� . ..
<br /> --�• .... ...-
<br /> '1,;,, ,.. ,., ,•:e�ii�. r a:��;.ay`�::
<br /> .�l�K'��A� � � �.-� �
<br /> { - � •. h�-�.
<br /> 97-106'703 t . �;;y"._=�=
<br /> -'"-��:�'"=:;��^-�
<br /> 22. SECUFi1TY INTEREBLUNDER 7HE UI�FOFiM COMMERCIAL COOE. Thla Deed ol Trusi chall be consldared end be ettactive as a Onandng ,; �_.�
<br /> atetemmt nnd n Ilxturo fllinp purwant lo the pravltbna ol ihe Unliorm Cortmerdal Code lea adopled In ihe slnte whero ihe real property Is lacaled) • ;�g.Y�_.
<br /> wv�flng IiKtun�,cheuds,ruid enklea olpersonul property now owned or hereeRer attachad to or to be used In connectlon with ihe Propeny topether wilh
<br /> nny nnd nll rapinw�ndnte Ihmoot nnd ndd�one Iheroto(ihn'Chnitels'),ond C3rvNOr hereby grenis Londer n secuNly interest In cuch Chettals. Tho debior Is , ,
<br /> Ihe C�rnntor describod nbow Thls Deadol Trutt wiN be etlecllve as a finnnGnp sialamenl libd t►s o tixture iilinA wlih ros�cl to sll lixturos Includod within
<br /> a�ld�e�t9�i und Is Io bo I�Nd fa record In tM raal o�tate r�card�of each eounly where nny pnrl of stdd promisea IlnGud�ng sald fixtures Is sltuntod Thla �,'
<br /> Daa ot Truel:hatl nleo he effeciW�n�a NnanGnA sintemenl covering eny olhet psmita and mey Ix fded In nny olher appra�xiata�iling a recording
<br /> otlice A carbori,pho�o(�reph�c a olher rprodi�cllan oi ihl�D�ed ol Truu a ol any finencinp�laloi�w���rel,�tinp ta thla Dcad ol Truat Ehnll be 5u�liGenl nn a ..:.�n..
<br /> hnenGng elatonbnt la any ol the purpoH� relorr�d ia in Ihis Paragraph The teeursd PertY Is the Lender describod abovo- Upon domand.(3rentor shnll
<br /> m�k�,�x�cut�end d�liwr wch wcurlly a9rNmstu� (a�wch IHm la detkrod in seld UNlorm ComnerGal Coda)as Londnr at any Iime may deom ,.
<br /> neceasery or prope►a requlr�d to prnnl la Umd�r e psrf�tud securlty Inta�tl In ihe Chatlel�.end upon Qrentor's tajlure to do so.Londer Is aulhwlzed to , ' ;••: y•'"�,r;
<br /> �Ipn any tuch��roem�nt ae ihe nnent d(3�entor �rantor hereby authorizes Londer ta lilo linnncing sinlemomn las such torm is detined In said UNform . ,
<br /> Cormkrdal Co�e) wllh rstpoct ta Ihe Chaqels,et any ttirie,wilhoul ihe aignaiure ol Grontoc Granlor wiA,howovor,at any timo upon requost of Lendor, ,-
<br /> slpn such IinanclnA atatemmis (irantawiSl pay all filing IMS for Ihe filx�p ot aur.h fnancing ntatemenis and lor Ihe reGGng ihoroal at ihe timea requirod.In t . � • , :
<br /> Ihe opinlon ot Lendor.by eaW UNlortn Camierclal Cade. II the Ibn o}ih�s peed ol Trust bo sub}eu to nny securily egeemem covering ihe Chattols,then � •
<br /> .,:..� In Ihe svent ol any tNfauit unckr Ihis Deed ol 7ruaL ell tM flght,titlo end Inlerest ot Cirentor In nnd to eny and all ol the Chaflels Is hereby assipned to . :,�.
<br /> ��� Lend�r,top�tlNr whh the b�nefil of any deposfte or p�iyrtnnls now c►he�eaher meda ihersof by(3rama or ihe predecessors or succeasora In tille of
<br /> "� aronror In ihs Properry. . :c 4z':'� ti�''
<br /> 23. REIMBURSEMENT OF A610UNT8 EItPENOED BY LENDER. Lender,at Lender's optlon,rrey expend lunds Iinciuding attomeys'feea and Iegal ����.;�.'.���-- -
<br /> s�p�n s a s)t o p e r l o r m e n y ea r e q u�►sd toba teken b y(irama or to oxordse any righl or remady ol Lender under thle Deed ot Trust. Upon demand.Grantor � ',�,�,. ,,�"" _
<br /> shaH knrndiataly relydwrs�Lendx tw el sueh ernounts expoe�dod by L e o d er�ope t h e r w i t h I n t e r e s t l h e r e o n e t t h e b w e r o t t h e h i g h e s t r a t e d e s c r i b e d I n a n y ,��t--
<br /> jv�,:�---
<br /> Obliyetion or the hiyMat rete allowod tH�aw Irom the dnte of payment until IM ciete o1 rNmbursement. Those aums ahail be InGuded In tho detinition ol •_,.,i•�::•^
<br /> Obllpetlans hereln and ahaN be aecuredby tM beneflcial Imereatg�amed hereln. II the Obllgatlona arepeId after the beginning of pudkatlon al notice of , ,,,...-
<br /> eab,es hereln provlded,a In the evont lender shall,at Ita sole optlon,pemit Qrantor to pay any pert of ihe Obiigallona aitor Ihe beginning of publicaibn o1 `:,�,---
<br /> notiae of sele,as herNn povidad.then,Gramor shall pay on derrend all expenses incurred by the Trustee and Lender In connection with sald publication, ;�, ,;
<br /> Indutinp rsaeonable ettat�ys'leos to ihe ettaneyn lar the Trustee and for the Lender,and a rsasonabte lee Io 1ho T►ustee,and Ihls Deed ot Trust shall be
<br /> aecu�ty for all such exp�enses and fees '�+e;---
<br /> � �ul. APPLlCATIbt�l OF PAVMIENTB• The Trustee shall�y the proceeds ot the wstee's sale,fir6t,to the costs end expenses of exerdsing the power of �';i;,�?'�
<br /> aeb and ot tM aab,IndudnA Ihe paymmt oi Ihe Trustee e aes actuall ineurteJ noi to exceed the arnoum v�hlch rr�sy be P�s�a other�lienholders,and ihe , . `'��',
<br /> � nt of unior doeds of Irust,mongage ,Y
<br /> secand,to payrtwnl of the o6ligellon axured by ihe Dead of Trust,th rd,to Ihe payme f r {�_
<br /> baiance,tl any,ro the person or personslegalfy ontiUed therato. ,,��.-.
<br /> � ' 2 b. P O W E R O F A T T O R N E Y. (irantahereby a�dnts I.ender as its etlomeyd�•lact to endorse tirantors name on all Insirumems and othar docurrants `�:�?
<br /> � 1 pertaining to the Odigationc or Deed d Trusl. in eciditlon, Lender st�ell be sntlibd.but not requfre d,to pe r tortn any ac l ion or ex e c u t o a n y d o c u m e n t �'Y�;�_
<br /> raquired to 6e teken or oxecuted by Carenta undar ihis Deed d Trust. LerMote pe�weotrnen attomo deaaibad Inethls�Deed oi Trustdar�e�coupied with en �"q b=:.
<br /> ren
<br /> �± rdbvn Grantor hom eny ObNStalion or aue any defaull under this Deed of Trust. A1 Y ,�,�
<br /> iMeroct and are Irrevocabb.
<br /> ''.,�'.--
<br /> � 2A. SUBRUQATfON OF LF_NOER. Lender shnll be wbrogated to tho rights of the holdor of any previous lien, security intorest or oncumlxance : -
<br /> U
<br /> discharged wtth iunds advanced by Lender repardlesc o4 whetheritx+se�lens•soeuraY�nterests or othor encumbrancea have been raleasod of record :•���,
<br /> ,� R=-
<br /> ' 27. COLLECTION COST9. To the ex�ent�ited bv law,Cirantw egraes to paYd�sde�re�sutamal.ewhoth�or rwt such8attomey or�agom�is an =-
<br /> ' and costa ot anomeyn and ather egema (nduding without Ilmiiation pvalegal ,
<br /> - -
<br /> '�` yue of Lender,which ere InaiRed by Lender ln oollecting any artnu�t due a enfordng any�t or renx�dy under this Oecd oi Truat,whether or not �
<br /> - ,� suit ia broughi.i�wiuur�y.t�1 rsoi�iz:i�7a.:,n!�s.^.r.d�s!s 4nnKncl m anoeal.In banlwDtcY.ar�d or Pos►•jud{�nnnt cal{ectian ect ans.
<br /> 20. PARIIAL RELEASE. Leode► rreY reloase 0s inlarest In a palion ol the P�openY by nxecuting and recording one or more Partial Oeeds of
<br /> pecomeyanCe without atleciing its Interest In tha rorminlnp porlbn ot iM Property.Nothing horeln shail 6e daermd to obllw�ts Lendsr to rebase any of Its
<br /> interest in the PropMY(exespt a�requYod undor Perearoah 38 a as rrey br othe�rwyisa required by law�,nor ahail lenderbo obilgated to release any parl
<br /> jhB�poPrij�jhe�reprope ly�as deBned In�e��Daed o�i Truat t�hat I,not�the�eet of thls orreny Parlial Deed of Re�oonveya��n In etfect with respect to
<br /> 2p, MODIFICA71aN AND WAIVER. The modiflcatlon a walver ot any of Gramor's Obllgatlont or Lendar's rlqhis undar this Deed of Trusl must be
<br /> . eontelr�xl In a writlrp stgned by Lender.Lender may pedam anY of Barower's or f3rantore Obllgatlons,d�lay a tall to exsrdse any of Ne rlghta or a�ept
<br /> payments hom Ciranta aenyone other than Granta wlthan causing e walver of those Obllpetlona a ts. A walver on one occasion chall not oonstflu�e
<br /> a waNer on eny other oaasloa f3rarno�s Od�tions under thb Deed of 7mst ahall nat be affected if r amerds,cortipromises,exchenges.tafla to
<br /> ' exsrdes.Irtpelrs a rslsaa4 any of ttx OblI�t ons betorping to eny arenta,8orrower or thlyd party or any of its►id�ts apalnst any Orentor 8orrower or
<br /> thlyd porty or eny ot Ihe Property. Lend�r's fall�re to Inslst upon atrlct perfortrence of any ot the Obllgatlons shall notbo deertxd a walver en�Lerx�ahall
<br /> � have the rlght at any tlme thsreaMe►to Inaist upon strlct perlomience•
<br /> 30. SU89TITUTE TRUSTEE;TRU9TEE LIABIUTY;COMPENSATION. In ca.se of the death,Ineblllty,refusal to aet or abaence of the Trustee trom the
<br /> state where the real proqny Ie bcateda in case the holder of the ObNqattone she�deslre for eny reason to remove the Ttuatee or eny�ubsUtute Iruatee as �
<br /> trusteo hereunder and to�polnt a new truslee In his qace and stead the holder of the Obllpatbns la hereby granted lull power to eppolm In wri11np a
<br /> � subatitute trustee fa cald Trustee,andlha wbstltWe trunlee shap,when eaadnted,becane succeisor to ell righta of Trust�e hereunder and the sartis�hall
<br /> ' becort�e veated In h4n fonhe purpoaesend obJocte of thls Deed of Truat v+ilth all the powet,dutlea end odlpatione hereln conferted on tho Trustee. Truatee
<br />- shall not be IIa61e ta eny erra of(��me m or ad done by Trustee,or be othawlse responslble or exountable under any dreumstencee whatsoevar.
<br /> T►ustee shall not be peraonatly uaWe b case of enlry by h or enyone actlnp by vlrtue of the powers herelngren ted ft upon the Deed of Trust fa dsbta
<br /> contractsd a Ilablliry or derr�aaes Inarted In the mana0emem or operatlon o1 aeld premlaea. Trustee shall have the ri�ht to raly on any Instrumsnt,
<br /> t tn gooa falth to be�nulne.
<br /> dxument w slgnature eulhwlzing or wpporling eny adlon teken or proposed to be taken by ft hereunder or belkved byl _
<br />= Trustee shall be entflled to relm6ursemnt ta e�n ses Yicurred by it In the perlomience a n�satlonl due Teru tee ereundeaaon�abo mb�r�Trustee tor�en�d �-
<br /> ao
<br /> � of Its servkes hereunder es ahell be rendered. (3rantor wlll,Iran tfine to tlme,pay compe
<br />- _ save and hdd 0 harmleas hom end agefnst any and eIl lass,cost,IlabiGry,damege and expenae whatsoever Incurted by it In the pertortronce of(ts dutlea.
<br />- All rtnneys received by Tmatee shall,umit usad or eipplled as hereln provided,be held In trust for thepu rposes fa whlch they were received,but need not �
<br />-` _" be segregated In eny mennor hom any other moneys(except to the extent requlred by law)end Trustee shell be under no Ifablllty fw Interest on any —
<br />, • moneya recelved by tt hereunder.
<br /> sucoessora�asslg�na 1nAiritees,grecelvers,adminstrato sTperconal r�eae�n av es�le8ateasnand devlseees.neflt ol Grantor and l.ender end thelr rospective --- --
<br /> 92 NOTICEB. Exoept es otherwlse requlred by law,any notlee or other eorrrnunkatlon to be provlded under thly Deed ot Trust shall be In writing and sent ���w,��
<br /> to the partbs at the addressea desctlbed In thls Deed of T►ust a such other addresa as the pertbs may desiqnate In wrlting from tlme to ttme. Any euch
<br /> notice so ghren and aent br tirat daas malt,postage prepafd,shall be deemed glven the eartler of three(3)days after such notice is sent or when recelved �'_'=?��
<br /> by the person to whom such noiloe Is being glven. ��•�'-'�
<br /> ".%��:..
<br /> 33, SEVERABIUiY. Whenevor pouk+le,each provfslon of thls Deed of Trust shali be Interpreted sa as to be eHective end valld under applicablo state �.� '�;:!�`�
<br /> law. It eny provlsbn of thls Deed of Tmst violatos Ihe law or Is unantorcoaWo,tho rest of the Deed ot Trust shall contlnue to be velld and enforceablo. � •-�`°::i-=
<br /> ,k.
<br /> o ho�pse QAarBitoE�nsems taslhe�unsdietlon and venu�of ny court selc3dedfbY LenederWnelts so o dlsa tlopn�yxated In hat statos eppllcablo law provldas ' _ . . .
<br /> 35. IfA�SCELLANE0U8.Grentor andlender agroe thai tlmo Is of tho essence. f3rantor waivos presemment.demand for payment,notico of dishonor and
<br /> � .� protos�exce�t as Fo�ulrad by la���wr�eotero�oG n�o�Trust re�e en s t 9�SOOmdete In egrat�ed understanding belweenl Grentors d Lendar peAmning lo
<br /> --- . _
<br /> -_, . _ ���m�...,.�����v�.....� ..._._
<br /> thetermsandcondtlons�reof. '-.�-. _ _. . --_----�—
<br /> 3E. NO THIRD PARTY HIGHTS. No person Is or sha�be e thlyd par[y benefldary of any�ovlslon ot thls Deed of Trust. All provlslons of thls Deed of
<br /> Trust In favor of Lender ere fntended solely tor the bene(e of Lendc�r,and no thlyd party shal Ye entitled to assume or oxpect that l ender wlll not walve or
<br /> consent to the modiflcatlon of any prrnlslon of thls Deed of Trus1,ln Lender's sole discretlon.
<br /> 37. PREBERVATION OF UABIUTY AND PRIORII'Y.Withom affecling tha tiability ol Borrower,Grantor,or any guaramor o(thv Oblleatfons,or any othor
<br /> person(except ti person axpressly relaased In wdting)fa thu payment andp�Aorm3noe of tho Obllgatlons,and wlthout eNocting the rights of Londer wilh �
<br /> rospect to nny Prope,rty iat exprasslyreleased In wrftlng,and wlthoul lmpaldng In eny way tho prlority of thfs Deed oI Trust over the Inlerest of any person
<br /> acquIred or tlrat edoenCed by record�ng subsequent to Ihe recording ol thls Deed of Trust,Londer m3y.ofther betore or afler the maturity of the Obllgatfons, ;
<br /> and without notfce or eonsent:release any person Ilable torpa yment or patomevico of all or any part ot tho Obllgatbns;mako any agroomem altering the
<br /> temu o1 pa�yment orpa rlormanco ot e�or eny pan of tha Obllgatlons,exerdso or rofraln from oxorclsing or wafve any riaht or rorrady�hat Londor may havo
<br /> under the Deed ol Trusl.aecept addlional sacurity ot any kind br any of the Obllgations:or releasa a othenviso doal wlth any roal or porsonal proporty �
<br /> securfng the Obllgatlons Any peraan acquldng a racarding evldonce ol any Interosl of any naturu In the Property shall bo doen�ed,by acqulring such `
<br /> Interest w recording any ovfdence thereof.to have cansented lo all or any such adlons by Lendor.
<br /> Pape 6 d 6
<br /> � + NEDOID Rav 297 l
<br /> �
<br />