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<br /> . 13. LENDER'S RNiHT TO EQ�AIMEkCE OR DEFENO LEGAL ACTIONS. t3ranta shall imnwdiat�ly�ovldo Lender with wrltten notks ol eny nctual a �'• '�1�"�;=�-
<br /> �. �`.-, .:_....��.�
<br /> ihreatenod actlon,sult,or other proceedinp nHocting the Propeny. Orantor hereby eppolnto Lender as ts nnomoyIn-lact to eomnenca,I�IxvOne In, end ���t,,.�--_
<br /> delend such actions,suits,nr othor logal procoedinps and to compromiisa or cetlie any clnlm or controversy pertnlning ihereto Lendsr thatl nol be Ilable to ,. , .��ti-
<br /> Ornnlor lor any ectlori.e�or,mistake,omiasinn or delay pertel to the eCtlpm dotc►Ibad In ih!a paroprapli or nny damages rosultlnA Ihasokom Nolhinp ,
<br /> contalned hereln wfll prevent Lender Irom taking the actlona cie In this pazpgreph In ite own name
<br /> 1�. fNDEMNIFICATtON. Lender shall nol eswme or be respontible lor tlw parfam�an�a o1 any ol Orantar'a odigetlons with respect to ihc+Pro�eriy u�dar : �:,;
<br /> eny dramstAncos. aramor shall Immediataly provide Lender with wditen natloe ol tutd Indermity nnd hold Lender and Ila sherohoWero.direclora,offlcars.
<br /> empbyees and ogenit harmless from sll dalms,d9uTlepos. Ilabllitbs(I�dixNng anornay�'fe�f and lepal expenses),cnutea ol octlan,aclbns,cuits ond ,.�, _.
<br /> other legal proceecMnge(cumul�tively'Clalms')portalninA to the Property(Includin ,but not Ilmited to,Ihose InvWving Hazardous Materlals) 3ramor,upon . ��°-
<br /> ' ihe request ol Londor.shall hire Iegal counsel 1a dofend Lender fram such Clairn9 end pay ih9 ettornayn'loes,lepal oxpensos nnd othcr eosis Incunnd in �•�%�"-
<br /> connectlon therewith. In the eltnrnalhre,Lender shatl bo entnled to employ ite own legal counsol Io deland such Clalnu at Grantor':, wst. Onnt�rs _
<br /> obii�ation to Indermity Lender under ihls peregeph shall survive the tortrinAtbn,rslease or forecloaure ot thie Ooed a1 Trust t f.�,��'`
<br /> ';��l�'.,._�--
<br /> �...,.r�' 16. TAl(ES ANO ASSE9SfAENT3. Oremor shall pay a�taxea and assessmeme rolating to Propeny when due and Imnedialety poNde Lendor evidenCe �"°'�'�'�`'��';-�
<br /> .� oi peymant ot same. Upan the request ol Lender,Crentar r�hail deposll with Lande►each month ona•twelflh(1l12)ol ihe eatimatad amual Insurence 5�4���`%'��,;_'Y
<br /> premlum,taxes end easessmema penalnlng ta tha Prope►ty. Sa lonp az there Is no defaun,these amounta shall be applied to the pa�nan�of ta�cea, �kH--•�
<br /> asaenaments and fnsuranr,e ae raqulred on the Property. In the evom o1 detaull.Landar ahall have the rtghl,at ita sola option,to eppiy iha M1mds ca hold to 4'r::� :�.�_.
<br /> pay any taxea or egalnat tha Obligatlons. Any funds applled may.al4ender'8 optlon,be appBed In reverse order ol the due data thereoi , ' 'Ae'�1;�_-
<br /> •IY.r_
<br /> �' 16. IHSPECTION OF PROPERTY,BOOKB,RECORAS Aid�ID HFcPORTS. arantor ahall alkw Lender or its agents to exemine and Inspat the PropQrty ,_;iA;:L;.�'
<br /> � and exemine,Inspoct and make eoples of Grantor's Lioelts and r000rdc pertalning Io iho Propeny trom tlrr»to tlme. (iremor shall ptovlde any assistanov ____
<br /> rc3qulred by Lendor:.�these purposes. All af+hP rig,�aNres and informatbn contelned tn Qranlor's booka and recotds shali be gonuine,true,a�curate and _
<br /> ;' complete In all respecis. Orentor shall note the existence of leneier's beneticlai Imareet fn Ita books and rocords pertaining to the Properry Additlonelly. �'��;--
<br /> Orantur ehall report,In a fortn satisfaetory ro Lender, such iniorrt�tbn as l.snder rmy request regerding Grantor's iinandal cancition a the Property. The .��;�;,:�
<br /> � IntortmtWn shall re for such perlods,shall reflect Grantor s recordt at such time,and shell be rendered wilh such frequency as Lender rcsay deslgnato. All ::z'�^.-
<br /> � Intom�atlon fumished by Orentor to Lender shell be true,accurate and compl�te in all respecin,end signed by Grentor II Lender requesls ,�`V
<br /> xi
<br /> 17. ESTOPPEL CERi1FN:ATE6. Withln ten(i(Iy days aher eny request by Lender,Orontor�hail delhrer to Lend�:r,or any Imondad transteree ol Lender s % • -
<br /> rights with respect to Ihe UhAgations,a slpned and acknowiadge�i etatement spadtylng(u�Ihe oulslanding balance on the Obllpations;end (b)whether ;..`;..
<br /> • Grentor poasesses any daims,detenses,cot�aHr or counterclalrtm wBh respecl ta the Obligatlans end,if so,the nature of such dalms,defenses,set-ofla or �.,
<br /> counterdalms. Grentor wiU be con�'urtvaiy bound by any representetion ihat Lender may m�lce to the intended irans(eree wBh respeci to Ihese matters In � ;,.,..�
<br /> the event ihat Grsntor falls to provide tho requostad statamem In a ttmely manner. �
<br /> �;:.�..
<br /> , �,
<br /> � 18. QHFAULT. Grantar shall be in dotau{t ander this Deed of Trust evd tho Trustae's power shall bocome operetive In�ne event ihat Qranmr. Bortower a ' __
<br /> eny guarantor ai the Obligatans: ,
<br /> (a) fells to pay any Ohligation to Lender when duo; -
<br /> � (b) fails ro pertortn any Obligatlon or breaches any warranty or covenant to Lander wmainwi in thls Deed of Trust or any othor presom a futuro -
<br /> ugreement;
<br /> ; (c) destroya,losea a damages the Property In any matedal respect or subjects ihe Properly to selzure,eonfiseation,or condertnufion; l,�.
<br /> (c� cecncs to revoke,terminate or otherwise limit ita Ilability under any guarenty to Lender; __
<br /> �, (e) dies,becomes legally Inoorrpetent,is dissotved or terminated,becar�es Insolvent,mekes an assignmam fa thv beneflt of aecitwa.18116 10 pdy
<br /> _ �y�i►�aY Mmrm dia,fiies a pelftlon under the federal banlwptcy laws,hes an invduntery petitbn In banfauptcy tiled In whbh C?rantor,Bortowor
<br /> or any guararrtor is namad,or has property teken under any w�t a proceas of court;
<br /> (f) allown poods to be used,trensparted or atored on the Properry,ihe possesabn,trenaportatton.a use of which,Is INegal;
<br /> � � (g) allows any party other than Gramor or Borrower to essurre or undertake any Obllpallon without ihe wrfttun consem of l.ender,or
<br /> (h) causes Lender lo deem ItseH Insocure due to a slgniBrant doellne In itw valuo of the Property;or If Lendor,In good foith,for eny reason,believes
<br /> that ihe proapea of payment a porformance Is frrpaired.
<br />� ' � 18. RIGHTB OF LENDER ON DEFAUL7. It there is a default undar thls Deed ot TruoL Lender shell bo entitled to exerds0 ono or more of the following
<br /> remedioa wNhout notloe or derrend(except as requlred by law):
<br /> (a) to dodue the Ob114yations Immedlately due and payable in(uii;
<br /> � (b) to callect the outstending Obltpatlons with or whhout resohing ta judldal prxoss;
<br /> ' (e) to raqulre ararrtor to deliver and meke avaltable to Lendor any porsonnl properlY o► Chattels const8uting ihe Property et a piaca reasonaWy
<br /> oonvenlem to Orantor end Lender; -
<br /> (d) to enter upai and teka poaaeaslon ot ihe Property withaut applyinp for or oblaining the appolntment ot a receiver and,et Lerder's option,to
<br /> • eppolnt a recolvor wlihout bond,without flrst btlr�gtng sult on the Obligatlona and wllhout othenvise meeting any statutory corxAb�a regarding
<br /> ��� receNers,H bsing intendad thnt Lender ahall havethla contractual hght ta appolnt a receNrer;
<br /> (e) to ertpby a menaging age�t of ihe Property and let�he same,el�her in Trustee's own name,ln the name of Lender or In ihe narne ot Grantor,end
<br /> • , receivs the rente,Incomes,isuwa end pro8ts of the Property and epply the sema,afler payment of all nocessery charpes and expenaes,on aoeount of __
<br /> the Obligatlons; -
<br /> ' (� to pay any sums In any fam or manne►deemed expedient by Lender to protect the seeurity of ihls Deed ot Trust or to cure any Jefault mher than
<br /> paymerrt of Irrtereei or prindpei on the Obligetlons;
<br />_ (p) to toreclose thie Deed of Trust�udidally or nonpolclally and Io direct the eale of the properry thtough exerdse of the power ot sate es �eleronced in _
<br /> � peragraph 20 hereot In ac000rdance wlth applicabie law; --
<br />. ' (h)to aet-0ft Ciranta's Obllgationa agalnst any amoums uwed Citanta by Lender Induding,but not Ilmited to, monles,inswmenls, end cieposit
<br />_.,.. acoounta rrelntelned whh Lendor or eny curtently existing or luture effillate of Lender;and _
<br />-_; ., ' p)to exerdae aU other rfghts avallable to Lende►uncbr any olher written egreemant or epplicable law. �
<br /> ' �.:� •. Laxkr's d ts are wmulatNe and rrey be exercisod together,separately,end In any order. In the event ihat Lender Instltutes en adlo�seeWng ihe
<br /> � recovery o�any of the Property by way of a projudgrnent remedy In an ectlon agalnst (irentor,Grentor waNes the poating of eny bond whieh�ph t
<br /> ctherwiae he requlred. Lsndar a Lenders dealgnee maypurchase tho Properry at any sale. Prooaeds of eny Truatee s sate hereunder thall be appred _
<br /> ' 8rst,to the costs and expenses of exerdsing thepow er of sale and o11he sale,Indu d ing Ihe payrt�nt of the Trustee's lees ectuaAy Inair�ed end not to
<br /> • exceed the artwunt which rrey be proNdad tor In thla Deed of Tn�st,eecond,to payrt�ent oi Ihe Odlgatbna seaired hereby,third,ta tt�o payrtbnt of�unlor ��,,__
<br /> � trust deeds,mortgapsa,a othe►uenhold9rs,and tho belance,It any,to the penon ot persons Iegelly emfl{ed thereto. Theproperty a anypari thereoi rrey �=~=—---
<br /> be soid In one parcel,or in auch percels,manrnar or order ae Lender In Ite sole discretlon may elect,and ono or more exerdaes of the power herein granted �''�:.
<br /> shall not extingulah or exhaust the power unless tha emUA property Is sold w iha obligatlons ere pald In full. �`"���`
<br /> 20. TpUSTEE'S EXERCISE OF PONIER OF BALE ON�EFAULT: tl Lencfer elects to seu Grantor's Interest In the Property by ezerdse of Ihe power of ��-�'���.�,�-
<br /> sale hereln oontalnod.Lender shall notity Truotee In the mannsr thon required by law. .'����"'`���
<br /> •'FiF�`:.=;=.-�--_. _
<br /> Upon reoeipt ot such notice of Lendar end et ihe direcllon of Lender,Truetee shall causo to be recorded,published end delivered aueh notices of dofauit ; � �_,
<br /> end notioes of sate as may then be required by law and by ihle Deed of 7rust. Trustee shall,only at Ihe directfon of Lender and withoul demand on Grantor. •°"�,__,a-�
<br /> eher auch tlme as rrey then be requlred by law and efler recordatlon oi such notice of defaull and aher notlee ot sate havtng been glven aarequired by law, .µ'�F�;iw��.
<br /> sell the PropertY at Ihe tlmo end place ot sale Hxed by II In such notice of sate,eliher as whde or In ceparate lots or parcels or Itoms as Lender shail deem �•°�'�±;��.,;
<br /> ' ezpod1ent,and In such order as It may detemilne,at puWic auctlon to the highest Wdder for cash In lawful monoy ot ihe United States payabla at the tirt�of . 'r;�.,,;;
<br /> , sale,or as othenvise may ihen be required by law. Trustee shall deilver to such purcheset or purchasers thereof Its good and sunieioN daed or deeds .
<br /> canvoying the propgrty so so�d,but without any covenant or warranty,express or impllod- Tho recilels in such deed of any manors a facts shall L•e
<br /> _._. . ...J ____..._�_�_s_1.�...wtir..�..�..u,.......� A.,�..�sem fnri�vGrv�withnit liiritatlon Grantot.TfLS�BO O�LOnCbf.(T13Y PUfChaSQ flt SUdI WIB. TNStBV ft18y
<br /> -�' . .. tnnMUw�o�nw�v�.�.v................�......��.. ."+ _"'..,..."__'.o... . __ .
<br /> In the manner provWed by law postpone sale ot a�or eny pohion of the Property. � �
<br /> � 21. REf�UEST FOR NOTICES: (3rentor requests that a copy ot eny notlee of delault and e copy of any notlee of sale hereundor be malled to each porson
<br /> who Ia a pehy hereto at the address of such person set forth hctreln at the same time and In iho samo manner required as though a separaie request theroof
<br />- had been tiled by each such person.
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ' NEDOTCHev297 Pape3d6 ��
<br /> � i �
<br /> �
<br />