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<br /> 5. HAZr+ed or Pra�►crty lnsurunce. Su�Yt�wrr ,hall kerp thc impruvemenGr ��aw exiatlu� un c�rrafrer enti:t�l on the
<br /> !� Pro{�crty intiuml wgxin,t loss by fire, haurd,iix:luded witl�in�tie tenn�CXICIMICII COVCEN$C" utxl nny uthcr twzards. including _
<br /> tkxxls ur tloaling. fur wbict�l.eixler requires insuratx:r. Tlii:�insurux:e�I�all 1�roxinuatx�l ln tttn�uuuunts aad fat thc pedcxfs
<br /> �•�+�""� tltxt I.xrnlrr re�(uires. Thr in,uruix:e carrier pruviding the intiurar�e slixll t�chuu��by Bunowa�subjcY:t ro Lr.ncler's Approvxl __
<br /> `.�"".' which �ltxll nnt be uiUea.wnably widilield. If HOI'il1WCJ MII9 (U I118111fRI11�QVCI11$C IIC�:iIbd.I t1�1UVC, lxixler nu►y,Kt Le�xler's
<br /> updup,ubtaia wvKra�e to prote�:t Ix�xler's righai in thC Pr�eny iu acconl;ux:e with parngruph 7. __
<br /> A11 iusursu►ce policies :uul reaewals shxll be xcceptable tu ix�xler and sl�all iixlude a stanttxrd niartdage clwse. Le�xler
<br /> shxll havr the dght to dold the policies xnd rer�wals. lf I.ender c�equins,Borruwrr sh�ll promptly give w l.ender all receipts uf :
<br /> paid premiwns�nd rcnew�l iwaces• In tt►e cvent of lo:s,Barrower tihall give prampt uoace ro tt�u ina�urance carrier wd L.ead�r.
<br /> Lerxier m►y make proof of loss if not mada prompdy by Boaower. .
<br /> Ualess uder xnd Burrower othecwise agre�iu wridng.insurince pcocee�s�tiall t�e aPP��Ex1 tu restoration or re�sxir uf the -
<br /> Property�ed.if the r�sturddon or repait is�wnamlcsJly f�ible arrl Lxuder's securlty is ncit iesseaed.If the rcstoradoa or . , l`.
<br /> repair is not eeonomleally feasible or Leade:r's security would be lesseued. the insura�x:e prac�cis sha11 be applied to the sums
<br /> securecl by this Security Instrument, whethnr or iwt Qlru du�, with ury Czceu paid to Botr�u�,r. If Borrower ahsu►dans the
<br /> Pmpcny,or does not answer withiu 30 days x iwdce from Lencier tdat the in+urance curier has offered ta setde a claim,then � .
<br /> Leuder may collect tlie iw-�eriace praceni�. Lender may use che proceecis to repa[r or restare the Property or to pay sums
<br /> securecl by this Security In�tmmeut.whethcr or awt tt�eu duc. The 30�ay pedal will begin when the aodce is given.
<br /> � Unless Lende�and Bocrawer oWe[wise abme in writing. any applicadon of proceafs to priocipal s6a11 aot extend or
<br /> me
<br /> - postpone the due date of the monthly paym�ntc cefernd to in pardgraphs 1 aad 2 or ct�ange tha amuunt of the payments.If under , _
<br />- • pacagriph 21 the Property is acquireci by Lender. Borrowei s right to any insurauce palicieE and proceeds ces�lrin8 from �.v
<br /> dnmage ro the Property pdo�to the scqui�ition shall rrws to Lender to tLe extent of the awns srcund by this Securicy la�trument
<br /> immediately prior to the acguisition. ��
<br /> � f: 6. Occupancy,Preser�atlon�Mi►intenance and Protedion of the PropertYi Borrowcr's Loan Application;L�olc19. �:
<br /> Borrower shall occupy,establish,:wd use the Property as Borrower's priacipal r�sidence within siary days after the exerution of �`.
<br /> � -- tdis Security Inctrumen[aad aIu►it wati�a i�:,:::.ttp�itse°r�wzt;as&rtowcr'c rrincipal vesidance for at least one Year aRet .
<br /> the Jate of occupancy.unless Lender ath�nvise ageres in wridng.wtuch consent shall not Ix�unre�sonably withheld,or unless -"--
<br /> extcnuating circumstaucts exist wbuc:h are beyond Boaower�S COIItrOI. Borrower shall ,�c a�.�aoy, damaBe or impair the -
<br /> Property, allow tbie Property to deterionte,ar commit waste on the Property. Bocrowcr shuU be ln default if any fi�rfeitun
<br /> '� `' whether civil or ctuninal. is begun tl�zt in Lender's good faitli juclgmant could trs�ilt in forfeiture uf the
<br /> � � acdon or procaKling.
<br />_= Property or otdecwise materi�tly impair tl�lien c�¢ated by tlus Secucity lasaument or I.�ndar's srcuriry intc�st. Bonovver may
<br /> - cure such a default swd ninst�te.as provide:d ia paragraph 18,by causing the acdon or procading to be dimaissed with a nilin8
<br />- . . <w,.x that. in Leader's good faith detcrminudai, preciudas forFeiture of the Barroa�er's interess in the Property or other material �_
<br /> - -.=;•.�+���a impaim�ent of the llen created by this Security lnstturaeut or I.eader's securiry iatetest. Bottower shall xlso be in defwuit if
<br />;�.t�;""' Borrower,during We loan ap�lication procesc.gave roaterially false or in�.ecurate informArion or statanents to Lender(or failed
<br /> '. .,;";��; to provide Le�ler with any material info�mndon)ln coimection with t6e loua evideuced by thu Note.incl�ding,but not limited
<br />"'�,�:_:,. ,
<br />'�__��; to.repnsontxtions covicemin8 Borrower's accupanc:y uf die Property as�principal residenoe. If this Security Iastnimene Ls an�
<br /> =: ..Y,:�.: leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the: provisions of the lease. If Bunower aoquires fa tide to thc Propetty. tl�e
<br />�"=?��'��� le�sehold and the fee tide shall not merge unl�ss Lend�r agnees to the merger in wridng.
<br /> -r.:.
<br />-:�:"r+�-;::• 7.Protedion of Lender's Rir�ts in the Propeity.If Borrower fails to perfotm the�cavenants and ageeea►ents contai�d ut
<br />��r;��. . this�ecurity Iastrument, ar therr.is�legal procading that way significandy uffect Ixncior's rights in the Property(such as 4
<br /> �: `�.
<br /> '���, �•'��� proceeding In bankcnptcy. probate, for condemnadon or forfeitum or to enforce laws or n�iladoi�s),tLen Lencler msy do and
<br /> r+r� ..:�<4l.°
<br /> ::��;:r;; pay for whatever is�cessary to pratect the valu�of the Pmperry and Lender's rights in the Pmpe�tyr. Leuder's acaons m�y _
<br /> �=":�++��'�, include paying any sums setured bY a liea wLich has priority over this Security InsYn�ment, appearing in court. PaYinB
<br />�°�'.��o,� reasonable attorneys' fees and entering on[he Property to malce repairs.Alt1►ough i.enclet muy take ution w�der this partgraph -
<br /> ���'—"�° 7,Lencler das aot have to do so.
<br />_ ::n�:, . `�-
<br /> �=�►`�-,� Any uniounts disbursed by Lender under dris paragraph 7 shall become addidunal debt of Borrower �ecural by tLis
<br />;� �''' gecuriry Instcument. Unless Bonotiver and Lender agree tu uther tem�s of payment, these a�nounts sha11 bear interest ftom the
<br /> :._�.•�•..'' .
<br />- ���~' date of disbursement at the Note rat�and shall br payable, with interest, upon notic�e fa+om Le�er to Borrouer cequesdng
<br /> _ _. . pa�ent.
<br /> � ' S.Mort�a�e Insurance. If Lender required mortgage iusuran�e u a condiaun of mtildng the loan secured by this Security -__
<br /> � Insuument, Borrower shall pay the precniums req►ilreci to maintain the mortgage insvr,�ar.�e in effat. If. for any re3son. tl�ee _
<br /> ' mortgage iusur,mce coverage required by I.euder lapses or ceases to be in effect, BorrowPr sball pxy the premiums te�uind ta __
<br /> • obGVn coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage i►�urance previously in effect,at a�ost substantially equiv�aas to the -
<br />= cost to Honower of the niortgage insura:�ce previoosly in effec;t, from au alternate mort�age insurer appcoved by lxaier. If '}��
<br /> � substundally equivalent mortgage iusurance caverage is not available.Bormwer shall pay to Lender each month n sum equal to ._
<br /> une-twrifth of the yearly mortgabe iaa�*�n�e preuuuni beii�paid by Barrc�wre�when the insura�e coverage lap�ed or ceasec!to
<br /> , be in effect.Lender will accept,use and retaiu these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage inti�ursuxe. L.a�s reserve
<br /> �=" Form 802a 91�l1
<br /> - c+liff�
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