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<br /> 7.EminMt Oom11n. Lender fe hereby asaf9ned ell compeneation,awerde,dam�qne ond other peymants or relief iherelnniter "Proceode'1' � :•.+.�f;- ;
<br /> In aonnectlon with condomnntion or other takinp ot the RoportV or pnn thereof,or for conveyance in Ileu of condemnetlon. Lender ehali ..};,:�
<br /> tekon or dorne{�od,Landor ehnll have the uption In fte sole Pnd abaolute disatetion,to apply nll such Proceads,nftar deductinp therelrom
<br /> ell coeta end expnnaee Incurred by It In connoction with euch Proccede, upon any Indobtednces eocurod hnroby and in such ordor oa
<br /> Lendor may determfne,or to opply oll such Proceede, ofter euch duductlone,to tho restoretlon of the Property upon such conditions as
<br /> Lendet mny dntermine,Any�ippllcetlan of Pruceede to indebtadnese nhall not extend or poetpune the due deto ot any paymente undor .
<br /> tho Nnta,or cure any def oult thernunder or heraunder. Any unappliod funde nhall be peld to Truetor. e
<br /> F�, P�rlarmma�by lH�d�r. Upon the occurronco of en Evon� of Delault hereundor, or If uny oct ia takun or lepal proceedfng y
<br /> Commanced which metorially effects Lender's Intereat in the Property,Lender may In Ite own dt�cretlon,but without obligetlon to do so. � 1,+�:;,,.__
<br /> ond wlthout not�co to or dmm�nd upon Trustor ond w�thaut releaslnq Trustor from any obliqotlon, do any act which Truator hea ngreed -
<br /> but falla to do end may atso do eny other ect it deema neceseary ta protoct the eecunry hereui.T�uetar shall,immodlutnly upon dnmand _
<br /> �y therefor by lender, poy ta Lender eil coate end expaneee Incurred and sume expended by lender m connectfon w�th the exetciee by ` .�y�. ::
<br /> ��, '. Len�er of the faregofng righte,topathor with Intareat thereAn at the default reto provided fn the Noto, whlch ahall be eQdod to the , � ;r_�„_
<br /> "' .�. Indabtednese eecured horeby. Lender shall not incur any Ilabilfty bocause of anythin�it may do or omit to do heroundar. , .
<br /> 8.H�s�rdout Mnt�H�l�.Trustor ahell keep tho Property in compllenCe with all appliceblo lawa,ordinances and regutatione rolating to ,`•,ry ,j�.;:l� � .';����1,-;
<br /> Industriol hyplono or envlronmental protoctlon fcollectively referred to hereln as'Bnvironmental Lawe"1.Trestcr shail keep the Property . . . �,..,�t:, k;;�:•,,:_�
<br /> :.__,;J. ���sa,+.
<br /> � freo fram all subetnncen deemed to 6o hazardous or toxic under any Enviran�nental I.awe Icollectiveiy referre�to herein as'Huzardous �� �,�{ _
<br /> � Meterfala").Trustor heraby werrante and represents to Landor thnt thnre era no Hetardoue Mnterial on or under the Roperty. Truntor ''"r;.yt,��__
<br /> he►eby egroes to Indomnify and hold harmiess Lender,ita directare, oiQcers, employeea ond egente, end eny auccesaors to Lender's �•:.:,,ti��:.-�__�
<br /> , intarest, from and egelnst eny and ell claima, damagea,lossea and Iiabflftios arisfng in connectfon with the preaence,une,dispoeat ur ,'r�=F.:=—
<br /> �transport of eny Hazerdoua Materiele on,undor,from or about the Property.THE FOREGOIN�WARRANTIHS AND REPHESENTATIONS, ,.�;._
<br /> TRUST, "'�
<br /> 10. Attiynm�nt of R�nts.Trustor hereby assigne ro Lender, end grante Lender a security interest in,all present,futuro end efter ;��."�_�
<br /> rising rents.Issues and profits of the Property; provided that Truator shell,untii the occurrence of an Event of Delsult he�eunder,heve .�-��.z
<br /> the rlght to coAect end retain such ronts, lasues and profits aa they hacome duo end peyable. Upon the occurrence of an �vent of ,.,,r,,,
<br /> Default, Lender may,efther in person or by agent, with or wfthout bringing any action or proceeding,or by a receiver appalnted by a _:�:�
<br /> court and without regard to the adequacy of its securfty, anter upon and take possesaion of the Property,or any part thereof,in itn own _�-
<br /> name or in the name of the Trusteo, and do ony acte which it doeme necessery or desirabia to preserve the value,merketehility or `�.,_�_;
<br /> rentability of the Proparty,or any part thereof or interest therein,or to incroase the income therefrom or protect tha security hareof and. ,:_.___
<br /> '� with or without taking possession of the Proporty,sue for or otherwieo collect the rents,issuee and profits thereof,fncluding thoae past :;,�,'
<br /> ��. due and unpaid,by notifying tenants to make pnymente to Lender. Lender may applv rents. Issuea and profita,lese coats and expenaes �;vf.`��,
<br /> • � of operation apd collectian including attomeys'fees,to ony indebtedness aecured hereby,ell in such order as Lender may determine.The p"°°—
<br /> � .I.� ontering upon end teking possession of the Property, the collection of such ronts,issues and profita, and the application thereof as �`
<br /> aforesaid, shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or invaiidate any act done in reaponse to such dofeult or .j�T.
<br /> �.It;�',::�: pursuent to such noti�e of default end, notwithatanding the contfnuance in possesalon of the Propnrty or the collection,receipt end •� -
<br /> epplicatlon of renta, issues or profits, Trustee and Lender ehall be entitled to exercise every right provided far in eny of the Loan —
<br /> ���'�'� Instrumente or by law upon occurrenco of any Event of Default,Including without Iimitetion the right to exercfse the powe� of sete. _
<br /> - - - ��,-ihsr, Laadar':siBhLS and semwr�ynq under this paraaraph shall be cumuletiva with,and in no way a limitation on, l.ender'e righte end _
<br /> � romedles under nny assignment ot leeseu and rents recorded against the Property.Lender,Trustee and the receiver shnif�a tiuY,io io
<br /> eccount only for those rents actually received.
<br /> 11. Evmta of D�fsult.The following shail constitute an Event of Default under this Deed ot Trust: -
<br /> (a)Faiture to pay eny instalimant of principai or intereat of any other sum secured hereby when due; __
<br /> (b)A breach of or default under any provision contafned in the Note,this Deed of Trust,any of the Loan Instruments,ot any
<br /> other Iien or encumbrance upon the Prope►ty;
<br />- � (ct A writ of execution or attachment or any eimflor process shall be entared egeinst Trustor which shell become 0 Ilen on the _
<br /> `��� Property or eny portian thereof or intereat therein;
<br /> +;�'�`r'?-: (d1 There shall be filed by or against Truetor or Borrower an action undor eny present or futuro federel,stete or other statue,law _
<br /> .a,•..:.
<br /> or regulatlon relating to bankruptcy, insalvency or other reilef for debtors;or there shell be eppointed ony trustea, receiver or
<br /> Iiqufdator of Trustor or Borrower or of all or any pert ot the Property,or the rente,issues or profits thereof,or Trustor or Borrower
<br />- ` ahall meke any general assignment for the benefit of creditors;
<br /> � (e)The sele,transfer,leese,assignment,conveyanae or further encumbrance of all or any part of or any fnte�oat in the Property.
<br />- , ri+• elther volunterily or involunterily,without the expreas written consent of Lender;p�ovided that Trustor nhali be permitted to execute
<br />� � �" a lease of the Property thet doos not contain en optlon to purchasn and the term of which does not exceed one year;
<br />.f � �`�•`�� � (f) Adandonment of the Property;or
<br /> (gl If Trustar ia not a� indfvidual, the issuenca, aale, transfer, essignment, conveyence or encumbrance of more than (if a
<br /> corporation) a total of�[A... percent of ite issued and outstending etock,or (if e pertnership) a total of ��A percent of __
<br /> �' partnership intereste, or 1�—'f a limited ifabllity companyl a totei of p A porcent ot the Ilmited I(ability compeny intereata or voting
<br /> - - � rtghte durin�the pedod this Deed of Truet rertiains a Ilen on the Property.— _• �_
<br /> " 1 Z. R�m�dUs;Accelerstiort Upon Oeteult.In the event of any Event of Default Lendui rnay,rvithout notice nr,cept es requirnd by tew. c'_
<br />' " ,:y„�� declere all indebtadness secured heraby to be due and payablo and the same shall thereupon became due and payable without eny _
<br /> „aj;�� prosontment,demend,protest or notice o}any kind.Thereafter Lender mey: �:
<br /> • • ' (a)Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trustee ahall theteafter cnuse Tru�tor's interest '
<br /> ! �' in the Ptoperty to bo sold end the proceeds to be distributed,ali in the manner provided In the Nobraska Trust peede Act; F-__ ---
<br /> ,;;�,..
<br /> �,:,,' (b)Exercise any and aIi rights provided for in any of the Loan Instruments or bY law upon occurrence of eny Event of -• �
<br />_.. •i�,.�: �" Defeuit: en@ �
<br /> ��.��� � (cl Cammence en ectfon to foreclose this Deed of Trust us o mortgnge, appoint e receiver,or spoci8cally enforce any of the F-•�_v^^��_�
<br /> covenants hereof. E""�"""k'-"��
<br /> ''� No remedV herein conferred upon or reservad to Trustee or Lender is intended to be ozclusive of any other remedy harein, in the Loan a$y�"����:
<br /> :��a�aex�r�v.��•
<br /> ! Instruments or by lew providud or permitted,but oach sheil be cumulative,shall be in additfon to every other romedy given hereunder,in `""�-
<br /> ��i'
<br /> ' the Loan Instrumonts or nuw or hereattor existing at law or in equfty or by statute,end may be exercised concurrently,independently or P �� 1.
<br /> succossively. , ��
<br /> .C,:"
<br /> � 13. TrustM. The Trustee may rosign at any time without cause,and Lender mey at any time and wfthout cause eppafnt a successor ;•l ��.• ,r 1,..
<br /> ' ur substituto Trustee. Trustee shall not bo Ileble to any party, including without limitation lundor,Borrower,Truetor or any purchasar of i fi;;;�c`'���:::��M1 ,.?�•-
<br /> - ¢-..
<br /> � the ProPerty,fo� any loss or demage unless due to recklass or wfliful misconduci, and shall not 6e requirad to take any astfon in ':Ji•S`,.:>��, ,. •
<br /> ' connectfon with the onforcemvnt of this Deed ai Trust unleu indemnified,in writing, tor ail costs,compensation or expenses which may f ' ,�''.`^�..
<br /> be essocleted therawiih.In eddition, Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Propeny (Judiciai or under the power of sale
<br /> � grantod hareinl;poetpono the sale of all or eny portion of the Prop�rty, es pravided by law;or soll tho Property as e whole,or In aeparate �
<br /> parcels or lota at Trustee's discretion.
<br /> _ _ __ _ .. ..____��__�___ �...ti_e..o..r T...amw nalia thw Prooertv bv exorciso of power of sele,Trustee shell be entitled to apply any sale
<br /> _---- -- ��.�s.�......���..�........._._... ..--•-- --
<br /> _ praceeds first to payment of ell costs and expenses of exercising power of sele, inctuding oll Trustee's fees,and Lander's ana Trustee�s T =-- -----
<br /> t
<br /> - attorney's fees, actually incurred to extent permitted by applicable law.In the event Borrowar or Trustor exercises any right provided by �
<br /> taw to curo an Evont of Default,Lender shall be entitled to recover irom Trustor ail coats end expenses ectually incurred as a result of I
<br /> 7rustor's default,including without Iimitatfon ell Trustee's and attornoy's fees,tn tho extent permitted by appiicable Iaw. i
<br />— 15.Futun Adv�ncts. Upon roquest of Borrowor,Londor may, ot its option, make addltionai and future advances u�d rvadvancea to �
<br /> ; Borrower.Such advances and roadvnnces, with interost thereon, shaU be socured by this Deed of Trust. At no time shell tho principal i
<br /> amount of tho indebtndness secured by this Doed of Truat,not inciuding sums advanced to protect the security of this Deed of Trust,
<br /> exCeed the oriflinul principnl amount stoted harein,or 8 51e o00 00 ,whichever is greater.
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> NBC��570 INonopncul�urnl Detdl Rov 6�95 �,
<br /> 1989 Nmonal Bv+k o�Cm+�merce Trust end SavinUs�sfouanm.Luxdn.Neb�as�o �
<br /> ' I . . _ _ . . . .. . . _ . L ... . . ... �
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