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<br /> � �. .. �"� � �C'i� �� • -� . ' � .-: �••':'t4,� ti' .. ' .� x_ __—
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<br />-,�,'-7Mf3t _ � .
<br /> °-a:�� 1�7� 8.Relmbura�ment • � .
<br /> —_--- - 6. Cl+�dB Umft �7+ The Bonower ngrees to pay or ralmbu�se 1ho btortpagee lor nny anA
<br /> ' �a. Credif L1mit Inavase 15,000.00 al!lees payable to publlc o!liclAls in connectlon wrth ipl9 Aflrenment �
<br /> :.,.,.� ' .
<br /> Tho Bonowe�'s crodit Iimit ls lnc�oased fo S and the rocortiin�ollhls A�rnement inctud�ng eny mortr�aDe ror�lsfry
<br /> '��"�'�` ❑b. Credit Llmit DBCreaso tax that!s duo.
<br /> � � -.- The Bonowor's credlt Ilmit Is decreased fo 5 ' g,Ch�nya/n-T�rmi
<br />�--�y:�: r.,
<br /> - The 11en oi the tAortpage secures thls llna ol credll up to tho amount ol rhis The Bonower egroes lhat fhe Benk rnay mnke cortnln chnnges tv the
<br /> `;�n.`..T. new credit Iimif as it!s advanced end remt+lns outs�anding Irom tlme to►ime. te�ms o!the line of crodit and Nofo ef apvalied tlmes or upon fhe
<br /> - • The references fn tha Mortgage to the maxlmum amount o1 the 1lne of credlt p��rrence o1 specll�d ovents.Tho Benk may make Inslgnllkant
<br /> , , are hereby amended to the extont necessary to rollect the new maximum chnnpas,such ois changes In fhe nddross lor payments,b�lling Cycle
<br /> -��+���� amount ol the Ilne ol credit shown above.Each ie/erence in the Mortgage datos,paymen�duv dates,day ol Ihe manih on wh�ch mdex velues a�o
<br /> '- to the llne ol credlf shall be deemed.on and aRer fhe date o/ihls determined,Index or lnterest rate roundlnp rufe�,Nnd bAlanca
<br />`;`� Agreement,to refer to tha modilied maxfmum amount o!fhe line of cretlit. computetlon melhod(il the change praluces en Ins�gNf�an1 ciiHer�nce
<br /> - - 6. CwBorrowr► !n the lntero�t Ihe Borrower wlil pay).The Bank nlso may mrko
<br /> ' ❑n. Co•Bonower chanpea Ihat will benelit fhe 8nrrower,such a9 a[IdiflonAl optlon�or e
<br /> ? temporary re►ducilonln rate9 or len�.In accon/ance wlth fsds►el lnw,
<br /> ' .'l�r, � The Bonower deslres to add fhe Bank alsa may chanpe fhe Inqsx�rrd mar�ln fhe B�nk u�se fu
<br /> �� � � A8 A Co•borrower on Ihe Nofe
<br /> 3,;u�,,• dobrmine fh�ennualperceNfApi►Afe N Ihat a�tWx la no I.N*Qar
<br /> „�„ 4.. e� � _ayrees to ��a�MbM.The BAnk cnn mak�Rny ol lhop chanp�s d+acu���l�fx�w
<br />�:�.;kj�� be bound by all of fhe tBrms o!the Note(lnCludlnp any pravlous ryl�h pu�����rowsr'e com�nt unleH Aul�law�rovMn�ofl►e►wlso.
<br /> '=��"� mod!!lcaflons)and thls Agreement.
<br />_ ,_,�� The Hnnk wtll prvs fhe t3orcowur nofkr af rny ch�npe 1►u�t 1�rnqu�ied
<br />' "`� 7. Cndlt In�unnee by lew. TMr L3�+nk nqo cHm m�ke chnnpers►hnt fhe ti�nk�nd Elnnrawer
<br /> �� ❑a. Crndit Insurnnco(�evolving) �ap�oo to m w�tlmn.
<br />_^�, The Bonower Is not►aqul�ed fo buy credlflnsurence.B 1ho Bonower ��,8t�p�y�nt Condlfbni
<br /> chooses to buy thls Insu�ancN horn the BAnk,it wlll repay the Home To Ue ellnCbve.e sfnp l�nymont ador([sn"ordor'7 musf contrin►ho
<br />- ��� Equ�ry Access Llne o!Credif loans!I fhe Bo�rower d1es,sub/ect�o fhe
<br /> �°'���� te►m9 6nd contlillons co►tfdlned!n the CertiflCate oi lnswanCe. DorrowBre neme antl account number, IhB►TUO111B/AI1d BN6Cf AR10U01
<br /> o!fhe check,and fhe nrrme o!Ihe paravn fo whom the r,hsck le
<br />����.. The dplly rete lor thls insurance and the conesponding amount per payable,and!1 mual be recelved ln a f�me and manner thAf gfvss fhe
<br />--,�'� ` 3f 00 0l my nvarage da/ty bafance each month as shown bolow. Bnnk a reasonable opportunity to acf on i�.An order w!N be!n eNecf!or
<br />,;,� Single Lile lnsurance Jolnt Llle Insurance slx monlhs;howaver,the Bank reservss�he rlyht to remove an oral
<br />`y j��� „ , order aRer 14 deys if Ihe Bonowar falls to confirm the o�de�ln wridnp
<br /> Q��,� Dafty rate � �O withln that tlme.The Borrower may renew an order In wdtlng every alx
<br /> `°�'�� Conespondfng months.The Bank may pay a check alteran order has explred even
<br /> -°��' cost per$100 �perS100 C perS100
<br /> though fho check!s more than slx month9 old.The Benk wlll have no
<br /> �� !!ablllry 11 eny af the informatlon the Bor�ower provldes!n h/s or ner
<br /> =y��� I want to buy fhe�ollowing crea�'d lnsurence: order Is Inconect and the Bank pays fhe check.
<br /> ❑S/ngle Credit Llle Insuranco ❑Jo1nt Credit Ule Insurance
<br />— -��y . ,,,N,. aare o�bl�— 11.Oth�r Ti�ms R�miln In EM�ct
<br /> �__�_�� X All ortglnal temis o�me Note ara Poiorfgage(na amarnidu�y osr
<br /> �;; written mod/1/caUvn)remaln!n eHect except as amended hereby,and
<br /> UNLE33 SECIION 71S COMPLETED ABOVE the BorroweNMortgegor agreea to be bound 6y and to perlorm all of
<br /> THl9 AGREEMENT DOEB NOT/NCREA3E OR EXTEND the covenants and agreemen►8!n the Nofe and Mortgage,fl app!lce619.
<br /> ANY REVOLVlNG CHEDIT/HSUAANCE et the Ume end!n the menner provlded In the Note and MoRgage•
<br /> (Forpu►poses ol thls noUce,'Consumer"end"1"refer to!he Mortgagor)
<br /> !underetand that
<br /> •1 ahould not algn thls egreemont belore 1 read the enNre document,even!/otherwlse advised.
<br /> •1 should not algn thls!l it contalns any blsnk spaces.
<br /> •1 em enNtled to an exect dupllcate of th/s and any other egreement I slgn.
<br /> •i have the right to prepay the unpaid balance due under thls agreement at any flme wlthout penalty;and f may bs enNUed to receiv+s a relunal of
<br /> °—' uneamed charges!n accordance with the law.
<br /> _ IN WITNESS W REOF,fhe parties e executed thls A reement and acknowl e the fpt ol a y hereo a oi the dey and yea►llrst written above.
<br /> Norwes Bank Neb a a, N.A• �r�,w_r�r
<br /> - nox« g�. ac
<br />-- e a n . ortz � x a� yrna oac
<br /> - ITS: Personal Bank
<br /> ya/Borro�w
<br /> Mortynpor8orroxw
<br /> �' STATEOF Nebraska )
<br /> �°�_ ) ss.
<br /> -- COUNTYOF H81'I,— J
<br /> - �'-"�°"" On thls �8 t h day ol, Julv , 199 7 ,ry�/oie me.a No t3Yy In and for sald courtty
<br /> �=�� Karen A. Bortz ,fomeperaonall known,wnobeln b medul swomorahlrmed)dldaay
<br /> -.�:�:_�.� peruonafty eppeared y 8 y y�
<br /> _=�'�}� that that person Is Per sonal BankeY o!sald aSSOClatlon,that(the seel aB/xed to sald insfrument Is fhe seal of safd or no seal hes
<br /> ���.���.
<br /> --.,,;t� ;,, been procwed by sald)assoClatfon And that sald instrument was slgned and sealed on behaN of the seld Assocladun by aufhori y ol!ts board ol dlrecfors
<br />_-�---u:aT,[� a B seld PezBOnal Banker ncknowledged fhe execuNon ol seld insBumenl to be Ihe voluntary actenddeed of sald nssociatlon bylt
<br /> -- �"°' vo dl ex u '�
<br /> �;�;.h;"�,�_�
<br /> ��,�.,�. ���� v.— Nebraeka
<br /> _". y-,^1:: �
<br /> �=""''-=�'�" GEHERAI HOTARY•Sbte ol MeDns1�
<br />`���� STATEOF Nebraska � ��' 1ANETiUEHLKE
<br />-�"�T-_t.�'' - � ,,,, MY Comm.&p.Oct.7.2000
<br />- f��.:•�' Hal]. . �..
<br />_�.� , •� COUNTY OF )
<br /> _ , " �.[ .
<br /> �;yJ<;•,, :� � k Onthls �8th dayo/ July , 1997 ,6eloreme.a Notary _ personAltyappeared
<br /> •,�•� .. � � Harold A Roach and Mvrna M. Roach (husbandand
<br /> � . .. s�?„�x�M
<br /> : , .: .�:; wife.qi�y}QJp{�Q�pjQQt�4MAhR]4k1L4�10)and (husband
<br /> ���. and wife.a s(n perGOn,singfo persons)to me personally kn wn to be Ihe person(S)named in arrd who executed the/orega�rtg lnafrument and
<br /> ." a know dg thaf �_. e ted the same as t hei r volunfary act und deed.
<br /> • , 4\� N�braska
<br /> ' �i' o r,c -mto o�
<br /> ' ;.• rn�srnstrument asdr edby: Norwest Ba k Neb a , N.A. a� Grand Island, Nebraska _
<br /> , . ..<. l�te �
<br /> � �NERAI NOTARI•St�te ol Nebr�sl�
<br /> r� Etp. 2 KAREN A.BORTI
<br /> Mry OMnn+.E�D.Oct 1.2000
<br />