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<br /> ;'„�>•. . paymcnts may na longcr bc rcyuired, ut thc uption uf IAndcr,if mortgugc insuruncc cuvcrugc (in thc amount nnd for thc peri�xl
<br /> that I.�nJcr rcquireti) provided by an insurer nppruvc�l by l.cndcr aguin bccumc.uvuilablc und i� ohuiincd. Rorn�wcr shull puy
<br /> ,�� thc prcmiums rcyuircd lo muintuin m�utgagc insurancr �n ettcct.or to providc u losx resciwc. unul thr rcyuircmcnl liir murtguge _
<br /> insurunrc ends in uccorJience�vith uny written a�mement hctwcen 8orr��wer und l.cndcr��r applicable luw.
<br /> 9. Inspcctton. l.cndcr ur its ugcnt muy nwkc rcii.nnu6lc cntrics upon and inspections uf�hc�Property. La:ndcr shall givc
<br /> Bi�rrnwer notice ut the tinte of ur prior tn un inspection specifying reasonable cuuse for the inspection.
<br /> m�� ;r,- !0. Condemnutlon. The procecds of any uwnrd or clxim fcr damuges, dircet or cemsequentiul, in connection with uny
<br /> � � condemnation or otl�er taking of.tny part of the Propeny, or for convcyance in lieu of c:imdemnution, urc hercby assigned and
<br /> , . ;. � shull bc puid to I...ender.
<br /> , � In the event of a total taking of the Propeny,the proceeds shall be applieci to the sums sewred by this Security Instrument.
<br />�::;�;,�� whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a pani,d taking ot the Praperty in ��•Aich the fair
<br /> �'�"� ��'�a markct value of the Property immediately before the taking is equul to or greater than the amount of�he sums sccured by this
<br />_-��'• ;'-�. Security Instrument immediately befora the taking,unless Borrower and l.ender��therwise agree in writing, the sun�s securcd by
<br />'.{�•;"� this Security Instrument shall he reduced by the a�:�ount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total
<br /> ix�.
<br />.-:wi.F�i„�.,
<br /> �' '•�- amount of the sums secured immecliately before thc taking,dividcd by(b) thc fair market value of the Propeny immediately
<br />..; r-,�;.
<br /> � � .' before the tnking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrawer. In the event of a partial tuking of the Propert�� in which the fair
<br />'�"�`�'`f�•`: market value of the Propeny immeciiately before the taking is less than the amount of thc sums securecl immediately before the
<br /> taking, unless Borroa�er and Lende�otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable Inw othern•ise provides,the proceeds shall
<br /> .,:,;�;_ be applied to the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument whethe*or not the sums are then due.
<br /> �� r If thc Property is a�nndoned by Borrower, or if, afler notice by Lendcr to Burrower that thc condemnor offers to make an
<br />;:�;,�'d`�,•� nwu�d or settle u claim �'or damages, Borrower fails to respond to L.ender within 30 days afler the date the notice is given,
<br />��_k t��' Lender is Authorized to collect and npply the procecds, at its option,cither to restorution or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br />