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<br /> a 22nd August , �e 97 ,by.naemorw �
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST,is made as of the _ day oi
<br /> c.�
<br /> cne'rruscor, Martina P. Doetsch and Coad J. Mi11er. Wife6a8d01Husband , �
<br /> whoso malliny eddreaa fa 171 U S S p r i n g R d . ,
<br /> G r a n d I S 1 a n d � N E �isreln Truetor',whether one or more), \
<br /> _� Five Points Bank. a Nebraska Corporation
<br /> the Trustee_
<br /> — whose melilny eddreas la
<br /> P.O. Box 1507� Grand Island� NE 68802 ����.T��•�,a�
<br /> the Beneflcfary,
<br /> Five Points Bank. a Nebraska Corporation
<br /> wt►pse mafling address Is_
<br /> p .0. Box 1507 , Grand I sl and, NE 68802 �nerein•�ende�').
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Inctuding Lender's extensbn o}credit identified hereln to
<br /> artina P. Doetsch and Coad J . Miller
<br /> (heretn'Bonower�"whether one w rrwre)and the trust herein created,the reca�Pt
<br /> of whtch Is hereby acknowled9ed,Trustor hereby irrevocably 9re���b e�c to the terms and conditbns�here�aRer set orts the Iroal
<br /> POWER OF SALE,for the bene�ii end ancuiity v3 4e.�.�..r,:.nd..r an_ _. ! �
<br /> — prpperty descrfbed es follows:
<br /> Lot Thirteen (13) of Farmington Subdivision, of a part of the Southeas
<br /> Quarter oElevenS( 11)wNorthuaRange` NineW(9)�Westcof�theW6thyP�M�.tHa11
<br /> Township
<br /> C o u n ty� Ne b r agk a. rivl es and a rtenanoes
<br /> TopeBier vrith all buildirqs,improvements,tixtures,streets,alleys,passegeways,easements,rights,p leg PP�
<br /> tocated thereon or In enywise parte�ning thereto,end the rants,issues and profits, reverslons end remainders thereof,and sud�per•
<br /> sone�property that Is atteched to the Improvements so es to constitute a fixture,InGuding,but not IlmiGed to,heating and cod�n9 eQuip�
<br /> ment;and together with the homestead or marital Interests,if any,whlch interests are hereby released ar►d waived;ell ot whid�,indud•
<br /> Ing replacements end eddfttons thoreto,Is hereby declared to be a part ot the real estate secured by the lien�(this Deed of 7rust and
<br /> ail ot the forepoing befng referred t�heretn es the'Propail�'. romisso note or credit egroe�
<br /> Thla Deed°AU su s t���ure ia1 t�i�payment of the P���►P havi g�a mat�ity dat oi F e b r u a r v .1ry8� 19 9.8
<br /> ment aated�_. 9 y _
<br /> in the orlginel princlpal emaunt oi S
<br /> 85.000.00 , e�d eny end all mod�flcations, extens bns an d re n e w a l s
<br /> thereof or thereto and any and all future edvences end readvences to BoROwer(or any otm�mof othertsum edvanced by Lender to
<br /> to one a rtwre pran�ssory notes or cred(t agreemonts (herein called'Note');(b) the pay
<br /> protect the security of the Note;(c)the pertortnance of all covenants and egreements ot Trustor set forth hereln;ancl(d)eil preaont end
<br /> futuro indebtedness end obligatbns of Horrower(or any oi them it more than one)to Lender whether direct,indlrect,ebsoluta or contin-
<br /> gent and whather arising by note,guaranty,overdratt or otherwise.The Note,�Is Deed ot Trust end any and all other documents that
<br /> sacure the Nnte or otherwise executed In connection therewith, including wfthout Ilmitetlon guarantees, secuflty egreements and
<br /> ess{gnments oi leases and rents,shell be referced to hereln as the'Loan Instruments'.
<br /> Truator covenants and agrees wlth Lender as foliows:
<br /> 1. Paym�n!of Ind�bt�dn�ss.All Indebtedness secured hereby shell be paid when due. end warcants that the Ilen creat-
<br /> 2. TItN.Trustor Is the owner of the PropeAy,has the right and euthoriry to convey the Property.
<br /> ed hereby is a flrst end pHor Ilen on the Properly,except tar ilens and encumbrences set forth by Trustor in writing and delivered to
<br /> Lender betore executfon of this Deed af Trust,and the exocutlon and dellvery of this Deed of Trust does not violate any contrect or
<br /> other obligatlon to which Trustor Is subjoct.
<br /> � 3.T�x�s,�Iss�ssm�nb.T�pay before delinquency all taxes,spocial assessments and ali other charges agafnst the Property
<br /> —= now or horeafter Ievied.
<br /> --' q,Iruursnc�.To keep the Property Insured agafnst damage by flre,hazerda Inctuded within the term'extended caverage',end
<br /> �� such other hazerds as Lender may requlre, In emounts and wlth ecmpanios eccepteble to Lende►. naming Lender es an additional
<br />';r�� named lnaured,with loss payable to tho Lender. In case of loss under such po8cies, the Lender is authorized to edJust, collect and
<br />`=;.;�„� wmpromise,eli Galms thereunder and shali heve the opUon ot epplyfng ell or part of the insurance proceeds (f)to any indebtedness
<br />�l�°.�, secured hereby and M auch order as Lender may doterm�ne,(fl)to tha Trustor to be used for the repalr or restoratlon of the Property ar
<br /> ='`=�1 (III)for any othar purpose or obJect setisfactory to Lender without eHectinp the lien of this Deed of Trust for the full emount secured
<br /> -�s�� hereby betore such payment ever took pla:,o.Any applications of proce�ds to Indebtednass shall not extend or postpone the due dete .;
<br /> ..ae.,..noro��nrSar
<br />_��� of any payments under tho noce,Of Gure any u'biauii u.o�a���....•�• ••-•--•--
<br /> -; 6.Escrow.Upon written demend by Lc�nder,Ttustor shall pay to Lender, in such manner as Lender may designate,sumcient
<br /> �� sums to enabie Lender to pay es they bocome duo ono or more of the foliowing:(I)all taxes,essessments and ather charges egalnst
<br /> �.,'+*.'� the Property, (li)the premlums on tha properly Insuranco requlred hereundor,and (III) the promiums on any mortgege insurance �
<br /> `��•:" requlred by Lender. �n ood condition and re alr; shell
<br />'"•t,�:� 6. Malnt�nance, R�paln and Compllance with Laws. Trustor shall keep the Property 9 P
<br /> �' promptly repalr,or replece any Improvement which may bo damaged or destroyed;shali not commit or p�rt it any waste or deterlorn-
<br /> tlon of the Property;shnll not remove,demollsh or substantially alter any of the fmprovements on the Pro shail not commit,sutfor
<br /> . . or permit any ec��&o�g dand oxpen e�all ue sr�encumb ances�and charg e lev�fed,Imposed or'aecessod agai'ns tYhe Property tor any
<br /> .. . charge at Trust
<br />__ part thereof.
<br /> , . ` 7. Eminent Domaln.Lender is hereby esslgned all componsation, awards,damages and otner payments or rellef(herefne er
<br /> -- f r+ec�»�rm.pwe.r a.e�a..nqe
<br /> p 1GEE Nwo�r Bw d Com�wo�Tiun rM 9w'•W+bea+�wn.L�.�NV�ue
<br /> � _ .. . �, _ __. _ .. �._�y��..._ ,�.. _ _- ___ _.-_=
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