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<br /> ���sa� 9?— 1U6f�2
<br /> THI3 AGREFMENT entered into betweera xCtt�STER LARE, INC. ,
<br /> LE3SOR, and GARY R. GRAHAM and MARGARET A. aRAHAM, husbend and
<br /> wifs, as �oint tenante with x�.ght of eurvivorshi.p, whether one or ,
<br /> ,� r'� more, LESSEE.
<br /> � 1. Deacr�ntion of Leased Premises:
<br /> ,
<br /> ,t Lot Twelve (12) , at Kuesters Lake in the East Half of the -
<br /> Southwest Quarter (E'�SW�) of Section Thirteen (13) , in
<br /> "' Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) , West of the _
<br /> � 6th P.M. , in Hall County, Nebraska, and situated on the �
<br />- �• East side of West portion of said Lake and having a lake
<br />_ � front footage of 100 feet and bounded on the East side by :
<br /> � � the aommon road. w
<br /> such lot is as shown on a plat in possessi�n of Lessor.
<br /> 2. Term of Lease: Thirty-five (35) years, commencing August
<br /> 28, 1997, and terminating July 31, 2032.
<br /> ,�����'� 3 . Qption to Extend Term: Lessee has the option to extend
<br /> ��;:° '.
<br />�,�; ti',� � the term of thia Lease for an additianal 35 years by giving �.essor
<br />�t. . notice thereof, in writing, by February 1, 2032.
<br /> '�.. '�'+]°�'i
<br /> 4 . �qht o Assianment of Leas�s Lessee has the right to
<br /> ,.�;� ,`� assign this Lease provided:
<br /> '�'�"' �' `' (a) Lessee has complied with all terms of this
<br />�c;� - '>'.'� Lease.
<br />^<,:;��•r:"���,� (b) Lessee transfers to the new owner all interest
<br /> �n���x��" and ownership of the Lessee in the cornmon
<br /> z„=;:,��":�:°N atock of Kuester Lake, Inc.
<br /> _- _�`"�;� ' (c) The new Lessee agrees, in writing , to abide by
<br />,Q�R�����',� the terme of the Lease so assigned, any new
<br />=�:�a:•�� Lease of these premisea, and to abide by the
<br /> �_,°�T° Agreement entered into by ttzis Lessee's
<br /> y°���}- '��'+� predecessors in title with Kuester Lake, Inc.
<br />--:�;a�+.�r_•
<br /> --.:�_.� on or about November 4, 1974 , the terms of
<br /> Y_y�� which are incorporated herein by reference.
<br />_�.a,rt,�,,..� (d) The new Lessee shall be entitLed to a new
<br /> �,:n,;;. Lease for a 35-year term. The term may bo
<br /> -�� - longer if consented to by the I,essor.
<br /> ==���:� . (e) Any subleasing must have the Lessor's
<br /> =ti:rz,�'� approva 1.
<br />--�.`�5• 5 (f) The Lessee has the absolute right to
<br />--�s��-�`:;:'�
<br /> — conditionally assign this Lease to any
<br />=�'�"'� mortgagee for the purpose vf furnishing such
<br /> ;��'?'�`,;_�_
<br /> --._.:�-:s; mortgagee additional security_
<br /> :.�,T«�-,«::
<br /> =���:%�_= 5. Rent• The Lessee shall pay to Lessor, a� annual rent,
<br />,_..•�:�� �
<br /> � ��� payable in advance and on or before July first each year, such rent
<br /> "�' _`�,���� as may be annually determined by the Lessor under the Following
<br /> :�.�. . formula:
<br /> , ThQ annual rent shall be an amount, each year,
<br /> = equal to the result of dividing the total
<br />- number of residential lessee-stockholder lots
<br /> � � into that year�s anticipated net budget needs
<br />*� of the Lessor.
<br />' Y�Vtr
<br />�� The computation of the annual rent shall be dnne by the Lessor, but
<br />_- ' shall be uniform amonq all lessee-stoc}cholders of Kuester LaKe,
<br /> � Inc. In any event the annual rent of the Z�essee shall not exceed
<br /> �� One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) unless a majority of all lessee-
<br /> + stockholders of Kuester Lake, Inc. (one vote for each share) ,
<br /> present and voting at a special moeting called for that purpase,
<br />�� shall approve the same.
<br /> a .
<br /> ,
<br /> .. ., �.• --. .
<br />