<br /> .eiwr+
<br /> �•k���
<br /> ' � . .. ... «.::, . .1+�+ , • •
<br /> ,�„�;�'�,a,`!;"��'"°`. . . . . .. .. .. . . ._ �,�, -
<br /> �...�._•.;:
<br /> • �ri.�- ��..
<br /> ' I6. TA1fEs AND 11SSE98MlNTlt. Ormtor�h�ll p�y�u taxn�nd��NSSm�nt�r�l�tlnp to th�Prop�rty wh�n du�tnd Imm�dl�tdy ptuvid�l�nd�r 1�,i_1..
<br /> •wla�m��o�p�Y�'��n�of�m�. Upon th�nqwtt of L�nd�r,Or�ntor�htll d�potlt wNh L�nd�r��eh month on�•twNfth(1/12)ot th��ttlm�t�d�nnu�l
<br /> Imunnc�pnmlum,t�x���nd a��os�mmt�p�rt�lnlnp to th�Prop�rly. Bo Innp��1h�n I�no d�fwlt,th�a�mount��h�lt W� pll�d to!h�p�ym�nt
<br /> ot/�x��,aNUm�nt��nd Inwr�nc���nqulnd on�=a�o�ry�und�h� �I�d may11�t Und�rd'IrOptlonhbl�ppll dhln�r�wns�rdir+ol th��dui d t�
<br /> fu n d��o h d d t o p�y�n y u x�s o r �p tl n s t i h�O b p Y R P
<br /> th�l�of.
<br /> 1!. IN9PECTION 0� PROPERTII,eoace,REC�RD9 AHD RBPpRT�. Onntor shNi�Ilow L�nd�r or It����nt� to�x�min� �nd In�ot 1 •
<br /> Prop�rty rnd���min�,In�p�ct�nd m�k�oopU�of Onntor'�bo�kY 1�nd ncord�plrtalnlnp to th�Prop�rry from t m��o tlm�. Orantor th�ll provld• •
<br /> �ny���IStmc�nqulnd by L�nd�r la 1h�N purpoN�. All of th��1pn�tun��nd Infqnn�tlon conl�lrnd In Onntor'� book��nd ncard��h�ll b�
<br /> pmuln�, trw, �ccurat� �n��dduon�iu�Onntosih�tll r port�In �ormiitleee axry�to iunq�r�tuch�ntorma'tlon ef Lend�r may eqwstalpadlnq •
<br /> poriolnlnp ta the Praperty Y� , - ,
<br /> pr�ntor'�tln�ncl�l condlllon or th�Prop�ity. Th�Infarmetlon�h�l�W tor such p�ri�da,ohwll ratloct Gr�ntor'c rucorda at�uch time, nnd ehell be �
<br /> nnd�nd wNh wch tnqumcy n L�nd�r m�y d��IpnRt�• NI Intormatlon furN�h�d by Qi�mtor to Und�r�hatl b�tru�, �ccunt��nd compUt�In dl �i�;_
<br /> ntpaot�,�nd�Ipn�d by Or�ntor N l.and�r nqwat�• �--
<br /> ,",,..,,r�' 17. ESTOPPEL CERTIFIC�TEB. IMthin tm(10)dsy�afler any npuest by Undn, (irnntor ehali dNlwr to Undsr,ar my Intmd�d tnml�n�ot y _-
<br /> „ .,,� L�nd�r'�rlphts with r�sp�at to th�Obllp�tlon�,�Upnsd�nd aoknowl�dp�d atctemint sp�cHylnp(a)th�out�tmdlnp 6alanc�on th�Obllp�uonr�nd � M
<br /> ���' (b)wh�th�r Or�ntor posi�tsa��ny ci�lme,dNe�e��,wt�oNA or counterciaimd with r�sp�ct to th�Obliptpo��and,It Qo,th�n�tur�ot wch clUms, � _
<br /> d�f�nu�s,ut�ottn or counterol��me. �nntor w�il W concluslvely bound by any r�q�a�ntutlon th1�t Und�r mny meke to th�InUnded trmft�ro�with =
<br /> a �
<br /> reapeat to thss�mstt�re In ths�v��t that Onmar t+lla to pr�vld�ths nque�ted rstsUment In a tlmNy manmr. .;_.
<br /> ts. EYENTS OF DEFAULT. M Ev�nt of D�tsutt►hdit occur under thla fH�d ot Truot and the Trustee'n powe�eha11 become operatlw In th��vsnt thet '��� _
<br /> (3rentor,Borrowsr or sny puerentor ot the Obllpationa: -
<br /> (a) fall�to pay any Obilyetlon to Under when due; _,.,
<br /> (b� fslls to porform nny Obllgstlon or br�ecfiee any wsrronhj or covonent to l.md�r cont�imd In thl�D��d of Truat or�ny othsr pns�nt or future _�
<br /> agreem�nt;
<br /> (o) dsntroya,loa�a or demep��ths Property in any mat�rlal nap�ct or sub��ote the Propsrty to aefzure,confiicatlon,or cond�mnatlon; .
<br /> (d) ea�k�to nvok�,t�rminate or otherv+le�Ilmit Ite II�bility und�r any�uarnnty to Under;
<br /> � (�) dles,b�comss legalty Incampstent,la dlo�ol��d or tuminmed,b�comss Inaolwnt,mak�s an aaaignment for the b�neHt ot cnditors,f�lls to +.
<br /> pay d�bts as th�y b�come duA,til��a�etltlon und�r th�f�d�r�l b�nkruptoy I�wt,haa an Involuntary petitlon In bankruptoy flUd in whlch Or�ntar, '
<br /> x. Borrow�r or any guarantor la nnmsd,or h�s property taken under any wrlt or prxess of court; �,_—
<br /> ,l� (ty allowa goods to be us�d,tnniported or stond on th�Prop�ny,th�poas�aslon,transport�Uon,or us�of which,i�Ili�pal; —
<br /> 1� (y) �Iiowa any p�rty other than Orantor or Bottower to nssum�or undsrt�k�any Obllgatlon without the wrltten consent of Lend�r;or �''
<br /> bhelie oa tha he pr spect of psyment or psrformanee Is Impeired e c l l n e I n t h�v a l u e o t t h e Pr o ps rt y;or if Lender, in good f�ith,tor �ny reanon,
<br /> � 19. RIQHTS OF LENCER ON EVENT OF DEFAULT. Upon the occurrencs of an Ewnt of Dsfault under thls Oesd of Truat,Lsnder shell b��ntNUd to
<br /> �'-� -
<br /> exorcln�ons or mon ot th�followinp r�m�dl�a without notics or demand(exc�pt a rsqulred by law►: �;_
<br /> (a) to declan th�Obligstlona Imm�diat�ly dw�nd payabt�In tull,such accd�ratlon sh�ll b�nutomntio snd tmmedl�ts it ihe Ewnt of Det�uit In _
<br /> � a fiilnp undsr th�Bankruptcy Codr �,
<br /> (b) to coll�ct th�outstanding Obligatlona with or wlthout rssorting to JudlGal process; -
<br /> (c) to nquin Orantor to dsltwr�nd maks av�ilabis to Lender any p�rwnal property or Chattela constitutinp the Property at a plac�roasonsbty -,_--
<br /> conwnl�nt to Or�ntor and Lend�r; -
<br /> , (d) to�M�r upon md tak�poueaslon ot the Property without epptylnq for or obtalniny the�ppointment of a roceiwr and,at Undsr'n optlon,to �� _
<br /> appolnt a ncelvsr without bond,without fi�st bringing euit on ths ObIlgNlonf�nd without oM�rwia�meetfng any et�tutory conditlont ngudinp
<br /> �y- --- ia�o��or,ii bcis�!nlended Ll�a!��r.�+e�shr�!h±�y�tnie contrectunl right to s�aolnt a rocelver, E'
<br /> � �,a (�) to�mnloy R managinp ag�nt of th� Property and I�t the um�,dth�r In Truate�'s own nam�, in th�name of L�nd�r or in 1h�n�m�of 4
<br /> � ��;f'�. exp tng��pn a colunt of th�ObIlDatlona� ��uea and profits of the Properiy and epply ths eame,efter payment of all nscesaary ch�ryee end
<br />" (f� to pay any eums In any form or mann�r d�emsd sxpsdl�nt by l.�nder to protsct ths Ncurlty of thls De�d ot 7rust or to cure�ny d�fauN other
<br />�, thun psymsnt of Int�nst or princip�l on the Obllgotfone;
<br />�.: •. (p) to foncloa thls Ooad of Trust judlcially or nonJudicidly and to dlrect th� eele of th�property throuph sxsrN�s ot the power ot ai� a�
<br /> , ; nfennc�d in paragnph 20,hereln,in accordana wlth�ppliaabi�law;
<br /> �,�.j`..�• ,;; (h)to eet�oH arantor's Obllpatlons apsinst any amountt ow�d Orantor by Lendsr Includlny,but nat Iimited to,monies,Inetrummt�,md d�poslt
<br />-•. . , �j,;�, : �coouM�malnt�in�d with l.�nd�r or any currmtiy�xiatinp or tutun attill�t�of I.�nd�r,md
<br />.� • ' '�': (i)to�x�rcia alt oth�r riphta�vnllabls to Lender under any othsr written�gnement or appllcabls law.
<br />- 2� Lsnd�r'�riqhto an cumuiative end may be exercised topsthsr,s�p�rat�ty,and in eny ordsr. In ths w�nt that Lend�r institutea m actlon ee�king
<br />°'.:;•�, ..r...
<br />_•;�,��;. •. the recowry of any of the Proprrty by way of e preJudpmsnt nm�dy in en action apainst C3nntot,Oramor walvea tl»poaHnp of any bond which
<br /> • might othstwis�bs requind. Under or Lender's dsslgnee may purchess th�Property at any sale. Proossdt of�ny Truatse's aaU henunder
<br />�"�' " ahu�b��ppIIW firot,to the co�t�and�xpmsea of sx�rcltlnp th�pow�r of ul�and of th�tal�,Inciuding th� paymmt of th� Tru�tN't f��o
<br />��;�:.•�,�;� actuslly Incurred md not to excesd ths arnount whlch may be provided tor In thb Dsed of Tmet,e�cond,to paym�nt o}the Obllpatlons waund
<br />;x�;:-a-� , hereby,third,ta th�paymsnt of junlor tru�deeds,mortpap�n,or oth�r Iimholders,and th�baluice,If any,to th� p�reon or p�nons i�pally
<br /> •.• � � ;;_� �ntitl�d th�r�to. Th�Prop�rty or any part th�reot mty bs sold in on�porc�l,or In such parcel4,mtnn�r or order a L�nd�r In it�sol�di�oretion
<br />�!:�. � m�y el�ot,and on�or more ezerclsee ot the power hereln prantad ehsll not extinguiah or exhnust ths power unlesa.the sntirs Proparty Is eoid or
<br /> iR�.eu .
<br />�ry t;��;�� th�obllyatlone ars pald in full.
<br />��%.r:'i':;=�' 20. TRUSTEE'3 EXERCISE OF POWER OF 3ALE ON DEFAULT. Upon detauit by Borrow�r In payment of sny Obllgetlone secured henby,Lsnd�r
<br />;;�;•�, mRy d�clan dl sums,�ecured hereby,ImmedUUly du�and psyable�nd�hall cause to b�fll�d of ncord a writt�n notic�ot dsfault and�Isctlon to
<br /> - ssli th�Prop�rly. Aiter the I�pse of Quch tim�na th�n may b�nqutnd by law foilowing r�cordation of euch notice of d�feult,end notic�of sal�
<br /> ' ! �' `• � h�ving b��n qiv�n as then requi�ed by law.Truatee,without dsmand on Grantor,shall aell such Propsrty,either aa e whols or in aeperate parceie,nnd
<br /> T ' in such ord�r as It or Lsnder may detsrmine,�t publlo auotlon to th�highest bldder. Truat��may postpone ihe sal�ot ell or any portion ot tha
<br />:: ��"'� Prap�rty by pubilo annaunc�meM et ths tlme and plec�of sal�,and from tlms to tlm�thsnaft�r may postporn the aAU by publlc mnounc�mmt et
<br /> � ths tim�and plaa tixW by ths precedinp poatponement. Truetes ehall deliver to�uch p�irchaser its d�ed convsylnq th�prop�riy,or poAion thsreot,
<br />_�;��,°�'� so sold,but without any cov�nant or warranry,azpresa or Implled. Ths rscltals In such deed of eny mattere of fact or othervvise,shall W conclusiw
<br /> :�r�.,_ proot ot th�truthfuln�a theroof. My p�rcon,fndudinp Orantor,Tmtts�or Und�r,may purchass at auch sale. _.-
<br />-�_3"'`" '' 21, RE�UEST FOA NOTiCES. Orantor requeats that a copy of nny notice ot detault and�copy of any notice of sale hsnunder be m�lled to each
<br /> V- � w�°� person who is a party heroto,at the addnss ot euch peraon set forth herein at the anm�tim�and In the same menner roqulrod ae though a s�pant� -
<br /> z�•,�'��" requsst ther�of had bean fftsd by�ech euch pereon.
<br /> 22. SECURITY IN1'EREST UNDER THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. Thla Drsd o}Trust shell be conaldered s flnenclnQ stat�ment and a �
<br /> � flxturo flliny purounnt to the prodslone of the Unlform Commerciel Code(es adopted in the etate whero ths Properiyr la located)cov�rinp flxturos, �.
<br /> . ohattela,and articles ot personal propsrty now ownsd or hereafter attnched to or to b�used In connscHon with the Property togsther with any and all
<br /> • �� replac�m�nto thenot and additiona thsnto(the'Chntteln'),end Grantor h�raby grantc Lendsr a cscurity Int�nst In such Chattele. The debtor ts ths -
<br /> Grantor descr(bed nbove. Ths secured psrty Is the Lsndsr deacribsd above. Upon demand,Orantar shall mnke,axecute snd dellvs�euch eecurity �
<br /> �.."C�'� ayreemente(an such term is defined In sald Uniform Commerclal Code)es Lender at any time may deem necessary or proper or roquirod to prant to •��-�-;.
<br /> �.��,,� Under a p�rtsct�d s�curity interest In ths Chattels,and upon Grantor's fallurs to do so,Lend�r la authorizetl to slgn any auch agra�m�nt�s the agent ;,;.
<br /> of Orentor. (irantor hereby authod:ss Lender to fH�tinancing etatements(as such term Is d�fln�d In ald Uniform Commerclal Cad�) with roapect to r:;--
<br /> A ; tho Chattele,at any time,wHhout the slpnature of Cir�ntor. Grantor will,however,at any time upan request ot Lender,slpn such financinp statementa. '"" _
<br /> Orantor wlll pay ell filing fees tor ths fillnp of nuch tinenclnp statsmente and for the reflling thenof at ths tlmes requlnd,In the opinion of Lender,by � `A
<br /> ?,{ sdd Uniform Comm�rcial Code. If ths Il�n of thls O��d of Trust le subJsct to nny s�curity�pn�m�nt cov�ring the Chattele,then In th�event of�ny ,
<br /> . � default under thle Dsed ot Trust,ell ths right,till��nd Interest ot(irnntor In and to any end s11 ot the Chattele Is hersby asslgnad to Lender,topether
<br /> with th�bsnsfit ot any dsposfta or pnyments now or h�reaft�r m�de thereot by Grantor or ths prsdecessors or successora In title ot(irantor In the
<br /> ., , I Prop�rty.
<br /> "_ '_ 23. REIMEURSEMENT OF AMOUNTS E%PENOED BY LENDER. L�nder,at UndeYS optlon,m�y expsnd funda(includinp attomeys'te�s and Ispal
<br /> ..--�---- ' --- '--�"`' '-''--�
<br /> ..n._W.� ..�..a..� ..+..��........�....��.n.1..�.nd�i�hic tL�ef nf Tn�af Ilnnn d�mind -
<br /> sxp�ns�e to �rtorm�ny tlVl t�V1IN{V V�a.�..�..r.,�.,.......:.,.C,..........."�..�......._...__,_. �..--•°--.....------ ---. -
<br /> � (3rantor a�all Pmmedlately relmbures Lender for nll sur,h emounte�xpend�d by Lender together with intereat thereon et the lower of the hiyheat rete
<br /> i described In eny Oblip�tlon or th�hl9hest nt�ellow�d by I�w trom ths date of peyment untli ths date ot reimburs�ment. These eums ahall ba
<br /> ' Includ�d In the dsfinftton of Obilgationa hereln snd shsll b�e�cund by the bensficlal interest grant�d hereln. H th�Obligatlona ar�p�fd Rfter the
<br /> I begfnning of publlcation ot notice of eele,as herein provided,or In ths ev�nt Lender shall,at Its eol�opUon,permit Grantor to pay any part of the
<br /> Obllpetlons�tt�r ths b�pinning of publlcatlon of notice of sai�,n hsrNn provided,then,(3rantor shell pey on demand ell expenass incurred by the
<br /> Trust�e and Lsntlsr In connection with said publlcatlon,InGuding reasonable adarneys'teee to the ettorneys for the Trustee�nd tor the Lender,and s
<br /> reaeonabl�fse to ths Truet�e,and thls Deed of Truat shall be sscurity for ell such expenses and fees. I
<br /> � 24. APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS. All paymente made by or on behatt of Grantor may be applled agafnst the emounts pafd by Lender (including I
<br /> i eriornsys'f��e�nd I�pal expsnses)In connectbn with the sxerclss of Its righte or remedlea deacribed fn thts Deed of Trunt end then to the paymsnt
<br /> of the remelning Obligattons In whatever order Lender chooses. i
<br /> ' 2b. pOWER OF ATTORNEY. Crantor hereby appointe Lender as Ite attorneyin•tact to endorse Grentor's name on elI instruments and other �
<br /> � documente pertelnfnp to tha Qbngations or Deed of Truet. In additlon,Lender shalt be entitled,but not required,to pedorm any ectfon or execute nny
<br /> document requlred to be taken or executed by Grantor under this Deed of Trust. l ender's performance ot such ection or execution of such
<br />� � documsnta¢hNl not relleve Grantor from any OblfQation or cun any default undar thls Deed uf Trust.Atl powers ot attorney described In thle Deed of
<br />'. Trust are coupl�d wilh an Interest and are Irrevocabie.
<br /> � 26. SUBROGATION OF LENDER. Lender shall be aubrogetsd to the Hghte ot the hoider of any prevlous Iien, security Interest or�ncumbrance
<br /> _ tllscharged with funds advanced by Lender�egprdless of whether these Ilens,securlty Interests or nther ena�mbrences have been relsased ol record.
<br /> i P�g�JO1�jV ���"V•
<br /> liNEtl��C PFofmAIbPTKhnoloQ�ea,��[It�/D/O611B001817�7U8
<br /> . �
<br /> . 1 . . __ . _._ _ . — . .
<br />