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� <br /> �� I . �,..-_s,,Y-::=: <br /> �, . _ ._._.,�.� «. <br /> :��_.�-;`•., <br /> . ...t�, � . . - ,�u.t.c:±.�_ <br /> .. <br /> :,itrt,.;�ii,a�7dFa': � "�`.. ..---- —----- <br /> ,,� . .,-, t k', :-�T;,..�� <br /> M - . .. .. '.Y.-!.ti• .. . . <br /> .. . . _. . -\ /'. <br />- . �'J � ` <br /> :L.'",'.Y+�-a'*y� <br /> ;iTs:9t�4t4.-�1 t <br />_ .f' ,�� � <br /> 97 sos�ss <br /> 'p exccutcd fur thc purpux: i�f creating,sccuring or �;u�ir�mtying thc ticcurcJ I)�:ht. A guud faith hrlicf hy IAnelcr th��t <br /> ' �'t LcnJcr at.�ny timc is inu:cur�:with res�xct to any person or cntity i�hligatcJ un thc SecurcJ Urht�ir that thc�ruspcct <br /> s'" . � . of any p:rymcnt ur thc vaf uc nf th� Pruperty is impaircd shall�ils��cunstitutc an cvcnt of default. <br /> � 15. RE:M1fI:U1fsS ON l)F:hAl1L'G In +c�mc instanccs, fcdcr�d�snd statc I.iw will rcyuire Lcndcr tu pruvidc Cirantor with <br /> n� ni�tice of thc ri�ht to cure or uther notices and may estahlish time+chedules fcrr fureclusurc uctions. Subjcct to thehe <br /> i limitations. if any. LrnJ�r may.�ccrlcra¢r thr 5ccurcd Debt and forca�losc tliis Sccurity Instrumcnt i n a marincr <br /> prc�vidcd t�y law if(.;rantc�r is in dcf�iult. <br /> "�"�� ' At thc option of l.cnder, aU c�r any part of thc agrcrd fccs and chargcs, accrucd intcrest and principal shall bccc�mc <br /> '� im rncJiatcly duc anJ ptAyabl.;.xftcr�;ivin�ninirc if r�quircd by law.uE�on thc uccurrcncc of a dcfault or any�tinu <br /> therca[trr. In additiun.I�nd�r shaill be rntiUed to all thc remcdics providcd by luw,thc tcrms uf thc Sccurcd Debt, <br /> ?�''• thisSccurity Instrumcnt and t�ny rclatcd dexumcnts,inrluding�vithout limi�ation,thc powcr to scll thc Pn�perty. <br /> :b If ihcrc is a dcfault,'Crustcc shall. in additiun to any other permittcd rerncJy,at thc rcyuest uf the Lendcr,�dvcrtisc <br /> anel seU thc Property as a whulc or in separi�tu parcrls at publi� auctiun io lhc higlir,� bi�drr tur cash and convey <br /> � • � ,ibsolut�titic frcc and cicnr uf nll right,title and interest of Granwr at such timc and placc as Trustc�.dcsigna�tcs. <br /> � . .; Trustcu shall give nutirc c�[walc inCluciin�u ihe timc,t��rms and placc of sale and a dc�criptiun uf tnc pruperty�o be sold <br />_ :•� � � as rcquucd by thc aip;nlir.t�blc law in cffect at thc timc of thc proposcd salc. <br /> j lJ�x,n sale o[the prupcnv and to the cxtent not prohibited by law.Trustcc shall makc and dclivcr a dccd to thc PruEx:rty <br /> _��'� • su1J which convcys ahsolutc titic to the purchascr,and aftcr first payinb all fccs,churgcs and costs,shall pay tu L�:nJcr all <br />':�'��� � � me�ne �ldvanccd fur re ain, taxes,insurance,liens,assessments and nor cncumbrances�md interest there:un, and the <br /> �. 1� y` P. P. <br /> : prin�ipal anJ inter�sl on the Secured Debt,paying the surplus,if any,to C;rantor. Lender may purchau thc Property. <br /> ��,-._ Thc recitals in 1ny deed of wnveyance shall bc prima facic cvidence of thc fac�s sct forth therein. <br /> � " ' Al l rcrncdics arc distinct. cumulativc�nd not cxclusive,And thc Lcndcr is cntiticJ lo all rcmcdics providcJ at Inw or <br />- eyuiry,wh�ther or not expresslyset[orth.'fhe accept:�nce by Lender of an}•sum in payment or partial payment on the <br /> _ . �_; <br /> ,.:•,� Secured Debt after the balance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure prexeedings are filed shall not wnstitute a <br />- wai�•cr of Lc:nder's right to requirc complctc cure of any cxisting default. By not exercising any rcmedy on G rantvr's <br /> _ . •• '�� de fauft,l.ender docs not waivc Lender's right to latcr consider thc:event a default if it continucs or happens again. <br /> -=�,,;�:s�' 16. E?CPENSES;ADVANCES ON COVENANTS; ATTORNEYS' FEES;COI.LECTION COSTS.Exccpt when <br />-'-��::#,`.r;, prohibited by law,Grantor agrces to pay all of I.endcr s expenses if Gr�ntor brcaches any covcn:int in this Sccurity <br /> -:=_ys���.fti;`�_� Instrument.Grantor will also pay on demand any xmount incurred by Lender for insuring,inspecting,preserving or <br /> othenvisc protccting thc Propeny and L.c;ndcr's security intcrest. Thcsc expenscs will bcar interest froin the datc of <br />-'�;,`,�?"��� thc:payment until paid in full at the highest intcrest rate in effect as provided in thc tcrms of the Sccured Debt. <br /> �'--_�. Grantor agrees to pay all costs onc]expenses incurred by L.cnder in collecting,cniorcmg or protccting Lcntier's rigi�ts <br /> -� �' and remedies under this Security Instrument. This amount may include, but is not limited to,attorrieys'(ces,court <br /> _�;;�;��'�� cosu,and other legal expenses.This Security Instrument shall remain in effc�ct until released.Grantor agrees to pay <br /> -';;;�:`!"�� for any recordatron costs of such relcnsc. <br /> -_ ����;� 17. ENVIROM1iENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANC�S.As used in this,ection,(1)Environmental Law <br /> -? ��-.___� m�ans_without limitation,the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, <br /> � _ <br />