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'�n� ' .. . ':s�n��T. <br /> .y `�'iA`:• - . . .. �:.J.U�,....v,alitbnNO�� W�s�r.----'°_ .____�___.. <br /> .._�..._'"__ ' <br /> � s W .u6..�__'_. . • ' . . '�'___'T,.r,.,- . <br /> _ . .• _., ' ......_. <br /> . <br /> •�IC'lnHw�h^•+rV�.v��... . ...�°'RleI�yRMR�� •�•. .. •. . • <br /> _ 1L . - -- - �-. <br /> . ��.,.����� 97- 106'7f'� <br /> s :� . <br /> � � (d► � writ ol �x�cutbn or rtt�ohmsnt o9 any sfmi�r proc�as sh�ll b� �ntered �yafnet Truetor whbh �h�N b�corr� � Wm on tha <br /> . � Truat Est�to or �ny pArtlon ther�ol or htenet Ihsnln tnd such sx�cutlon, attnchment or sknil9r proc�ss of Judgm�nt la not rNMSW, <br /> � bond�d, ettfsfi�d,wc�Md or st�ysd wRhh �bRy(60}d�ya �ItN Re�ntry or levy; or �t.. <br />� � (�y thw�has acurted a bnach ol or dol�uN und�r any tNm, cownmt, npreemant, condRbn, provisbn, ropna�nt�tbn or w�rnnty `��- <br /> . � cont�fn�d In any prior de�d of trust or mortqap�aM�cthQ ths Truel Estate. - <br /> 10.AeeelerAtlon upon Detault; Additlo�al Remedles. i� �n eyem of aeiaun occurs, Bansficl�ry may d+cwn ih• <br /> �: lndohtednesa sscured hereby to be dua and payabb and Ihe same shall th�x�eupon become dua and payabb wRhqut any pr�LMlrt�t, <br /> dempnd, protsst or notfG o4 any khd. Th�r�aft�r. BanelkiRry may: <br /> .�;S°�,� - <br /> . (I) �Rher in person or by ap�nt, wNh or wRhout brinpinp �ny �ction or proCeedhg, or 5y e r�c�fver �ppohted by� court and <br /> l�� wkhout repard to th�adsquaoy of ks security, �ntar upon antl takv poateasbn of the Trust Estare, or any part th�nol, In Rf own ntrrN ',';�.- <br /> or In tha name of TrustM, and do any �cts whiCh R desms nec�asary or desfnbN to pnaarva ths valu�, mark�tabiNy or r�nt�hfMty Gf <br /> - ^� the Trunt Estate, or paR th�rwt or intK�st thsnh, incrs�s� the Incortw therNrom or protect the s�curRy h�nof and, wNh ot wMhout �t_- <br /> takhg poas�asbn o�tha Yrust Estat�, sw (or or othuwis� cof4ct th� nntn, Issuea �nd protde thsrwf, fncUdhp thos� past dw md �=�_ <br /> . s• i= <br /> a <br /> � un�ald, and�ppN the sartN, Mts costs �nd oxpais�s of opsratbn and coNectbn hcludinq attomeys'tMS, upon�ny hd�btMn�ss = <br /> aecured hsrehy, aR h suoh order as Benefbyry may determfne. The entering upon �nd takinp paaasaslan of th�Trutt Esht�, th� <br /> -� colNctbn of such nnta, Issuea �nd profits and the �pplkatbn thereof as aforesatd shaN not cure or wah+�e �ny defauN or not�� of <br /> default hersunder or hvdidatA�ny�ct done h rasponse to suah defauR or pureuant to such not�ce of defaul! and, notwilhetandhy th� <br /> �� continunnce In poss�ssion of the Trust Estate ar the coileclfon,recaipt and epplicntlon of rents,Issues or profis,Truetee or BMidic�ry <br /> `" shall be �ntRled to exarcise every rlpht provided for fn any of tAo Loen inst�urnents or by lew upon occurrence of any want of d�Muk, i <br /> , - ineluding ths rlpht to ex6rcise the pow6f ot Sal9; _ <br /> - • (N) comrt�ence an actbn to toncbsa thls Deed of Trust as a mortpafle, appolnt a recelver or sproMfcaly entorce any of th� <br /> � cowmnte hKaoh, _ <br /> " p•- {Ii� deNvM to T�ustN a wrktm d�claratton of d�4uR and denwnd for sa�e and a written not�ce of dafauk and N�ctbn to caus� - <br />�.r �s�, Ttustor6 hbt�st in lhe TNSt EBtiIY t0 W 601d,whiCh notfce Truete!Sheu Ceuse to be duly filed(or qCOrd h th�lpprOprkt�O}ffCN Of <br /> �' +?�. •`` •. th�Counly in which th�Trust Esut�is locatod; or <br /> ;';«a.. �;�` <br />��..,,� ` (b) ucarcba suab othw rlphts or r«nediss at I�w or in equky. <br />_�::�.�T;�,� 11.Fo�eclowre by Power O} Sa�C. If Benelici&ry eieCts to foreCbse by exercise ot the Power of Sak henln COnGtYNd, - <br />�;5;;�� � _ , By��flry 6AtM fl0tify TN6tM and shaN deposR wkh Trustee thfs Second Qeed of Truct and any note evWmciny the IndabbdMSS�nd suah <br /> f e��:�'� ". ' racapts�nd evldenca ot oxpendkuros made and secured hereby es Tmstee may requke. _ <br />�`=�- �' _ rni Upon rsceipt of such notke hom Beneficiary, Trustee shali cause to be recorded, pubBShed and daNvK�d to Truator such <br /> '��... <br /> "��'""� NotiCe of Dshuk and Notice of Sab �s then requked by law and by thls Second Dsed ot Trust. TNSIM Sh�ll, witbout d�rtrnd on <br /> Jl+:ir�i:(.a a: <br /> -" L'•�.- Tru6tor, �ker auoh tfine as may then bs requked by bw and aker recordatbn pt suoh Notice ot DefwR and a}nr Notk� of Sab h�vinp <br /> ""�'���"` be�n phron nz roqulnd by 1nw,seil the Trust Estate at the tkno nnd place oi sab tbced by d h suah Notica o}SaN,skhK u a whoM,a <br /> .�-;¢'��; <br /> � �. in sspante bts or parCels or Rems as Trustee shall deem expedfent, and (n such order as it may d�termhe, at public �uatbn to t • <br />�����. hiphast blddr tor ush In lawlul money of the Unkod Statss pnyabM et the ttne of sab. Truates shaM dsMwr to auah puroh�sN or <br /> ��9,w,.,,��� purohaawe th�nof Is pood nnd SufticMnt dead or de�ds conwybd the property so sold, but wNhout nny cownent or w�rtanry,u�r�6s <br /> --- or ImpN�d.Th�rscitds In suoh deW of any matters or facle shnll be conoluslv�proof of the hutAfuiness thsnot.My perton,Inaludirp <br /> - =�� wkhout Nmkatbn Trustor,Truste� or B�netfcfary,rtuiy purahas�at such sak. <br /> ------ (b) qs rtyiy b� permittad by kw, after deduCthp an costs, 1ee5 and e�enses ot Trustee and of this Trust, hcludlnp costs of <br />.a.�„�-�� evidence of tkM in connectbn wkh saw,T�vste� SheN�pply the OroaMds of s�le to paymYr►t Ot(iJ tMe Indebtsdn�ss(ii) �N othK eumn <br /> -- lhen secured hersby,nnd(IN)the rerrwlntlor,if any,to the person o�persons lepally entitied thereto. <br /> ��� (o) TruetM mty 6t th�m�nne provided by kw postpone sale of a11 or any portbn of tho Trust Estat�. <br /> 12.Remedles NOi EXCIUi1V0. Trustee and Benetictnry, end each of thern, shuil be entitled to enforca paym�nt and �rlorrtw�c� <br /> o}�y ti�budrnss or obUpttbns securad h�raby and to ezercise all riphts and pawers under this Second Oeed of Truat or undK my Loan <br /> — Instrum�nt or ottwr�prMm�nt or�ny lnws now or harealler in force; natwRhstendhfl, some or ali ot tha 6uch hd�bbdn�ss �nd obNpatkxis _ <br /> s�cund h�nby may now Or h+rn�ftsr be oth�rw►ae aecured, whelher by mortpaqe, desd of trust pNdp�, IMn� attqnm�nt or olMrwis�. <br /> Pl�lthK th��ccpt�nc�ol thk S�COnd Ds�d of Trust nor ks enlorCement,whethsr by court actbn or pursuant to ths powK of aw or othK <br /> •_-� powKS Mnin Cemtah�d,sh�N pnJudic�or In any manner tttoct Trustao's or Baneffclary's rlphl to teal[zs upon or enforc��ny other acurky <br /> �pw pr huwft�►hNd by Truat�s or B�nN�kry, k b�ing �preed that Trust�e end Bene(iciary, end t+eCh of tham, ahaN b��ntkMd to�nfonC� <br /> --- thit S�cond W�d of Tru�t �nd any oth�►6«:uritp now or hereaRer held by Benefiekry or 7rueloe in suoh order and mannK as th�y or Nthw <br /> — of th�m mty h th�Y�bsolut�discntbn d�t�rmine. No rem�dy hersh canbrred upon or reserved to Tru6tN or BusMbi�ry Is hbntMd to b� <br /> -9�f..^�:.� oxalusiw of �ny othcr rKnsdy haroh or ny aw provlded or permitted, but each shall he cumulatFre and shall bs h addNbn to every oth�r <br /> r«rMdy ylwn h�nunder or now or heraafte► existhp at law or in oqulty or by statute. Every power or remedy piven by any of tAe Lo�n <br />��,,,__�:�;�� instrum�nts to Trustw or E3meficyry or to whlch eRher ol them may be othenvise entitied, may be axercised,concurronty or hdpendlnty, <br />--- - _� hom tim�to tkn�and as oRen as may be deemed expedknt by Trustee or Beneficary and eRher of them may pursue hconsiatent rwn�dfss. <br /> ��:=� Nothhy h�n shaN be construed as prohibknq 8enetiCi�ry from seekhq a deticiency Judgment aflehst the Trutstor to the extent suCh ootion <br /> - -^;-kr'': IS p9�rt11ttYd by Itw. _ <br /> ��`"'�'T� FtDJ40.lMQ(7/011 Pap�3 ot 6 _. <br /> __, :��_- <br /> �t�: ':�,�� — <br />—�+.� . <br /> h,. — <br /> �•. _. .-,�a' - <br />—'I _�� N <br /> . W c+#i�� <br /> .. i <br /> . � <br /> - 1 <br /> � <br /> S�� <br /> � .. _._—.I . . ._ _. ... . _ _... _. <br />