e
<br /> corporatbn)a tatel oi peroent of its issued and outstend{np stock,or(H a paRnerehip)a total W Par
<br /> oent of partnershlp interests,or(H a Itmited�labllity company)n total of _ peroent of the Iimited Ilabitity oompa-
<br /> ny Intereats o�voNnB d9hta during the period th�a Deed of Trust rematns a Ilen on the property
<br /> �2,R�rn�cli�s;Accc;aatlon Upon D�hult.In the everst of any Event oi Default lender may,without notice except as requlred
<br /> by law,dedare ell kidebtedness secured►breby to be due and payable end tho aame shall thereupon beoon�e due and payable with-
<br /> cut any preaentment,damand,protest or notice of eny kind.Thereatter Lender may:
<br /> (a)penwnd that Tnistee axerdae the POWER OF SALE grgnted herein,and Trustee shall therealter cauae Trusta's Inber-
<br /> est(n the PropeAy to be soid aad the proceeds to bu dlatributed,all In the manner provided In the Nebreeke Trust Deeda I►d�
<br /> (b)Ex�er�lse any and ail rights provided fw In eny of the Loan Instniments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event oi
<br /> - Defauft;and int a recefver,or s flcal� enforoe an ot the
<br /> (c)Comme�ce an action to foreGose thls Deed of Trust as a modgage,eppo P� Y Y
<br /> covenants hereoi.
<br /> No remedy herein confertad upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is Intended to be exclusive ot any other remedy herein,i�the Loan
<br /> InsVuments or by law provtded or pertn[tted,but each ahall be cumulative,ahall be in edditbn to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> In the Loan Ins7umonts or now or hereaRer exlsUng at lew or In equtty or by statute,and me�be exerdsed concurrenUy.kideper�dently .
<br /> 0�811CCBSfVBN. ����..�.�.,e�e,.0 H.r.n nn.l�ufflvud[`ausA aoodnt a suo-
<br /> 13.7rustM.The Trustse may respn at any ume wiuwui wu�,a��,�a.�..a�•••��•••-..,-..--_._. .___ __
<br /> ;� cessor or subsdtute Trusteo.Trustee shall not be Ilabie to eny party,I�cluding withoui IlmltaUon Lender,Borrower,Trusta or any pur-
<br />-- dwser oi the Property,for eny bss w demege unieata due to reckless or willfui m(sconduct,and shall not be requ�red to teke any ection
<br />-- �n cor�nealon with the eniorcement of thfs Deed of Trust uniess indemnifled,tn writing,for all costs,compensatlon or expe�ses which
<br /> = may be essodated therewith.ln addfUon,Trustee�may become a purchaser at eny sele ot the Property(judic�al or under the power of
<br />-;,; sale granted hereln); postpone the sale of all or eny poR(on af the Property,es provided by law;or sell the Property as a whole,or tn
<br /> ;P� separate parcets a lots et Trustee's dlscretion.
<br /> - 1d. FNS�nd Ezp�ns�s.In the 9vent Trustee sells the Properly by exercise oi power oi sale,Trustee shall be entlUed to appty
<br />-;.� any sale prooeeds flrst to payment of all costs and expenses oi exe�cising power of sale,Including all Trustae's fees,and Lenders and
<br /> 5# TNStee'e ettomey's fees, actuaily Incurte�to extent permilted by applicahle law.In the event Bonower or Trustor exerdses any right
<br /> ,, prowded by law to cure an Event of Default,Lender shall be entitled to reoover from Trustor ali costs and expenses actually incurred as
<br /> a resuit of Trustor's detautt,including without IlmiteUon el�Tnistea's and eHomay's fees,to the extent pertnitted by appticable law.
<br />-."� 1b. Futun Adwnc�s.Upon request oi Borrower,Lender may, at Ita optbn,make addltionel end future advances and read•
<br /> t� vanoos to Barower.8uch advancea and readvances,with interost lhere�n,shall be secured by this Oeed of Trust.At no time shall the
<br /> _—__"__".....'__��_v.........,,.__x.:._.=iaru_.v.. .n �.M.JUlaili4Wi�lr�+i7_.__'—_ � _.-�_..._�. .�"__.
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