� �
<br /> DEED 0� T�tUST ,�7� �Q�$13 Paye 2 -
<br /> ��16"19a� (Continued)
<br /> Loen No 638884 � :
<br /> �.._ •1�.�
<br /> Aupusi 20,2002• �
<br /> pu�onld Prop�►ty. Tfw words 'PKSOn�;I PrpPKty'rtwon �II equhm9nt, fi�turos,�nd olher �rl�clos of penontl prop�rty now or Fwra�Mf►r :�
<br /> own�d by Trustw,�nd now or Mrwn�r�ttach�d a oMixed to thr Raal Proporty: iape�tw► w�tn all�ccaslor+s,partr,�nd tddillons►o,aM
<br /> r�plaa�Mnb of, and ��tubfulutlons la, �ny o1 auch propr►ty;�nd ttpYlhw with�N pror,e�ds (InCludinp wlthout ���a11on a1 InfurmC� 4'
<br /> proCNdf I��d rofunds o1Dr�tNums)hOm iny saN or OthM dispofiVOn p11tM PrqpKty -
<br /> Pro�Ay.TM word'P�aOMty'mMn�coY�cUvMy lh�R�4 F'rop�tty�nc11M PortonRl PrOP�Y.
<br /> Rta!PtCpErty. The waCS'fieN ProO�rtwan lM D�oP�Y�Initirat��nd rlphts dsscrlb�d�bow In tM"ConwYint��nd f3v�n1'McMon. _
<br /> R1IatW Docunl�niti 7M wads'AMatYd DocurtNnts" rt►M rM�rtNnb,mdlp�pM,f Nd�otl�aa UWt vtndm wN dhK� rtMmts��aprMrt��b�r►dn '
<br /> �prMmanb��nvkonrn�nW�p�wmrnes�ouwranua�s�curity�9
<br /> dxumfnb,wh�lhlr nowa hlraaflM�xlstlnp,�xsCUMd!n ConnrCUOn wllh lM IndWt�dnets.
<br /> R�nt�. TM wad'fianb'mM�s�N pres�nt and fuluq ronts,nwnuss�IncorM�fssues,royaltks. pro�ls.�nA other benefits derfwd kom fhe I
<br /> Pr�p�ty. � , . -
<br /> Tn���, Tha wa�d'fruslMt"menru UNITF.D tJ�BRASKA BANK and anY tubftituts or successor Iruzite�s• (
<br /> Trwttor. Th�wo�d'Truclor'm�ans�ny�tnd�N pKSOns�nd�nGti�oxacutln0 thls�Md of Trusl,Includinfl without Ymitnflon aM TrUSto+f ru�mlW
<br /> �bnw. ;.��}_
<br /> ER
<br /> �T�}��bp�FtFOR w/IMCE.thaN f�ic11Y I�nd�in�tkrMly rtMtnirr p�m dl ol T►usta's obllpatlorM�tu�NoM�t1Ns DMd�Tru�t,andO 1M •" ----
<br /> Relatad DocurtNnts. I
<br /> . PpSSHSSIUM A11D MAIHTENANCE OF Tt�E PROP�RTY. Trusfa apnes Ihat Trustor't P�on tnd us� of th�Rops�1Y shaM b�O�w^�1 bY ! .
<br /> I
<br /> ttw foYOwiny provtsloru; i
<br /> ppattsWo��nd UM. UntN th�occurrena of�n Event ot�etAU11,Trusior may (n)romaln In po5sesslon tnd conlyd of 1he Property, (bl ut.��
<br /> ppera�e pr rrwnAq�the Property,and {o)collect any Rents hom t1w Property. �
<br /> Duty to IH�IniMn.Tnnbr shaY rtw�ntain iha Property In tenanlable condition and promptly perlam pl rQpelra,replaCementf.�nd mRfniNianc� �
<br /> necassArytopreservs ibvalue. � .
<br /> �, � H�z�rdou�Subst�nce�Th�terms Rwardous wute�"F►aurdaus substance� daPosal�"reN�s���nd 9hr�aten�d nlw and LlrbilitY Acl a , - ---
<br /> • Dead of Trust�shd haw tM same mwnlnps as sat torih RC�') ttw Supwfu�dEAm�ndm�nb and�R�a�ulhori�u�tlon�of 1988.Pub.L No. �
<br /> 1960�a3�rtNnded�42 U.S.C,Se�Cl�n 9601,N s�Q.('� '-J '
<br /> 99-499('SAFt1►'7�th� H�asdous Nalerirls Tnnaportatlon Act,49 U.S.C.S�ctlon 1801,M M4.,ths RMOU�w Co+NKV�tlon and R�cw�rY A�c►. 4. .
<br /> 42 U.S.C.S�ctlon 6901,�t sW.a othar�PPlicabM ataN a F�Wr�lawi�n�la.a rpukt(o��dop�Puri��o�a�oducb a�k�eYon • 'r.
<br /> rwm�e"h�rardous wnstl'tnd�+azardous subsLna'sh�M ak0lndud��wNhout Wmihtion,pMroUum PM� ,.,
<br /> th�nof tnd asb�stos. Trusta rep��.wnls�nd wamnd to��i'nai: (ij�i�Q tt��~3C�o!T��^r��yrt�neNo d tlr Ptq�ty.tMn Ifa .-_ - --; -
<br /> besn no us��p�nKaHon�rtunufa�iurs.sto�p��hs�fmsnt.dis►Po�l�rMKS�a thrs�Nnsd rN�as�ot�ny hiwrdoua wasM a�ubstana by any `�-
<br /> trs d .
<br /> porson on�und�r�tboul Or kortl the Propsrty; (b)Trustor t�t no knotivMdp�of.or nason to beYrw 11►Itt the�hat bMn��xcvPt a�P��Y
<br /> disclos�d to and adcnaMi�clWd�Y L�nder in wddnp� (I)any us�,ps^entlo^�^xnulactun,stonps�Natment.disPosal�rN�at�.or tIxM1M�d � `��'
<br /> nhaa of a�y hanrdotw wasM or tubstund on�undst,about or kom th�PropsrtY bY��Y P�owrwl w ooCUWnit af 1M Prop�rf�d or (�)a�Y • �'_�•
<br /> �ctwi a ttrut�n�d INq�eon a cwlms of any kind bY any P�n r�4�rW to tuch rnRtlKS: and l01 ExaPt as P�+�+WY�b�rW : ►-�,
<br /> acknowMdp�d by L�ndr i�writlnp� P)neHher Tructu nor tny Mnant,conlractor�apsn!or olh��ulhalaW uar af th� PropMly shY uM. ;r-F. . j
<br /> q�nKaq,manufactun��1or��Enat,dlsPoW ob a rel�as�any h�nrdouo wast�or substanoe on�unda�about or ham the P►apw1Y and n)�nY r .• ,t
<br /> ' such�cihAty�hall b� conducMd in complitna wflh�11 appYCaCM ladenl,ttala.and loC�l iltwe�rrGu4tlonl and orClnttnoes.Indudlnp wfthoul 1
<br /> Nmi4tlon tlws� lawa. npu�atlans,tnd ordinancss des�xibed abow. Tnrstor wthorfnss Lw►dw and fls �p�nts tii�no�d 1h��Properb'��S �'' +
<br /> ' mak�such Inspectlorntnd tost5,at Tnators s�Ww�sa�as L�ndu maY ds�m�PP��N to d�f�rmir�canP �
<br /> s�ctlon d th�De�d of Tn�st.My hp�cibns a Nsls m�de bY Lindsr�h�N b�tor L�nd�'t P�D��Y�nd sh�l not b�ca�siru�d b araM :�"` .
<br /> any t�SpOns�bWity Ot Il�bi�Y 0�t!N P�Of LMdsf 10 TrUitOf Of t0 any dtNt PMiOn. Th�fp�KMtl10f1f tnd W�'af►tlM COnWnb INfMn w ti:-�.i
<br /> basad on Tntstors dtw 6Y�nnnC�In Inwstlpatlnp the Roperty for haxudous watN�nd h�nrdous stAttarloM. Tnritot h�nbY(�)��� t' � -
<br /> wiJws any tutun daims a�J�st Lender for Indemnity a conlrlbutlon in th��wnl Trustor b�eom�s Y�bl�la dNnup a otMr cosb undK anY � �-
<br /> such kws� �nd (b) ��es lo IndemNfy�nd Add hvmlKS ��nder�pa�rat tny�nd �clalms.IasM�Y�bMNMt. am�pM� Pw��and . ,i
<br /> pq�ensas wNch Undu m�y Wrrctly a IndkacMy sustain a sufler resuWrp hom a brMCh of 1NS s�ctlon af Ih io T�t�s ownershlP ar .
<br /> conse4wr►a ot�ny us�� 9��ti°n,manuhctun,staape.dtsposal,rsbas�or threaten�d rwas�ooaurrirp P►lo� ,,"r.��:
<br /> Interas!in the P►ope�ty�wl►etMr a no�th�sarr�wa or should tuiw been known to Trustor. Th1 proNSioM of thb�ctb^of th�ONd of Tnnt, _�`�r;
<br /> Irtcludinp tlw obYpatioe�c lndomnly,ah�N survfw 1M payrtNnt ot th�Indebtednsss and ltw attist�ctlon and nconwynrtce of th�Mon ot lhk • ;.�_;
<br /> � pMd of Trust and shal not bo a„ect�d by L�nders acQufsiUOn ot�ny inl�rost In tho Prcperty.wh�ttw by fa�closun or oll�wis�. �.���.,,,
<br /> �1'!T�
<br /> tiubanC�,W�st�. Trutlor 8haq not cause,conduct a perrNt any nuFSUw4 nor commit,petmil,or suHar any sMpPi�'�0��wut�on or to Ih� , , .
<br /> , 1�` Prop�fy or any pationol th�Prope�y Wifhout UmiHnp th�peneraifly of ths(orapdrp.Trustor wKi not nmow,Or pr4nt to�ny OtINr pttty�hY �,,�;;�,
<br /> ripht to nmow.any UmbK.�Nnerals(indudinp oil and pas),aoil.yravN a rock Products w0houl ihv p�br wriH�n cons��of Und�r. : .���::
<br /> qemov�l of Improve�Mnts.Truator sh1�H not demoNSh or romovo�tny ImprowrrMnts kom tM RaN Propxly without th�Prla wrNt�n co�t ,�;�;.:
<br /> • of Und�r. Ilv a condlon to ths nmowl of any Improvem�nts,Lsnder may reQUln Trustor to mek� �mnpomenb�tlst�Clory to Landrt to �+�F.:.;..--��
<br /> repkce such Improvsmmts with ImprovertNnts of�t lelst equal vnlus. � .. . Y�
<br /> L�ntf�+'s Ripht to Enpr. Londw and its eponls tnd repr�ntativa rtwy�nt�r tK►on tha RW PropartY�t aN roason�bi�YmK to atNnd b �
<br /> Londers intarosts md b Inspect th�ProporlY for purposas ol Trustor'E cortWAtnoe with th�twms and conditlons d this DMd W Tnnt.
<br /> co,na�w�m cowmmenw aequk�nNnts. Tnntor eh�ll PromPnY��PN wHh dl kws�ordidnc�s�lnd r'�Oulatlor�t.now or h�tN}Mr In
<br /> aflaet�of ap povemrrNnitl �utnorllMs�PPIk�bM to t1N u�.�or oOCUp�neY of th�Prop�rly. Tnn1a may eor►1Mt In qood f�Mh�ny suCh taw.
<br /> ordinnna.or ro0ulation�nd withhold comPllana durirp anY P�oo»d��0.IndudlnG+PP��M�PD�.ao Ion��s Tnntor h�s nolilf�d L�ndrr ,
<br /> In writlnp Prlor to doinG w�nd so bnp a.In Lsnder's soN opinlon.L�ndart In1K�sfs In th�Prap�ly�n not l�oD���. Undu may ncluk�
<br /> Truttor to post adoquaM securfty a a surety bond,ra�wnabry saust�ctay to��ndx,to protact u►ndurs int�nct.
<br /> puty W ProNCt.Trusbr apreas ndtAn to abandon nor leaw unHtYndod th�Ropwly Trusta sMu�do oll othvr�cts�In additlon to thas�acts •
<br /> set Io�M�,ppv�In this tw�oe,wh�ch kom the ctw�ct�r and usa d tAe Propwty an na.son�bll'neoeuary to prot�ct and(x�sMw tt�Prop�1Y•
<br /> DIIE OM SALE-CONSEM BY LENDER. Undor rt�y.at its W►tlon,declu�ImmWlal�lY dw and pay�bls aN sums s�cund by Ihls DMd ot Tnist .
<br /> upon tM sai�or tanster. wNhaul tho Unders prfor writlan cons�nt,of aM or any put of the Hsal P�opaly. a any InNrest In the RMI Prop�rty. A
<br /> "sW or transp�'meons tMconwyana of Ha�i Propaly or any rfpht,btl�or Int�nst the�Nn;whotMr I�I,bo�wAC►�l a�4ui1�bM;whNt�vduntvy
<br /> or Involuntary;whattwr by a�iyht sW,deod,installnwnt sd�CanMCt,Iand ContraCt,contract tor d»d,bas�hold interest with a larm pnatK than
<br /> � thr�(3y yws,toss�-0Pdon�o��aC�.a by�,�Dnment,a tnnshr of any benallcW inlarost In a to tny land Irtut hotdinq tltw to tM FIMI
<br /> Property.or by any othar m�thod of conwlyana of Flwl Proporly Intorest. If any Trustor Fs a corporatioe. puU+�sMP a��d��i�Y��^Y.
<br /> _��_.,........,.tii...,�..w.��un fYronlu.Avr ootcant(2b9L1 of tIN votln0 s10Ck.ptRnY�bh�p MMt�Sb Ot Yrt1itW NYbNiI�!
<br /> � vanstar aiso induoir9 i��y v:..r.....,»...��.�_...._.___-- �thls oplbn shaN not�be axetclsed by Londer ft SuCh exYrcis�Is prWroiiw oy t�dwra� r
<br /> company Mteresis, u Ilw asa�y�e�of Trustor. Howover. i
<br /> 4tw or by Nebreska law•
<br /> TAXES AND UENS. The 1dow�rp Provisions relatlnp lo lM taxes and Nens on the Property are�►part ol W3 Doed of Trust. �
<br /> i '
<br /> � Peymsnt. Trusta shU pay when due(and In ail events pdor to ddinquency)all texes.speda� tazes. assess�'ients�ctwr9es(i^Cudl^8 water
<br /> I and sewer),fines and ImposiUons►avfed ayalnsl or on acCOUnt of the Property,8nd shali pay when due all Clalms lor wak dor►e on or fot
<br /> IM��I of Lsnderd ndr thh D��eed o�rust�except fo�r the�en of tex Ies and alnssessmentsenot due�ex�cepl ar the exist np Indebtedness freferrod
<br /> � to below,and oxcept�s othe�wise provided In this Deed ot Trust.
<br /> Rlpht To Conteit. Tmstor may withhdd payrtwnt of any lan.nssesSmeM.or Ceim In connocnon vrith �pood fallh dlsputo ovar tt►�obYpatlon
<br /> to pay,so lonfl as LeMer's�ntorest in tha Properly ts not�eopardized. It�lien ar►ses or�s 61ed as�result of nonpayment,Trustor ShtA withln
<br /> fgneor If�iaqu�ese d bp Lende►,�dePos�t}with Lendfie�r casn or ansu�t caAore e surely bond a o her cacudN satlsfaCttory ta��tl►�
<br /> � _ __ _
<br />