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<br /> B. All futurc advunccs trum l.xndcr w(.;raiuur��r uthcr futurr ublig.�tiom ot(irantur tu L,cn�ler t"��ndcr��iy I��iitSiissury �.
<br /> nutc,contract.guaranty,or o t hw r c v i d u n r n: u[d�b t cxccutud h y (irantur in favur uf l.rndrr cxccutrJ :�ftcr this �l,v
<br /> �,j. Sccurity Instrument wheth�:r or nut thi�:�curitY Instrumcnt is sjxcifically rrfrrcnccd. If murr �han�mc Ex'rson Q,'--
<br />, .. � signs this Sccurily Instrum►:nt,cacli Granwr agrrs:s th��t this Sccarity lnstrumcnt will u:curr all futur.:idvunccs t�nd w
<br /> future ohligations d►at are given to ur inct►rred by any onc ur morc Gruntar. ur uny cmc ��r murc Grantrr �md �,
<br /> utl�crs.All futurc advanccs:+nil uther[uturc ubli};a�iuns are sccurcJ hy this Scrurity Instrumrnt rvcn tliou�;h��il��r ��
<br /> ., part may not yct bc xdvanced. All futur�:advun�4s an�i othcr luturc obligatio�u:ur,rcurcd a+if maJc�m di�datc =-
<br /> �"`' - of this Security Instrumcnt.Noihing in thiF Sccurity instrumcnt sh�ll cunstitutr a commitmcnt tu m�k�.►ddiuu�i.�� _
<br /> ur tuwrc loans oradvunccs in.+nv amnunt.A��y yuGh cummitmrnt must bc aHrecJ tn in a s�:parate writin�z. �;;_
<br /> -- C. All ohligations Grantor owcs to L�:ndcr.whiGh may l��tcr arisc,tc�thc cxtcnt nut pruhibitcd by I��w,incl�l�in�,but _
<br />-- not limitc:d to,linbilitics for overdrafty relating to any deposit uccount agreemrnt l.rtwecn Grantor and l.end�:r. __
<br /> p. All additional sums advanccd i�nd expcnk:s incurred by I.c:ndcr lor insuring,presurving or otlxcnvi�c protccting !
<br /> � the Prop�:rty and its valuc and anv othcr sums advanccd and expenscs ineurrcd by 1_end�:r un�l�:►'�he tcrms ot
<br /> � this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> ���=.�•"
<br /> _.;;; , This Securiry(nstrumcnt will not securc anv otlt4r debt if l.ender f:�ils to givc any rcyttxred nuticu of�.he right oF resciuion.
<br /> '�"�• 5. PAXMEN'['S.Grantor agrees that all paym�nty undcr thc:Securcd Dcbt +vill hc paid��hcn du� and in accordancc
<br /> �';_�;�,�� with the terms of the Secured Ae6t.and tbic Security Instrucnent.
<br />-,;:;:;�;� 6. WARRAN'I'Y UF TITLE.Grantor wnr�ants that Grantor is or will be lawfully selzed of the estate cunve.ycd by this
<br /> •:;�f� Security Instrument and ht►s th��ri�ht to incvocably grant,canvey. and seU the Property to Trustcc, in irust,with `
<br />:,_,;. , pawer of sale.Grantor also warran�s thiU thc Property is unencumbere:d axcept(or encumbrances of record.
<br /> '"'"-�: 7. PRIOR SECURITY INTERFSTS.V�1itb re�lyd to any othcr martgagc,dced of trust,security u�eement or uther lien
<br /> documem that created a prior security intwrest ur encumbranee on the:Pro�rty.Grantcir agrces:
<br /> ����:�" � A. Tu mnke all paymcnts when dua und to perform or comply with al!�;ov�nants.
<br /> ,,� " B. To promptly deliver to I.,cndcr any notices that Grantor reccivcs fr�m the holdec.
<br />— ` ` C. Not to allow any m�difiratiun<�r extension of,nor tu requr�t any futuru udvancws undcr any notc oT agrecment
<br /> ''°�'-�..' �. secured by the lien document without Lender's prior written comunt,
<br />�.;.;_ � ;...,.,
<br /> ..
<br /> us ��., 8. CLAIMS AGALNST T[TLE.Grantor will pay all taKCS, assessme�zts,liens, encumbrances, easc paymen s,groun
<br /> y;lF��;�?y� rcnts,utilities,and ot.her charges relating to thc Property when�lue.I..endcr may rcquire Grantor to providc to Lender
<br /> �„m;��.• copies of all noticc:s that such amounts are due and t1�e receipts evidencing Grantor's payment.Grantor will defend
<br /> -• =�.??`q. title to the Property again5e any claims that would'unpair the lien o[this Security Instrument.Grantor agrecs to assign
<br />-_;���,� to L.cnder,as requcstcd Uy l.ender,any nghts,ciaims or dc:iC�iscs Cra�tor may hs:'e sbainst�+?r�i�c who suanly labor
<br />___.-;;� or materials to maintain or improve the Property.
<br /> -w�-""'� 9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMRRANCE.L�nder may,at its option,declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to
<br /> � be immediately duc and�ayable upon the creation of,ur contract for the creation of,any lien,rncumbrance,transfer
<br /> _- ur sale of the Property.This right is subjcct to the restrictions imposed by federal Iaw(12 C.F.R.591),as applicablc.
<br /> - - =� This covenant shaU run with the Properry and shall rcmain in e(fect unt�l the Secured Dcbt is paid in fuU nnd this
<br /> - Security Instrument is rel�ased.
<br /> 10. PROPER'A'Y �ONDITION, ALTEQiAT10NS AND INSPECI'ION.Grantor will kecp thc Property in goud
<br /> condition and makc all rcpairs that arc rcasonahly nccessary. Grantor shall not commit or allow any wastc,
<br /> Y,'� impairment,or deterioration of thc Property. Grantor will kcep the Properry free of noxious weeds and grnsses.
<br /> Grantor agrees�hat the natum of the occupancy and use �vill not substantially change without Lender's prior written
<br /> consent.Grantor will not permit any changc in any license,restrictive covenant or easement without L.ender's•prior
<br /> written consent.Grantar will notify L.ender of all d�mands,proceedings,claims,and actions against Grantor,and of
<br /> ----- any loss or damage ta thc Property.
<br /> ----- - Lcnder or I.ender's agcnts may,at l.ender's option,cnter the Prop:rty at any reasonable time for the purpose of
<br /> _-� inspecting the Property. Lendcr shall givc Grantor noticc at thc time of or beforc an inspection specifying a
<br /> ----- re�sonable purposs for the inspcction. Any inspcction of thc Property shall be entirely for Lcndcr's benefit and
<br /> --- Grantor will in no way rcly on Lcnder's inspcction.
<br /> y 11. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Grnntor f:►ils to perForm any duty or any of thc covenants containcd in this
<br /> Security Instrumcnt,Lcndcr may,without naticc,pertorm or causc thcm to bc performrd.Grantor appoints Lt:ndcr
<br /> as attorney in fact to sign Grantor's name or puy any i�mount ncassary f�r performancc.Lc:ndcr's right to perform for
<br /> - Grtmtor shall not crcat4 an obligati��n to perform, and L�:ndcr's failurc to perform will not prccludc Ia:ndcr from
<br /> - -_= exercisin�any nt Lender's other right5 under the la�v or this Security Instrumrnt.If any construction on the Property is
<br /> - �' --�� discontinued �r n�t carricd on in a rcasanablc manncr,Lc;ndcr may takc all steps nccrssary to protcct Lcndcr's
<br /> -�=u°�� seeurity interest in the Propeny,inc;luding complction ot thr.construc�ion. -
<br /> --_����`-� 12. ASSIGNMF.Nf OF LEASGS AND REIV'I'S.Grantor irrcvocably�rants,convcys and sclls to Trustcc,in trust for thc
<br /> .,.,z.. �
<br /> '-''��'�7,y�� beneCt of Lendcr,as aJditional sccuri�y all thc right,titic and intcrest in and to uny and all cxisting or futurc cascs. _
<br /> =`::�'ti,l'I:�`'.
<br /> --'�'°{�y�� subleasus,and any othcr �vriucn or vcrbal agrcements for thc us�and occupancy of any pvrtiun of thc Property,
<br /> --..�.�•.,�,
<br /> ...�... 7•:
<br />- •r-•�.•n including any cxtensions,rcncwals.modifications or substitutions of such agrrcmcnts(.ill rcfcrrcd to a�"Lcascs•" an
<br /> �,.,:,..,•,r, _.�
<br /> 41• ,.,,,��,i;, rcnts,issues and profits (all rcferrcd to as"Rcnts").Grantor will promptly providc Lendcr with tru� an corccct
<br /> --'�� � • eopies of all existing and future I.cases.Grantor may collect,rcccivc.enjoy and use the Rents so long as Grantor is not
<br /> • �a•�:�.�;
<br /> -_:�`�.���� in default under thc tcrms of this Security Instrument. .
<br /> .:�,,:;�;>;:��;�;,
<br /> °"��''>�' !.�� Grantor acknowlcdgcs that this assignmcnt is perfectcd upon thc rccurding uf this Decd of Trust and that Lcndcr is
<br /> :'.r:;;:'� � entitled ro notify uny of Grantor's tcnants to muke payment of Rcnts duc ur to hccomc duc tu Lcndcr. Howcvcr,
<br /> _�tL_,.
<br /> -�y.�"` '•� IAndcr agrecs that only on dcfault�viU Lcndcr notify Grantor and Grantor's tcnants and makc dcmand that al uturc
<br /> �?�'�- _____�t� Rcnts be paid dircctly to Lendcr. On rccciving nuticc uf default. Grantor�viU cndonc and dcliver to Lcndcr any
<br /> .�_ ...� r... t..,.t...a,,,t w;ll nnt ramminelc the
<br /> _ �.:.s�� payment of Rents in Gruntor's•possesswn and wiii reccivc�u�y��•�•;��::�., .... .--..-_. _..- --. �
<br /> �V E�� � - • Rcnts with�iny uthcr funds. Any amounts cc�llcctc�f�vill bc.�ppliccl as pnrvidcd in this Sccurity Instrumcnt.Grantor
<br /> _ . 's ' w�rrants thnt nu dcfault cxists undcr thc Lcascs or any applicablc landlc>niltcnant law.(;rantcrr alsu agmrs tu maintain
<br /> _ and reyuirc any tcnant ro comply with thc tcrms of thc L�ascs anJ�ipplicablc la�v.
<br /> 13. LCASEHOLUS;CONDOMINIUMS;PLANNED UNIT DEVELUPAtEN7'5. (irantur a�rccs tu cumply with thc
<br /> prvvisicros of any Icasc if this Security Instrumcnt is un a Ica�chul�i.lf thc Pruperty includcs.i unit in a cunduminium
<br /> or a planncd unit Jcvclo��mcnt, Grantor will perforrn�tll uf Grant��r'. dutics undcr thc cuvc:nants, hy-laws, or
<br /> regulutions��f thc condominium ur plannrd unit drvclopmrnt.
<br /> 14. UEFAULT. Grantor will bc in dcF�wlt i[any party ubligatcd un thc Securcd Dcht Fails tu makc paymcut whcn duc.
<br /> r � Grantor will hc in dcfault if a Nrcarh ucrurs undcr thc trrms uf Uii, tircurity Instrument ur any c�thcr ducwnent
<br /> : � . (page?.of 4)
<br /> .�•:, ••
<br /> 91994 Bantc�e SYStems hic.51 C�ad-MN It-800397�YJ411 Fom�HE�DT•NE a'Bi91 �
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