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<br /> BoROwer may cure such a detauit end relnsteta, as provlded In parepreph 1B, by causlnfl tl�e ection or proceedlnp to be
<br /> � dlsmisaed with e ruling Ihet,In Lender'a good fafth determinstlon, �recludea}oAelture ol tl�e Borrower'e Intaer�t In the Property or
<br /> � other mete�lel impalrment o1 the I�en croated by ihle Security Inslrumont �r Lender's secudry intorest. Dorrower shell also be In
<br /> dolault II Borrower, dudnp the loan epplicatlon proceas, gevu matonally lal�o or Ineccurnlc� Inlormetlon or �tetemonta to Londor (or
<br /> jfalled to provlde Lender wfih any m�tedel Inform�tlon) in connectlon wlih ihe loen avldenced by �ho Note. Includinp, hul not �
<br /> I ilmlted to, representallone concerning Bartower'e occupanoy of tho Propdty ne n pinclpal reslHmce If Ihl� 5ecurlly � _
<br /> Instrumenl Is on a i�a�ehold, Bcrrower ahell comply with ell tho provialone ol the leme. It k3orrowor ecyuires foe tlllo to the
<br /> Property,the le�aehold�nd Ihe tee title sh�ll not merpa unleae Lender ngree� to iho merQar ui wrl�inp. I
<br /> 7. P►Ot�etio� of L�nd�r's Rlpht� 111 th� P►Op�rty. II eorrower I�IIe to peAarm the r,oven�nle�nd nyreemenle _
<br /> contalned In thls Secuhty instrument. or there la a legal proceeding lhal mey algnlllc�nUy�flacl Londer'e rl{�hte In iho �roperty �
<br /> (such aa a proceeding In bonkruplcy, probate, for condemnatlon or foriofture ur to entorc�uw3 or repulationa), then Londer mey �
<br /> do nnd pay for whatever Is neceseery t� protect the velue o1 the Property end Lender'n rights In the Property. Lender'e ectlone � �
<br /> may Inciude paying any sums secured by a Ilen whlch has priority over thls Secudty Insl►ument. eppearinp In court, paying .
<br /> ••^` reasonable attomeys' lees and entering on the Property to make repalrs. Although Lender may teke actlon under thls paregraph
<br /> 7, Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts dlsbursed by Lender under paragreph 7 shall become addillonel debt ol Borruwer secured by thls Security "�
<br /> Instrument. Unleas Bortower and Lender egree to other tertns of paymenL these amountc sha�l bear interost Irom the date oi _ �,s' �
<br /> dlsbu►sement at the Nole rate and shali be payable,wfth Interest, upon notice from Lender lo Borrower requesting payment. , � •,�.n=-
<br /> 8. Moltgage InSUrellae. fl Lender requlred mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by thls `"�•"R,��;:,�-
<br /> Security Instrument. Bonower shall pey the premlums required to maintain ihe mortgage Insurance in e(teat.If, for eny reason,the .���r'�l"�
<br /> mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in ettect, Bortower shell pay the premiums requfred to , "
<br /> obtain coverage substentlalty equlvalent to the mortgage Insurance prevlousiy In effect, at a cost substantlaliy equlvalent to the �
<br /> cost to Bortower oi the mortgage Insurance previousF� in eBect, from an aflemate mortgage Insurer approved by Lender. It i . T__
<br /> substantially equivaient mortgage insurance coveraga Is not availabie, Bortower shail pay to Lender each month a sum equal to � -__
<br /> one-twemh of the yeady mortgago Insuranco premlum being pald by Borrower when ihe Ins�uance covArcige lapsed or ceased to �
<br /> be In eflect. Lender w�l accept,use and reteln these payments as a loss reaerve In Ileu of mortgage Insurnnce. Loss reserve � �'
<br /> payments may no longer be requlred, at the optlon of Lender, if mongage Insurance coverage (In the amount and }or the period �
<br /> that Lender requlres) provided by an insurer approved by Lender agaln becomes ava�able end Is obtalned. Borrower shall pay '�
<br /> the premlums requlred lo maintain moRgage Insurance In eHect, or lo provlde e loss reserve, until the requirement for mortgage ,; �
<br /> .. � insurance ends In accordance wlih any wdtten agreement between Borrower and Lender or eppliceble law. �:!".<;;-
<br /> � 9. InspeCtlo�l.Lender or its agent mey make reasonable enirles upon and Inspections of the Property. Lender shali g(ve :"
<br /> , • Borrower noUce at the time of or p�ior to an Inspect ion spec H y ing reasona b le cause for the hs pectlon. '''�°�� l
<br /> , 10. Condemnation. 7he proceeds of any awArd or clafm for damages, dlrect or consequentlal, In connectlon with any ..,��
<br /> �� condemnation or other taking oi any part of the Property, or tor conveyance in Iieu of �ondemnatlon, are hereby asslgned and
<br /> �• - ah�ll be pald to Lender. � `%�'�'�F'•`•,'E��`
<br /> In ihe event af a total taking ot the Property, the proceeds shall be epplled to ihe sums secured by thls Securiry ��: •.--
<br /> � InslrumenL whether or nat ihen due,wfth any excoss paid to Borrower. In the event of a partlal tAking oi the PropeAy In which + '�_
<br /> --- '�,;��.
<br /> � 1h0 181f I'118fk81 V81UB m ihe Propeny�mmediatery beiare ine iaking is aqual Iu ur yi8uici iidi'. i�o afi'vi35ii ct ihs sum� oBCUTS� � --,.r, � - � � � _-•--�� -- ��
<br /> by thls Security Instrument Immedlalety before the teking. unless Borcower and Lende� othenvlse ag�ee In writing, the sums �;�'�'^�
<br /> , secured by this 3ecudry Inatrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multipYed by the following fracttan: (a)the `�"-
<br /> ' total amount of the sums secured Immedlately before the taking, divided by (b) the falr market value of the Property immedlatey ,��°.v: __
<br /> ,, before lhe teking. Any balance shall be pald to Borrower. In the event of a perttal taking ai ihe Property In whlch the}air market �"'"- =-
<br /> value of the Property Nmediately before the taking is leas than the emount oi the sums secured Immedlately betore the taking, 4 ��
<br /> unless Borrower and Lmder otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable law othenvise provides, the proceeds shnll bc "
<br /> npplied to the sums seaued by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. ��_,
<br /> If the Property is�4andoned by Bortower, or If, after notice by Lender to Bonower th�t the condemnor oHers to make an = •
<br /> award ar settle a clalm for dameges, Bortower talls to respond to Lender within 30 daye sfter the date the noUce Is given, '`
<br /> Lender is authorized to coYect and appty the proceeds, at Its optlon, either to rostoretion or repalr oi the Property or to the _ -
<br /> sums secured by this Securttyr inatrument,whether or not then due. _—
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othonvise agree In writing, any application ot proceMs to principal shell not extend or —
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referted to In paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> • 11. Borrower Not Rele�sed; Forbsa�ance By Lender Not a Wa(ver.Extenslon of ihe time tor payment or — -
<br /> modiflcatlon ot emorttullon of the sums secured by this 3ecurity Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in Interest of
<br /> BoROwer shall not operete to reiease the Ilability ot the odglnel Bortower or Borrower's suaessors In Interest. Lender shall not --
<br /> • be requked to commence proceedings agalnst any successor In Interest or refuse to exlend time tor payment or otherwlse =
<br /> modlty emortization oi the sums secured by this Security instrument by reason of any demend made by the odginal Bortower or �
<br /> 8ortawer's successors In Interest. My torbearance by Lender In exerGsing nny right or remedy shall not be a waHer of or E'-
<br />