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<br /> �
<br /> -rcd�MFA'faYw......... . . . . . _ . ..'_'_'_.__..��_..
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<br /> � (d) QrRntor hae th�tlpht�rtd I�duly�uthotlz�d to�x�cuts tnd p�rform IU Obllgetlon�und�r thls Daed ot Trust end thn�aotlons do no�rnd• �
<br /> i ehell not Confllot wlth th�provlelons ot tny eGtute,repuletlan,ordinenu, rul�of law, contraot or other apreement which may be bindlnp bn
<br /> � Onntor�t eny tlms;
<br /> i (�) No�otlon ar proa�dlnp I�or thall b�p�ndinp or thre�t�n�d whlch mlpht m�t�rlally�H�ct the Property;and '
<br /> I (1) pr�ntor ha not vlolllttd�nd�hali not vlol�t��ny sutut�,npul�tlon,ordin�nc�,rul�01 law,contnot or othsr tyn�m�nt (Includinp, but not
<br /> Ilmit�d lo,thof�powrnlnp Ha:udou�M�t�rIN�)whloh mlpht m�t�ridly�fl�ot Ih�Prop�rty or Und�r'a rlpht�or Int�n�t In Ih�Prop�rty punuant
<br /> I to thh O��d of TruYt.
<br /> � 3. PRIOR 0lED8 OF TRUBT. �nnior npas�M��nd w�n�ntt Ih�t lh�n�u1 no prlor d��d�ot lru�t�fl�otlnp�ny p�rt ot the Prop�rty�xc�pt u sN -.�
<br /> lorth on SchWul�8 atttch�d to Ihl�D��d ol TruiL whlch Oantor�pn�t to p1y 1�nd p�rform In�tim�ty m�nner. H th�n�r��ny prlor dud�ol tru�t •
<br /> � thsn pantor�pr�n to p�y�II�mount�ow�d,�s�d p�rlorm ell obllp�llom��qulr�d,und�r woh d��df o1 trutt�nd th�Ind�bt�dn�st aaund th�r�by I _
<br /> end huther spr��e Ihat�d�iwlt und�r�ny prlor di�d of Uuat�hdl bo�dtl�ult und�r Ihl�IH�d ot 7ru�t�nd�h�ll�ntlli� Llnd�r to �II rlpht��nd
<br /> �i nm�dlu wnt�in�d h�rdn or In th�Obllpallana to whlch L�nd�r would b�ennll�d in th��wn�ol any olhu dafaull.
<br /> � 4. TRAN8FEN8 OF THE PROPlRTY OR 0lHEFICIAL INTEREdTe IH ORAlITONB OR SORRONIERB. In th�w�nt of�s�b, conv�y�nc�,I��w,
<br /> contnot for d�sd or tnmt�r to eny p�rson of all or�ny p�rt a1 ih�nal prap�ny d��crlb�d In Sch�dui�A,or�ny Intunt th�r�ln,or of ali or�ny
<br /> b�ndlclal Int�nst In Borrow�r or Onntor pl Barrow�r or (��ntor 1�not� n�lural p�non or p�rtom but I��corpontlon,IImIUd Il�bllity compnny,
<br /> ..,, p�rtn�rshtp,trust,or othe I�pd�ntity►,L�nd�r m�y,at It�optlon,d�cl�r�tM ounl�ndlnp princlpal bal�na o1 th�Obllqatlont ptu��ccrwd Int�ntt
<br /> th�non Imm�di�iNy dw�nd pay�bl�. At L�nd�r't nqwsL anntor or Bor�ow�r,a th�o�s�m�y t»,shdl furnl�h�eompl�t��tat�m�nt uttlnp torth
<br /> � � dl ol ite atockhold�re,memben,or p�rtn�n,�e�pproprlate,artd th��xt�nt ol►h�lr nsp�ctiv�ownnehip Int�rs�u. ' _
<br /> � 5. A981UNINENT OF REHTS. In cansidu�tlon ot tfis Wllpations whlch an�scund by thi�D��d of Trust,(3rantor ab�olutdv as+lpne to Lsndsr NI .,.. �-�;.:
<br /> �rantor's�ttats,rlyht,titl�,Intemt,cl�im�nd d�mand now own�d or h�ndt�r acqulnd In all�xlstinq and tuture leaeee ot ih� Prop�rty(Including � �
<br /> � �xt�nalont,nn�wtle and subbesa),atl s n�m�nto for uae and occup�noyof th�Prop�rty NII such I�as�o md aqr��mmts wh�th�r writt�n or oral, :,, „;i��k,`
<br /> ,� fl r.�,•_,:.��,.;:__
<br /> are h�reaR�r r�terr�d to as ths"Lea��e'),md RII puanntie�of I�stNS'p�rlorm�nc�und�r th�Un�s,topsther v�lth ths Immrdlat�and contlnulnp • � � ,.}�.�;,,�-_
<br /> � rlpht to coll�ct and recelve ell ot ths rents.Income,ncelpta,rovmua�,Issu�t,profite and oth�r Incom�of any n�tun now or hueaflar due(Including ,�-_:-
<br /> � any Income of sny natun cominp dus durine tny rod�mplton p�riod)undu th�Lsaa�i or trom or ad�lnp out of ths Prop�rry, includhip minlmum �%`i°-'�'
<br /> �, � �• rmta,additlomt nnts,perc�ntaDe rmts,parklny or common�ra malnUntnc�contributlons,tuc and Inwr�nc�contdbullorn,dsticlmcy rents, . :j
<br /> Ilquldated damapea tollowinp detault In any Leas�, dl proc��d�payabN u�d�r any poticy of inwranc�coverinp Ioas of r�nt� reeuitinp trom
<br /> t i unt�nnntablliry caus�d by d��truotlon or d�map�to th�Prop�rty,til proc��d�payabl�n�nwlt o}R I�ass�'t�x�rcip ot an optlon to purchas�th� ;",�::__
<br /> � � Prop�rty,�II procesde derivsd irom the t�rminatlon or nJ�ctlon ot any L�af1 In�bankruptoy or oth�r Inwlwnoy proce�dinp,�nd ail procNds trom •
<br /> any riphts and clalma of nny klnd whlch(3rentor mey heve againet any IessN und�r the Uas�a ot nny occupantn of ths Property (dl of the above are �'�;�:'�
<br /> � hers�fter collsctively referrsd to as ihs`Rente"). Thla�dsignm�nt la�ubJ�ct ta th�tlpht,pow�r and�uthority pivm to th�Und�r to coll�ct and�ppiy !.�
<br /> � , th� Rents. This wipnm�nt Is record�d In accordana with applloabt� sul� law;ths Il�n cnat�d by thia an�lpnm�nt Is Im�nded to b� apecHlo, ,,
<br /> � perteCted,end choate upon ths recortllnp of thW O��d ot Truat,nll aa provlded by eppllcabl�stats law���m�nd�d trom tlrth to tim�. As Iong�s
<br /> i there Is no dstault under the Obllgatlona or thin Deed of Trust,Lender pranla Gnntor a revocable Ilcenas to collect eli Rente lrom the l.easea when "
<br /> � du�and to ua��uch procwda In Orantor't bwin�a opuations. How�vu,L�nd�r m�y�t Rny tlm�rsquin Orantor to d�posit dl Rmta Into an
<br /> ' � �ccount mslntained by tirantor ar Lender at Lendsr's Inslilution. Upon ddwlt In th�paym�nt of,ot in th�p�dorm�na of,my ol th�Oblip�tiom, ; �-�r:
<br /> �. Lender mny et its option t�ke poaaeaslon ot ths Propuiy�nd ht�ve,hotd, m�nay�,l�au and operat�the Prop�rty on terms�nd tor a perlod of time
<br /> i thet lender dwma prope►. Lender mny proc�ed to colUot md rsc�ivs dl Rmts irom th�prop�rty,and Und�r ahall htve full pow�r to maks ;_..
<br /> • ; � alterationa,nnovapone,np�lra or nplac�m�nri to th�Prop�rty�s Undsr m�y dNm proper, Undu may�pply all R�nri in Und�r'�wb di�cntion •;.,�
<br /> � to p�ym�nt o}the Obllyations ar to ths paym�nt of the cott of euoh�Itsrstlons,ronovatlons,npalrs and rtpItam�ntn and�ny sxp�na�a Incidsnt to ,,...�;
<br /> �� � taklnp end retalnlnp po�taeasion ot the Property p�rlodicelly and ths man�pemmt end operation of ths Property. Und�r m�y k�ep th� Property ;;��-
<br /> prop�riy Insund and may dl�charp�any t�x��,chary�s,claime,�ssaurnent�md oth�r Ii�ns whloh may�xru�• Th��xqns�and cost ot thaa `
<br /> I sotlons mny bs peld trom ths R�nte roc�iwd,and any unpaid�mounte shYl bs�dded to th�principat of th�Oblipatinnf. Th�s�amounb,toy�th�r ��w`�-
<br /> with othsr costa,ehatl becoms part ot the Oblipatlons acurW by thia Oe�d of Trwt. ���
<br /> � • � 8. LEASES AND OTHER A(iREEMENTB. Orantor eha�not hk�or fap to t�k� my aation which may caun� or psrmH the termin�tion or the _
<br /> - ' withhoidin oi any paymsniiii i.vf�i�iuiion v�titi uty L::::per2salny ta tha Prc�serh;. !n ed�ltlon.�?►entn{.without L.�nd�r't prbr writt�n con�ant.ahall .�.-
<br /> . , l not; (a)co�leot eny monl��payabl�und�r any l�as�ma�thm one month In�dvana; (b)modlfy any L�aw; (o)�alpn or allow a Il�n,e�curity
<br /> • Intenat or other�ncumbrance to be ptaced upon�untor'�rlphts,tiUe and Intenat In tnd to any I.e�es or th�amounts pay�bla thsrlunder;or(d)
<br /> •� terminaU or oanal any Leas�except for the nonpaymsnt of eny eum or olher m�t�rlal broach by th�othsr pariy thsroto. B Orantor naiwa at any -- _
<br /> time�ny wrltten communicatlon aasertiny a d�fault by C3nntor und�r a L�ue or purportinp to terminats or canai any L�as�,Grantor th�ll pramptly _ -_
<br /> ' �. torvuard s copy of�ueh communiatlon (md any sub�ywnt communlcatlons rNatinp theroto)to Ler�der. MI wch Leasea Nd the smounte due to - - -_
<br /> �i (3�anlor th�nund�r�n htrsby aaipnsd ta L�nd�r���ddiqonai ucurity for th�Oblipatlons.
<br /> 7. COLLECTION OF INDEBTEDNESS FROFII THIRO PAflTY. Und���ha9 b��ntitl�d to notify or nquirs(3rantor to notify�ny third party(Indudiny, __ _ �
<br /> but not IImINd to,I���,Ilanu�t,powrnmmtal n�thorltU�and Imuruic�oompml�s)io p�y I.�nd�r any Ind�bt�dnea o�obiipolon owinp to
<br /> Orantor with nsp�at to th�Prop�rty(oumulatlwly'Ind�bt�dn�a')wh�thH or not R d�fauit�zlau und�r this D��d of Trust.Onntor�hall dllip�ntly —
<br /> collwt th�Ind�btW n�u owinp to(�rantor from th��a thfrd partlea untti th�pivinp of tuoh notifloaUon. In th�wmt thRt(3rantor potas�s or nalws =
<br />= posfsation of�ny Inatrumsnts or other nmittancss wlth nap�t to the Ind�btedness tollowinp th�plvinq of wch notifloation or if ths Inftrum�nte or .
<br /> other nmlttances conttituts the pnpaym�nt of any Ind�btedn�s�or ths piyment of my Ineurance or cond�mnatlon procNds,f3ranlor�hdl hold
<br /> auch inftrum�nb and othar rsmittancsa In trwt tor Und�r aptrt trom Ita olher property,endors�ths imtrum�nri�nd otha rsmittana�to Und�r,
<br /> and immedlatsly provids Lsnder with poawalon ot ths imtrum�nb end olher amlttanaa. lend�r ehall b��ndUed,but not r�qulnd,to colNct(bY
<br /> I�p�i proce�dinpi or otherwis�).�xtend ths time tor paymsnt,compromb►,exchnnps or releaa�any obllpor or collat�nl,a oth�nviw attU any of
<br /> th�Ind�bt�dnsa wh�th�r or not m Evmt ot D�ftult�xl�ts und�r thls ONd of Trwt. L�nd�r�hall not M Ilabi�to t3rantor for any�oUon,�rror,
<br /> mlctak�,omlasion or dNay psrtnlninp to ths�ctlons describsd In this parapr�ph or a�ny damtges resultinD tMr�from. NolwiM�tandlnp th�fonpoinp,
<br /> nothinp herein shell cause Lender to be desmed a mortgegealn-posss�slon.
<br /> � 8. USE AND MAIHTENAMCE OF PROPERTY. Orantor eheli taks �II �ctlone and m�ks any npain n��dW to malnt�ln tfi�Prop�rty In yood
<br /> � condltion. Orantor�hdl not commlt or p�rmit any waeb to b�committ�d with re�p�ot to ths Prop�rty. (irantor thalt uee ths Property eolsly in _
<br /> compIlenC�wlth eppllwbl�Inw snd In�urance polleln. 6rantor�hall not ms�k�any altsratlont,�dditlons or Improwms�U to th�Prop�rty wlth0ut
<br /> Lendir's prlor wrltt�n conaent. 1Mthout Ilmitln�th�fonpoinq,all�Itsrations, odditiom and Improv�ments m�d�to the Prope►ty thall b�aubJeot to
<br /> th�bsneliolal Int�rtst belonping to Lsndu,ahall not bs remowd wlthout Lender'�prior written coment,end ehall bs mads et Orantor's�ole expenss. _
<br /> 0. LOSS OR OAMA�E. Grantor ehall bar the entin risk of any Ioaa,thefl,deslruation or damap�(cumulativeiy"Loaa or Demnge')to ths Pro(»rty or �
<br /> any portlon thu�of lrom any cauee whttsoever. In the event of eny Lo�s or Dnm��e, C3rentor ehail,nt the option of Lander,repalr ths�Neoted �
<br /> Property to its pnviou�condltion or pay or a�uw to be p�ld to Lsnd�t the d�cnu�In th�falr markst valu�of th�sHect�d Prop�rty. _
<br />� 10. INSURIWCE. The Propsrty wlll bs kept Ineured tor its full Inaurabl�value (roplacemmt cost)apainet all haards Includinp lots or dam�pe _
<br /> oaw�d by flood.�arthqu�ke,torn�do and fin,th�ft or oth�r caudty to th��xt�nt nqulnd by Lend�r. Orantor may obtaln Inwnnc�on th�Prop�rty k-.-�_
<br /> irom such compani�e ee�e acceptabi�to Lend�r In IU aols dlscntion. The Insunnc�policl�i ohall nqulr�th�Insuruics comp�ny to provlds —':
<br />- ,:��,�; •--
<br /> � Lender with at least daya'wdtten notice belon euch pollcie�are Nt�r�d or canosll�d In�ny mannsr. The Inwr�na policl�s thdi �:_ _
<br /> ' •�' name Under aa a loas payee snd provlds that no�ot or omlulon of Gnntar or�ny oth�r psreon�hsll�Mect ths dpht of L�nd�r ta bs pnid ths ��'��`!-'=""""'!'"=:
<br /> Infuranc�proaWs p�rtninlnp to the loa or dama�•ot th�Prop�rty. In th��wnt Onntor f�lls to acquln o�m�inuln Insunna,Und�r (aft�r
<br /> � providiny noda��mny be requlnd by law�may In Ite tlisontlon procun�ppropriats Inaurance cov�reps upon the Props�ty and ths Innunnc�cost '�h '4:+ ��
<br /> � shail be an edvanc�psyabts end bearinp Int�nst as described In Paraynph 23 and Ncured hersby. Orantor shait turnish Lendlr wNh evid�ncs of - ' "= ,.•..•.
<br /> t Intunna IndlCeting th�rsquind cov�np�. Und�r may act�s t�ttornsyan•faM for Orantor In maklnp and Nttilnp claims und�r Inaur�nc�pollcles, ,v . �,��
<br /> canc�iling any policy or sndorelnp Orantor's n�m�on my dnft or npoWbl�Inatrument drawn by eny Imurer. WI�uch ImuranCe pollol�a ehall bs �`�,�.;;� t,,;;,
<br /> Immedl�tely aeelpnsd,pl�dped and dellvered to Undar ns lurthar e�cwiry ior ths ObilpatloM. In th��v�nt ot lots,Oranlor ahall Immedi�tely pivs - ,
<br /> Lender written notice snd Lendsr la authorl:ed to mak�proof ot toaa. Faoh Insurana company is dlrsond to mnke paymentt dinctly to L�nder � ,.:�
<br /> Imt�ad oi to L�nder and O�antor. Lender sh�ll haw the ri ht,at Its�ot�optlon,to�pp 1 euuh monlsa toward the Obllgetlon�or toward th�oo�t of � ..,�. :
<br /> rebulldlnp�nd reetorinp ths Property, My emounte mny a t ender's optlon be�ppil�d In ths Inwro�ord�r of ths dus datse thereof. _•�:'.•�.�
<br /> 11. 20NIH0 AND PRIVATE COVEHANTS. Orantar ehNl not Initl�te or conssnt to any ohmps In th�:onlnp proviWone or prlvate cownent��H�otlnp i
<br /> the use of ths Property without Undsr's prlo�writtsn con4ent, B�rantorY use of ths Property la or becomst 1�nonconlorming uw und�r any:onlnp
<br /> provialon,Cinntor shall not c�u��or p�rmlt wch us�to b�dltcontlnuM or�b�ndon�d wfthout th�prlor writt�n cona�nt of Lsnd�r. C,r�ntor wlll
<br /> ImmWlat�iy provlde I.en�er with written notla of eny propo�ed chnnpo�to th�toninp provlelonf or privat�cownante attecUnp the Propsrty.
<br /> 12. CONOEMNA710N. Onntor ehali Imm�ditt�ly proNd�Und�r with writbn notic�of my�otu�l or thnatm�d condemnttion or�minent domaln
<br /> procNdlnp pert�►ninp to th�Prop�rty. NI monl�s payabl�s to(3M��to�trNa^m s�c^C011nthwr�ma�nnetudl a �no Wil�ee 1 an nndiotlondwkh 1ths
<br /> -- - -- -.• -. .__�_.�_ _.._.... _
<br /> - - - �PPii�d Tlrsi SO til� piy�ttttn v� t.r�rv��� ��w....�� '�� ��� -^�"'-- —'- - � --'-_--- -
<br /> cand�mn�tlon or�mlmnt domdn prooMdinpf and th�n,at�th�optlon ol Lsnda,to th�p�ym�nt ot th�O�Ifpatlons or tha nstoratton or npair ot tn�
<br /> Prop�rty. '
<br /> 13. LENOER'8 RI(iHT TO COMMHHCE OR DEFENO LEGAL ACTIONB.Gnntor shail Imm�dlRtely provld�Ltnd�r wlth writt�n notla ot any actual
<br /> or threaternd�ctlon,sult,or other proa�diny sffsotiny the Prop�rty. Onntar hereby eppolnts Lsnder es Ite attorneyin-fact to commenos,Intervene
<br /> In,�nd d�fend�uch aotlona,aulte,or othsr Iepal proc�ldlnp��nd to comptomis�ar a�tti�any clalm or controversy pert�inlnq thereto. Lendsr ahall
<br /> - not b�Iiabl�to Cirantvr tor any�otlon,srror,miit�k�,omltslon ot del�y pertalnlny to th��atlons dstorib�d in this puagnph or any damagse
<br /> - nwitlnp thsreUom, Nothlnp contafn�d hsreln wilt prewnt Lmd�r from ttklnq th�aollons dsacribed In this perapnph{n Itaown name.
<br /> 14. INDEMNIFICATION. L�nd�r shali not�aums or br refponslble tor Iho pertormance ot any ot f3rantor't obllpattons with nspsct to the Property
<br /> - und�r any oircum�t�ncaa. Cirantor shill ImmedlatNy provlds Under with wrltten notice of and Indemnl}y nnd hoid Lender end Ite nhareholders,
<br /> dlreotore,otticen,employee�end apmts harmteu from all c1alm�,dunny�t, Ilabiliti��pnoludinp ariorn�y�'f�es and I�pal�xp�naes),caut�s of
<br /> eptlon,aotloni,sultt and other I�gal proaedlnpe{cumulativ�iy'Clalmi') p�rtalnlnp to th�PfOp�Ry(Inciudlne,but not umltetl to,fhos�Involvinq
<br /> � Haxardoue Mabrlais). Grantar,upon the requeat of Lender,ehdl hin I�ptl couns�l to deUnd Und�r trom�uch Cldms.�nd �ay th�Ntorn�yt'1��e,
<br /> Iepal expenees and other Coste Incurred In connectlon Iherewith. In ths Uternetive,Under shali bs sntltisd to employ Ita arn epal counsel to detend
<br /> such Galma nt C3rantor's cost. Grantar's obllpatlon to Indemnify Lendu under thla paraqnph shnli eurvlve the terminatlon,reie�se or toreclosure of
<br /> + this Oetd of Truet. ��� I
<br /> � , �
<br /> ' IFNES�tB�'Fo�AUOnTechnoiogies.inc.l�1JB1�1 le�)BJ1•J7B8 PIp�2a6_
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> - � ,�.... _. - -- --
<br />