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<br /> �� AUGUS7 ,�g 91 ,by end amo�p
<br /> THIS OEED OF TRUST,b made aa of the 5�x day oi �
<br /> theTrusta,_ STFVFN L FREDRtC[�, A SI GN_1_E PERSON � `O
<br /> \c
<br /> whose malling address�s 2633 N ENGLEMAN R0. GRAND ISLAND NE 6�0�__(herein•Ttista',whether one or more��
<br /> whosemauingeddressiaP 0 BOX 1507 GRANO ISLAND NE 68802 (t►erein'Truatee7,and
<br /> theeeneflciary,, FIVE POINTS BANK
<br /> whos9 melli�lgeddfeSSls 901 F ry dKLNLr�!� P.`�E � GRAN� t� eun NF 8A8�1 .�here�n��ellder�•
<br /> FOR VALUABL.E CONSIDERATION,(nduding Lendera extenalon oi credit identHbd heroin to
<br /> (heretn'Borrower,"wheUror one or more)end the trust here(n cTested,the receipt
<br /> of which is hereby ecknowledged,Truator hereby irrevacably grarits. tra�stera. oonveys and easigna to Truatee, IN TRUS7,WITH
<br /> POWER�F SALE,for the Denent end secunry ofi Len�iar,undnr an�oubjesu�i'v its8 U�itiss aRd Coitt!!!loitL lte�ltssttet�t t�xth•!►H!�'!�^�
<br /> property dosctiDed aS iollows:
<br /> Topethor vrith ell bulldirps.lmprovemenls�fixtures.atreets,elleys.Passa9eways.easementa�rlDhta,Privibpes and appurtenancea
<br /> bcated tl►eroan or in my�Mes perteininp thersto,and the renb,lasuas and prolEb,reverstons and remainde�a thereof,and wch per-
<br /> sonal property that is attached to the improvements so as to conatiWte a flxture,includinp,but not Ifmited to,heaUnp and 000ling equip�
<br /> menh,and Yogsther with tha homestead or marital tnterests,if any,which interests ere hereby released and waived;all ot which,N�clud-
<br /> Ing replacements and edditbns thereto,is hereby declared to be e paR of Me real estate secured by the Ile�of thb Qeed ot Ttuat and
<br /> eU of the torepotn0 being retemai to heretn es the'Propertyr'.
<br /> Thls Dead of Tn»t sheN secure(a)the payment of the principal sum and interest evidenoed by a promiseory note or uedit ayreo-
<br /> mem daced Aur, �er �,, �Q 9� ,having a meturity data ot 1,1 'T LS.. ��? �
<br /> fn the original prindpal amount oi S 17 036 50 .and eny and ail modi�catiats,sxtenskxa end rsraw�ls
<br /> IAeroof or thereDo end eny end�II futuro edvences and readvance�to Bomnwer(a any oi Mem if more tha�oree)Aereunder pu►suan►
<br /> t�one or more prom�saorY natas or aedit epreementa(hereln called'Note');(b)tha payment oi othsr suma edvarxed bY Lencler Eo
<br /> protect the security oi the Note;(o)the perfamance of ell covenanb a�d ogreements ot 1'rustor aet forth hereto;end(d)all present and
<br /> fuWro tndebtednesa and obllgatbns of Bortower(or any of them tf more Ihan one)W Lender whether dlroct,indirect,ebso�ute or conUn-
<br /> gent end whetl►er eriak�g by note,puaranty,overdraR or otharwise.The Ncte,this Deed oi Truat end any and al{other doaxnents th�t
<br /> aecure the Piote or olhenviso executed in connectfon therawith,Includinp without Ilmitetlon guerantees.aecudty epreements and
<br /> easignments ot leases end ronts,shail be referred to hereln as the'Loan InsUuments'.
<br /> TrusEor covenants and agrees with Lender as talows:
<br /> 1. PayrrMnt af Ind�bNdn�ss.AII fndebtedness secured hereby she11 be pald when due.
<br /> 2. Titl�.Trustor is the owner oi the Property,has the r(ght and authorily to convey the Properry,and warrants that the Ne*�creat-
<br /> ed hereby la n flrot and prlor Ifen�n the Property,except for Ilens and encumbrencea set torth by Truator In writlng and deliverod ta
<br /> Le�der hefore executbn of thls Deed of Yrust,and the execution and delivery ot this Deed af Trust does not vblats any contract or
<br /> otfier obligetion to wh�h TNStor is subJect.
<br /> 3.Tax�a,Ass�ssmmts.To pay betore delinquency all texes, spedel esaessments and all other charges against the PropoRy
<br /> aow or hereaRer levied.
<br /> 4.Insuranc�.To koep t}�e Property Insured apainst damepe by flre,hazerds included within the tenn'extended covereae',and
<br /> such otlier hazerds as Lender may requlre, in amaunte rand with companles accepteble to Lender,naming Lender as an edditional
<br /> nsmed Insured,with bss pnyebie to th� lender. In case ot Ioss under such pol�les,the Lender ts auttwrizzed lu adjust,ooltect and
<br /> oompromise,all claims thoreunder and shall have the opdon of apptytng aN or pad of the insurance proceeds(i)to any Indebtedness
<br /> secured hereby end in such order as Lender may detertnind,(ii)to the Trustor to be used for the repair or restotaHon oi the Properly or
<br /> (Iil)for eny othe�purpose a obJect setiafactory to Lender without effectiny the Nen ot this Deed of Trust for the tull amount secured
<br /> hereby bef�ro such payment ever took place.My applicatlons of prooeeds to indebtedness shali not extend or postpono the due data
<br /> of any payments under the Note,or cure any aetauu mereunaer or nereundar.
<br /> 5.Escrow.Upun vudtten demerxi by Lender,Trustor shall pay to�ender,h such manner as Lender may deslgnate, sutticient
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay es they become due ane or more of the folltnving:(f)ell texea,assessments end other charges againsf ••'
<br /> the Property, (ii)the promiums on the propeRy Insurenco required hereunder,and(iif)the premiums on eny mortgage Insurance :;
<br /> _. required by Lender. '
<br /> - 6.Malnt�nanc�, R�pain and Compllanc�wtth L�ws.Trustor shail keep the Proporty in good conditlon and repair; shall �:�'
<br /> promptly repair,or replace any Improvement whlch may be damaged or destroyed; shall not�mmit or pertnit any waste or deterlore-
<br />= tion ot the Property;shail not remove,demoltsh or substenUaily alter any�ithe Improvements on the Properly:shall not commit,suffer '
<br />-- or permit any act to be done tn or upon the Properry fn vioiatlon oi any law,ordlnance,or regutation;and shall pay and prompUy dis-
<br />_- charge at Trustors cost and expor.se a�l Ilens,encumbrei�ces and Charges levied, imposed or accessed agafnst the Proparty or eny
<br />-_ partthereof.
<br />= 7.Emin��t Qomaln.Lender Is hereby assigned ail compensatfon, awards,damages and other payments or relief(herelnaRer
<br />.�.� M�c xsf Ira+y�a��r D»a1 R«6196 '
<br /> p 19EE NNCr+I B+nt d Ca�nwc�TM!W 6�np�luqtl�um l+�oo�t 1MtrWt
<br /> I
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