<br /> ,�.,� , ' � .�
<br /> .r2�►. � .. 1y�� •tCnfM'MrN711rt�., .
<br /> �� .'•\A. .�,�.�:k=.*'a�o6`�'Yi
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<br /> I 7.Protection of Lende�'a RIqM�in the Prope�ty. i} sorrower �aus ►o perform cr,� oo�Mancs and �ws�r►�encs ;��.�;;µ,.�
<br /> contained h thls S�curity Inst►umwnt,or th�n 14 a Iqal proCNdinp thtt may s�pnifbantly aMect Lend�r'i rphta h th� Prop�rty(suah as .�>�:� •°�`��;��a�
<br /> a proceedhy h bink�uptcy, prob�ts,lor condemnwibn or foA�Rur� or to enforce la�va or repulatlons), thon Londer may do end ptY fa►
<br /> �,-���:,t,l.n`-�,��
<br /> wh�tew► h n�c�sNry ta prot�ct the valw ol the PropeAy �nd LMder's rqhte „ lhs Propsrty. Lender'a actlone may hobde ptyinq
<br /> my tums t�aur�d by■ IMn wA�h h�s prb►fty o�K►hls S�curRy Instrumsnl,appearinp In court, paylnQ re�son�bM attorn�y'�fNt and .'
<br /> �nt�rinq on lh�Prop�ty lo mak� np�Ms. AMhouqh L�nd�r rn�y l�k��ntbn undar thla panyroph 7,Lsnda do�s not hav� to do ao. : r•
<br /> My �mounts dhbumd by L�ndar undK thls pu�qr�ph 7 thall b�como addRbnal debt of Borrow�r t�CUnd by thk S�curRy ,.
<br /> I In�trurtNnt. UnN1� Bonow�r�nd L�nd�r �prs� to oth�r t�rms ol p�yrn�nt, thasa amounts shell b�ar Int�nsl hom ths dats ot 1.'�
<br /> dlsbure�l At th�NoH rete md ehptl be p�yabM,wilh htu�st,upon nol�� from L�nd�r to Borrower nquoethp p�ymint. ::h�d'.
<br /> � S, Mart�aQO Inwrsnaa. If L�nder rqqu4od mOrtynp0 InSUfOnCO ee n cond�llon ol meking the 1o9n 6eCUtad by 1h13 SeCUrRy � '
<br /> � Inttrum�nt, Borrow�r sh�i paY th�pr�mium� r�quP�d lo mihtaln tAO mortqap� hwr�lnc� In oH�ct• II,for �ny rasan, the mortp�p� I _ „�-�;i'{��,
<br /> y� h�unnca cownq� nquY�d by Lond�r I�pf�1 or c�a��s to b� In �H�ct, BOrrow�r shlil p�Y lhe pnm{ums nqukYd to obt�h oownpr . . ,��f
<br /> �•• �ubst�nlbC utailint to tha monp:ps Ineurance p�evbudly h �H�ct,al �cosl bubstont�lty squNalenl to th�coet to Bonower of thA I ^W� y� _F"'�
<br /> � � r. Ir subarr��i�+iP : `�`"'�t moh^A^� `-— - - - —
<br /> '''A� mnrty�p� Insuranc� pr�vbuty h �Il�at, hom an �ANn�ts morty�p� In�urK approwd by L�nde � ��"�"' -�;�;;.�i.e.. �_h.�^t!-
<br /> �;'7'_'�''�' '�`-
<br /> InsunnC� CovK�pY fa nol av111abM, Bortowlr sht� pty t0 Londer Noh month a 6um �qual to Onitw�lkh O�th� y�ary mOrtqaOe 1'� ��.,,��.�-_
<br /> L�tii.=--.
<br /> hsuranc�prom�um t»In0 P�b by Borrow�r whsn !h� hbunnc� cownq� �pt�d or cwt�d to be in�N�Ct• Und�r wlll tCCepR uee and ; _
<br /> ntain thes� payminis �s a bsa ns�rw h Ibu of mortpnpe �nsurancs. Loss rsserva payments may no bnper b�roquked, at th� • �<>a•_r_�-°�.
<br /> optbn ot L�ndsr, it rnoApa�heuranc� ooverape (in lh� amount and for the perbd that Lender requkes) provWed by an hsurvr L::
<br /> � approved by Lender aq h r�e sbss'eserve,�unt thea equkement�fo�rmortpage insu a co ends In acco�rdance kh anyowritten : i��
<br /> InWr�nCO h athCt, 0 P 'rt�`°`
<br /> �Oreeman�batwem Bortower Ind Lender or appl�eble�aw• ��`'�`-
<br /> 9. 111ipECtl0t1. Lender or ks apent may make reaso�abe85on ble ausee�or he hspecuont �he Property. Lender shall glve =�
<br /> Bonower notfce al the time of or prlor to an hspection spec�ly p
<br /> 1�. Condemna110rf. The proceeds of eny award or clalm for damefles, direct or consequentiel, In connectbn wRh any i�
<br /> condemn�tbn or other tekhy of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in Iieu of condemnatbn, are hereby assiyned and shtli be 'y„=___
<br /> '";:�,-_
<br /> " paid to Lender.
<br /> In the event of a total tekinQ o1 the Propady, the prceeAds shall be applled to the sums secured by this Securky Instrument, �;°f�,.,_
<br /> whelher or not then due,wilh any ezCess p41d l0 Borrower. �n the even! of a parttal takinq of the Property fn whbh tha tak market .���--
<br /> + vafue of lhs Property knmedhtery before the takhp is equsl to or greater than the amount of the sums secursd by thia SsaurRy �'���-.
<br /> �� Instrument fmmsdktey 6e�oro the takinq, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise aqree In writinp, the sums seCUred by thfs Security __v
<br /> � Instrumsnt shall bo reduced by the amount of the proceeds mukiplied by the tollowhp fraction: (a)the lotal tmount of the sums _
<br /> ���� seoured Mmedktey belore the takhq, divided by(b)the fak market value of the Property knmedlatety beforo the takhp. Any balance f,���—.�
<br /> •,� Shall be ptld to Borrower. �n the event of a pertlal lak(ng of the PropeAy in which the fak market velue ot the Property knmedlately
<br /> T before the takfny Is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately betore the tekhg, unless Borrower�nd Lender otherwtse
<br /> � ayree In wrkhp or unbss appltcable law olhenvlse provides, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this SeCUrky �
<br /> -- Inetrument wnathar or not ii��our�b ars ih�o dLe. .'
<br /> �� It the Property fs abindoned by Borrower, or H, after notbe by Lender to Bonower that the condemnor oHere to make an award o� F;
<br /> � settk a clakn tor damapes, Borrower fatls to respond to 4ender wRhln 30 days atter the dnte the nolke fs pNen,Lender Is authorized = �
<br /> � to Colleot and appy the p�oceads,at Rs optlon,ekher to restoratlon or repak of the Property or to tho sums secured by this Securiry —
<br /> � 1t16tNlf1l11►,whether o�not then due.
<br /> �, Unless Lender and Bortower otherwise ayree h writiny, flny applieatbn of proceeds to principal ahall not extend or postpons the _
<br /> due date o}the monthy paymsnt6 refertsd l0 k►ptre9reph3 1 and 2 or ohanqe the emount of SuCh peymenie.
<br /> � 11.Borrower Not Released: Forbaerenae By Lender Not e Wetver. Extension ot me ctme ror payment or
<br /> • � modMicatbn of tmortiztlbn ol the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any 6uccessor In Vnterest of Bortower
<br /> i�•_;
<br />_ � shaM not opxat�to reNase the�abllNy of the orpfnal Bortower or Bonowers successars �n hterest. Lender shail not be requked to .A
<br /> � Commenc� prOCwdhgs�peinat eny suCCessor in interest or rewse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify �mortiutlon of the
<br />� ' hterast�Any t rbearance bYrLenlder inmexereshq any riphteor rem dy shelgn ot beta wa e�ot or�p�Wdert ooexer�e of any rfpht or
<br />� ; rwn�dy.
<br /> -� t 12.Successon and Asal�ns Bound; Jolnt and Severel Liability; Co-signers. rn� covenants and
<br /> �� ayreements ot thb Security Instrument shall bad end benefit the successors and asslpns ot Lender and Bortower. Subjact to th�
<br /> � provlsbna ot paroyraph 17. Bortowers aovenanle and apreAments shall be Jolnt and Severel. Any Bortower who Caslpns thls 3eCUtity
<br /> rtnt, and Conve thlt
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co•slpninq thls Securky Instrument onty to mortyepe, p Y
<br /> � ' Borrower8 hterest M� the Property under the terms of this Securlty Instroment; (b) is not personelly oblfpated to pay tha sums aecund _
<br /> y � '� ' by thk S�curity Instrumsnt;tnd(a) aproea thet Lender and any other Bonower may npree to extend, modity, farbear or maka any
<br /> Y,,�.
<br /> - accommodatbna wRh ropard t� terms of thls Security Instrument or the Note wRhout thet Borrower's consent. _.
<br />'�'-r''' � 13.Loan Charqes. If Ihe ioan secured by this Security Instrument Is subJect to a law whbh Sets mexknum ban Chupis, �
<br /> �� � and thet law is thalry hterpreted s0 thnt the fnterest or other loan charpes collected or to be collected h conneCtbn wRh the loan f- _
<br /> �, exCeed the permNled IlmitB,then; (a) eny suCh loen Char9es 6hall be reduced by the emount necessery to reduCe the ahirpe to th� �i��
<br />: ' , ;� — _
<br /> • permkted Iknk:and (b)any sums already colleCted from Borrower whbh exceeded permftted BmRs wiu be reNnded to Bortower. Lender _:,
<br /> mey chooEO to mnke this refund by reducln9 ►he princ�pal owed under the Note or by makinq a dkect payment to 8orrower. I} n :i�� �
<br /> �: relund reduces pnc�ipal, th�reduction wiil be treated as a panlai prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Nota.
<br />- t 14. N011COt. AnY notbe to Borcower provided for In thls Secudty Instrument shall be gken by delNeriny fl or by maflhp it by _`"�` �_
<br /> fkst cless mall unless app�cable law requtres use of enolher method. T►�e notfce shall be directed to the Property Addraes or any .,�
<br /> !,.. oth�r address BoROwu de�fp�ntes by not�e to Lender. Any notbe to I.ender shall be gh�en by Irst class matl to Lenders address '�`'_ ...
<br /> '.'_,r��.�,..,.�o��_
<br /> �„�, stated herekt or�ny olher�ddrnss Lender desqnt3teo by not�e to Borcewer. Any noti�e provlded �or in this Security Instrument shali �•'£1�x���ti
<br /> ' be deemed to havs been 9Nen �o Bortower or Lender wh¢n given as provided In this pereflraph. ' cY�:;,�c�±�•_
<br /> � • 16. Governinq Law; SOVErebIIlLjl. 7his Security Instrument shell be governed by lederel law and the lew of the :��_��*�`-•. �;
<br /> jurlsdblbn in whbh tho Proporty IS bcated. In the event that any provislan or clause ol this Security Instrument or the Nota contlfcts ,�.; , ..y
<br /> � wRh epplbable Iew. 6uch confl�Ct shell not aHect other provisfons of lhis Securfty Inttrument or the Note wh�h can be pNen ettect :;..y:.::,,�
<br /> I �•..,;..'.
<br /> wkhout t►ie conll�tfnq provislon. To thfs end the provislons o�this Security Instrument end the Note are deciared to be severabie.
<br /> .:,,
<br /> _ —__. _ . _. _ _ ___.�_ ......,.,.me.�..,,,.,,�e�no No�o and of thfs Security Instrument.
<br /> --- ---�--� 16. Bo►rowers a.opy.
<br /> -�•-- ---
<br /> GOrtOwtl� anan aie y�rou....v w�............ .._r. - - . ____..___. ___._._,_._.
<br /> � 17. Traneter of the Property or e Beneficial I�tereat in Barrower. i� au or any pan or cne Property or e�y - - -
<br /> ! Interest h it Is solL+ or transferced (or It e benetfcial interest in Borrower IS sold or transferred and Barrower is not a natural persun)
<br /> � without Lenders prior written consent, lender may,at its option, require knmediate payment in fuil ol all sums secured by thls Securky
<br /> � � Instrument. However,this optlon shall not be exercised by Lender if exercfse is p�ohibited by(ederal law es of the date ot this Security
<br /> I
<br /> ; Instrument.
<br /> I if Lender exerolses thb opllon, Lender shnll qHO Borrower notice ot acceleratfon. The notice shall provide a perlod of not less
<br /> I then 30 deys h'om the de19 the notlCe Is deWered or malled within whVch the Borrower must pay ail sums seCUred by thls SeCUrity I
<br /> Instrument. If Borcower ta�s to pay these sums prior to the expiratlon of this poriod, Lender mey invoke any remedies pertnitted by this
<br /> - � Form 302E G/90
<br /> � SeCUrity Inst�ument wilhoul lurther notfCe or demand on Borcower.
<br /> 1 F7020.LM0 (EIC7) F�qe�01 5
<br /> i � �
<br /> � ,
<br /> s.. � �
<br />