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.� ' ;:>:t' ., , .•f'.i <br /> ' � '`76, <br /> , .... � aL>� ' ' ',{: . .:rS�` <br /> ,� . . , ' .f a�u�,,�;y_k,�: _— <br /> t . � , .. 'r ;: "� <br /> t . ..�. vr+.�y!}�1pFWLYF<�jt�/�.aj+'"•`� )e ',���.'rJ� . _ ._ .. .'`l' �... _ .._ .... . .......... �i�.w' � - . . .� .. �_......... ..,f.y�yClsqS-....'-f.......�.—=+.—..--� <br /> .. . . . . . .. _ . . ,. _ . ,'!,4 S.. <br /> � • 97" �p66ps �. <br /> , paymcnts may no longer bc requircd, at U�e opuon of Lcndcr,if mongagc insuronss covcrage n the amaunt ancS for thc period � <br /> • ' that Lcnder requires)provided by nn inrurer upproved by Lendcr again bccomes available and is obtained.Borrowcr shall pay thc ! <br />_._._ __ �.� premiums rcquired to mainuiin mortgagc insuranr,e in effect, or w pravlde a loss reservc, until the requircmcnt for mongagc �� <br /> ' • ;• insurance ends in accordanr,n wiih any wriu�n egrcement between Bocrower arzd Lender or appiicubIc taw. <br /> •;,•� 9.Inspection. Lendar or i�9 agent may malce rcasonable entric,a upnn and inspccdons of U�e Property.Lcndcr shsilll givc <br /> w r noUca at thc tima of or rbr toan ins pon if In rcawnablc cnusc far the in tion. �. <br /> ��,Y Borro c P P� � Y S � <br /> ���� 10.Condemnatiod. Th� proceeds of any award or claim for damagex,dtre�t or consequential, in connection with any <br /> wndemnation or other takinQ of any pan of Ihe Property. or for convcyun�cc in IYtu of condemnation,are hereby susigncd and <br /> � shall be paid to Lcndcr. �i:� <br /> � In the cvcnt of u totstl tnking of the Property,the procecds shqll brs applicd w Ihc sume sccured by this Socurlty Inswmcnt, -- <br /> iwhcthcr or not thcn dua,wi�h any ozccas p�id to Horrowcr. ln thc cvcnt of a punlxl taking af Ihc Prapcny in which U�o fair markct _ <br /> . ;� vnluc ot thc Property immrdiutaly bafore tha tnking is cqunl w or grcutct than thc amount af thc eums�ccurcd by lhis Sccurity <br /> Instrumcnt immcdiately beforc tha tWcing, unleFS Bprtower and l.endcr�thcnviiso agroa in writing, the sums isecurcti by this � <br /> t Scctuity Instrumcnt shnll bn by Iha arnount oP tha pnx;ccJ.r multiplicd by !hc following fraction:(u)tho toLal amount of _ <br /> g� thc Fums sccurcd immcdiutaly boforc Uic taking,dividcd by (b) the fafr markct valuc af tho Propcny lmmcdietcly lx:torc U�c <br /> } taking.Any bnlancc shal!ba p;�id to Botrowcr.In thc cvcnt uf a nnrti�l talring of tho Propcny in which thc falr markct valuc af Ihc <br /> gg Property immediatcly be[osc tha teking is Icss thnn tha umnunt ot tM sums uxurccl immcdistcly F�cfurc thc taking,unlcss � <br /> . � Borrowcr and Lendcr othonvise ngree in wriwtg or applIcuble law providcs,thc proccccls shall be applied to thc <br /> sums r,ecured by�his Security Insirumeatwhe►her or not Ihe sums ere ihen duc. <br /> If tho Property is abandanad by Hortowcr, or if, aRcr noticc by L.cndcr to Borrower that thc condcmnor offcrs w makc an <br />• award or seuk a clalm iac damagca,Sorrowcr fails ta respond to L.e�Jcr within 30 days after the ciate the nodce is givcn.Lendcr <br /> is authorizcd to coltect and apply Ihc prac.�eds,at iu option,cithcr w restor�etion or rcpair of the Property or to the sums sccured <br /> by this Security Instrumont,whuther or na�hen due. <br />-. .� Unless Lcnder and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any application af praceetls to principal shaU not extend or Postpone <br /> � the duc date of the mc>nthly payments rekrred w in paragraphs 1 ar�d 2 or change tho amount of such paymenu. <br /> 11.Borrower Not Relea.ved;For6earance By Lender Nos a WAi��rr. �xtension of the time for payment or modification <br />;., of amortizadon of the sums secured by�his Securiry Insuument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrowu shall <br /> ; _ __ ,.�,_i_ n�r�Frfarr tn relen.ce the liahility of theori¢inal Borrower or Barrawcr's successors in interest Lcnder shtill not bercquired W <br />�{,,... . ;�,�;�:- , commence proceedings agalnst any successor in interest or refuse ta ea�tend time for payment or otherwise madify emortizaGon of <br /> • ' "' ' the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument hy rea.4on of any demand made by the ori.ginal Boaower or Borrower's successors <br />-`:�• • � • in interesG Any forboFUar�ce by Lender in exc�cising any right or remedy shaU not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any <br />_�,:,; �.. .: <br />-:�... ." rightor remedy. <br />'�`�` ' 12.Sacccasors and Assiqns Bound;Ja�nt stnd Severnl Liabiliq; Co•signers. The covenents and agrcemenis of this <br />±�''r�'�?��. �•'"�: Securiry Instrnmant shall bind and buneF'it� succ�essors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provasions of <br /> `'"�'� � h 17. Snrrowcr's covenents end ocmems shail be 'oint and several, An Bocrower who co-sl S tI1L9 Securi <br />���`.;: :ii' P�S�P � J Y 8►� tY <br />- � Inswment but does not execut� tha No�: (u) is co•signing this Sxuriry Inswment only to mongage,grant and convey that <br />=_=-:-:�-�,���q�.�` <br />'.�.i�.,� ,.{,�,. Borrowcr's lnter�t in the Property uridcr thc tums of this Security Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums <br /> .;,• .r�.� sectued by this Security Instnunent;und(c)agrecs that Lender and eny othcr Borrower may agrce to extend,modify,forbear or <br /> �R;sr.,_3,,t mako any accommodati�s wit�regard�n thc tcrms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consen� <br /> - "�����'��'� 13.Loan Ch�rges. [f�t1n loan sccurcd by ihis Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, <br /> +a;ur:`�,i�:;. <br /> T�:�_��•�� and that law is finalty in:r.rproted so thatthc int�erest or other loan chargcs collocted or to be collected in connection with the loan <br /> —.:�►�,�'� excced the permiued lir�sis,t1rm:(a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the <br /> ��`""`'� rmitted limit;and(b)any surns alraad collected from Borrower which exceeded rmitted Wnits will be refunded W Borrower. <br /> -..--4`: .•�c.- Pe Y P� <br /> =���+?�i�;•�.� I.ender may choose to mako this reFund by reducing tha principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to <br />—.::��d�.`` Borrower. If a cefund reduces principal,the reducdon will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge <br /> ----`'"�'��'� undu the Nate. <br /> �__�Y�'tP_�'. <br />— ���`��'�``�'' 14.Notkes. Any nodce to Borrowu provided for in this Security Instrument ahall bc given by delivering it or Uy mailing it <br />�_ =��'� by fust cla4s mail unless a�plicable law requ'ves use of anothcr method.Tt►e notice shall be directed to the Property Address or <br /> -"�;.,�,,s:•�.�. . any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any noucc to L.cnder shall be given by fust class mail to Lender s <br /> =1.-;�<��� � address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in ihis Security <br /> . `.`'''�' Insuument shall be dccmcd to have been givcn to Borrower or I.ender when given as provided in this paragraph. - <br /> _ .�;�,':. 15.Coverning LAw;Severability. This Securiry Insuumcnt shall be govcmcd by fcdersl law and thc law of thc =_ <br /> – • jurisdicdon in which the Property is laated.In the event that eny provision or clause of this Security Instrumetixt or ihe Note - <br /> : .�• conflicu with applicab:e law,such conflict shell not af[ect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be _ <br /> ,� given effect without the contlicting provision,To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to <br /> � bc scvcrablc. _ <br /> t <br /> . Y, Form302! 9/�0 <br /> � (�j -6R(NE)co2�zl.oi a�y��ou iniuu�: <br /> ,c�`�'' i � '� . �' <br /> _ _ _ T- <br /> . ' `�v"`,k`„''$t _.. .. -- . -�..�•-ow;:..: ..._.......... ..... . _ _ ._.. .. -_•_-••`-°---- � .._---...__..__.. ...... .._....� __...,�. _ . -_- ----- — _. <br /> ��,_ <br /> � q�.•. - . ., . ' ._ . <br /> . . . . � ..�� __ _____ . .. <br />