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<br /> i THfS DEED OF TRUST,Is mado r�s of tho 22nd day of Auguat ,1 g 9� ,by and emong��� _+'',`-��-� s �-
<br /> � — d_
<br /> the Truator, �Y �+YCB SHORT, AN' LJNMARRI&D PER30N --=-_
<br /> • �!u�LR-�--
<br /> x���.
<br /> S 101 3. 5TH DONIPHAN NE 68832- �herein "Truator,"whether one or morel, �_;,��
<br /> whose mailing addr¢ss Is ..�_
<br /> rW _
<br /> the Trustee, B� OF DONIPIiAN ��;:,-_�.
<br /> whoae mallin edd:mss is PO BOX B DONIPHAN, NE 68832 _(herein'Trueteo"1,and —�
<br /> 9 �. 5...
<br /> � {i� 8�1IJK OF DQNIPHAN •�`::
<br /> . • � the Beneficlary. , t�_Y�.
<br /> • a whose maiiing eddress Is PO BOX B DONIPHAN IJL 6 B832 (herain"Lender'1. --_i�
<br /> �� FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including Lender's extension of credit identified harein to I(EVIN SHORT �—�
<br /> �" KIM A. ADLE MARY AI,ICE SHORT ����
<br /> ��:_.
<br /> � (herein 'Borrower",whether one or more) and the trust hereln created,the _
<br />—_--- —
<br /> -- --
<br /> receipt of which is heroby acknowledged,Trustor hereby urovocabty grants,transiers,Goirvey8 Mitt�dSSi�85 20 T(UoLSII�!T:TA , .. . •
<br /> ,� POWER OF SALE, tor the 6enefit ar�d security of Lender,under end subiect to the terms and conditiona hereinefter aet forth,the real -
<br />�.' ,� �- property,described as follows:
<br /> _ � ,
<br /> . • � �
<br /> � !����?t' PROPERTY ADDRESS: 101 S. 5TH DONIPHJIN, NE 68832- _
<br /> . �ti:
<br /> ' Topether wlth eil bufldings, Improvements,fixtures, nreete, elleya, pasaageweys,easements,righte, priviieyes end appurtenencea
<br /> ' located thereon or in enywtse pertaining thereto,e�d the renta,issuea and profita,reveraiona end remelndere thereot, and auch persanal
<br /> � , A property that la attached to the ImpTOVemente so as to constitute a tixture,including,but not Iimited to,heatinp and cooling equfpmar�t;
<br /> end topethar wtth the homestead or maritai intereste, if eny,whiah interests are hereby released and waived; ell ot which, includirty
<br /> t--,,`;;;„� �
<br /> ;;,, „r, repiecemente end edditfona thereto, la hereby dxiared to be a part ot the real eatate secured by the Ifen of this Deed ot Truat end all of
<br /> '`"�`�•�`�' ` the foregafng befng roferred to heroin es the'Property'.
<br />- .Ci,..+,�
<br /> ' 7his Deed of T'rust shall secure(al the peyment of the principal sum and interest evldenced by a promiasory note or credit
<br /> _ .S�J
<br />�-� �. � nareement datad Auguet 22, 1997 ,having a matutity dete of Auguet 22, 2002
<br /> � - _— __
<br /> "'`� � in the origlnal principal amount of 4 16,000.00 , and any and ell modificatlons, extenslons end renewals _�� �
<br />_'�="- ' thereof or thereto and any end all future edvences end readvances to Borrower(or any af them if more than one)hereunder purouant to ��
<br />_';''`�"�'�.' one or moro promiasory notes or credit agreements(herein called"Note"h lb)the payment of other aums edvenced by Lender to protect
<br /> ' r� • the security of the Not�;(cl the performence of all covenants and agreements of Trustor set forth hereln; ond td)ell present end future =
<br /> ' ' indebtedneas and obligetiona of Borrower Ior any of them If more than onel to Lender whethe�dlrect,Indirect, absolute or continpent
<br />� t'-� and whether erising by note,guarenty,overdraft or othe►wise.The Pic tiIs 10eed of Trust end any end eli other documonts that secure _
<br /> � the Note or otherwise executed in connection the►ewith,Includin�+ limitatlon gueranteea,necurity agreementa and assignments �
<br /> of leasea and rents,shall be roferred to herein ae the'Loan lnstrum � Y
<br /> ''1.:•,�:.•;� 5; _-- --
<br /> 7rua t o r c o v a n a n t e e n d e gr e e a with Lender es follows: '''"'� -•
<br /> � 1.P�ym�nt of Indebt�dn�ss.A11 indebtedness securad herebV shau w�,,aid when due. " `—'°�``-
<br /> 2.Tttb.Trustor Is the owner of the Roperry, has the right and euthority to convey the Propeny, and warrents that the Ilen created f-"`�-��"-�=_
<br /> C ,.� ,�,,,��„�r
<br /> • hereby fa e firat and prior Ileo on the Roperty,oxcept for liens and encum6rancee set(orth by Trustor In writing and delivered to Lender � :;� �=
<br /> • •�:', � batore executlon of this Deed of Trust, and the execution and dalive;y of ihis Docd ai trust does not violate nny c�ntrnct or other :-.�'-'��Y
<br /> ' obUgetion to wMch Trustor Is subject. . '
<br /> 3.Tuns,Ass�stm�ntt.To pey betore delinquency ali taxes,specfal assessments end ail other cherges egainst tho Property now ot ,.�4�tti��'�� :A.t'
<br /> heroaker lovied. .�-
<br /> 4. Insurane�.To kee the Property insurod a einst dame a by fire,hezards, fnciuded within tha tetm "extended coverege', end , • °
<br /> P 9 9 �;��.b.,,y.:::.
<br /> auCh other hazerds es Lender may requfre,In amounte end with companies acceptable to Londer,naming Lendor ns en edditlonal namod , �.•'�'; r__
<br />_ � � insured,with loss payable to the Lender. In case oi loas under such policies,the Lender is authoriicJ to edjust,coilect and sompromfse. ': ��, •
<br /> -'�- - ... .•.__. . . . . . . .. ... - '`- --"--'' ---...�'- -u_.__.._�.w� i..�...�....�.......e..�e In r..nn�i�rinh*wdnncc eacursd herebv ' ' .
<br /> -"���—' -� "'" " � 0I1 Cteime tnereunaer ana annn �iavo u�o v uv��v� a -
<br /> �. V VVt7u�y vu v� �.v��v ����. r.rw.........�......___� ...'_ '..� ..."_"' "' . __ .. _. .__..._ _ .
<br /> _ _.__._ . _. __ __._
<br /> end in such order es Lender may detarminu,lii)to tho Trustor to bo used for the repair or restoration of tha Proporty or lifil tor any other �
<br />= purpoae or ob�oct satfsfactory to Lendor without offecting tha lion of this Daed of Trust for the tull amount socured hereby before such I
<br /> ' � paYment ovcr took place.Any application of proceeda to indabtodness shall not extend or postpone the duo date of any payments under
<br /> the Note,or cure eny default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 6.Eferow.Upon writton demand by Lender, Trustor sholl pny to Londer.En such manner as londer may dasignato,suf(fcient sums I
<br />_ + to enable Lender to pay as they become duo ono or morQ ol tho tollowing: (i1 all texe3, ossessmente a�d othor charges egelnst the �
<br /> � Property,Iif)the premfums on the property fnsurunca raquirad horuunder,and lliil ther premiums on any mortgngo Insurance roquired by '
<br /> = Lender. I
<br /> ' 8. M�int�mnc�,R�pNn Md CompllMC�with L�wi. Tnistor shnll konp tho Proporty fn good condition ond ropair: shall promptly
<br /> ropair, or roplace any impruvemont which may bo demagod or dostroyud;shall not commit or parmit any wasto or dotorioration of thes I
<br /> � Property,sholl not rcmovo,demolish or substontfaily altor uny of tho improvements on tho Property: shnll not cqmmit sufter or permit
<br /> any ect to 6e dor.o in or upon the Proporty in violation of ony Inw, ordinance,or rnflulation; and sholl pay and promptly discharge at
<br /> ' 7rustor's cost and oxpense ali lions,encumbrances end chnrpes lavfed,imposod or asseasod agalnst tho Proporty or ony pnrt thoreot.
<br /> I NOUa57� fNOna6��cW�u'el Deedl Rev G�95 I '.. _
<br /> � 198E Niva.+N D��o�Ca�+�u�a Truft e�d SnvmO�Maoomon.l��cu���.Ncb�es�a I
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