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<br /> 6. Acaess. The Les�ee shdll havo acaeas from the leASed '
<br /> premie�e onto the I,es�sor�s road� And shall alsc have �he right to °
<br /> us� the lAke far boating, swimming, r�nd Pishing. These acceeg
<br /> ` rights �re in commAn with the other leASeholdors dt Kuester Lake�
<br /> i -
<br /> �� 6a. p.�.�2��ases. Thia Lease replaces and supcsrsedes any ,
<br /> prior Leaee for said premis�s which tho I.a��an or his predeceasor� �;
<br /> �Y" � in title may have held. ---
<br /> �"'"ijA� ` �� pPtArr,i nation aF Bounc,�riea x The Lessor sha11 have the
<br /> 'a r�.,..�'�' —
<br /> r�ght, on a reasona.ble basi s, to determine the boundaries between —
<br /> the Lessee and his neighbors if the Lessee and his neighbors cannot
<br /> agree to such boundary line. The lake front boundary of the leased �
<br /> prem3ses shall be to the water line as the same may exist from time
<br /> . to tima with changes in the water level of the lake. The boundary
<br /> � ].ine of the leased premises abutting the Lessor�s common ro�da
<br /> ; shall be reasanably determined by the Lessor. =
<br /> � 8. �,eaceful Possession. As long as Lessee conforms with the
<br /> �� requiremsnts binding upon him in �his Lease Agreement, the Lessee _
<br /> . •� shall enjoy peaceful possession of the leased premises. °--
<br /> �
<br /> � � 9. Tmpravements� The Lessee shall keep the leased premises
<br /> � `�� in a neat and clean condition at all times and shall keep all
<br /> � improvements on the leased premises in a good condition af repair.
<br /> � 10. Aband�nment. The Lessee agrees not ta abandon the leased
<br /> premises.
<br /> 11. Acaess �or Insta113ng Uti,li�,v Lines. The Lessar reserves
<br /> _--= - t:s right to camc upan th° 3�a��d �rer.►i�es for ir_stallat.i�n �f
<br /> ;., underground or above-ground utility lines and the making of
<br /> necessary repairs or improvements to or abutting the leased
<br />��-. ; . � premises. The Lessor agrees to restare the premises to
<br /> ' �'� substantially the same condition as they were before any such
<br />��:_�,. � ineta].lation and at the Lessor's expense.
<br />?������'�'•'�� ���'-� 12. Rules and R�qulations. The Lessee agrees to comply with
<br />'•'�"�" '- tihe rules and regulationa as preparod and furnished by the Lessor
<br />;,,;.,,,._.r.�:�
<br /> '�: . - .:.�.� to the Lessee, from time to time. Suah rules and regulations shall
<br />�:�.,• ._.. contain restriations and limitations, for the mutual benefit of
<br /> � �h�=� all Lessees at Kuester Lak�, pertaining to the use by the several
<br /> '"��'��� Lesaees at Kuester Lake of the lake itself, common roads, and the
<br /> K;�;'��:_--- leased premises. It is und�rstaod that the bas ic use o� the leased
<br />---"��' premises shall be for residential purposes, but the Lessor may
<br />�.'"``}`-•1 permit, from time ta time, commercial activities on the leased
<br /> -•,'��'��s�{ � remises. An such rules, re ulations and ermits are sub ect to
<br /> sa:u�.�y�... 1� Y 5 P �
<br />---_.�--��. change by the Lessor, excepting that the basic purp�se of the
<br /> ?'��'���'�`���- J.eased premises as residential shall not be abridged. Any changes
<br /> ���4j`='s���' in the rules and regulations must be approved by a majority of the
<br />=''�"*'-���"'� leaseholders present and voting at a meeting called for such
<br /> ..,,-..,--:- .
<br />��'"t;;,;�:,�:�� � purpose of which written notice has been given to all leaseholders
<br />"�'�"� ��� - (one votiR per Lease) .
<br /> _...�,,.,
<br /> " . , i
<br />-- � � � � 13. Tercnination of Lease by Default of Lesse�. If the Lessee
<br />" fails, after ninety (90) days prior written notice from the Lessor, _
<br /> ' _ ` '� to remedy any default in his vr her compliance with any of the =_
<br /> � � obligations binding upon him or her under this Lease Aqreement, or -`.,�,•
<br />- ,' under the Rules and Regulations furnished him or her by the Lessor, '�_
<br /> � �"' the Lessor may, at its option, terminate this Lease and retak�
<br /> � possession of the leased premises but only after the following '
<br />_- . procedure has been complied with: �
<br /> '�''' a A s ecial meetin of all stockholders of
<br /> _ ,
<br /> �_ ., �_� ( , i.P.S or shall be g called bv the BoaYd of
<br /> Directors of Lessor, and written notice of
<br /> such meeting and its purposes be given all
<br /> - such stocicholders. Such meeting shall be
<br /> aalZed for the purpnse of determining by j
<br /> - � majority vote of the stockholders of Lessor, �
<br /> present and vot ing, as to whether or not �
<br /> - termination of Le�see�s Lease should be made
<br /> J
<br /> - � ,
<br /> ; .
<br /> �
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<br /> .�..::,____ - ----__
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