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<br /> '� +Y�o�l�t►s� •
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<br /> 97,� ��cn�L 101170 08/21/1997 � � ' �,'�",
<br /> NANCY HUSSN p�.��la7 ."�':;;�;�.�:q_•:
<br /> 9.Condamn�tlon,The proceeds of Any awud or claim or damages,direcc or consequend�l. iu�onnecdon witb any - -. •:��.
<br /> coademaadoa or ocher taking of tbe Pmperty, ar part t�ereof, or for conv�yauce in lieu of condemn�don, are hereby �
<br /> assi�ned And shall be paid ta L.ender,subJect to the rerms of any mortgAge,derd of trust ar od�er security agreement with a `�
<br /> liru wbich tws priorlty over this De�d of Trust.
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Rdeaxd; Forbainnce Hy La�da' Not a W�iver. Pxtension of the d�me for payment or I
<br /> modifiGdon of amortiradon of the sums secured by this Deed of Tiust gnuted by l.eader to any successor in tnterest of I
<br /> Borrawer�ll not operat�to nlease, in any�r, the li�biliry of the ari�ins�l Borrowet swd IIorrower's avc�essors In .
<br /> iaterest l..eader sh�ll not be required to wmmeace proceedin�s aQaiast sucb successor or nfuse to extem dme for paymeat . .
<br /> ar othenvlsc modify amosdndon of the sums secured by tbis Deed of Trust by reuon of any demand m�de by the ori�inal i -
<br /> Borrowcr ru�l Horeawer's successors ia intii�est. My farbearance by Lender ia eaercising sny dght or remedy 6ereunder, �
<br /> or othenvise�ffocded by applicable law,shall aot be 4 waiver of or preclude the exercise of Any such dght or nmedy. r.••
<br /> 11.Suoceeeoro and Aesi�a Boundi Joint�nd Several LI�bWtyi Co-sl�ere. 'Ibe covenu►ts and a�reements berein . .
<br /> ,. contaisitd sh�ll biad. swd the dBhts hereunder shnll inare to,the respecdve successors tad Assigns of I.ender and Borrower. . ,
<br /> subject to the pmvtsioas of puagraph 16 hereof. All covenants and ogreemenu of Borrower shall be joint smd several. � '�
<br /> { Any Borrower who casiga5 this Deed af Trusc,but does not exxute t6e Note,(a)is co-stgning tliis Deed of Trust only to ,'._�`', :�:
<br /> { grant aud convey that Boirower's interest in the Property to'1'nutee under the terms of thla Dad of Trust. (b) is tsot ,-,:-�:.;1.-�
<br /> person�Uy liiblc on tbe Nate or und�r this Deed of Trust, arad(c)agrees that I.ender and any other Borrower hereunder , �.7�"'."'"""�_
<br /> aozy agree w eztend, modify, forbeu.or m�lce u►y other accommodadons with regard to the terms of this Deed of Trust or -
<br /> the Note, wlthout that Borrawer's consent and wlWout releasing that Borrower ar madifying thIs Dad of Ttust as to that =
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Property. ,
<br /> 12. Notice. fixcept for any nadce requlred under applicable law ta be given in another m�nner, (a) wy notice to •�_
<br /> Borrower provided for in this Deed uf Tcust shaU be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice bY cerdfied mail ,
<br /> addressed to Borrower ac the Property Adclress or at such other adclress as Sorcower may designate by nodce to Lender as . ,
<br /> provided herein.and(b) anY nodce to Lender shall be given by certiSed mail to Lender's address swted henia or to such
<br /> other adciress as Lender n�y designate by nodce to Boaower as provided herein.Any nodce pmvided for Ia this Dad of
<br /> Tmst shall be deemed to hzve been given to Borrower or Lender wLen given in the n�unn�r designated herein. _
<br /> • 13, Gova�in� L�w;SeverablUty.'The state and local laws applicable to tliiis Dad of Ttust shall be the laws of the .
<br /> jurisdicdon in which the Property is located. The foregoing sent�nce shall not limlt the applicability of Foderal law ta this
<br /> Deed of T�ust. In the event thac any pmvision or clause of this Dced of Tn�st or the Note conAicts with applicable law.
<br /> �.: sueh copflIct shall not affxc other provisions of this Deecl of Trnst or the Nate which can be given effect without the Y�
<br /> contlicdng pm�'ision.nnd to this end the provlsions of t6is Deed of Trust and the Note ue declared to be severable. As ,, -�•��"
<br /> used Ixroin, "wsts", 'expenses" aad "atwrneys' fces" include aU sums to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or o;`_ -
<br /> ���' llmiccdhenin. _��
<br /> . . = 1;. narivwa'��:,�,y. Eoimtt.er ah:11�ftszni.°.h�d 8�oIlfQr��rQpy�f the Note and of this Deed of Trust St th� " .T--
<br /> ,� dme of eaecudon or after ncordadon hereof. ��
<br /> �, . ;�: 1!. Rehsbllitxdon I,oan AQredineat. Borrower shall fu1fiA all of Hormw�r's obligadons under aay home -
<br /> ��� ntu�biUtatiton, improvement, repair ar other loan agceem�nc which Borrower enters into wlth Lender. Lender, at Lender's
<br /> w opdon,may require Borrower to exxute and deliver to Lender. in a form accepu+ble to I.ender, an assignment of any �
<br /> rights,claims or defenses which Horrower may have against pardes who supply labor,materials or services ia connecdoa =— —.
<br /> with improvements m�de to the Property.
<br /> 1�.Trau�ta o[the Propdrty or a Benellclal Inta�st in Borrowar. If all or sny psrt of the Pcoperty or aay isuerest - _
<br /> �; in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficiall interest in Borrower is sold or uansferred a�i Borrower is�t a nAtur�l
<br /> persoa)wlthout Lender's prior written consent, Lender may.at its option, nqui�e immediau puyment 1n full of all sumc �
<br /> �� securod by this Deed of Tcust.However,this opdon s1�aU not be exercised by Lender if exenise is prohibltai by falenl �
<br /> law as of the dace of this Dad of Ttust. =��
<br /> . If Lender exercises this opdon, Lender shall give Borrowcr nodcr of acceleration. 'fie aodce sh�(1 pmvlde a period -
<br /> r of not less tluw 30 days from the dau the nc�dce is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pty aU sumt secured �,�
<br /> . by this Dad of Tcust.If Borrower fails to p�y thes�sums prior to the expirndon of this period. Lenckr m�y iavolce aay
<br /> remedies permitted by this Deed of Tiust without further noticc or demand on Borrower. �.,'
<br /> � NON•UI�FORM COVENANTS. Bo�rower u�d under fur'�h�r covenant wd agra as follows:
<br /> � 17. Aooder�ilon; Reaeedirs. Except �s provided in para�xph 16 t�ereof, upon Bocrowa'e breach oi any
<br /> �: co�emnt or a�reemmt ot Borrower in t6i�Dad of Tnut,includiu�Borrower'e [Wure to pay�by the ead of 10 =_- -
<br />�• � catend�r daye aRer they nre due, aqr sums secured bY t1�ts Deed of Trust,Lenda�pdor to aceda�adon shall�ive _
<br /> r. notice to Borrower�s provided in para�ph 12 hereof sP�r9�nY� (12 the breach= {2) the RcUoa requtred to cure �,,.���z__
<br /> suc6 breach; (3)a cLte,not Itas than 20 days tYam the date the notia is maiied to Borrower,by whlch such breach -____ _
<br /> must be cwred; md(4) that tailure to cure suc6 brac6 oa or be�ore the due apecltfed In the nottce ma7 result in �:
<br /> ' pcodenWon ot the suoms secured by this Deed of Tn�st nnd sale of the Property. The notice sbW iWctl�er[ntorm . � �`.
<br /> �:s
<br /> ,f,tA�y,
<br /> Bprrower ot t6e d�6t to reinstate ultar accda'atiou and the rl�ht to 6riaY a court adioa to assa�t the nonexlsteace of , ; ��:,'
<br /> a detwtt or auy ot6x defa�se of Barrowa to acaleritton an¢s�le.V the breach is not cured on or befon the date °�' 4�� ��
<br /> �� specifku in tde notla, Lensia', nt I.ender's oPtlon, may declare A11 of t!k simos secured by thls lked of Tn�st to be ' � 5 �.+
<br /> Imaxdlatd due and psyable without ttirtda� clelnand aad may invoke tlx powar of sale and �ny d6a�ranedies '�,+�_` "
<br /> Y .
<br /> permkted by appl[cable law. Lenda shall be entlHed to coUat all reasonable costs and eapenxs inc�ai+ed in
<br /> pursuin�the remaiies provided!n thts para�raph 17,Ineludin�,but aot Wnited to,reoson�ble attorneya' fas. •::
<br /> U tbe power oi sale is inroked,Trusta a6�aU raord a aodce of de�'�Wt tn ach county tn wWch t6e Property or . .
<br /> � some part tlkrcof la located and shW m�ll copi�s of such nodce in the mannx presartbed 67 apPUp�bk law to -
<br /> Borrower and to t6e ot6er pesons prescdbed by applicat6le I�tw.ARa�the I�pse of such tlme as may be reqWred by
<br /> tppllable law,Tnntee ahall�ive publtc notloe of ssle to the pasoffi +wd in the m�nna�pres�xiLed by apppcable
<br /> _� �___ m—r.� .�u�....r.io...�.u1 nin Rn�nvr�r.elull ac+ll tM Pe�m�I_flltv 9t DU�1�C 11Kx�0II�0�1C��1l3�fl�t��!!�v1C t�!
<br /> . .,� utv.taaoaccf o.w...........�....�..__'-_••—�^--- - .
<br /> j md plaa wd under Rhe tenns desiputed fn tbe notice of sate In one or more parcels itnd in such order as Tnasta � �
<br /> I may date�im.Tru�tee maY{�ostPune sAle of oll or any ptrcel of the Propaty by publi¢�nnounce�ent at the time � .
<br /> �nd pl�ce of any pre�iously s�duled aale.I.a�der or Lendar's dest�ee may purchate t6e Pcopaty at any eale.
<br />_ � Upon recdpt of pay►nent ot tbe prtce btd,Tcusta atWl ddiver to the purchaser Tn�stee's deed con�eyin�the , ,
<br />- Propxty eold. The recit�ls in the Truuee'a deed s6�ll be prim�facle evidd�ce of the trnt6 0[the atatemmta made i
<br /> therein. Tnntee stnll apply the procecds o[the aale In the tollowln�order: (�)to all rasonable costs and expa�ses of �
<br /> � tbe sWe,Includln�,but not IlrNted to,Tru�tee's tees octwlly tncurrNl of not more than S 96 of the�eak prlce,
<br /> reaswiable attorneya' fees and costs of t[tle e�iden�ce; (b) to all sum�securcd by tht� Deed ot Tn�st; �nd (c) the �
<br /> � exces�,i[aay,to the peraon or pasong leQally entitted tnereto.
<br /> I
<br /> � ' Nebn�26A76-3 �r9� OriQinai(R�eord�d) Copy(Hraneh) Copy(Cu�toas�cl P.Qe 3 of5 i
<br /> _ __ _ _
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