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<br /> •proceeds')in conner.tlon wiih condemnatlon or d.har tekinp of tha Property a part thereof,or tor conveyence In linu oi condemnatlon.
<br /> Lender shell bo entitled et Its optlon to commence,eppear In end prosea�te In Its own neme any ectlon or proraedings,end shall elso
<br /> be entit{ed to make any compromise or settlement In connect{on with such teking or demage.in the ovent eny portlon oi the Property Is
<br /> so tekan or damaged,lender shell heve the oplion In Its sole end absolute discretbn, to apply eli such proceeds, afisr deducting �
<br /> therefrom all costs end expanse�Incuned by it In conneclbn with euch Proceeda,upon eny indebtedness aecured t►ara�by and I�,n s� !
<br /> order as Lender may determine,or to apply ell eudi Proceeda,aiter euch deducUons,to the restoretion oi the Praperty pon
<br /> dittons es Lerxkr may determina.Any applicetlon of Proceede to fndebtedneas shell not extend or postpone Iha due dete of any pay-
<br /> mente under the Noto,or cure eny defeull thereuMer or hereunder.My unapptled funde ahall be pekl to Truslor. �
<br /> g, p��form�nc�by L�nd�r. Upon the occurrenco o.' :�n[vont ot Defmilt hereunder, or if eny ect Is teken�r lepal proceeding �_
<br /> canmonced whkh meterially sifects LendePs Interest In tha Property,Lender may in Ite own dlscretion, but without obll�atfon to do eo,
<br /> anc{w�t►�out nol�e ta or demend upon Trustor end wilhout robesing 7rustw from any ablipatbn,do any ect whlch Trurta hma agroed
<br /> but toilad to do and may elw do any other ect It deeme neces�ary to prolsct the�ecudty hereoi.Truetor ehall, Immedleteiy upai
<br /> dem�nd IMnfa by Lendor,pay to Lender ell cosb and expeme�incurrsd end turt►f expended by Lerxlar In connectlon with�M exer- (�
<br /> G�e by l�ndfr o1 the kxspolrp rlphta,topether with interest Ihd!eon�t the detAUR nls provided fn ths Note�wt►kh�ha��be added�o
<br /> the Indabladnsu e�scund h�rsby.Lendsr sh�if not Incur�n�II�bliiry b�caua of�nythlrp fl may do or omlt to do hereundsr.
<br /> 9.Ha=artbu�MN�ri�l�.Trwtor�h�ll ke�p the Prdp�.tN in comWl�nca wlth WN appllcabls lavv�,otdinancas end n�uletlom
<br /> tN�dn�to Nxlu�trial hypNn�a�nvironm�nt�l prol�ctbn(coNK:thnll►rN�rnd to h�rNn n"Envkcx�msM�l I.wve').Trustor shall kMp
<br /> tM propsry trer fram NI wb�t��dwm�d lo M huxdow or toxfo unckr�ny Envirau►wntal Lwrs(ooN�CUwhr�N�nd to hKNn
<br /> ea"Haxerd�u�Materlati'�. Truetor horeby wsn�enl� anc!rerrbsente to Lender that there are no Hezurdous Materlals on or under the
<br /> Property Tru�tor hereby spreew lu Indamnity and hold herrt�leas Lender,Ita dlreclora,officera,employaea and agents,and eny succes-
<br /> wn to Lsnd��'�fnt�re�t,tram and epalnst any end all clalm�,damegea,los�e��nd IIabIIltlsaTHE FOREGQ NI O'�WARRM1TiES AN�
<br /> u�e,dlspaal a transport of ony Hszerdou�Materlats on,undsr,irom a abaut Ihs Propsrty.
<br /> 10.MRipntn�nt M R�nb.T�u�tor heroby ass4pnt to LerxNr,�nd qnnu Landar e s�curity interost In. eN proWnt,futun�nd
<br /> efter erlslnp ronta,Isaues and pro8ts of the Propedy;prorided that Truator ehail,until the occurtence of en Event of De(euft,heraunder,
<br /> have the rlght to coliect and roteln such rents,Issues and proflts as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of en Event oi
<br /> Qefeuit,londer msy,either In peroon or by agent,wIM or without bringing eny action or proceeding, or by a receiver eppolnted by a
<br /> court and wkhout regard to the adequacy of(ts secutiry,enter upon and teke possessbn of the Property,or any pert thereoi,fn Its uwn
<br /> nama or In the�ame of the Truatee,end do any acts which ft deems neceaaery or deairabb to preserve the value,marketAbil�ty or
<br /> rentabNiry oi the Properiy,or eny part theroof or Irtterest theroln,or to Increase the incwste therefrom or protact the security hareof and,
<br /> with or without taking po�sesalon of tha Property,sue fa or otherwlse colbct the rsnts,Isauea and profk�tMreot��ndudinp fhose past
<br /> due end unpaid,by noNfyfng tenant4 to make paymente to Lender.Lander may appry��s.���8�P�'O�� �ss coats e�d expsn�-
<br /> ea oi operation end colbctlon InGuding attomey'e tees,to eny Indebtedneas secured hereby,all In such orde�as Lender may deter
<br /> �J�. �pRt�►1ng upon end tekinp possessio�of the Propa�ty, the collection ot auch rent�, iasues and profits,and tho appNcatb�
<br /> thereof as aforeseld shail not cure or waive eny detault or notice of detault hereurxier or invaiidi,in n��y a�t dars�!tt sr�s!a��.'!'h
<br /> default or purouent to such notice of defaul!and, notwithatanding the continuanca In possessbn of lhe property or fhe coflecfion,
<br /> ht rovided for in an ot the
<br /> reoefpt and appllcaUen o(rents,Is�uea or profits,Trustee end Lender shall be enNded to exercise avery r�1 p Y
<br /> Loan Inatruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event oi Defeuft,tncludk►g without iimftetion the right to exe►dae the power of sale.
<br /> Further,Londers rights end remedbs under this paregreph shall be cumulaNve with,end in no wey a Ilmitatbn on.Lenders rights and
<br /> remedies under any assignment oi leases and rents recorded egalnst the Property.Lender,Trustee and the receiver shall be Ilable to
<br /> eccount only tor those renta actually recefved.
<br /> 11.Ewnts oi�tsult.The tollowing shall conaUwte en Event oi Detault under thls Deed of Tn�sl:
<br /> (a)Failuro to pay any inatallment oi prindpal or Interest or any oiher eum secured hereby when due:
<br /> (b)A breach of or default under eny provis(on contalned in the Note,thla Deed of Trust,eny of the Loan Instrumenb,or any
<br /> other llen or encumbrance upon the Proporty;
<br /> (c)A writ of execuGon or attechmont or eny simller procesa shalf ba entered egainst Trustor whk�ehall become e Ilan on
<br /> qtie Property or any pordon thereoi or Interest theroin;
<br /> (d)There shall be filed by or apainst Trustor or Barrower an actian under eny presont or future federal,atate or other etetute,
<br /> law or npulatlon rsl�Unp to bankruptcy, Ineolvency or other roliaf far debtoro;or there ohall be appotntsd eny trustse,rooeivsr or
<br /> Iiquidator of Truator or Borrower or of sll or eny pe�t ot the Property,or the renta.�ssues or Ixoflt�thereot,or Truator or Borrowe►
<br /> shall make eny general aaslgnment tor the benefit ct creditors;
<br /> (e)The sab, transter, leese, essignment, conveyana+or further encumbrance oi ell or eny peft o(or eny Intorest In the
<br /> praperty,either voluntedly or involunte�ily,witlbut the expreas w�iBen cansent of Lender,provkied ihat'fruatcr shall be permit•
<br /> tsd W executa a lease of the Property that doea not conteln en aption to purchase ard the term of which doos not exc9nd one
<br /> year,
<br />= (n Abandonment oi the Property;ar
<br /> (p)It Trustor Is not en individuai,the Issuance,sele, transfer,asslgnment,conveyance or encumb�ance of more than(if e
<br /> ccxporeUon)e Wtel of percent of its isaued end outstending stocic,or(ff a parMerahlp)a totel ot Per•
<br /> cent of paRnenship interests,or(if a Iimlted IIaWlity company)e totel oi percent of the Iirr�ited IlaWiity compa-
<br /> = ny�nterests or voUng rights during the perlod thls Deed of T�ust remei�a e Ilen on the p�nperty
<br /> � 12,R�rtNdi�s;Acc�Mntton Upon Def�ult.In the event oi eny Event of Dateult Lender may.wlthout notice oxcept as required
<br /> by Iaw,declere all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payab{e end the same ahall thereupon become due a�d payable with•
<br /> out eny preaentment,demand,proteat or noNce of any kind.Thereafter Lender may;
<br /> — (a)Demand that 7rustee exercise the POWER OF SALE pranted heroln,end Trustee sha0 there�Ra cauae Trustore Inter-
<br /> est b Exercls�e anto aedd e hta v�I�de�d ta In anlst}bu�Loan^I atruments o�r bVy lew upon occumence oi e�Event of
<br /> _ ( ) y �B Pro Y
<br /> Default;and
<br /> (c)Commence an action to foreclose thls Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appotnt a recelver,or speciflcalty eniorce any ot the
<br /> covenants hereof.
<br /> No remedy heroln wnferred upon or reserved lo Truatae or Lender is Intended to be exclusive of any other remedy here����eunder,
<br /> Instruments or by law provlded or permitted,!wt each shall be cumulaUvo,shatl be In eddlUon to every other remedy g
<br /> In the Loan Inatruments or now or hereatter exbtlny at law or In equity or by slatute,end mey be exerrdsed concurrently,Independently
<br /> or suu.vavdji.
<br /> -° 13.TrustM.The Trustee may reslpn et eny time without cause,and Lender may at eny time end wlthout cause eppanc e suc-
<br /> cessor or aubatltute Tnistee.Tnrstee shall not be Iiable to any pArly,Includinp wilhout 6ziltetlon Lender, Borrower,7rustor or eny�
<br /> _ cha�er ot the Property,for any toss or damage unleas due to recktess or wilNul misconduct,and shall not be required to take eny action
<br /> ' ' In connectlon with the enforcement of thia Deed of Trust unlesa IndemnHled,ln wdtlng,for all oosts.compen�ation or expenses which
<br /> ni may be assodated therewith.In edditlon,Trustee may become o purchaser at any sale of the Properly Qudidal or under the power of
<br />;�ii� sale granted herein);postpone the sale oi a!!or any portion of the Propeny,as provfded by law;or sell the Property es e wiwle,or in
<br /> "J separete�rcels or lots at Trusteo's discretion.
<br /> -� 14.FMS�nd Exp�nses.In the event Trusiee sells the Property by exerGse of power ot sale,Trustee shall be entitled to appty
<br /> ��;. eny eale proceeds fl�st to payment of ali casts and expensos oi exerc(sln�power of sale,Includ(ng�!I Trustee's tees,ond Lender3 end
<br />•;'. 7rustee's attc�mey's fees, actually Incurced to extent permitted by epp�icable law.In the event Borrower a Trustor exerds�ea eny right
<br />• n provided by law to cure en Event of Defeuit,Lender ehall be entilled to recover from 7rustor ell costs end expenaea ectuaily Incurced ea
<br />:�;;_ e res��It;bTFutun Advanc�s�Upon Wequest of`Borrow�ar,Lendee mr ye t Itseopl�n,smake additlonal and future advancas and road-
<br />� v�nces to Bomower.Such advances end readvances,with interest thereon,shall be secured by thls Deed of Trust.At n�time shall the
<br /> � _ ...r.. Yi7ii:7fFi„hT':;:>-.sw.r. . •r�i4r-�:z _ — _ --- __ ___
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