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<br /> _� Unless nthcrwisc agrecd in wnting,all insuranre prikccds shaU hc applicd tu tlic rctitura�iu ur rcpu�r uf the 1'ruperty =
<br /> �.:.
<br /> . E ur to thc Secured Debl,wheth��r ur not then duc,at I.�ndcr's upti�m.Any a►pplici�tiun uf pn+cccJs t�i principi�l shz►II not `
<br /> ' ; cxtcnd or�x�st{xmc thc duc d�tc u(ihc schcduled p.iymcnt nur chnngc thr amuunt ot uny puymcnt.Any cxccss will tH:
<br /> :;:
<br /> paid to thc Uruntor. If the Prop�rry is ircquired by l.cndcr. Grant��r'� right to uny insurancc {xilicics ar�d pruceeds -
<br /> , �� �E resulting fram dumage w the f'rc�peny lx:foro the i�cquisiti�n sh�+ll pa�.ti to LAndcr tu thc cxtcnt of the Secured Debt :
<br /> . immediately tx�fc�n the acyuisition. �
<br /> l0. �SCROW FOR TAX�S ANU lNSUItAIVCI:.Unless oth�rwisc pruvi.tc.l in u�cparat�a�;rccmcnt,Grantor�vill not _
<br /> "''.''� br:required to pay to Lender funiis(or tnxes and insuntnce in escruw. i.
<br /> � 21. FINANCIAI.REPOItTS ANp ADUITIONAL DOCUMGNTS.Gr�intor will providc to Lw;ndcr upcm request,any -
<br /> financiul stntemcnt or infamiation l.�ndcr miry decm rcasonsibly necessi►ry.Gruntor�igrecs to sign,dcli��er, and Gle �
<br />-t �ny additional documcnts��r certificatiuns that Lendcr may cansider neccssary to perfect, continuc,�nd prescrvc :;
<br /> :s•� Grantor's obligations under this Sccurity Instrument nnd l�:nder's lien status un thc Praperty. _
<br /> . � under this Security lnstrument are joint and individual. 1!Grantor signs this Security Instrumcnt but does ne�t sig,n nn _
<br /> evbdence of debt,Grantor does so only to martgage Grnntor's intorest in the Property to securc payment of tha
<br /> Secured Debt nn�,i Gruntor da;s not agree to he personally liahle on the Secured Debt. if this Security Instrumont
<br /> , sccures u guart�nly betwc:cn Lcndcr and Grant�r,Grantor agrces to waivc any rights that ma�•prcvent [.cnder from
<br /> . bringing any action or claim against Grantar ur any party indebtul undcr thc obligation.Tlicsc rights may includo,hut
<br /> � are not limited to,any anti-deficiency or one-action laws.Grxntor agrees that L.ender and an��party to this Security
<br /> � Instnunent may extcnd,modify or make any change in the terms ot this Security Instrument or any cvideno�:of clebt
<br /> � . without Grantar's consent. Such a change will not releast Grantor from the terms of this Security Instrum�nt.The
<br /> duties and benefits of this Security Instrument shal]bind and benefit the succcssors and assigns oF Grantor and Lender.
<br /> �� 23. APPLICABLE LAW;SEVERABILITY;INTERPRETATION.This Security Instrumcnt is governed by the laws of
<br /> � the jurisdiction in which Lender is located,except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdiction
<br /> . ':?� �vhere the Property is Iocated.ThisSecurity Instrument is complete and fully integrated.'fhis Security Instrument may
<br />- •,.�;�,� • not be amended or modified by oral agreement. Any scction in this Security Instrument, attachments,or any
<br /> agreement related to the Secured Debt that conflicts with applicable law will not be effective,unless that law expressly
<br /> � _ or impliedly permits the variations by written agrecment.If any section of this Security Instrument cannot be enforced
<br />- �� according to its torms, that section will be severed and will not affect the enforccability of the remainder of this
<br />_� � Security Instrument.Whenever uscd.the singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular.The captions and
<br /> headings of the sections af this Saurity Instrument are for conven�ence only and are not to be used ta interpret or
<br /> ':�,s - dC ir�e ih�i�rms at ihis;:.;,urit}�:nstctsmsnt.Timc�s�f ihe��«'nce in thi�Security Instrument.
<br /> ����.����''"��� 24. 9UCCESSOR TRUSTGE.Lender, at Lender's option,may from time to timc remove Trustcc and appoint a
<br />��",;..(.;�?�r,�:j _
<br /> .,;�; ,�� successor trustee without any other formality than the designation in writing. The successor trustee, without
<br />�';;.,4,;�''t;:;4, com•eyance of the Property,shall succeed to all the title,power and duties conferred upon Trustee by this Security
<br /> iiti�".:Ss�y�;,:i Instrument and applicable la�v.
<br /> ?':`�",';:;'•:,:'•:
<br />-,..rt.; y ?S. NnTICE.Unless othcrwise required by law,any natice shall be given by delivering it or by maiGng it by fi�st c ass
<br /> 9" -�+S•��''� mail to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Securiry Instrument,or to any othcr address desi�nated in
<br />-`�'�`��"' writing.Notice to one grantor will be deemed to be notice to all grantors.
<br />�, �;.zt�''..��
<br />-ti�,'�"�^'�1!� 26. WAIVERS.Except to the extent prohibited by law,Grantor waives all appraisement and homestead exemption rights
<br />�� relating to thc Property.
<br /> -" ..,�,,,�0 27. OTHER TERM�u.If checked,tho following are applicable to this Security Instrument:
<br />------'�� �S Line ot Credi�Thc Securcd Debt includes a revolving line of credit provision Although the Secured Debt
<br /> may be reduced to a zero balance,this Cecurity Instrument will remain in effect until released.
<br />=m--�-�'� ❑ Constructlon Loan.This Security Instrument secures an obligation incurred for the construction of an
<br />�_=:�� improvement on the Property.
<br />�-s:r.��
<br />- -:.------- ❑ F'u�ture F'iling.Grantor grants to Lcnder a security interest in all goods that Grantor owns now or in the
<br />�?L.:`�,� future and that are or will becomc fixtures relnted tc�the Property.This Security Instrument suffices as a
<br /> -- financing statement and any carbon,photograpt�le or other reproduction may be fil�d af record for purposes
<br />--����'"i��1� of Article 9 of the Uniforrn Commercial Code.
<br />=HC'_i3 Ji�Y:�
<br /> �.S Yl:r•4
<br /> �.,:r.,_ ❑ Ridere.'The covenants and agreements of each of the riders checked below arc incorporate into an
<br /> _ __'_-- supplement and amend the terms of this Security Instrument.[Check all applicablc boxes]
<br />��''��-'� ❑Condominium Rider ❑Planned Unit Development Rider ❑Other..........................................................
<br /> —^�-v�
<br />-` "'""�`�" ❑ Addition�l Terms.
<br /> .=�.F
<br /> -��.:�
<br />_ i:N'�is..�';�.
<br />=�_. ;�', -
<br /> ' :��: -
<br />;... ,,i, ;;,
<br />�` SIGNATURES:By signing below,Grantar agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in
<br />_�`� anp attachments.Grantor also acknc�wledges receipt of a copy oC this Security Instrument on the date stated on page 1.
<br />_ . : .'. . `�
<br /> -- "�� ......�re%G?':.r�:. �'...�•-'��..............�8./2 0/9 7 �( ....�...��.....0 8/2 0/9 7
<br /> • � .. . ............ ... . .........
<br /> -,"� ? '(Si�tnaturc) rnrn rr -r r s� (Da�e) (Sign wrr) $ARBARA E LEE ��(Datc)
<br /> , -Y
<br /> . STATE OF. .......................................COZ�'P�I OF.....................A'U�VST................�9,9'7..)ss.
<br /> llnJmdual) ......................W e�d ��� ��G ���.......................day of...............................................................
<br />- by�����C°���;,,��'.�...........:�....�:................:...................... ........... .................................................
<br /> My commission expires: ' �
<br /> . �x�n ...... .. .........:.........................................................................
<br /> �NEiUI NO1AR1•Stde ol NeDti'sl� (NWary Puhlic)
<br /> Alq Comm E�p Au6�.20G0
<br /> _ O 1991�anMen Syatems.��K 5�CbuO.MN 1�E00�'l9113�tl�o�^RE�DT.NE B'69� ��3�A 4 a�)
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