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<br /> T(3GBTHBR WITH all the improven�ents now ar hereafter em;red on d�C propecty,azxl all easrmenty,`r�purietuux:�,K�xl
<br /> 1•►�,tares naw or heceafter a part uf the properry. All replacCineuts and u�diuiuur• �lull alau lx: u�vered hy this Sc�:urity
<br /> ��;' Itetuunxat.AU of the foregoiag is referred to in this Security Insttument as the "Properry"
<br /> ��� BORROWBR COVBNANTS that Bonower ls lawfully seised of d�e estate liercby mnveyed and 6;►s thc right to grint at�l
<br /> �� �onvey the Property arid thic�he Pmperty is unencurabered, eacept far eix:umbtuice�of ra:ard. Borrower w�rrxntH aix) will
<br /> cl:ftn�ci generally the tide ta the Proporty against all claims and demanci.s,subject to any encumbrances of r�urd. `
<br /> THIS SACURITY INSTRUMBNT carabines unifonu coveaant�far nationxl use �nd aou-u►ufomi cavcrnuue� witlt lin�itr.d
<br /> ' variations by jurisdiction to consticuce a unifo:m security iwmiwent wv�rii�g reul propany_ �';�
<br /> UNIFORM COVBrIANTS. Borcower and Lender covenant and agree us follows: P
<br /> 1. Paymeat of Princlp�l and Inta�est; Prepayma�t and [.xte Ch�rQes. Boriower shall prauP�Y PaY W�n dua [he �-`�
<br /> pritrclp�l of ud iuterest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and IatC chatges dua under thG Note. �
<br /> ' 2.FuncLs for Taxes and Insuranca SubJect to applicable law or to a written w�iver by Lender. Borrawer shall pay to :_
<br /> ^ i,ender on the day monthly payments are due uuder the Note,until the Note is paid ia full, a sum("Funds')for:(x)yauly twces �
<br /> � and assessments which may attain prioriry over this Security Instn�ment as a lien on the Property;(b)yoxrlY leasehdld payments -
<br /> �� or grouncl nnts on the Property,if any: (c)Yearly hazard or properry insurance premiwms; (d)Yearly flond in�►�nce pr�►utunys,
<br /> � if eny;(e)yearly mortgage insurtince pmniums, if any;and(�any svms payable by Borrower to Lender,in accacdance with
<br /> 5 . the pmvisians of parugraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage iasutance premiums.These items are called'Escrow ltems.'
<br /> Lencler may, at aay time, coUect :wd hold Funds in an amount not ta exceed tl�e miaximum �nount a lender for a federally
<br /> � � related mongage loan may requi� for Borrower's escrow account under the fedecal R�al Bstate Setd�ment Procedures Act of
<br /> 1914�amended fcom time to ame,12 U.S.C. Secdon 2601 et seq. ('RBSPA"),unless auothnt law thut applios w We Funds
<br /> ' sets a lesser amount. If so. L.ender ivay, at aay time. collect und hold Funds in an aaiount not to eacaed tha lesser amount.
<br /> � „ Lendtr may estimace the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reas�nabla estlmates of expenditures of fuhue _
<br /> - Escrow Items or othecwise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> :; 'ihe Funds shxU bc held in �a iastih�don whose deposits are insured by a federal agancy, iustruaientnllty. or entiry
<br /> �'•,' (iaciucling Lender,if Lender is such an iasdtudon)or in any Federal Hoare Loan Bwlc,Leader shall apply the Punds w paY tbe
<br /> i-,�-
<br /> - • ��'�� Escrow Items. I.ender may not cl�arge Borrower for holdittg anct applying the runds, annuaiiy wwiyziug iLc c�,����.��• ar
<br /> ' :�:;�:,:•.•�,it verifying the Escrow Items, unl�.ys Lender pays Barrower intenst on the Funds and applicabla law pemuts Leader to make such
<br /> fi` . �� a charge. However, Lender may require Horrower to pay a one-time charge for an indep�ndent real estate ta�t teportfang sen►ice
<br /> , f`;
<br /> �,; :,,•.;;, usecl by Lender in cannection with i�►is loan, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an agt�eement is made or
<br /> '<�`�"�'�,�'`:"�' applicable law requires interest to be paid. Lender shall not be required ta pay Honower any ituarest or euuings on the fi�nds.
<br />�=�� � �: ��� � Borrower and l.ender mxy agree in wriun�,however, that interest shall be paid on tLe Fands. I.endar slwq give to Borrower,
<br /> -;.;,;��;::>':�,;. � without ch�rge, an annual accounting of the�nds, showing credits and debits to tl�e Funds w►d tha pu►pose for wiuch each _
<br />'�`.`�`�•:•'•+����"' � debit to the Funds ws�s made.Tl►e Funda are pledged as additional securiry for all swns secured by this Security insuumeat.
<br /> 9"*'�?_"�'�''• If the P�nds held by L.ender exceed the vnounts permitted to be held by applicrat�le law, Lendat shaU�ccnunt to Bonower
<br /> _1•.,.:�._...• �.:
<br /> 'M'~ '%r-:. . •• for We excess Fw�ds in accurdance with the requinements of applicable law. If the amount of tbe Funds Leld by Leader at any
<br /> ,,,.
<br />�;��"F•�'' �i � dme Is not sufficient to the Escrow Items when due,Lender ma so nodfy BoROwer in wridng,�nd,in such casa Bomowec
<br />_.��.����_- �►y y
<br /> -�°- �= shall pay to Lender the amount neassary to make up the deficiency. Bonower shall mako up th� deficiency In no moce than
<br /> �"��� twelve moathly pxyments, at Lender's sole discredon.
<br /> -`�"�"'"'���� Upon payment in full of all sums securecl by tlus Security Insaumeat. Leuderahall prompdy refund to Borrower any
<br /> ,.,..t,..:==;�'�e'�
<br /> _--�:��x��_� Pun�ds held by Leader.If,under paregraph 21,I.ender st�all acquire or sell the Property,L.ender,prior ta the acquis3tion or sale
<br />��.��'�.�s af the Pmperty, shall apply any Funds held by Lencler at the time of acquisition or sale a�a credit against the sums secumt by
<br /> �,:�aim�-,�.i•� ,`.� this Securiry butnunent.
<br /> - 3.Application of Payments.Unless applicable law provides otherv+ise,all paynnents received by I.ender under paragraphs
<br /> -;�_:.�;;�z;�^_'79� 1 axu12 sLall be applled:first,to any prcpayment charges due under the Note; Saond,to amounts payabl� iwder paragcaph 2:
<br /> =��'�" third,to interest due;fourth,to priaipal due;a�xl last,to any late charges due under tho Note.
<br /> �'"'°�i' 4. Charaes;Liais.Borrower s6a11 ay all taxes, ents, charges, fin�s and irnposidons attributs�ble to the Properry
<br /> P neeneem
<br />''�_"'`"" �• and leasehold ents or unci nnts,if an Borrower si�ill pzy
<br /> �,—�ti which may attain priority over this Scxurity Instiument. • paym B�o Y�
<br /> y;��=��►"' thest obligations in the nianner provided in par.tgraph 2,or if not paid in tbat ma�uier,Bonower shall pay th�m on tima dirxdy _
<br /> �: „o::..
<br /> J'S�"��.L�'''"` ` to the pecson owed payment.Borrower shall prompdy furnish to I.enda all nodces of unouats to be paid under ttua puagraph• _-
<br /> ,�.... —
<br />-;�;�- .. If Borrower makes thsse paymettts directly, Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lead�r ceceipts evidancing tli�t payments. E��
<br /> ;;;: • Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien wlrich has priority over this Sccurity Iosm�mBnt unl�Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> ' wriang to the payment of the obligadon secured Uy the lien in a nwuner acceptuble to I.ender. (b)cuntests in gooci faith tt►e lien �_�
<br /> � by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal proccedings which in U��Lender's opinion operue to prevent the �,�,-
<br /> " � f;' enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fram the holder of the lien un agreement satlsfectary to Leucler subordinating the lien to :`'•__
<br />_ �; this Securiry Iasttument. If Lencier detetmines Wnt any patt of the Pmperry is avbject to a lien wtvch nuy attxin priority over
<br /> -_ +�y tlus Security Iusmuuent,I.ender inay �ive Borrower a nodce ldenrifying th�s lien.Borrower shall sapsfy the lien or take o�or
<br />-. � mon of the acdons set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br />_ JF�r_� {� Form 3028 19
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