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<br /> � ioii�a 06/�1/1997 �'"—
<br /> : ., cu►rrest xuasrt 9?-�Q69+�5 �---
<br /> 18. Ho�rower'� 1U�ht to Rd�wata Nocwithsundln� Lender's �cceleruioa of the sumw saused by this Deed of �r;,,,,
<br />" Tnut, due to Aorrower's bre�ch� Borrower sball lnve the rl�hc to 6ave any Procadln�s b��n by I.ender w enforce thi�c -
<br /> Deed of Tcust dlscandnuod tt any dme pdor to the eulier to occur of(I) the flfth day before ihe s�le of tlu Property
<br /> purnu�nt to tbe power of sale cont�ined 1n thie Deed of Tnut or(ii)entry of a jud�menc enfor�:ln� this Deed of Tnut if:(a)
<br /> ' Borrower p�ys Leader �11 sums which would be then due iwdor this Aoed of Trust �ad the Nae hxl uo�ccelention
<br /> ` occur[�d: (b) Borrower cura�ll breaches of any ocher wveamts or�ceements of Bomnwer conained In thie Dad of
<br /> Truu; (c) Hoanwer �co�ataiaed �hls Dad o�n�st iad 1 cnfoc�cin�r Lender's�nd Tcustee' nmedias ��ded�
<br /> ��ramenta of Hosowe
<br /> paryrapt� 17 hereof. inciudin,^,, but aot lim!e-d co, rasonable utorneys' fees: +m d (d)B o t r o w e r n k e s s u c b �c d o a �s
<br /> •.;,,� Lender mty reasonsbly cequire to issvre tha[ the liea af this Deod of Tnist. Leuder's intenu in tbe PropertY aud -
<br /> Bo�row:r's obUgadon to p�y the sums�ecured by this Doed of Tcust shall wndaue uaimpaired. Upon such puymene wd
<br /> � .. cure by Aocrower. this Deed of Tcust wd the obligadons secured heceby s2u11 renuin ia fWl fo�ce nad effect�s if m
<br /> acceleradon t�d occurred. �
<br /> � � 14. Axl�meut ot R�nta; APPointmaot ot Ruxi�art 1.endn' In P�oeteselon. As addtdou�l securtry Ixreunder, _
<br /> Botrower henby ass=IIns w Lendcr the nnts of the PropertY.Drovlded that Borrower ehW.Prior to�ccelersdon under . -
<br /> . par�nph 17 hereof or abu�donm¢nt of the Propertp,have the rl�ht to collect ud main such nnts�s they bocome due aad
<br /> payablc.
<br /> Upon acceleradon wyde!p�n�nph 17 henof or abandonmenc of thc ProPert}'� u°d�r, ia P�rsoa• by ajene or by .�;
<br /> judicWly y�poiated r�xeiver s6a11 be enadod to eater upon. tak�possession of and mana�e the Property and to collect th,e �,5`=
<br /> rents of the Pc�openy iacludiug those past due. All rents coUected by Lenckr or the receiver ahaU be ippHed first to
<br /> yment of the costs of m�aagemenc of the PropertY ond colle:tion of rents. tncluding. but noc limited to.receiver's feos, �:;.
<br /> Ps ■;
<br />- � premiums oa receiver's bonds And reasonabic auorneys' frcs.and then to the sum9 s�ued by thia Dad of Trust. Le�er �
<br /> and the roceiver slull be Ifa►ble to rccount only fur those rents actuaUy rcceival. �,;
<br /> 20. Recon�eyanoe. Upoa piyment of all sums sxured by this Deed of Tnut. Le�er sluU request Tzusta to
<br /> � reconvey the PrnpectY�ad sl�ll surneader thIs Dad of Trusc wd�Il notes evidencing indebtalness secured by tbis DeGd of �,�
<br /> withhauc wacr�atY aad wIthovt ct�arge to the person or persoas legally G• �
<br />- Tnut w Tcnstee.Tcusta shall necoavey the ProP��Y -
<br /> endded themo. Such penson or persons st�ll PaY all costs of recordadon,if any. �.;;'�
<br />,:., �, ' int a successor `--"'":'
<br />��� � 21. Sub�ttt�te Trwtee. I.ender,u I.euder's option,m�Y from dme w dm�e rtmove Tcustee�nd tPPo -_-
<br /> ` � mted hereunder by an iasuument re�ordod in the countY in which tLis Dee� of Tmst is �'�
<br /> .. mutee co �ny �rtuscee appo'
<br />`�'°'� ` recordod. Without comeyance of the PropertY, the successor austa sh�ll succeed to all the atle, power rod dudes �`
<br />:°�`�' ' ' conferred upoa the Trustee turein ind by�PPlicable law. _-
<br />���•.: 22. Rea�� for Nottoes. Borrower requests tLat copies of the mdce of default wd mdce of s�le be sent to _
<br />�<..� . :� _...�.
<br />'- ' �..`-�' Borrower's address which is the Propect5'Address• ��e.or relwse of aay
<br />���-. .-: .�: 23.Haardous Sub�tanas.Bomower ahall not cause or permit the presence,use,di�posti. ��t6e
<br />�'` Ha�dous Sobst�nces oa or in tlue PropertY• Borrowar stu�ll not do� mr illow�ayoa else to do� anyth�oj
<br />��`��� � �' �y two seutences stu11 not a p pl y to tbe preaeace,use.
<br />=�L1���.;.,.�` ;�' that is ia vloUidoa of way Bmlmamenqtl Law. The p r e c e c l l n S
<br />�•` ���� �`. of sm�ll qw�nddes of Huar�ous Substnnce,v dnt tre�ener�ilY mo�{aed w Ue aPDmPt9atc w
<br />-i;,;;�..: .,��„ or stor�e on tl�e PropertY
<br /> _._,,k, �. ,} ,,,.tnrw�,ir, of the PropCrty
<br /> __:;�. .., nOtII7a1[rstdCatL111ses Wd to --
<br /> —�.�rs;� Borrower s1W1 prompdy give Lender wrltten nodce of any investigation, cl�im, demand, lawsult or other acdon by
<br />—_.:'��,� anY �m'ernmenta or ragulatory agency or privtte puty involving the PropertY and �nY Ha�udous Subsunce or
<br /> _,�b •.
<br /> .�"__•_-� Hnvimnweatd Lw of wh{ch Bocrower h�s utwl ImowledQe. If Borrower lcams. or is aotified by my�ov or
<br />';�;°`�;•;�`:;"� reaulswry wthorlty, thu �ny removal or other rc�don of any H�dous Subatance affatin� the �mpertY �
<br /> -_��7:-:�yPA ,
<br /> �_.<,���.• �ry.Bormwer s6all promptly ul�e al aecess�ry'remedi�l acdons in accorclance with Bmr�onme w.
<br /> --- . As ased in this pin�nph 23. 'H�urdous Substances" ue those sobsunces deS�l as toaic or lu�dau aib�taaceu
<br /> �_.�.,�, � by Savlronm�eanl I.sw a�l the following subst�nces: gasoline, kerose�, other flammtble or toxic petmletim pmd�ti.
<br /> _,:�,...,�5�. =� wxle pesticides�nd habicides,voLdle solveats,muerlaie containin8 asbescos or forcnaldehyde. �od i�dioacdve matedals.
<br />�-��`;.��±� As usod in this pua�ranh 23. "Bnvironmental Iaw'mea�ns fcdernl laws nnd i�ws af the jurisdicdoa when the Praperty is
<br /> ��'`R+'�' locited ttnt nlue co halth,safety
<br /> -�=� or environm�ental pro oa
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