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<br /> �_��;;y�,`�� ' To Prot�ot U» Stourity of tM� St�ond D�ed of T�ust: �_
<br /> :_R.�- 'J° 1. P�yment of Ind�btadn�M.Tru�tor sh�ll p1y wh�n du� Ih� principul of, �nd the �ntanst on,the hd�blYdn�16 and aM olhK �-.^:,
<br /> •��.:f.. wms a�provfd�d h tM Lan In►trummt�.
<br /> �;�,�'��!'rr --
<br /> -`n'''" �, Tw1(!!.TruttOt Ih11M p�y wch N�taNrn�nt o1�II I�x�s�nd sp�CMl �fa�s�mwri� o} w�ry kfnd, now or h�M► Nrbd�Wlnt!lh�
<br /> `'_,��_ Trust E�t�ls a�y Wn 1►unof,bNOr�d�ilnQuMtiCY� wRhout nolk� or d�nd. _
<br /> ��� _
<br /> 3. Inwnnc� �nd Rep�in. Tru•�or snan mah�.h i�• �na •x�K+ad covNaq� hsur�nco hiurhq th�Improv�nMt 6���tiy�
<br />:.�'�'�•~ part af tM Trutl EsNN for tuoh�mounts�nd on wcn t�rms rMSOn�by a�tb��otury to l3an:f'�cary. So lortq os Me Pro�+►ty ��
<br /> �'�'� Ilrst dMd Ot huti tN moflWQ�� ComplhnC�wMh th� Insunnc� nquk�rr»nb of th� flr�1 dwd ol Irue1 or manp��thi�bi tuM�CfM�t to NtNh _
<br />��� tM nqulr�n�nt�of lhl� panqnph 3 n4thy to�nwranc�. _
<br /> l
<br /> --. - Trusto►�h�A promptiy npalr�nd apl�cs th�Truit E�ut� or�ny paA th�nol sa Ihat.�xo�pt lar ordfniuy w«r aed tMr,lh�7ruft Ett�U
<br />.;;,�,;..� thaY nol dNKla�t�.�n np�vM�t sh�N tIH Truttor cornmM wasN on or to th� Tn,st Esbt�,a cammR.sufhr or pKmM�nY �ct ta b�don�In
<br />.��j:,r��.� or upon th�Tru�t EstAto in vbktbn ol �ny ww, ordh�nc� or rpuktbn. Trustor ih�p p�y �nd prompty dlscht+rB��t Truttor't cost md _
<br />'�.�':. . �n�a aM Nmt,�ncumbnncN an4 ch�rya Nvi�d, MnPosW or�ss�as�d�painst tM Trusl Estat�or�ny p�rt tt►�aot.
<br /> ::a..r
<br />'""`_�►'�' 4. AOtk11s AK�cUn� Tru�t Est�te. Trustor sh�N ��tr In snE acnust �ny �atbn or p►ocMrlhp pu�P«1hp to aM�ct th�
<br /> ,''+�,`� acurlty h�nol or tM rp�ts or powKS ot B�n�ficyry or Trustw�. �nd ahaN p�y aN coslc�nd e�W�ns�s, hCludhQ Cost ot widmc� ol tkM
<br /> �nd �ttOm�ys'M�s�h Any suoh RClbn Or prOCwdir►7 h whiCh B�nRti0lary pr Tncste�moy aPP�r. If TruEtot IRIi4 to m1k� aeY WY�t or lG
<br /> –�b�o dp my �ct�s�nd In tM rrwnnK provld�d h any of th9 Loan In�Wments, BeneticMry endlor Trustes,s�Ch M�thefr own dbcntbn,wXhput
<br />=����=1�� oblfp�lbn eo to do�nd WRhOUt nOtiC� t0 Or d4fpi�d upOr1 TNStM i�d wRhpUt re4asiny Truttar frpm any ob�patbn�mo9 mak� a do �M
<br /> � A��r.�� wrw h such m�nnK �nd t0 suah wcNnt tc �it►+Nr mey d�r^ ^��WY ta prataat tM s�curfty herooL Trustor chop, Ynsntdintehr Ul�
<br /> ---=-- d�m�nd th«Ma by BM+N�ciuY, P�Y aN Costs �nd �ns�s hcurred by BanMickry h con�ctbn wRh th� �rcis�by BmMb�uY of lM
<br />-^ 5i..�
<br />�_���� (orpohp riphb,hcbd#�wkhout IimfG►tbn cost� a� tNidence of tRM,court cost6, appraisak, surwys�nd ariomers� �s•
<br /> -- — 5. Eminent Domsin. If tM Ttutt Eitlite. or mY P1rt Ihlr�ol or inWr�sl thKNn. b� takM� o� dM1t�d bY�ato� o� Ny P�bYC
<br /> Improv�rtMnt or condMnnatbn proCMdiny,or h �ny othlr rc►4nnen c�ludhy dMd h liau thK�of("Cond�x��tlon'). Tiusto+sh�1 a t Md
<br /> notie�or othw hfonnation rp�rdhy sueh proc�Nnp�Tmstor ahtD ptw prompl virr4t�n nol��th�no}to B1eMicluY. h�nd proS�cub h
<br /> to tl compms�tbn,award� and ott�paym�nts or rnlief lh�not and sh�N b��ntNad at Ms optbn to cort�rtwnc�,�PO�
<br /> _� q� �� ���ty �ctipn pr prxMdinys.Trustar chiW tlso bo antRMd to mak�any compromiss or sattMmint in conMCtioe wkh such t�kh0
<br /> — or dYn�y�.
<br /> 6. wppp{n�111Q�1L Of $UCClifO� Trustee. BenefiCilry may. kom thw lo tfrr�, by a writt�n inslrurT►M�t �CUtfd u►d
<br /> _--- �Cknowbdp�d by d�fiCMry�mrlMd to Trustor and ncordW in ttk C:ounry in wnicn ii�u Trus:�S�t: � �..^s�–�en!�hy t��lwwW compNMO
<br /> � wkh th� provkbns of tM appfic�bM kw ot th�State oi N�braska substRut� a euccessor or succ�sson to th� TrostM nam�d h�r�i^ or
<br /> °"w �ctirp I+�runtMt.
<br /> 7. Sl1CCei�O�i �Itd A=iIQ�1�.Thf., S�COnd Dwd of Trust 1ppli�t to,inuns to [h� 4�nafR Ot md binds aM p�tirt�enit0�tt�ir
<br /> �,yp��s�dwkNS,p�►cprtal npns�nUthws, succasors and asaqns. Tha tum "8mMlchrY" shaN mMn th� ownK md hold�r of u►y
<br /> promissory�oM plvm to b�nNicrry�Iw►�Nh�r or not nnn�d �s B�nNicWy h�nhJ.
<br /> 8. Mesper, Con�olid�tlon, Sales or Les�es.Trustor cov+nants th�t Trustor wiY no►sNi. a.sa ar otharvvfs� d�sPose of any
<br /> af tM Trust Ettat�.In tM�vent th�t Ttustor s�lb. M�s�s or othuwfs�diapos�s ol any p�rt ot the Trust Eetat�,B�nMfcfuY rt�y at ks optton
<br /> d�cNn th� hdM�bdn�sa sacund haroby knrt�edfatay Gus �nd ptyabM, whKhsr or not a�y dNauk uckK. Bmokl�rY =�aM cons�nt to •
<br /> V�nsNr o}th�Truat Hatat�to a thFd puty to th� �xtsnt 6uch thPd pafly rnMls tM rWuFMr�ts cont�frNd in,�nd�fsumis tM oblip�tfons
<br /> s�t lorth N tM Fint O«d of TrusG Th�cownants conuhsd hsrNn shaM run with th� Prop�ty ond shaM nrtwh in wM Iaa+�d N�t�^til
<br /> tM hdM�t�dn�ts i�P�kl in tuN.
<br /> 9. EVlflb Ot DCfAUIt. My of the loliowinp ewnts 6haN ba d�Ml'ied an event ol defauk hYrsundM:
<br /> (a) dNluk sh�N b�mad�tn th�p�yrtwnt of tho hd�bt�sss or any othlr sum socurad h�nbY wh�n dW�
<br /> Or
<br /> (b) Trusta shaN p�Aortn�ny aet In b�nkruptcy;or
<br /> (c) � court of Com�bnt jurisdbtbn shaA antK an order, judprt�snt or d�croa�pP�oyhD�P�kb" � �hst T�u�tor uNcinp�ny
<br /> no�niratlon, d{asotutlon or efmilor nllrf vndK my pr�s�nt or lutun tsd�r41, stat� a oth�r st�tut�, I�w a npul�tbn rN�tinp to
<br /> bankruptoy. In�oMnay or oMor raYef lor d�btors, tnd such ordK, judprr�ent or doc�ae shaN �wnah unvacaUd �nd unstay�d lor an
<br /> tppc�b oi�kty (60} days (wt�ath�r or not conaacutive) hom the tirst date of entry thereot; or �ny Wstw,ncN� or liquid��a °�
<br /> Trustor a of aN a Iuiy Wn oi tAe Tn,st Estats, a of any or au ot the royaltfes, revanues, rents, fssu�s or pro�t� thKOOf, shaM b�
<br /> �ppOht�d wkhout th� Consent or scqubscence o1 Trustor and such appaintment shall remain unvac�ted md unstayW tor an�yprp�h
<br /> _________— yf Sbcty(gp)d�ys (whath�r or not conaecutNe);or
<br /> ;�:�� F��xo.�MC+�r�o�1 aae.�m s
<br /> .::Q,we�a
<br /> ��
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