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<br /> �•; , • 5. Har.ttrd or Property Insurunce. Borrmvcr shull kccp the improvemcnts ni�w cxisting on c�rcaftcr crerted im the
<br /> Property inzured aguinst loss by fire, hazurds induded within lhc tenn "extended coverage" .ind any uther ha�.ards, including
<br /> n����,��► n��������b. f��r whirh [w�nJur rcquirc� insurancc. 'fhi�intiurancc shall bc maintaincJ in thr:nn�,unt, imJ for thc periodti
<br /> +''. that Lendcr rcyuirc.. Thc in,urancc rarrier prci��iding the intiuranc� shull bc chnscn hy Burrowcr suhjcct tu Lcndcr's upproval
<br /> 'r�:�i� which shull not hc unrcasonably �vithheld. If E3nrro�ver I'ails to mciintuin coverage de+cribeJ ubavc. I.cnder muy, at I.ender',
<br /> � option,c,Muin coverugc ti�pmtect L.ender's rights in the Propeny in accordnnce with parugraph 7.
<br /> — '----- All in,urance policies anJ renewal� shall he ucceptublc to I,�nder and shull include a stnndurd mnrtgage clausc. [.end�r
<br />::��------
<br /> _ : shall huvc the right to h��ld the policies and renewuls. If Lendcr requires, Borrowcr shall promptly givc io LenJcr all recciptn c�
<br /> � paid prerniums and renewul notices. In the event of loss, &�rrower shnll give prompt ni�tice to the insurance cnrrier und C.ender.
<br /> • L.cndcr mny mukc proof of lc�ss if not madc promptly 6y Borrower.
<br /> � � � U�iLcss Lender und Borrowcr othenvise agree in writing,insurunce proccedh shull be upplied to restorution or repair of the
<br /> �••-`` ' Isro�pecs:�� danwgecf, if the restorution or repair is eronomically feasible xnd Lender's security is nat Icssened. If the restorution or
<br /> •'�'• �,:�'!:��";;;1, • rep�ir i�� nnt eronomicully f'easible or Lender's secu�ity would bc Iessened,the insurance proceccls shssll be applied to tlie sums
<br /> ;1:��':°:��;�1�,-, �; sccurcd 6y this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Burrower. If Burrowcr abandons the
<br /> �":'1'��5�{'����A" Property,or does not answer within 30 duys n notice from I.endar that the insurance currier hus offered to setde a cluim. then
<br /> �;.:;;.r�<;.�,. ,
<br /> ,.,:,�c,c. n.
<br /> r.^���,�.;,,,','r�� Lendar rnny collect the insurance praceeds. Le�nder may use the proceeds to repair or restore [ c n�periy ur tu pay sums
<br />-�:,;�,i;{{;�.;'.i secured i�y this Security lnstrument,whether or not then due.The 30•day period will begin�vhen the notice is given.
<br /> ''"� �' `�=-J• Unless Lender and Borruwer otherwise agrec in writing, any application of procceds to principal shall not exrend or
<br />=-^•r�;�*f'^'n postpone the due date of the monthly payments retcrred[o in paragraphs I and 2 or change thc amount of the payments. If
<br /> -,����..�;
<br /> , , under paragraph 21 thc Property is acquired by Lender, Bonawer's right to uny insurance poliries and proceeds resulting from
<br /> J.y�;;.;�' damage to the Yroperty priar to the acquisition shall pass to I.ender to the extent of the sums secureci by[his Security Instrument
<br /> ''`�,-,�, ��• immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br />_w:�•_.:, 6. Occupancy,Preservation,Maintenance and Protectton af the Property; Borrower's Loun Applicntton;Leaseholds.
<br /> .a,:.�.-„
<br /> _,;;,,� Borrower shull occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's pri ncipal residence within sixry days after the execution of
<br /> TM�x�`.
<br /> :-:,'�' this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Propc:rty as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year nfter
<br /> "``L�'� the dute of occupancy, unless C.ender otherwise agrees in writin�, which consent shall nat be unreasonubly withheld, or unless
<br /> .._._.,,�...,��
<br /> ._,�� extenuAting c�rcumst8nces ex�st whtch are beyonU Hormwer s conerol. Borrower ynuli nui dc�iruy, duliiabe ui tt�lpair ih�
<br /> _�c�_. � Property,ullvw thc Property to detcriorate, or canmit was[e on thc Property. Borrowcr shxll bc in defuult if any forfeiture
<br /> �.,;„�;� actian or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in [.t;nder'x gocxi faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> �
<br />