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<br /> - �=- � ' ALOC and
<br /> .:.,: �� ���0 � � �P.O� 6�+x 340$ �
<br /> � �.�`���� "°""'�°�""'� � �� ' � I�CpOp�erator 1 AUG �'�''a, New�aska �alo�ortgage Modifica�ion �,
<br /> �'�,.:.a.. �� 9 \
<br />:�LS�.,�:k;.,�
<br />='<s.".at_i!�
<br />•F�,�`. T„� , 199 7 belwven Nanvest 9ank
<br /> = , , Thls Ag�eement Is made thla � �t_� h - day ol �
<br /> - . ,r Nebraska ,Natlonal Assoclatlon,axlst/ng underlho laws ol the Unifed Slateaof Amerlca
<br /> ����• NE
<br /> z'=�'� Grand Islund , (ure •aenk�)
<br /> -�+� havinp Its ofNce et s'"'
<br /> -�"'-3`'� Harold A:"{toach and Myrnu M. Ronch� huaband and wife (rhe"Borrox+��7
<br /> °f� Doniphun N�
<br /> '"��' 319 `�iurc►�Creet � '
<br /> ':ti realdlny at— �N c,y sr•r�
<br />°•r,::�v,�;:v�: Hara�,��-,�pS�3-IIII$.�SY•rnn M. Ror►�ha-hitabfs� �if.s — (the"MCrtgago►")
<br /> _ .-t,.� . Alid �plo� pal�l inhHLl_ . NE
<br /> =""'-} 31�Chuxch�tr�� � ��y --��V — san
<br />-- resldlny al - �ayM.
<br />^��:i4.. R����� ❑b. Amount of Regular Mlnlmum Monlhly Paymema
<br />,y�� �, The Bank!s the holder o!the Home Equiry Accese llne Agreemenf o/ Each rpgular minlmum monthty payment wlll be calcu�ated on the day
<br /> the Borrower dete�l c r �.�r 9� , _1.9.94 ,paya61e to the month�sfatoment 1s prepared And wUl be due on Ihe defa ahown
<br />--'�-'�N;�V� the order of fhe Benk wlth ihe odglna�maxlmum avafla6le pdnclpal !n that statament(whkh wlll be approxlmatety 1b days alter rha day the
<br /> nn_nr�_ statomeni u Arepared).Each regular minfmum monthy payment wl11
<br /> ��� amounf ot S �-�-.9 — ("Note')wifh a matunry dato 01. be the/pVaKinD amounf(p/us any Ove�llne Amount):
<br /> _ __ _�,eptember 23,.199.9 • ❑alixcQdamauntolS
<br /> 2. To secure payment oi the Note,the MoRgagor has glven a mafgage or ��payrtwnf that is equal to the greater ol S
<br /> --- deed of hust(..Mongege)ro rna vanK.daiad ^--r-�-r a'" �'- , o,
<br /> - or .o ol the unpatd ban Dalance.
<br /> � — ,LQ�� subJectlng to tha Ilen thereof Certafn�eal estate Iocated in
<br /> Aa1 7 County, NF._ mare riiese twa opllons may not fully repay the balance owing on ihls
<br /> paniculady descr(bed!n the Mortgage. fsrarei !!ne o!credit before fhe Ma�urlty Date.
<br /> October 7. ❑apaymen!that/s equal to the/lnance chnrge(andcredrtlnsurnnce
<br /> 3• The Matgage was liled lor record on • premlume,!I any)owing.Thla opeon wlll not Nlly repay rhe balance
<br /> �*p* of Deed4_otH»
<br /> ��F. ,in the oltke o!the �£.� ow/ng on thls Ilne of credd before the Maturiry Date.
<br /> abovenamedcountyasDocumentNo. 94�108299� s.FlnencrChirpa
<br /> !n BooWRoll Pagellmage ' ❑a. Ma�In
<br /> ��� 4. In connectlon with the f117ng of the Mortgage,a mortgage reyisSry tax ❑7he dalty pedodlc rate wlll be ❑ lncreased ❑decreasod to
<br /> wes pald to fhe Treasuror of safd county in the amount of il3B5 0!an annual rate ol °.6 over the"Index Aate"delined
<br /> s N�A on AT�.A � --�-� !n the Note(oras mod�l/ed).
<br /> -- and ffiat Treasurer placed hl�o►hN��amp on the Mongage,said �ll the Borrower ceases to be an employee o�the Bank alts
<br /> afampbeaong number�. ' afliflatea,the Bank wUl lncrease the annual rate bysdding .— �•
<br /> 5. The 8anowedMortgago►acknowfedgea that tha Note and the Mortgage �b Index Rate
<br /> - Qncluding any preNous modlflcatlons)ere legal end binding obdgallons, 7he"Index Rate"1s chenged to the hlghest pdme rate publlshed in
<br /> Iree and cfear o/any clalm,de%nse or oHset. me Wall SUeet Joumal"Money Rates"fable.
<br /> B. The BorrowedMartgsgorand the Bank now deslro to make changes to ,�,OfherCftArps+
<br /> fhe Note and Mortgege as descr�bed below. The fees snd charges descr(bed below wlll be due and payable etter the
<br /> See Exhibit A close of tho blllfng cyclB dudng whlch such fees and chsrgea were
<br /> assessed,on the same due date as the rogular minimum monthly
<br /> �'— qD��� payment for that bllling cycle(as speciNed!n the monthtystatement tBat
<br /> Acco�dingly,!n Consideredon ol the prom/ses and olher good and valuable fho Bank will aend for fhat 611Iing cyCle).
<br /> conslderatlon,each paki to fhe other,the partles to hls agreement e rea
<br /> to the/allowing changes eHective on J�8 . �� �a• �'��•�he-credit-/imff fee:
<br /> (!I no date Is lilled!n,the changes are eNecNve as oi the day and year f/rst The Borrower Rgrees to pay the Bank a S
<br /> wrlBen above): (Check appllcabfe boxes below.) over•the-credit-/imlt fee each tfine the Bank,at!ts sofe discretion,
<br /> .-- makes any IoAn whlch(when added to fhe unpnld foan ba/ance)
<br /> -- �--- 1.Lln�Acc�ar and Tirmfn�tlon exceeds fhe credlt IlmtG(If state law flmlts thls fee fo one fee per
<br /> -- ----= �, Terminatlon/Maturiry Date bllling cycle or podod,on/y one over-the�credit-f!m!f lee wi!!be
<br /> ---_= 7he Borrower/Mortgagor hereby agrees that lhls Ilne ot credit will charged dudng suah b1111ng cycfe or pedod.)
<br /> ==��"'� termfnate and the unpaid/oan balance of the Note and any unpaid �b. Annual lee:
<br /> "::.a;,�� linance charges and other charges wlll be due and payable!n lull on rne Bonower agrees to AAy the Bank e S
<br /> ,,:: :_�� .7 u 1 y 7 A �11L1.2. No future advances annual lee.The annual(ee wllf be chnrged each year dudnr�fhe
<br /> �_� �.'..���r i
<br />�'��;;:;;{�� will be made on fhls Ilne of credlt on and alter thfs date.Untll lhat bllling cycle that/alls on the annlversary date of fhe Nde.
<br /> `•°�"'t:: ,^' dnte the Borrower agrees to make mvnthty payments as dlsdased
<br />.�_;,�...,.F.y ❑c. Return pnymont fee:
<br /> _��;��,„:�, !n the Nofo,or If appl7cable,as dlsclosod below. The Bonower egrees to pc+y the Bank e&
<br /> �_;��`�'`' � 2 R�Qular Mhilmum Monthly Paymenti
<br /> �.`�,,-.,, retum paymont fae lor uny check or other negoflab/e instrument
<br /> _,-,.l� . made as payR�ent on fhis line of credit whlch!s rafumad unpald lor
<br /> .�,�,;�.,� �a.8lning orAutomeflc Charge lor Regular Minlmum Monthry Peyments an reASOn or/or an ACH transler made as payment on thls 11ne of
<br /> -�;�_ � To repay my loans,fhe Bank wlll each month: Y y
<br /> .-r*���. []provlde tho Borrowor wlth a bill stating t he ro fa l paymon t du e.T h e
<br /> credit witfch!s returnod unpald lor any reason.
<br />------���'•�'"•�� total payment due InCiudes the regular mlrtfmum monthty paymertL (�d. Stop payment Iee:
<br /> - "_`_Z-''�_--� ...+...,.�...le.minlinum mnnlhlv tlAVlYIBN/SJ .��Renl.u C
<br /> _.-.-.�'.- "'-.�-'...,�__....�
<br /> — - "`-^---'_'__...............
<br />.,,w.-- �vyvnm.:n�ra�qN.......«.....�_._......._.._.- . • • ' �rrvwrw.im�. �
<br /> y,..,......,..., ...___....__
<br /> " '"•� and ell other charges fhen duo on this Ilne oi crodit. srop paymenf/ee il the Borrower notlOes the Bank to slop peyment -
<br />-.;v� .•."..'
<br />�. • � ❑eulomatica/ly charge Ihe Borrowor's chocking account on my draR drawn dlreC►ly on fhls line of credit
<br /> _ . ' • : ' ,� for fhe regular minimum monthly ❑e, LatO lee:
<br /> M pnymenf(s)duo plus any annual lee due.11 thls account does not The Borrower agree�to pay the Bank a lato�ee U any regular
<br /> � havo anough moneyln tt to mAke thls eutomaflc payment, fhe Bank m!nlmum monthly paymonf is nof pu/d In/ull w/thin days oi
<br /> ' may,bul ls not requirod to,mAke a loan from th(s 11ne ol credit(in Q ifs schoduled due date.The late lee will be equal to:
<br /> the aufomatic loan amount)to make the payment.(Any other 5 _ .
<br /> � . charges�+uo must be pa(d separately.The Bank may charge th/s � °;of the unpafd arnount ol the scheduled regular
<br /> AcCaunt for theso other charges!I they are not pafd.) minlmum monthly paymenf.
<br /> . 1 ❑automaticaUy charc�e the 8onowor's accoun!wrth anolher lnslitutiun �rhe o�� — °f-�'— �O
<br /> . (under the terrns o/a separate wrltten(ACfi)transfer authorization) of tno unputd amount o/the scheduled regular minimum monthly
<br /> �or the regular minimum rtonth/y payment(s)duo plus any annual a ment.
<br /> -• -• fee due.(Any ofher chnrges due must bv pald separetety.) p Y
<br /> � Fw�zen t4•�•����s-P� ,,,,,,,,_, ❑No Inte lee w!!!be assessed.
<br /> Loan Rcv,. ._ �0 8�7
<br /> r'.;'c'.J �
<br />