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Mt t4'. <br /> ,.-.r. .:r�.1-`_� �':�� � J ' � � • __ <br /> � .. <br />'- �., � . . _.'.. --__'__ _--___ .�.,,�m__ <br />_ ...._.... - . ,�r.••� � • . ' .._.s..�....'_ .___. <br /> . f�STC�',.�- <br />_ - {.,.•.ti;t . ,.. , _ .. _.._ _..__�.......__. _ — <br /> _ . , . <br />'�*r�I'Sl'!`L `F}3f'�R„'i�+�'�*_'!q'-�'r�..-r.r.r...`�,. T.*R"..�.......,v-,. . ... . . ..............�..-,� . _ <br />._:N{.�i�P5' Y��_ ���� <br />:K�' <br /> �..�,�:r`,. <br /> ^• 17.TransPcr of thc P�v�perty�r u Beneflciul Nntcrest in Borrnw•er. if ull��r uny part of thc Propeny or any interest in it <br />-'7��••� is sold or trunsferred(ar if;�beneficuil intcrest in Borrower is sc�ld or trunsfcrred and Borrowcr is nut a�iaturul persun)without <br /> vv, • <br /> L.endcr's pric�r writtcm m�sent. l.endcr may, at its option, requirc imnudiute payment in full of all sums secured by t us <br /> S�curi�y In.trumenl. iiuu�vcr,thisoption shall nnt 6c cxcrrised hy l.en�3c•r if cxerr�sc i�prnhihited hy fcdcral lu�v us of�hc date � <br /> •���� af this Security Instrumcnt. <br />�-___._:,::,w If Lender exercisesihis optinn, l.ender shail give Borruwcr notice af uccelcrution. Thc notire shnll provide u pe:rioci of not <br /> less than 30 days fro�ti ihe dutc the notice is delivered ar ntuilecl within which Borrower mutit puy ull sums secured by this <br /> � Security Instrument. Ii' Borr�,wcr fuils to piiy these sums prior to thc expiration of this periad, I.endcr may invokc uny remedies <br /> ---�- permitted by this Security Instrument withaut further natice or demund on Borrower. <br /> . ...1. 18. Borrower's Rlght to Reinstute. If Borrower mcets certain conditions, Borrower shull have the ri6ht to huve <br /> , ,,.';, enfcircenient of this Sccuriry lnstrument discontinucd at any timc prii�r to the c;arlier of: (u) S duys(or such other period ns _ <br /> ;%:.;! applirable law may specify for reinstutement) before sule of•the Property pursuunt to any power of sale cantaineci in this <br /> '�.� „�'',' Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgriment enforcing thi5 Securiry Instrument.Those conditions are that Bonnwer: (n)pays <br />':'�:,-4�. Lender all sums which then would be due under this Securiry`Instrument and the Note as if no acceleratian had occurred; (b) <br />,;�=����,'-�,; • cures uny dafault of any other covenunts or ugreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, <br /> ����;��� induding, but not limited to, reasunuble uttomeys' fees; and (d)takes such action as Lcndcr muy reasonubly requirc to ussure <br /> `�'�� that the lien of this Security Instrument,Lender's rights in the Property and Borrawer's obligation to pay the sums secured by <br />_-';;�-.;ti"k- this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. U}xm reinstatement by Borrawer, this Security Instrument and the <br /> ga,�;,��,� , obligations secured hereby shull remain fu11y efPe�:tive us if no acceleration hac!occurred. However, this right to reinstate shull _ <br /> ==::.�'+� not apply in the case of ucreleratian under p:uaaraph 17. <br /> E'��'�' 19. Sale of Note;Chun e of I.oan Servicer. The Nute or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security <br />� }..;.:j..•.. � <br /> ;-k�� lnstrumenq may be sold one or more timcs withaut prior noticc:ta Borrowcr. A salc may result in a chan�e in the entiry(known <br /> ,�:; as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note nnd this Security Instrument. There also may be one _ <br />��_-�� or mare changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a ss�le of the Note. If there is a change uf the Loan Servicer. Battower will be <br />"`"'"t� _,..�. given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicuble law. The notice will state the name and <br /> '.,�, address of the new Laan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also wntain any other <br /> ';:;�,ti++�� information required byapplicablelaw. <br />'��+�;. 20. Hazardaus Substane�.Borrower shull not cause or permit the presence, use, disposul, storage, or release of any <br />- - Hazardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, unything affecting the <br /> _'_-- Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or <br />---�_ storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized ro be appropriate to normal <br /> - residentiul uses and to ma�ntenance of chc groperiy. <br /> �'--- Borrower shall promptly gi��e I.ender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by uny <br /> govcrnmental or regulaiory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substunce or Enviranmental Luw <br /> � of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, that <br /> any removal or other remediation of any Htuardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower shnll promptly tnke <br /> ;.�: all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> ,, As used in thls paragraph 20, "Har,�xrdous Substances" are those substt�nces def ned as toxic or h�zardous substances by <br /> Enviranmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flummable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> — � pestieldes and herbicides, volatlle solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in <br /> this puragraph 20, "�nvironmentul Luw" means fe.deral laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is loc�ted that <br /> rclate to health, safety or environmental protectton. <br /> ;�; NON-UNIFORM COVEfVANTS.Borrower and Lendcr funher covenant and agree as follows: <br /> '" 21.Acceleratlon;Remedies.Gender shall glve notice to Borrower pr(or to acceleration following Borrower's breach <br /> ' o[ any covenant or agreement In this Securlty Ynstrument (but not prtor to acceteration under paragraph 17 unless <br /> . eppltcable law provides otherwlse). The notice shull specify: (a)the default; (b)the action required to cure the default; <br /> (c)a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is glven to Borrower,by which the de[ault must be cured; and <br /> ' (d) that tuilure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleratton ot the sums <br /> secured by this Securlty Instrument end sale of the Property. The notice shell further inform Borrov er of the rlght to <br /> , relnstete after aceeleration end the right to bring a court action to ussert the non-exfstence of a defuult or any other <br /> -= defense of Borrower to accelerntion nnd sale. If the default ts not cured on or before the date speciCed in the notice, <br /> Lender, at its option,may requlre Immedlate payment In full a.°all sums secured by this Security Instrument without <br /> further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedles permitted by applicable law. I.ender shall be <br /> entitled to collect All expenses incurred in pursutng the remedles provided in this paragraph 21,including,but not Ilmited <br /> — • to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of t(tle evidence. <br /> If the power ot sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in wh[ch any part of the <br /> -- Property is located and shall mail copies of such not[ce i� the manner prescribed by applica6le law to Borrower and to <br /> the other persons prescribed by a�plicable law.After the time required by applicable law,Trustee shall give public notice <br /> of sale to the persons ond in the manner prescrlbed Isy applicable law. Trustee,without demand on Borrower, shall sell <br /> -- ---= the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time an� place und under the terms designated in the notice of <br /> -__-- s . sale in one or more parcels and In any ord+er Trustee determines. Tnistee may postpone�Ic of s�ll or any parcel of the <br /> _—- — Property by public announcement at the time and place of uny previously scheduled sale. Ixnder or its des(gnee may <br /> — <br />