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<br /> ' . 16,Borrower's Capy. Barrowcr shull bc given anc contormed copy of thc Notc and of this ccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> . j 17.TrAnster of the Piroperty or a BeneficWl Interest in Dorrower. If ap or s�ny part of tha Fropeny or any interest in it is -_f.__
<br /> sold or trnnsfcrred(a• if u Ucncficial int�r:.st in Aorro�vez is sold or trnnsferrcd and Boaowet is not a nntural person) without
<br /> . I suumcn r�Hawevcr�,thly optian shall n tYbc cxc cPscdnby�l.e�ndcr if cxcrciscflis prahibited�by t�cdad lew a.s ofbth d�Atc ofuthi� -
<br /> ,,,,,. Sccurity Instrumcn� .'��
<br /> - .,*, If Lender exercises this opdan,Lender shull give Borrawer noUce af ucceleradon.71►e notice st��l provide a{�criod of nat less , :,^FR
<br /> than 30 days frum tha datc thc naticc is dclivcrcd or muilcd within which Uarmwcr must pay all_suns sccurcd by this Security �•
<br /> Instrumcnt.I!aorrawcr fai ls to pAy t hcsc sums p r i a r t o t h c c z p i r a d o n o t t h is p cricci,Lcndcr mo y ■nroiec nny rcmedics pcnnittcd :i':��r,;
<br /> by this Sccuriry lnsUUmcnt withaut furthcr notice or dcmand on Borrowcr. • _':
<br /> 18.F�uPrawer's[tight M Reinatate. If IIorrower mcets certeln condiuons. E3onower sl��I have the right tn hAVC ����;:-;;�
<br /> ' enfarccmcnt of this Sa:urity insvument disconti�ucd at any dmc pdor to tha curlicr oL(a)5 dars (or such othcr period os ��--.
<br /> wer of sale contamed in lhis Securay
<br /> � npplicublo law may specify for rcinstatcmcnt)bcfore selc of thc Propcny pursuant w any po �_w
<br /> Instrument;�r(b)cntry of a Judgmcnt c�forcing this 5ccuriry Instrumcnt.'It�ose condiuons ere ihat Borrower:(a) ays Lcnder all ��•..:
<br /> .; � ro� ����y a�M
<br /> sums which thcn would bc duc undcr Ihis 5txurity Instrumcnt and thc Notc as if no accelcrapon had occ , � ___
<br /> � default of any other covenanu or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Secur�y Instrument,including,but -F-=
<br /> not limited w,rcasonabic auorncys'fees;and(d)takes such acuon as Lender ma}�reasonably requirz�o assure that thc licn of thls -
<br /> Security Instrument, Lender's rights In the Property and Bonower s obligeuon to pay tbe sums socureci by this Securiry
<br /> Y Instrwnent shall cantinuc unchanged. Upan reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrumentand�he obligadons secured
<br /> � 1 m thc casc of �� �-
<br /> � � hereby shall remain fully cffecave as if no acceleradon had occurrcd.However,this ri�ht m reinstate shall not app y
<br /> ecceleration under paragraph 17. ' '�-°
<br /> ; 19.Sale of Note;Change ot Loan Servicer. The Note or a partitil interest in ihe Not� (�ogcaher with this Security �=-__
<br /> Ins[rumcnt)may be sold onc or morc timcs wi[hout prior notice to Borro�ver.A sale may result in a ct=ange in the enuty(known �`,,�---
<br /> ..� as the"Loan Servicer')ihat wllects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secunry Insuurnent_ltiere also may be one or
<br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer uruelated to a sale of the Note. If th�ere is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrawer will be
<br /> given written nouce of the change in accordance wi�h paragmph 14 a6ove and applicable law.11►�notice will state the name and ,�.�;'�
<br /> . �, address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.'Ihe notice will also contain any other +:�T;�. —
<br /> information rcquircd by applicablc law. -----
<br /> �� 20.Ha�rdous Substances. Borrower shall not causc or permit the pmsencc, usc, disposal�swrage,or release of any
<br /> He7.ardous Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do,nor ellow anyone else to do, airyttimg affecdng the Property �
<br /> �� that is in violadon of an}�Environmental Law.The prexeding two sentences shall not apply to U�e p��nce. use,or storage on the �,,..._
<br />-- .. -.,� ��y flf smsll qu�nui�ec of Ha�nrdnuc Substances ehat ere Renerally recognized ta Y�e appropriate w normal residennal uses _,
<br /> ,� and to ma�ntenancc of thc Praperty.
<br /> Borrower shall promplly grve Lender wriuen nodce oF any invesdgadon, claim, dcmand, lavsuit or other action by any
<br /> .� govemmental or regulotary agancy or private party involving the Property and any Hezardous Su6�ance or Environmental Law .
<br /> of whlch Boaowcr has xtual knowledga If Borrower leams,or is notified by any governmental orregulat,ory authority,that any
<br /> . � removal or other remediadan of any Iia�.erdous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Bonowu shall prompdy take all
<br /> �� necessary rcmcdial acdons in accordance with finvironmcntal Law. -
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances'are those substances deCined as wxic or haz�rdous substances by
<br />- •�} Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene. other flammable or tozrc pGroleum �roducts, coaic
<br /> pesdcides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containu►g asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioacuve matenals.As used in
<br /> <�.•.'�' • thls paragraph 20,"Environmentsl Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicuon where ttacPraperty is located that relate --
<br /> ' to health,safery or envuonmentfil protecpon.
<br />=; „`
<br />':,� NON-UNIFORM COVENAIVTS.Borrowcr and Lender further covenant and agree as follows_
<br />-r:'. • 21.Acceleratbn;Remedies.Lender shpll give notice to Borrower prlor to acceler�tion folbwiag Borrower's breach of
<br />_ � �, ,� any covenant or egreement in tht� Security Instrument (but not prior to AccekrAtWn �ncler paragrapd 17 unless
<br /> .;.'�'�;��. applicable Ipw provides otherwise). The notice shAll speci�y: (a)the defaulh,(b)the action req�Ired to cure the detpulh(c)
<br /> - . a date,not I�ss than 30 days firom the date the aotice ts given to Borrower,by whkh tix dehult must be cured;And(d) _
<br /> t6at tailure to cure the detault on or betore the date spaified in the notice may result tn ecc�kr�tbn ot the sums secured
<br /> "'� by this Security Instrument s�nd sale of the Property.The notice shall turther inform Borrmrer ot the right to reinstate
<br /> - �fter acceleration and the right to bring a court action to pssert the non•existence of a default or Any other defense of
<br /> "�!'' • Borrower to acceleration and sak. If the default is not cured on or betore the date speclfied fn the notke�Lender,xt its
<br />`='� �,� �° " option,moy require Immediute payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instru�mmt without further demand __
<br /> '`' • �� and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedks permitted by appiicable I�w.Lend�r sh�ll be entiUed to collect =_
<br />-: �• �� all expenaes incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 21,including, i�ut not limited to, reasonable
<br /> attorneys'fees And costs ot title evidence. —
<br /> � It the power ot sale is invoked,Trustee shall recard a notice of default in each co�anly :n whkh any part of the _ _-
<br /> �, � Property L�located end shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applkabk I�w to Barrower and to the _ -_
<br /> other persons prescribed by applicable law.After the time required by applicable I�w,Truslee shall give publ[c notice of _____
<br />- sale to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed by applicable law.Trustee, without demt+and�n Sorrower,shoil sell the ;�;3,t,���'
<br /> ' Property�t publk suction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms alaignated in tMe notice of sak '"������--
<br /> ��`�'
<br /> �;��'t� :
<br /> Form 3020 9��0 �.,-,_,�
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