<br /> .;,; .
<br /> �
<br /> . . . . , �� •:j;;--,.
<br /> ",.
<br /> _�iA!/hMAY��iil•_ . ...—�_...
<br /> 97'-� 1(Ki8�9 �; � --
<br /> � 18: eo�rower's Eliqht to R ellldl�t0. I1 Borrow�r mNts c�rte�n condiibns, KorrOw�r �haU h�vY th� rlpht to h11w j .
<br /> �ntorc�ment of this 3�curRy Instrun�dl�conthusd tl �ny tlm�Prbr lo th� NrINr Oh (�) B dey8(or euch othor pwlod �s appYCabM � �`=-_
<br /> law mty 6p�oMy lor nYtetltNnYnt) bdore e�l¢ol th� PropMty purswnl lo Y�y powir ol Bale conlalned In thls S�curRy ��6trumNit; or I x::vi.
<br /> (b)ontry of � Judprt»nt �nlorcinp thM S�CurMy Inelrum�nl. ThoN Condltlon6 are Ihal 9orrower: (a) pays Lander�II suma whVCh than �
<br /> would b� dw unWr Ihlb &�curity InNrurn�nt tnd Ihs Not� aa H no acCaMnlWn hrd occurred; Ib) cur�a �ny d�fAUR uf my othw
<br /> oown�nt or �prMm�nte; (a)p+�ye a1lxpMS�s InCUrnd In M�orchp Ihis S�curfty Instrum�nt, �ncludinp,but not IknR�d to, r�son4bM
<br /> attomoys' fs�a: �nd (d)t�k�ti such uGo n ts lendyr mny re�aon�by requr�to aesure ►�el Ihe �bn of ihl! Socurily Instiumant,Londers
<br /> rlphts h th� PropMty �nd Borrow��'eoblip�tbn to pay th�6ums socur�d by Ihls Socurlty Instrument ehlll contfnuY unchanp�d. Upon A --
<br /> rahstat�mMt by BorrOwN. Ihis 5�cuiry Initrument �nd th�oblpatbns s�cur�d hu�by 6hwll rem�n (uly sH�ctiw�a H no �cceNr�tbn _
<br /> had oCCUrrstl. MowwK, lhl�riphl toiitnslota chau not apph/ In Ihe cese of ecCe�ereuon under pnrapreph 17• . -
<br /> �9. Sale of Nots; Ch�nqe ot�o�n Servicer. Th• NOtY Ot i pertlil ktllreSt �n Ih9 NO�B (IOQBth9r wllh thiS S�CUnIY . `,
<br /> � II1Strtlrtqfil)f►1Ay b� 601d 00�Of rt10f111RNS wNhout prbr nollCO lo Borrowor. A sab may resu4 in e chenqe„ th�w�tRy (known �s th� � ,-�j.W'�N,�
<br /> � ��.�,iy.V.'�1.:.;,'
<br /> - "Loan 5ervicer'1 inri Cu��W:l6 r��r:tt�p;.pM1:�tt duo u�d!� t►+e Nnta �nd Ihis Securfty InSlrumeni. There olso may b� On� or mar� Y.y'�
<br /> chanq�s ol th� Loan SsrvbK unreLe�M to a e�b of the NOtY. ��th�re IS a Chany�of t�� Loan Servicer, Bortoww wlll bY pNen written , �f: 4..�_
<br /> .;�,.;� :
<br /> notics o1 the ahanpe In accord�nce rkli panpraph ta above end eppl'�cable law. The notice will state the nams and addrssa of the , �+• �__
<br /> new Lonn Servber and the iddross bwhf�h payments should be mede. The notice will aiso conta�n eny other htormatbn requYed by ;,: _,��t__
<br /> „__�..�.
<br /> !1•.'_.___'._____.
<br /> applfc�ble kw. _ _ __
<br /> 20. Hezerdous Substsncea. Bortower shall not cnuse or permR tha presence, use, dlsposal, stor�qe, or reM�sa of onY �`
<br /> �' Hazardous Substances on or In the Propwty Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anylhlnp eftectfnp tho PropertY that ,'���
<br /> Proporty of Small quantilfas ot Hazard us Substa cesehataere generel�c ecopnizedto bepepprophiate to norma� r SW�ntial�us�and to _-
<br /> malntenance ot the Property. �w,`''�
<br /> Borrower shail promptty pNe Lendar written notice of eny investiqation, Cla�m,demand, lawsuit or olher eCtion by any qovemmeMr�
<br /> or reyuletory ByenCy or privite partyhvOHing the Property and eny HHZnrdous SubstenCe or Environmental Law of wh�h Bortower has �^r?€`
<br /> actual knowledpe. �� Borrower Iearns,or is notified by any qovemmental or regulatory fluthority, Ihat any removal or other remedlatlon ��;�
<br /> of any Haurdous Substance affeclhg the Property Is necessary, Borrower shall prompty take atl necessary remedlal actbns h � _-•^_
<br /> �..,.—:
<br /> accordance wfth Envkonmental Law• ,�w=-
<br /> A5 used in this paraqraph 20,"lierardous SubstanCes" are those substances defined as tox� or nazardous substances by ___
<br /> Envfronmentel Lew and the(ollowin9 substances: pesoline,kerosene, other flammable or tox� petroieum produCts, toxb pestb{des and ;'�c,_..
<br /> t herbbides, vo�Ule soNente, m�terie8 contalnhp asbestos or fo�ldehydo, and radioaclNe materiais. As used in this paraynph 20, •'�.;.,
<br /> ' "Envkonmenta� L.aw" meens federel laws and �aws of the JurisdbtfOn where the Property is located that rel8te to health, st�ety or -
<br /> � environmental protectbn. �'�-�_�-
<br /> NON•UNIFOFYNI COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and aflree as toilows: 7C`:
<br /> 21. Acceleretion; Remedlea. Lender shell give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration followiny 4�4�!;
<br /> �. Borrower'a breach of eny �ovenent or egreement In this SecuNty I�strument (but not p�lor to :.��„�
<br /> - acaaSarsilas3 tsntlsr per�:r�nh t7 unless appltceble lew providea otherwise). The notice ahsll apeciiy: �;�,�
<br /> � (s) the deiault; (b) the ectlon required to cure the detault; (c) a date, not ieas ii�an 3tf �ays��ss: :h� ' —
<br /> dete the notica ia given ta Borrvwer, by which the default muat be cured; and (d) that fellure to curo ��:
<br /> ��' the default on or betor� ihe dete specitled in the notice may reault in acceleratian of the suma �,� —
<br /> � secured by this Securlty Inatrument and sale of the Property. The notice shell herther Intorm =_— �,,,R
<br /> � Borrower of the right to �eln8tate after ecceieratlon and the right to bring e court actlon to assert the .�
<br /> � non-existence of e detault or any other defense of Borrower to acceleration end aale. It the defeult la _•�_
<br /> not cured on or before the date speciiled in the notice, Lender at its optlon mey requlre Immedtete _
<br /> payment in full ot ell aums aecured by thla Security Inatrument withocab e'tlew. d Lender�shall be ` -
<br /> invoke the powar of aale end �+ny other remedles permltted by app
<br /> ` entttled to collect ell exp�n ses Incurred In purautng the remediea provided In this psrspraph 21, _
<br /> Includlnq, but not Iimited to, reasonable ettorneys' feea end costs oi title evidence. __ —
<br /> If the power of sale ii Invoked, Trustee ahell record e notice ot deisult in eaah county in whieh
<br /> any pert of the Property leloceted and shetl mall copiea of auch notice Iii t��1e iaw�r Afte�the t me
<br /> ���y appliceble taw to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by app
<br /> � �� required by appliceble taw,Trustee shall give public notice of sale to the persons and In the menner -
<br /> ,; -. prescribed by eppiicable b+v. Trustee, without demand on Bor�ower, shall sell the Property► �t public __
<br /> ' �. euction to the hiqhest bidder et the time end place and under the terms deaigneted In the notice of _-
<br /> � aa le I n o n e o r m o r e p e r c e l a a n d I n a n y o r d e r T r u a t e e d e termines. Truatee may postpone aale of ell
<br /> . ' or any percel of the Property by public announcement et the time end place of any prev iau s t y
<br /> '� a c h e d u l t d sale. Lender ai�adeaignee mey purchase the Property at eny sale. =
<br /> Upon �ecelpt of payrmnt of the price bid, Trus tee s he l l d e l i v e r t o t h e p u r c h a a e r T r u e t e e's d e e d _._
<br /> �.�, c onve yin� the Pro perty. Th�recitela in the Truatee's deed ahall be prima fecie evldence of the Vuth ..:
<br /> of the statements mede there in. T�ue tee s he l l a p p l y t h e p r o c e e d s o f t h e s a l e i n t h e f o l l o w i n q arder: • '���rti��
<br /> a�;> -
<br /> (e) to ail costa and expentes ot oxercising the power of aale, end the sale, irocluding the payment of �
<br /> t�� the Trustee'a fees ectuel ly Ir�curred, not to exceed _ 3 °k of the principal emount ot�b) to�ell �
<br /> st the time of the decleratbn of default, and reasoneble attorney's fees as permitted by law; ;��;+.�y,.�s�:^�a .
<br /> aums secured by this Seca,utty Instrument; end (c) any excess to the person or persons leyelly � ;�iA;i:'}`_
<br /> �
<br /> entitled to it. '����" �+�
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums securetl by this Security Instrument,Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey ,,,w,�.�;��,
<br /> the Property and 5hall Surcender 11�5 Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by Ihis Securily Instrument to Tnistee. , `Y.; .
<br /> Trustee shall r0convey the Propsrhwithout wartanty and w'thout Charge to the person or persons lepally entRied to it. Such person or ; �
<br /> persons shall pay any recordationeosts.
<br /> 23. Substitute Truatee, �a�der, at �ts option, may trom t�me lo time remove Trus�ee and appoint e successor trustee to
<br /> _ any Trustee appohtsd hereunder by en Instrument reCOrded in the County in wh�h thls SeCUrily instrument Is reCOrded. WNhout
<br /> _ ...,.,.......,... .,} en. Prnnortv. SuCtE550t tN6199 6h811 SUCC88d t0 811 th0 2i�le, power and dutles Conlerred upon Trustee herein and by
<br /> _ � ......._,_.-- - • - . . -- --___--_--
<br /> applbabb kw. �
<br /> 24. Requeat io� NOtiCEb. Borrower requests that copies ol the nolices of de(ault and saie be sent to Borrower's address
<br /> whfCh Is the Property Address.
<br /> 26. Riders to thia Secll�ity Insuument. If one or more riders are execuled by Borrower and recorded together with
<br /> '• � thls SecurRy Instrument,the Coveiunts antl agreements ot each such rider sha11 be �ncorporeted inlo antl shall amend and suppiement �
<br /> � tha covenants and agreements olinis Securit4 �nstrument ns if the rider(sl were a part ot this Security Instrument. ,I
<br /> i
<br /> � �
<br /> . ,i Form 302E 9/90
<br /> I I
<br /> F7029.1M0(8/97) Page a ol, 4
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