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<br /> rxccuir�l f�►r lhr ��ur��utic�uf crenting,sccuring ur�;uiu•aniyinti tiu ticcurc�l Ihht. A �;uu�l faith hrlicf hy l.rn�cr that
<br /> -�`-,;;,::,�;
<br /> � I.cndcr .i�any�inu•i�imccure with res��c��tunny pers��nur rntity uhli��+itcJ un tha ticcur�:d Dclu ur that tlic pruspcct '> ---
<br /> uf any��aymrm ur thr��nlur u(�hc Pru}�.:rly i,im�iain�l sh��ll alsu consliuuc�m c��rnt of dcfault. '
<br /> � IS. RI�.M11h:111N:1 ON I)I�:M'AU1:1'.In .um� inst:mcc�.frdcral and,tatr I.►w will rvi�uirc l.�n�lur tu pruvidc (;rantur witli :•.<',.:
<br /> � nulirc uf thc ritilit tu curc i�r uthcr nuticcs .�nd ntt�y�slahlitih tintr�chrdulc+fur fureclu�ure acliunti.Suhj��l l��lhese '.;n,,,�,.-
<br /> � limitaiiuns, i(��i�y, l.rndrr m�i�� :�rccl�raic Uir ticcurcd I)cht :►nd furrrl�,•r this ticruri�y Instrumrnt in a manncr .`�'��;;:'�
<br /> ... � pr��vidrdhylawiitirnntcu„ind�l��udt. -,,r�:,,._
<br /> .P•'tYrlt,�'�,-_.
<br /> At tl�r uptiun ui l.rndcr..ill ur any p+►rt nf U�r :i�:rrc�l fccti :m�l char�!c+. acrrucd imcr«t an�l principi�l sh�►II hccumc �„=,_�:._
<br /> .rn� ; ;,»�,,,a�.�<<iy au� and payuhlc.�iftcr�;ivin�! nutirr if rrquircd t,p luw.u�uin th�uccurrrncr �,f:► J��ault ur anytimc ?b ,,;f;;
<br /> ,;3.:-
<br /> y. �, �hrrcaftcr. In additiun, l.cndrr shall hu cntitl�d tu all th�remrdirti pruvi�lcd hy li�w.thc �vrms uf thc Sccund Dcht. {��:;r-
<br /> this ticcurity In,trumrnt and any rcl�i�caf d�k:umcnts.includin�;withuut lintit.itiun.thc pu�vrr tu,cll thc Properry. ��.
<br /> � I(thcrc is.�drf.udt.'I'rustcr�hall. in aalJitiun tu .iny uthcr permiUr�1 rcnwdy,at thc rryuc,t uf thc Lendrr.advcrtisc ' ; 'i=
<br /> ' anJ.rll thr Prup�rty ;�y a �vhulr ur in .cparatc parccls at puhlic auctiun tu Ih�:hi�thctit hiddcr fur cush anJ amvcy � .`4.�'_``
<br /> � ahsulutu titlr (rrr and rlrar uf all ri�;ht.iiUc und intcrest �i(Grantur at ,uch timc and placr ati'1'rur�l4c Jrsi�;natcs. '-,,,:��
<br /> 'I'rust�c shall�;ivc nuticc u(s�ilr includingthc tim�.tcrmsand pl;�cc uf sal4 and a dcacriptiun uF thc pruperty tu hr xulJ ,���'
<br /> ati rcyulr�d hy thc appliCaMr la�v in c(Cccl��t lhc timo uf lhe prupuscd salc. i d+.-
<br /> Fl��un�alr��f thc pruprrty and tu thc cxt�m not pruhibitcd by I�nv.'I'rustcr.hall nuikc and dclivcr a dc�d tu th�Pruperty f;:;�,��
<br /> � si,l�1 which cum•rp+ahsolut�tiQr tu th� �urchasrr,and aftcr fint paying all fc�s.rhar€c,.►nd c���ts.shi�ll pay tu Lcndur.ill �--
<br /> �� �uuncys advanced fur rcpiiin,taxcs,in��urcmcr,liuns,asscumrn�s and prior cncumbr�nccs anJ inturest thcrcun,and thc �_
<br /> �. principal and intrrrst cm the SccureJ l7�ht. paying thc ,ur�lu�, if any,m Cirantur. Lcndcr may purchns�:thr Pruprny. �:�a�..a.
<br /> � 'Th�re.:itals in any dred uf cunvcyancc tinnll hc prima facic cvidence u!thc facts sc:t torth thcrcin. w:�
<br /> �,-----
<br /> All i��ucdirs ar�Jistinct,cumulntive.�nJ n���rxclusivc,an�i th� LcnJrr is cntideJ tu ull remedies providrd at law ur
<br /> cyuiry. whcthcr ur nut rxprusaly sc:t lurth.Thc acccpt�incc hy Ixndcr ol':iny+um in paymcnt ur pittlial paymrnt un thc !:_.
<br /> 5rcurcd Dehl aftrr thc buluncc is duc uris acccicratcd ur aftcr furecbsurc prucc��ings ar�Cil�d shall not constitutr a -
<br /> �, waivcr uf Lcndrr's right tu rcquirc«�niplatc curc uf uny cxisting drf.►ult. By�not rxercising.�ny rcmcdy on Grantor's �„�,��,-
<br /> drfault,I.cndcr d�xs nut waivc I_rnJcr's ri�ht to lirtrr cunsidcr thc rv�nt ai dcfciult il'it cuntinuc�ur happcns abain. �`'�"
<br /> . pruhibited hy law,Grantur agmrs ro �.n•all oC lAndcr's cxpcnscs if Grantur brrachcs any covenant in this Sccurity —
<br /> Instrument.Grantor�viU alsu pay un eicmand:iny amuunt incwTrd by Lendrr tor insuring,inspecting,preserving or
<br /> � tithcnvisc prutrcting thc Pru�xRy and Lcndcr's secu�ity intcrest.Thcsc cxpcnscs�vill bcnr interest from thc datr of
<br /> thc paymcnt until paid in tull at thc highest intcrest rat� in eftect as pro��iJed in thc tcrms of the Securrd Debt. -
<br />- ,; c;ramor agrccs«�piiy��ii cu.i�and cx����,�,�+�curr�:i irJ Z_�:i���T i��i:��l'�t'ilb.::i:f:�i.^!!2t^,U!'�.`iL`�L'fli�t�1 rnt�P�c�IP,F11C �
<br /> and remedirs undrr this Security Instrumcnt.This amount may include, but is nut limiled to,attomrys' f�es,court
<br /> ' costs,�ind uthcr legal expcnser.��is Security Instniment shaD rcmain in etfect until relrased.Grantor ag,rees t��pay
<br />_ for any recordation costs of su¢h rcl�asc.
<br />=��'•�� ' ° 17. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDUUS SUBSTANCE:S.As uscd in this scctiun.(1)Cm ironmental[.aw
<br /> mrans,without limitation,thc Cornpr�hcnsivr F_.nvironment,d Rcsponsc,Compc:nsation and Liabilit�•Act(CERCLA,
<br />-` �• ' 42 U.S.C. 96111 et s�q.),.�nd al1 othrr fcdc:ral, statc and I�xal laws.rcgulations, ordinanccs,court orders,attorney
<br /> ?����`'' '^ general opinions or interpretive Ictter�concerning the public heuhh,satety. wclinre,emironment or a haxardous
<br />''�'" �'"��"'' substancc: and (2) Hxiardous Subst��ncc mcxns any toxic,radioactivc ur haxardous material, wastc,pollutant or
<br />- � "''� contaminAnt which has charactcristics �s•Itich render the suhst.ince dangerous ur potentially dnngcrous to the public
<br />�_:_�Tr.�,��. hcalth,safety, wrlfnrr or environmcnt.The tern�includcs,withuut limitatiun,any substanccs defincd as••ha�ardous
<br /> ' mutcrial:'"toxic suNstanccs:'"haiardous wastc"ur"har.irduus substancc"undcr any Environmcntal Law.
<br />?�'����� Grantor repre�cnts.warrants and agrca:sthat:
<br />':° ::_:�r•f.
<br /> y_�;°,�, i �' A. Except as previouslp discl�ncd and acknowle�l�;cd in writing tu Lender,no H�•u.urdous Substance is or�vil be
<br /> -=9„,.:�.;;; located, stored or rcicas�d un or in thc Property.This rcstrictiun docs not apply to smaU quantitics uf
<br />�:�;�t�;;�', Har.��rdous Subsiances that ar� gcncrally mcognir.ed tu[,e apprupriate for the normal use and maintenance of
<br />�:'` r� chc Property.
<br /> '�'�--,,-:-+�� B. Except as prcviuusly disclosed und acknowledged in writing tu Lcnucr,Grantor�ind every tenant havc hecn,are.
<br />__ : ,�;-. and shall nmain in full complianm�vith any applicabk Emirunmcntal La�v.
<br />_�._.t . "F�•..
<br /> ' "• C Grantor shall immediat�ty nmity l.�nJrr if a rc;lcas�or ehreatcncd relcasc ot a H�ardous Substancc cxcurs on, _
<br />�� ��=� undcr ur about thc Property or thcrc is a�•iulc�tion c�f any Environmcntal Lnw conceming thc Property.In such
<br /> �• an evcnt,Grantor shall takc aU ncceasary remedial action in.i��n�rdancc with any Environmental Law.
<br />�.�:,. ......
<br />_ ��.,• - D. Gr�ntor shall immediatcly notify Lendcr in �vriting as soon.is Grantar has reason to believc thrre is any
<br />_'•;t" �,,.`t Fx.nding or threatened in�•esti�ati�in,claim,or procrrding rclatin};to thc rcicasc or thrratrned rcicnse of xny _
<br /> � H�vardous Substancc or thc��iolati��n uf any Envirc�nntental La�v.
<br />= 18. CONDFMNATION.Grantor will give Lcnder prompt nouce uf c�ny pending or thrcatcned uction,by privatc or _ _
<br />' public entitics to purchase ur take any or all of the Prop�rty through condcmnation,eminent domain,or any uther �;__
<br />_� �% m�ans.Grantor authuri•r.es l.endcr tc� inten•cnc in Grantor's namc in any of thc ahovc described actions or claims. �::
<br /> _ �`; Grantor auigns tu Lcndcr thr pr�xceds ut'any award or claim for damages cunncctca with a conclemnation or othcr r,�.
<br /> •. q. takinF of all or any part uf thc Prc��rty.Such prcx-cc�is shall bc considcrcd paymcnts.inil will lk applicd as providrd in �:=.=—
<br /> F_-
<br /> �. ' this Security Instrumcnt. Tliis assignrncnt uf Procecds is subj��t to the t�tms of am•prior mvrtgage.deed of trust, - -____
<br /> �� �. security agrccmcnt or othcr licn ducurncnt. 4�=
<br /> : 19. INSURANCE.Grantor shall kecp Propc:rt}� insurrd a�;uinzt loss hy fim,floud, th�ft and uthrr har.�rds.�nd risks w�-__
<br /> rcasanahly aaa�ciatcd with the Propert�•dur to its typc an�l I�ation.lliis�nsurancr shall h�mxirtainc�i in thc amuunts ' "�
<br /> ,.�. �: and fc�r thc prriuds that LcnJcr reyuins. Th� insurancc carricr providing thc insurancc shall he chusen hy Grantor --
<br /> ' •�+hi�•��to lxndcr's apprc�val,�vhich shaU not hc unreas�mahly withhcld. If Gr��ntur fail. t��maintain thc rrn•cragc ,,
<br /> - �� descrilxd .ibu�•r.Lender may.�►t Leneier's uptiun.ohtain cuvrr.i�;e tu pratcct I.en�cr s ngiits in tne rropcn}•accvniing - _ +
<br /> = tu th�trrms uf thi�Sccurity hutrum�nt.
<br /> - I All insurancr p��lirirx and rene�vals shall hc.+crcptahlc lu Lcn�icr and tihall inrlu.lr a�tandard"murtg.+�c clausc°and.
<br /> whcrc applicahlc."luss payrc cl�iusc."(irantur shall immcJiatrl�•nutify Lrn�icr uf ra►nrrllation ur tcrniin:itiun uf thr
<br /> - insuranrr.l.rndcr shall haer thc right to hulJ thc puliric+ and mnc�vals. 1[Lrndrr rryuim�,(�rantor shall imnudiatrly
<br />