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<br /> S. Haiurd ur {'ru�xt't} lu�urunce. Hurn,��rr ,h:ill kr�{� ihr unpm�rmcni� nn« r�i,tin� oi hrrraltr� rm�ird un ihr �., '•
<br /> ` Prupert� in�ur�d :ig;nn,t lo„ h} Isrc, har.irJ, in�luJrd ��ithin ihc trrm �c�trndr�l a,�rracr" ;mil :m� uiher h:v.ud�. mrluJu��
<br /> � ilnud,nr Iluudin�!. Inr �tihirh l.�ndrr rryuire, in.uranre. l�hi, in.ur.uire,h:ill hr �ttiint:iinrd m ihc amuuni, :md li�r thc prri�id• . ;:r, ��f",�:
<br /> th.it Lcu.l�i rcquir�.. I�hr in�ur.inir r:irnri �,r���ulmr ihr in,urauir ,h:dl hr du�.rn h� Rorn���rr •uhj�ri t�� Lrn�irr'�,q��,ru�al
<br /> ��hirh .hall nut bc unrc:i�unahl) ��i!hhrlii. U I��n�ru���r I:iil. t�� maintain r�,�cra�c dr�rnhr�! .ihi�cr. Lrndrr io:n. :U Lrttdcr', � ,�.d:`�. `
<br /> ;: t `!�?'i'•?�
<br /> � opUun.ahtain cu�crigr �u pn�t.�t l.enJrr'+nElih in the Prupert}'in arcurd.utrc��ith p:u•a�r.iph 7. .; ���r�.
<br /> ,..n++M"� All insur.utcr pdicie+ anJ rrncu•al+ ,hall hr acrrptahle t�� Lenscr ard .hall mrlu�le a ,�anJard nwrt�ag� rlau,c. l.�nilrr •t,,u,id�`�:-
<br /> .�_= —.
<br /> � ." � ,hull h:n-c the right tu huld thc pulirie�anJ rcncwcd.. If l.rndcr rcyuirr,.Burnnvcr+hall pn�mptly gn•r tu Lrndrr all rercipn ul' _
<br /> pui�premiunts and rcn��val nuticcs. Ir�thc evcnt uf lu,.. Borrrnvcr tihall�iv�pru�npl n��tice ti�ihc imur:mrr �arricr and Lcndcr. a,�__
<br /> ��-~=-----
<br /> L.enJcr may makc prnut�uf lo�+if not madc prompth�hy Borruwcr. �___--_-
<br /> • Unlcss Lend�r an�i Borrowcr othen►�ise ugrer in��riting. intiurancc prucccds shall be arplicd to rc.inrutiun��r rcpair uf��tc _
<br /> Property Jumuged. if the re+toration ur r�pair is��,�ah�irally feasiblc and 1.ender'ti serurity is nut Ics.rucd. If thc r�titnratiun ur �_�
<br /> repair is nut economicully feasible iDS l.ender',secunty �vould bc les,ened, the inwrance proceed,�hall he applicJ tu thu yum+ �;-_
<br /> . • secured by this Scwrity Instrument. titihethrr or not then due. nith any exce�s paid tc�Bo�TOwer. lf &+rruwrr abanJems lhe �—_—
<br /> ��' Proprrty.or Jcxs not answer within 30 day,u notice from Len�ler that the insurunee currier has c�flereJ lo uttlr.i rlaim. then �_
<br /> LenJer muy collect the insurance prnreeds. i.ender may use the prcxeeds to repair ur restore the Prupert}� ur tu pay yumti ___�.
<br /> Z' secured hy this Seruriry Instrument,�vhether or not then Jue.The 30-day peri��d w•ill begin�vhen thc nutice iti Eiven. �;'_
<br /> . � Unlcss Lender and Boi7ower otherwise agree in writing, any applicution of proceeds io prinripal �hall not extrnd or t,_ --
<br /> � postpune thc Jue daic uf the monthly paymen[s refcrred to in paragraphs 1 �nd ?or changc thc amowu of thc payments. [f -°_
<br /> • • ^ under paragraph 21 the Property i,acquirecl by L.ender, F3orrawer's right to any insurunce p�dicics and proceedti rcsulting from �:�_
<br /> � damage to the P�uperty prior to the acquisition shall puss to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument a'-
<br /> *_ immcdiatcly prior to thc acquisition. i-'—�
<br /> � 6. Occupancy,Preservatfon,Malntenance and Protection of the Property;8orrower's Loan Application: Leuseholds. �j_:
<br /> ' Borrower shall occupy, estublish,and use the Property as Borcower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of �
<br /> this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at Ieast one year after =
<br /> the date of occupancy. unless L.ender otherwise aarees in writing,which consent shall nat be unreaxonably withheld,or unless _
<br /> �; extenuating circums�ances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destmy, damage or impair the
<br /> -- — "- Nropeny. uiiow [he Propeny iu dcic�i�ittic, o� c�zmmit uasi� or:h� P:o�e.".;. B^rr�vy�n( �t,:��I �,r in d�fault if any forfeiture
<br /> actian or pro��eeding, whether civil e�r criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment ccmld result in forfeiwre of the
<br />• • Property or otherwise rnaterially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borm�ver may
<br /> ' � cure such a default anct reinstate,as provided in paragraph I S, by causing the act ion or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /><' that, in Lender', good faith detamiination, precludcs forfciture of the Bonower's interest in thc Property or othcr materiul
<br />- impairment of the lien crea[ed by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br />-; � Borrower,durin�the loan applicution process,guve materially falsc or inaccurate informatian or statements to Lender(or failad
<br /> r.,.,�.---., .
<br /> _ to provide Lender with any materiul information) in conn��ction with the loan evidenced hy the Note, including, but not limited
<br />-=�• • to,representations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny as s principal residence.If this Security Instrument is on a
<br />;'` leasehold. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title tc� the Property, the
<br />� � ' �',a,, leasehald and the fee tide shull not merge unless L.ender agrees tn the merger in wri[ing.
<br />�-?��w�-•�; 7.Protection ot Lender's Ri�hGg in the Property. If Bormwer fails to perform the covenants and agreemer�ts contained in
<br /> �,,,i�s,•,tiF.?�:
<br /> ; ,:. .�,,, this Sccurity Instrument,or there is n legal proceeding that may si�nificantly affect Lendc:r's rights in thc Propeny (suc as a
<br />__ ..;,.•�. .
<br />_n�rt,;�.,�Y proceeding in bankmptcy, probate, for condemr.ation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then I.ender may do an
<br />�4: '..•S pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Property and Lender's rights in the Propeny. L.ender's actions may
<br />� include paying any sums securcd by a licn which hati priority over this Security Instrument, appcaring in court, paying
<br />�. . reasonable attorneys' fecs and entcring on the Property to make repairs. Althou�h Lender may take action under this paragraph
<br /> ..:•x.�.. �.
<br /> =� �.�� 7, Lender docs not have to do so.
<br />-`�} ••�4� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br />�'"'';��`r��• Securiry Instrument.Unless Borrower and Lendcr agrec to other terms of paymen[, thesc amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> �;.���_:�.;..
<br />-- =��-••�� datc of disbursement at the Note ratc and shall be payable, with interest, upon noticc from Lender ro Borrower requesting _
<br />=y��.. '.' payment. —._
<br /> �trr •• ,
<br />���':4...' 8.Mortgage Insurance.if L.ender required mortgage insurance as a conJition of making the loan secured by this Security
<br />- ' x' —
<br />�'r�'��� Instrumcnt, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgagc insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the =
<br /> .Rr .. —
<br /> �� mortgage insurance mverage required by Lendcr lapses or ccases to be in effect,Borrower shal l pay the premiums required to =
<br />- • obtain coverage substantiaUy equivalent to the mongage insurance previnusly in effect,at a cost substandally equivalent to the s-
<br /> �:
<br />� cost to Borro�ver of the mortgctgc insurance previously in effat, from an alternatc mon�age insurer approved by Lender. If �,
<br /> • � substantially equivalent mortgagc insurancc coveragc is not uvuilable,9urrower shall pay to L.enJer each month a suni eyual to �;=�;�:
<br /> • , one-twelRh of the gearly mortgage insurance premium being �aid by Borrower when the insurunre coveruse lapsed ar reaseci to _ _
<br /> � be in effcct.L.ender�vill acccpt,use and retain thcse payments ay a loss rescrve in licu of mortgagc insurance. I.oss reserve N�-_==:-_
<br /> �'�a�_-_
<br /> Form 3028 9I90
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