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<br /> 17. Tr�n�i�r of th� Property or a 8�n�ficl�l Int�nst ln Borrow�r. u all or eny part of th�e Property or ;. .��:_
<br /> nny Intereat In Il Is eold ar trensfc�rred (or If a bene8clal Interest In Hortower la sold or t►eneferrod and Borrower Is nol e nelurai ..
<br /> peraon) wilhout Londer'a prlor w�itlen consent, Lender mey,at ile optlon, requlre Immedlete paymenl in tull of au sume oecured by
<br /> Ihlo Socui�ty Insiniment. However. thls optlon shall not bo exercleod Gy 4endor II oxarciso la prohibl�od by lodornl law es o1 the
<br /> dAte o1 Ihls Sacudty Insirument. _
<br /> II LFnder exercleou thle option. Lender shall pWa Borrower notice ol nccelerellon. Tho noUce ehall provido n pedad o1 not
<br /> losa Ihen 30 d�ya Irom the date the notice In delivered cr malled wlthln whlch Borrower muel pxy all suma secured by Ihia
<br /> Security Instrument. II 6orrower lalls to pey these suma prlor lo the expirnllon ol ►hla ponod, I.�nder may �nvoke any remed�os _
<br /> pormitted by ihla 9ecurity Inatrument wlthou!lurther notice or demand on Borrower _
<br /> 16. BOY�OW�P�d Right to Rslnstat�. It Borrower moete certeln condiilona. Bor►ower eheft heve the rlpht to hnvo
<br /> enforcoment o1 ihls Security Instrument dlacontinued at eny tirne prior to the oarller ol. (n) 5 dnys (or such ��ther period eq
<br /> i applica6le law may specity tor relnatetement) betore eale ol the Proparty pursuent to any power ol sele contelned In lhle Security
<br /> _, , i Instrument; o: (b) entry ot a Judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditlons are lhat 9oirower: (a) paya Lender all
<br /> suma which then would be due under thls 8ecurity Inetrument and ihe Note as il no ecceleretlon had occurted; (b) cures eny _
<br /> default ot any other covenant or agreementa; (c) peys all expenaes Incurred In enforcing this Secudty Instrum�rnt, fncluding,but ,s-
<br /> not Ilmited to, reasonable attomeys'fees; end (d) takes such action es Lender mey reasonably ruqulre to assure that the Ilen of ;1,_
<br /> this Sacurity Instrument. Lender's dghts In the Properiy end Borrower'o obllgatlon to pey t he sums secure d by t h i s Securi t y , __
<br /> Instrument shell contlnue unchenged. Upon relnatatement by BoROwer, Ihls 3eourity Instrument and lhe obllgatlons secured ,•_,_
<br /> hereby shall remain(uliy eflective ea I1 no ecceleratlon hed accurred. Hownver,thls right to relnatete shall not apply In ihe case �:
<br /> oi acceleratlon under paregraph 17. r �'.1��
<br /> • 19. Sale of NOte: Chattge of Loan SentiCet.The Note or a a partlal Interest In the Note (together wfth thls
<br /> Security Instrumentj may be sold one or more tlmes without pdor notice to Borrower.A sale mey result In a change In the entity —
<br /> (known as the'Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and thls 3ecurity Instrument. There also may
<br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there Is a changn ot the Loan Servlcer,
<br /> Borrower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with peragraph 14 above and appliceble law. The r�ottce wiil • ,',,:.�
<br /> state the name and address of lhe new Loan Servicar and the address to which payments nhould be made. The notice wlll also
<br /> � contaln any other Information requlred by appllcable la�v. � .
<br /> ,} 20. Hazardoua Substaneea. Borrower shali nat cause or permit the presence, uae, disposal, storage, or release of �;tirlY{,..
<br /> any Hazardous Substances on or In tho Propetly. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, enything affecting the ��,,.,,;�•
<br /> ' 'J, Praperly that la in violation oi any Envlronmentai Lew. The preceding iwo sentences shall not appy to the presence, use, or .,;�'!!,�' ,_
<br /> � storage on the Property ot small quantltles of Hezerdous Substances thet are generelly recognized to be eppropriato to nortnal ?<,;��; ,
<br /> � ;� resldentlal uses and to malntenance of the Property. "' ' .
<br /> .', �� �
<br /> .,: Borrower shall promplly give Lender written nollce of any Investigation, claim, demand, lawsult or other actlon by any
<br /> ' ;' govemmentsl or regulatory agency or private party InvoNing the Property and any Hazardous 3ubstance or Environmentnl Law oi '��',1"�"�:--
<br /> ••�_..•.�
<br /> _ � {i� which Bottower has actuel knowledge. I( Borrower leams, or is notified by eny govemmental or regulatory authority, that any �.���y�_
<br /> "�� .M,„�y$! ,�� nthar rnmedlation of anv Hazerdous Substance eHecting Property Is nacessary. Bortower shell promplly taka all �FS,�a�r•��
<br /> � �� necessary remedlal actlons In eccordence wlth Envlronmentai Law. 7M1`�t^�"�
<br /> • .�"{,� As ueed In thls paragreph 20, 'Hazardous Substances" are those substances deflned es toxic or hazardous substances by �fT���?,?— -
<br /> �L;�_•�—
<br /> ��Cv.=_
<br /> Environmental Law and the tollowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxio _�
<br /> � �, pestfcides and herhlcides. volatlie solvents, materials contalning asbestos or fortnaldehyde, and radioactive materi�ls. As used in ��--�_-
<br /> 4 . paragraph 20. 'Envlronmental Law' means tederel laws and laws of the Jurisdictlon where the Properry is located that relete to —
<br /> �, heaith,safety or environmental protectlon. __
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agme as foliows: — --
<br /> � . 21. Accel�ratlon; R�m�di�s. L�nd�r shall giv� notico to Borrow�r prior to �cc�lsrttion
<br /> ��. followin� Borrow�r's br��►ch of �ny covsn�nt or �gr��m�nt in this S�cu�ity Instrum�nt (but not � • _
<br /> prior to accsl�r�tion undQr par�graph 17 unl�ss applic�ble law provid�s oth�rwi:�). Th� notic�
<br /> shall sp�cliy: (�) th4 d�fault; (b) ths �ction r�quirad to cure th� d�fault; (c) � dtt�� not I�ss tha�
<br /> �• 30 days from th� dato tho notics Is �Ivon to Borrower, by whlah th� dsfault muK 1» cur�d; �nd
<br /> (d) that fallurs to curs the dehult on or bofors tho dsto sp�cifi�d fn th� notic� may r�sult In
<br /> acceleration of ths sums sacur�d by thle S�curity Instrument �nd sal� of tho Prop�rty. Th� notic�
<br /> ahall furtt��r Inform Borrow�r of tho right to rolnstato aiter acc�lsration and th� right to bring � -
<br /> court action to ossert the non-existsnce ot a def�ult or any other d�f�ns� of Borrow�r to _
<br /> acceleration and sale. If the defauit Is not cured on or betore the dato sq�cifl�d !n th� notic�, �:�
<br /> Lande� a�t ks option may requlr� immedi�to payment in full of all sums s4cur�d by th!� S�curfty ;_�_�
<br /> , ' Instrume�t without further demand and may Invake the powe� of salo and any oth�r r�m�di�s �;
<br /> -' , permitted by applicable law. Lendsr shall be entitled to collect pll axpanses incurrod In purauinq «---
<br /> the remedies provided in thls paragraph 21, Including, but not Iimited to� reasanabie attornays
<br /> � ::��..�,���,
<br /> jfees end costs of title evldence.
<br /> �;,. If 4he power of sale fs invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of dofs�ult in each county In :� ; :h.:.+t �
<br /> ,4 which a�y pa�t of the P�operty is located and shalt matl copies of such notice In the m:nnar �",�_ .: ;� .
<br /> prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by applicable law. ';:�'?`�r� '
<br /> . • After the time requlred by applicable law, Trustee shall give public notice of sala to the pe�sons ;�:',�`,
<br /> and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shsll sell ; �,"•�-
<br /> tho Proporly at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place a�d under the tarms
<br /> designated in the notice of sate in one or more parcels and in any order T�uatee determines. - •
<br /> ' Trustee may posipone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at the
<br /> time and place of any praviously scheduled sale. Lender or Its designee m�y purchase ths
<br /> Property at any sele.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Truutee shall deliver to the purchasvr Trustae's
<br /> _ . _.. .. _.! deed convevina the Property. The recttals in the Trustee's deed shalt be prima facie evidence of
<br /> � the truth of the statements made theretn. Trustee shall apply the procoetls of tne saie in ii�e --�------
<br /> � followinq order: (a) to all costs and �xpensas of exercising the power of sale, and the sale,
<br /> � f the Trustee's fees actuall incurred, not to exceed three �
<br /> , Includfng the payment o Y
<br />_ 9'0 of the principal amount of the (
<br />= note at the time of the declaration of defauit, and reasonable attorney's feea as permitted by law; �
<br /> � (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess ta the person or persons �
<br /> ' Iegally entitled to it.
<br />— F137GLMG(1l9l1 Paq�•4 0l 5 =� '
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