<br /> s�
<br /> T'.
<br /> 97- 10�8i3 -y
<br /> DEED OF TRUST Pa�3 ' �-Y:.;`:
<br /> �- 08=16-1997 (CoMinued) .,
<br /> Loan No 638884
<br /> �mount�uMlcMnt to dsctwp�lM Il�n plu�any cosb�nd attan�yri'hM a dMr chup�s�hat couid aaaw�s�r�uM d�londo�urs a uM ^
<br /> pr�jy. 7�wtor shaA nam�L1��dM1as��ddd Norul oblipM u �y sunty b nd furr►IsMd In�tN COn�t�9�P{b���IoIC�rMnl�p111nat ih1� �
<br /> i _
<br /> Evid�na of PayrtMnt. Trustor shap upon d�mand furMsh to L�ndK s�tlsfactary�vidonCO of p�yr►Nnt of II»tuus a�asrstm�nb�nA ah�M
<br /> aulhorize lhe approprlab qov�.nrtwnted ofACial lo deilwr to Lond�r at any UrrM a wrillen s4tomqnt of ths t�ce��nd�ss�ssmenK�W�^st Ihe
<br /> , ptppKty, �
<br /> Notk�of Construcllon. Trustor dhall noli�ny ma�chnn�lc s1 Pen�met6aria�°wn's►�1 on,�a othar I en�cou�ld ba�aissatef d on��aeihinl W�� w�� -
<br /> ' nyt�rtals an supP� io tM Propwty.
<br /> ��y,pr rtyt�rials• Trustd wNl upon nquest of L�ndu turMSh to Lsndar advanCa assunncas sai�stactay lo Londer Ihat Tru�tor cen ltnd w�M
<br /> p�y th�cost of such Improvomenb. sre a parl ol thls Oeed ol Trvat,
<br /> pqppEqTY DAI�IA(iE INSURANCE. Thv fdlowinp provislons relatirp lo Insudrq lhe Propwly
<br /> Malnttn�rlc�of InWrM�c�. Trusta ahaY prxun tnd mainialn poYcias o(fk�InsunnCO with 3landvd�xbnded aovinps sndWNrrNnls on� ,
<br /> rsp{ecsrtwnt ba51s lor tFN fuM Insurabls volu�COwrl�la�le hvor of Undor,loQatha�uch otMr uhuud dnl4bWy I�pno�Rf�I.�ntiM : .:°
<br /> coiraurar►co Gauso,�nd with a sttndard morlptpM nnd basls roasorubiy�cc�Ptsbls to LendM�nd hsu�d by a F.. . __..al:.u,-
<br /> may rsasOnably reQUin. Pdlcies shatl b�wrltlen In lo�m,amounts. cowrepes �. ���=,w•:m,..
<br /> comp�ny a compintes rwsonabiy aoaplabls to Undor. Trustor,upon roqwst of Undcr,w�l d�Yver to Landa trom dmn tq tlrrN tt►�poMCW► r----- --
<br /> a�flcatos ot►munncw�n torm satishctory to I.�ndar, tndudinY aMDu�auom that cownyvs wiY�o�bo ca'x°�d a dlmin►shod wnhout a� t
<br /> lensl ten(70)days'P�a��n noUca to Lsndw. Each Insurana pd1cY also shatl Induda an sndasertwnt proWd{np tlu�t covK�O��n hvor d
<br /> ,x� --
<br /> Lend�wWl noi b�Impakad In sny way by any�ct,omisslon or dofauH of Trustor or eny ott►tr Pwson. Should thN RMI Propsrty at tny tlrtM �•_�-
<br /> � b�corr»loubd In�n uoa d�slGnatsd bY the Dk�ctor of tFM F�d�ra►EmsrWncY Mtnt�msr�I►Wncy es t spec�al IIGad h�nrd�rM�Truala
<br /> a0rws to obUOnal�Flood Insura��m or a otMrwfs��n4f��l.�nd�r,ind lo mUntaln�suchnoun a�tw hn twm a��Io�W�b s�t
<br /> � undK tM Na _
<br /> qpp{IcaSon of ProCeedf. Tn►stor shall PromPW noMty L�nd�r d�ny bss or damap�to lM PropaAY. Landsr rr�y mAkv p►oqf d lo6t Y Tnwlo�
<br /> baib to do so wilhtn 6flsen(16)daYs of lhett»pr�oceadshto tt�red d W th�Ind�ebWdr�P Y���Y�Nm aMx1kM1 �Ot�N•a th�
<br /> ' �h�procwds of any Insu�anc�and�pply � �to nstontlon and r�p�k�Tndta sMll npaU a nP�a�
<br /> rostondon and roPak W tM Prop�ty. It l.�nd�r Wcb to�pph� - D�
<br /> damap�d or d�stroyad Improvomsnts In a mannw satlsiacl�to�a rvsloraUon HaTrusRta��pul�d�r lhts D���MY
<br /> � nimburs�Tnnta kom th�proce�d�ta ttN nason�bw InMns�and th�nmNndK�N ,
<br /> � pro�wd�whhh hava nol b»n disb�xs�d wfthla tA0 d�ys al{K thelr naiPt and wt�lch L�ndK has not committod to th�npalr a nslonllon
<br /> ths Prope�tY ahaN bs usW kst lo paY a�n nw o�ttw�nd�ebt�dnssa.It l.�nde�r hd�Y P►���'�����fuA d it»IndYbtYdrNSl.wCh
<br /> any.shaN be�pPM�d to tM prindps! . _
<br /> � � pra�eeds shaN be Pald to Trustor as Trusta's interests may�p0�• --
<br /> . Unsxplr�d inswanc�d SM�. Any une�ired Insunnce sheM Inun to the bene6t of�tnd P�to,tM purchassr ot th�PropsrtY cowr�d bY� ,
<br /> paad of Trust�t any hustea't sak or other saN+hald under the provfsions of thls Dead oi Trust,a at any foroclosuro sUe ot auch PropMty :f =,
<br /> CompN�nce with Fxiidnp Indebtedness. Durinp the periad 1�whfch ony&xisN�p indebledness descr►bed balow b In ofkct.eompli�no�with Y{,
<br /> .t
<br /> �M1a��suranc� provfsions contalnad In tho InsUUmont aNdenoinq such E�dsUrp Indobtodnoss sh�A cons8luta Compll4nca wfth tfu Insunno� . ��_
<br /> provision+uniw�tt��i��!af T►ust,to U+a az►ent compiiance wifh tlw terms of this Deod of Trust would consBtuto a dupYcatlon of Insuranc� .,'" F tiR
<br /> raqulrartwnt. If any proceYds hom ttw inau►anCe becorrW PaYabia on Ioss�ttw Pro�sior,�ir�iiiis Dc:d c!Trs�!!Qr�lvk!nn of nroc�ads�h�M , .: _,°
<br /> �pPly onty lo that portion ot the proceeds not payabia io tAe holder of th�F.xistlnp Indebtedrwss. :` 'j l• •..
<br /> p(P E N D I T U RES BY LEMDEFi• It Tnestor ttile to Compiy with�ny provlslon of this Daed of Trust,indudlnp any ob11p11bn to m�lntaln E�dttlnD
<br /> . •r. �, ��_.
<br /> Indebtadn�ss In qood slandnp a roqWrad below.o�H any ac�on or procpdinq i s comrrNna�J that woWd m�Wrk�t�M a�mou��nt QMt�L�i�de ��;'.� �.�
<br /> pr�{y,�,4ndar on Trustofs behnH msy,bW sheY not b�nquked to,fak�any actlon that L�ndvr d»rt►s�PP�oR �������bY ;'.�,':' ` f
<br /> .;..�:�5�... :
<br /> ' � axpends k►6o ddrq wYl bw Inlarett+tt th�rai�proWdad tor In the Noq kOm ih�d�N incurrod a p�W by L�ndK ^:i. ^•.
<br /> Truator. AN sue witt�i�a�nstapmen�ayrt�ionn�to ba�cortw d�+� �►+� �)the term of anY•pPllcabM instxtna poifcY a (N 1�n�rt�ld� .��:t:•�r��;:�
<br /> ' � �nd b�paYabb Y
<br /> of Mw NoM�or (o)b��� hb provld d ta In t p�raqraPh sI�M W U iddiUon o any dlwr dyh ua�ny nn�dlK io whlch L�ndx rrwY be ;.
<br /> paYrtrnt ol th�amou ts d0
<br /> ��ytlad on�ocount of th�d�hWl. My such�ctlon by Und�ahaM not be comUuad as cuNnp th�dalautt so as to b�r I.�ndK kom�^Y►'M�'�dY�t .:i
<br /> � N otherwfs�would haw had.
<br /> �' WARRAMTYi�`N5E OF TITL.E.Th�fdowtnp P�ovlslais nla8np lo owrwnNP of th�PropKtY�n�Put d this 0»d of Tnnt. �
<br /> irw and cNu a�N N�+x and �,:,r�•_
<br /> ' TNM. Trustor wmntt t1ul: p)Tnnta holds Qood and mukwbla tltl�of rocord to 1tN Pro�rtY fn M�sImDM� _
<br /> �ncumbnnors ollwr than thos�sot fath In thv RaJ PropMty doscriPtlo^a In tM Fxisdrq IndWMdn�a t�clbn bNow or In any tlIN Insunna C��=:
<br /> qolfoY,tltl�nP��or Anal Ytl�oMMnlon kswd In favor of�and�oa0�bY.l.�nd�r In conn�ctlon wilh this D»d of Tnnt.and (b)Truslor ha Yh� � _.._,�...
<br /> ful ripht�Pow�r�and authaNY lo�x�cub and deYvK thb W�d of Tnnl to L�nd�. T:�:.
<br /> p WtMS�of T1tM. Subl�ct to tt+��xaP�n In th�PanO�aPh nbow.Trusta wunnB and wW tonvK d�Nr►d th�WN to th�PropKtY W�irat tM - __
<br /> ;� kwtul c�alrta of dl p�sons. In tM�wnt any�ction ot prooMCYnp k comrtwnad Trt�a y b�tM �nomin�l Puty In s�aooMdloG�but °�''�'
<br /> � L�nd�r undK thfs DMd d Trust.Trusta sheM d��d th�actloo�l Tnxtor��xp�nw• • ._�,: --
<br /> �nd b b�npra��l�d In ttw prot�dinp bY couraN of I.�nd�s own chok:��an0 '•�,:.-�..
<br /> Und�r shaN b��ntliNd fo p�rYciRaM in th�procMd�np . .,,':.:�_-.—.--�-
<br /> Trusta wYl d�Mwr�a auN ta b�doNwnd�to Unda such IraWm�nls a l.�nd�r may n4u�st kom tlm�to tlm�to PK�such partic�W�• ;.�,•��i,,�„!_
<br /> �pR�� Wllh Law�. T►usto�wunnb that th�Prop�rtY tnd Truslar5 us�of tM PropKtY comP�s with�I�xisBnp�PP�N�ws, ;,;:-'—
<br /> � •�.�:.
<br /> Ofdlntrns�e�and npUlttlo�a of pOV�rnmintd tu1hW1WS. �,%-i.; •-
<br /> rtir �
<br /> EXISTINQ INDEdTEDMESS. The followirp provfslons Corx�atninp wdstlnp Indobtadn�ss (the'�adttlnp Indabtadrass�nr�a po�M thb DNd of �..x_.� r��,ry,�..
<br /> rx ar
<br /> :;'�'' �r.:
<br /> �i Trust. �' ;.t,�, .
<br /> t pdqMO�, Ths Nen of thfs Deed of Trust securinp the Indebtedness may be saeondary and Interia to�n exlstin0 Nen. Trustot�nssh :�,.
<br /> � covana�InsVu�evl endnLt�'h Indebt dness,or an dela11uflitlunder'any secuntytdocu en�ls tor seuchllndebted i�tadnass,any do(ault
<br /> Y undx t �
<br /> peyuR. If ths peYrtwnt of any Instaument of princlPai or any Intprest on Ihe Existirp Indebtedness is not made w8hln tM Ums roqukod by tM
<br /> , �PI��p�e P od therte n.�tshen et the'op�lon f otuLend6�t Ihe�deb�ed�rix�ss sGCU eA by ths Deed of Tr�haM becotne imrtwdiataly du�
<br /> and payabw,and thVS DaW of Trust ahaN bo In daitull.
<br /> Np ModM�atfon. Ttusta shaA not snter Info�ny�pr»ma►t vrHh tM hddK of�ny mor�W W.���t,a ofh�r s�curltY�pr�►��h
<br /> has P��N ovK thMs Dwd of Tnnt by wFAch ttul�9n�m�n1 b modiA�d�artNnd�d��ctK�dad�a rN�+v�d wllhout th�Prior wrftw�con�M�t of
<br /> L�ndx. Trustor shaN neith�roQUSSt nu�caPt�ny fulun advanas undK any tuch wcuritY�On�^�^t vrilhoul tiw{xia wrftl�n corn��!af
<br /> l.�ndK.
<br /> � CpNpEMNATIOl1. Th�followinp provistorta ntatlrq to candsmnaUon procsodhps�n�part of tMs O»d of TrusL «by any procNdnO o�
<br /> Appllc�tlon of!Mt ProeNd�. If�A or any p��t of tM Prof»�tY k condomrwd by�rNn�nt dom�in prooMd��Os ,
<br /> Y...�.......w,.. �e�,�r mav at ib Nectlon nQuln that nM or any portlon of th�n�t proCwJa of th�award b�rpPM�d to tl►a
<br /> _...� .....�.a..r.r ra�ennnh{� . . . .
<br /> ._ . ._.._..� _
<br /> pursnas��n wv v�w..........�_...-- -- • _ .�__.._
<br /> � Indobtadress or tlw raQ�lr a roatontlon of th�Proparty. TtN fWt pfOCloc1S Ot tIN lwaro sna�nwan uwi a..�..��...��...�...�_.�- -- �-
<br /> opsts,axp�nsos,and a8an�yi'fa�s Incumd by Trust�a or L�nd�t In Conn�ctlon wilh tM condimnatlon. (
<br /> ProCeedlnps. If any P���nd tFN�Ctlon�nd obttin tM awu"Trtusta�mqtbe ttw�minal PertYan 6uchSProcwdinp�bu��LM,sh�N I
<br /> ste�s as nwY t»r+ac�ss+�Y
<br /> ba ontitNd to pertic�Pat�In tM procosdln0 and to be rpnsanlod In Ih�proceadin0 by counsN of Ib own choloe,and Trusta wiA wr a
<br /> causa to be delivered to Lender such InsUUrt»nts as maY ba nqwstsd by it kom timo to Urr»to permft such partfdp�tlo�. �
<br /> IMPOSITION OF TAXES,FEES AMD CHARtiES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORlTIES. T1w foMOwlnq OravtslCns nt�tlnp to powmm�nhl taca� i
<br /> tees and charQos an�P��t d thb Daed of Trusf: �
<br /> Current Taxes,Fse�arM Ch�rpes. Upon request by Lender,Tnntor shaN executs such doCUments In addiuon to this Deed of Trust and fak� I
<br /> whatever other actlan is requested by Lende�to perlecl And continue Lend6r's Iien on the Reol Property. Trustor shall relmburso Untkr for�II '
<br /> taxes,�s ctescxfl�d below, topether with all exponses incurted In recadlnp, perfecnny or condnutny thfs Deed of Trusl, Includlny wlthout i
<br /> Ilmitotion ell taxes.tees•documentery stamps,and other charqes tor recadin9 or reylslerinp this Deed of TruSL i
<br /> ' � ! I
<br /> � _ __ _ _
<br />