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'� a,r�,�.�-.a�v• ,•`., ,. . , .:----_ _— .._ ,�,.. <br /> +-. ...�K.. <br /> . . . �. , ' . . . 'aJr„�.r4r�_.�.� <br /> ,.�`,r.T���-1'r''"�'_1"1_���'�.�'A�.E.:�.SFS:S.`".."'4.�'�-•�[•�11'=- ?....,�.. <br /> .� .��ti:�;C'�,.t::�:�_.__._�_�'-_____._...�.. - -- ... _.__ .. <br /> ,.,, ., a+s�r.�e�r.�!r.•�-•.. . . ........,,_,.-=:2.T..,,..-.:�_._..__..�__.._________ <br /> r: .?�::y . . �.'. .. i r L <br />-..��.►�. 97 ( �j�. .��� <br />: ;�#;- Princip8l w Indebtednas�e�cured by this Deed of Trust,not Indudinp tum�adwnced to prot�cl ths��ly�,r mRS�wa of <br /> . Trust,ez� � ..�t statod herNn,or S ��.1 ��.�. ._.�whlchever I�qro�ter. <br /> ''' ""� 16.�� <br /> _ � . (a)1lor�vwt Not R�as�d.Extenalon of Ihe dme lo►pAymeni or modiNcaibn ol amo►tiiatlon o1 the eumi eecured by th►e <br /> . x peed of Trust prantad by Lender to any sua;essor In Intere�t o1 Borrower shall nol opa�eta to relenss,In sny menner,ths NsWN• — <br /> _ � � � •� ty ol the oriqinal 8orrower and Borrower's successoro In Intere,�t. Lender�hall not be �equfred to commence procNCNnpe <br /> '� a�lnat euch suocossor or reluea to extend tlme for payment or othervrl�s modffy amoR{z�lbn ol the euma�ecurod by thl� <br /> :,, Deed ot Tniat by rea9on of any demanda rt►ade by the orlylnol Borrower end Borrower's aucceswro In Interoat. <br /> � '`' ` (b)LNfd�►'�Pow�.Without affectind the Nebiliry ot any other peroon li�ble tor the psyment d any oblip�tlo�hsreln men� <br /> • L tioned, end wilhout aBecting the Ilen ur charge of thl�De3ed o1 Trust upon any portlon of tM Property not then or theretafore � <br /> .,,, •. releeaed as security lor the(ull emount of all unpaki obli�afions,Lender may,(rom time to time and wNhout notice(i)rolease <br /> eny peroon eu Ilabla,pl)extend the metudry or alter eny ot the tetms of any auch obliy�tlon�,(Ilq prAnt other k�dulp�noa.(N) <br />- releese or convey,or cause to be released or reconveyed at any time et Lender's optlon any percel,portbn or all of the <br /> Property,(v)take or release any other or additional securiry or roconveyed at sny time et Lender's optbn any parcel,portlon or <br /> - aU of the Properry,(vI)take or release any other or addidonal securlty tor eny obUpatlon he�e�n mentloned,or(vil)meke oompa <br /> -- -� sitions of other arranpemente with debtora In relatbn thereto. <br /> � .::� (c)Forbesnnce by L�nde�Not a W�Iver.My torbearence by Lender in exerclsing any right or remedy hereunder,or oth• <br /> � erwlse efforded by epplicable law,sheil not be e waiver of or preclude the exercise oT eny such rtght or remedy.The procure- <br /> '�'� : '� � msnt ot insurance or the payment of taxes or other Ilens or charges by Lender shall not be a walver or Lendere right to axeler- <br /> .";� : ate tho maturity of the Indebtedness secured by this l)eed of Trust <br /> : ,,,►�;.�._ (d)Succ�s�ors�nd Asslpm Bound;Jolnt md S�venl Ll�bility;Captbns.The covenants and agreements herein con- <br /> tained shall bind, and the dghts he�eunder shall(nure to,the respective successors end esslgns of Lender end Trustor. NI <br /> :'ro��`�j covenants and agreemente of Trustor shall be jolnt and several.The captiona end headinge of the paragraphs of this Deed of <br />`-:i,�s� T�ust are for conveNence only and are not to be used to interpret or define the provisiona hereof. <br /> _--"' (e)Fi�qusst for Notic�s.The parties hereby request that a copy of any noUce ot deteult hereunder end a copy ot any notks <br />,_ix,�' ot sale hereunder be mailed to each party to this Deed of Trust at the address set torlh ehove In the marxier prescribed Gy <br /> .T_,;!�� ' applicabie law.Except tor eny other nodoe required ur�der epplkable law to be given fn enother manner,any notbe provided for <br /> ;:_,�%�;� in this Deed ot Trust shall be given by malUng such nofice by certifled mail arldressed to the other the address set <br /> `t'� ��•-' forth above. Any notice provlded for In thls Deed oi Trust shall be eHect(ve upon mailing in the manner designated hsrein.Ii <br />�J,�� Trustor is more than one person,notice sent to the address set forth above shall be notke to all such persons. <br /> ��;:!:;�:. (�tnspection.Lender may make or cause to be madA reasonebte entries upon and inspections of the Property,provided <br />__—_ that Lender shall glve Trustor notice prior to any such Inspection specHying reasonable cause therotor related to Lenders inter- <br /> -�:,:� est in the Property. <br /> °"-'�-'-- (y)R�conwyanc�.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shell request Trustee to recor►vey the <br />.V�,� Property and shall surrender thls Deed of Trust and all notes evidencireg Indebtedness securod by this Deed of Tnut to <br /> Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property,without warranty and without charge to the person lepaty entiUed thereto.Tnistor <br />---�-_--�— shall pay aH costs or recordation,(t any. <br /> =� ��� (h) P�rsond Propsrty; Security Agreement.As additional securiiy tor the payrnent of Me Note,Trustor hereby prants <br /> - L:,a�r ur�'..a:!k�P:�Dr»�.�s!!nlSarm�amrrterr.le!��s a=ezusEt;lntpr�si!n a!!�x.fureR.!"�!'I�+ment,±±rx1�rhpr gwraon�+l prnoeAy <br /> used in connecUon with the real estate or Improvements loceted thereun,and not otherwise declared or deemed to ba a part ot <br /> �.�K�� the real estate secured hereby.This Instrument shall be cons4rued as a Securiiy Agreement under sald Code,and the Lender <br /> �;,^.;� shall have all the dghts and remedfes of a secured parry under sald Code In add'Rion to the rights end�emedies under ihfs <br /> `�„m. paragraph shaN be cumulative with,and in no way a Iimftation on,Lender's dghts and �emedies under any ather security a�ee- <br /> -.--� <br /> ment signed by Borroxrer or Trustor. <br /> --- (1)Li�n*and Encumbnncei.Trustor hereby warrants and represents ihat there is no detautt under the provislons of any <br /> mortgage,deed of trust,lease or purchase contract descdWng all or eny pad of the Propedy,or other oontrect.fnstnirtient or <br /> agreemen•constitut(ng a Ben or encumbrence ayafnst all or any part of the Property(collectively,•uens"�,axisang as ot the <br /> date of this Deed ot Trust,and that any and all ezisting Liens remaln unmodifkid except as disclosed to Lender in Tnista's writ- <br /> ten disclosu�e of Ilens and encumbrances provided for herein.Truator shall timely pedorm alt of TrustoPs obliyations, <br /> covenants,representations and warrenttes under any and ell existing and future Llens,ehall prompdy torward to Lender coples <br /> of all noHces of detault sent In connecdon w1M any end all existing or tuture Llens,a�d shell not without Lenders pdor wrilten <br /> consent in any manner mod(1y the provisfona of or allow any future advanoes urxier any existing or tuture Nens. <br /> (J)Applicadom of Payrtwnt�.Unless otherwtso required by law,sums paid to Ler►der hereunder,Induding witNout irr�la- <br /> tfon payments of prindpal and interest,insurence proceeds,condemneti�on proceeds and rants and►aM be applied by <br /> Lender to the amounta due and owinp}rom Trustor and bonower in such order as Lender In its sole discredon deems desir- <br /> aWe. � <br /> (k)S�wrabNlty.11 any provisfon of this Deed of Trus!oonflicts wtih applicable law a is dedared invelid or othenvise unen- <br /> torcaable,auch confllct or irnalidity shall not eftect the other provisions of this Deed of Truat or the Note which can be yiven <br /> eNect without the coniNcting provision,and to this erxl the provisions of this Deed ot TNSt and the Note ere dedared to be sev- <br /> ernble. <br /> (I)T�rms.The tertns"T�usto�'and"BoROwo�'shall inchxle both sinpuiar end plural,and when the 7�ustor and Borrower are <br /> tho sart�e peraon(s),those tertns as used in this Deed of 7mst shall be interchangeabk, <br /> (m)�ioveminp I.�w.This Deed of Tn�st shall be govemed by the laws of the 3tata of Nebreska. <br />-�:�l�i� <br />_;Y-v'�"'�,'i'� _ <br />___°=i1���� Tnista has executed this Deed of Trust as of the date written above. '•- •�`--�•••••••"�• � "�"��` <br /> ;_�� • . .� x.;,...,. �.z ,..•li���! <br /> _ : /'� ti � l'_s�':'��•..0 ,.)E�i <br /> _=;���� 1 F �� ,�. . . i,►..a,:.•�:r:' <br /> .',j� /�7�� � �LF./)��% � I��a ,,._....... . .,. .. . <br /> "^ awn . uman <br />�..�� Trustor n . uman, Jr Tn,stx <br />_-_ -.�"Y, �•�� ♦ . <br /> T��. <br /> :11• ' . � <br />= �`'"` ' Trustor Tn�stor <br />- �- . <br />_� y ,. <br /> ;_,I <br /> �r�' ' � <br /> . ,.'t r� . <br /> - ;.;ya'���:1; <br /> _'�.Y!�I•1T. i <br /> �'.�;, rA;��'. <br /> - �.�ia�.d+ltar -. <br /> � . . . . .. . . � -- �- ,�y.�..- � --_._._�_...___,.�......�.. • <br /> . ..... - '-.. <br /> ..... ".:... <br /> .�,-. — . ., .. . ._....,y�;_„__.. • . _ _ _. . . <br />