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<br /> �� � �� �Proceeds�In connectbn wi±h condemru�tlon or other takinp ol the Properly or part thereof,or far c3n�yance In�ieu ol ca�rnnetlon. _
<br /> , � lender shall be entllled at ItR optlon to commence,appear In and proeecute In Its own name any act+on or proceedinps,and s1w11 elw =
<br /> he entitbd to moke eny oompromise or settiement In connectlon wllh 6uch laklnp or damage,In the event Any partk�n o1 the Properry le fi°,
<br /> .t ' so teke�or dama�ed,Lender shaii have the option In Ite sole end absolute dlacretion, to epply all auch prc�oeeds, aRer deductlny �
<br /> � therelrcxn�II costs and expeneea IncurrAd by it In connectlon with:uGh Procsede,upon eny Indebtedness securod hereby ar►d In such �'-"
<br /> � order as Lenclor mny determtne,or to�pply all such Procaeds,after euch deductbns,to the reatvretfon of ihe PropeRy upon auci�con• -
<br /> ;,A � ditbna as Lsnder may determine.Any eipplication of Proceeda ta Inderbtedness shail not extend or poslpona the due datR o1 any pay- F`
<br /> • � � menb under tha Note,or cure any default thereurxler or hereunder,Any una►pplled funds sheil be paid to Tructor, -
<br /> 0.PertormAnse by lender. U�n the occurrence ol an Fvent of Dolauit herc�unde�.or if any ect le tRk�n or logal proceeding �"
<br /> •,•i comrnenced whlch m�ta�ialiy aflecls lendere interoat In the Proqerty,Lender may in Ita own discretian,but without obllpation to do so, __
<br /> �.:�,� and without natice to or demsnd up�n Tcustor r�nd wilhout releasinp T►ustar from any obiigatlan,da �ny act wh�h Trustar ha.s egreed �,
<br /> but teiled ta do and muy slso do eny other act It deems neceasary to protect the secu�ity hereof.Trustor shall, Immedistely upon
<br /> ,,nnr�w+�� demand tharefor by Lender,pay to Lander all coats and expenses Incurred and sums expended by Lenderr In connection with the exer-
<br /> �.,,M.�' cise by Lentier ot the fo�epolnp rights,to�ether wilh Intereet thereon at tha detauit rate provided In the Note, which shail be added to
<br />-�. � tho Indebt9dness secured hereby.Lende�shall not i�cur sny Ilabtlity becau&e o(anything it may do or omix to do h�reuncier.
<br /> 9.H�wrdow Wlalnials.Ti�uator shall keep thp PropoRy in compliance with all epplicable laws,ordinancea end regulsdone _
<br /> �' � retating ta Indust�ial hyglene or environmental protectbn (catlectively relarred to herein es"Enviranmental Laws').Tnistor shall keep
<br /> � the Propnrty free trpm all substonces deemed to be hazardoua ar taxFC uncter any Environment�l Laws(collecGv4ly re(erred to hereln
<br /> �, as'Nazarciaua Maifltlals"),Trustor hereby warrantR and representa ta Lender that there are no Hazardaus Matarials on or u�der the
<br /> � Propprry.Trustar horaby apreea to indemnily and hakl harmbss Lender,Ite directara,oNicere,empbyees and agents,and any succes-
<br /> � "� sore to Lendero intereat,lmm and apafnst any end Au clalms,damapea,besea and li�bll(ties arisln�In connecWn wfth the presence,
<br /> :`� use,�i�!or transport of eny Hazardoue Matariele on,unde�,trom a about the Pro�serty.TliE FOREQOiN(i WARRANTIES ANO
<br /> 10.Assipnmmts ot Mnb.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender, end grants Lender a secunty hlerest in,all present,future and
<br /> aRer adsing rents, issuos and profits of the Property:provlded that Trustor shall,untU the occurrence ol en Event o}Default,hereunder, _
<br /> have the right to collect and retain such rents,issues end profits as they become due and payable.lipon the aca►rrence of an Event of -
<br /> Qotauil,I.onder may,either In person or by agent, with or wfthaut brinping any action or proceeding,ar by a�sceiver appointed by a
<br /> •:t� couR and wfihout reperd to the adequacy of its security,entar upan und Wke possession of the Pro�.+erry, or any part thereof,in its own
<br /> l name or in the name of the Trustee,and do any acts whl�fi it deem�nacessary or desirable to presst++rve tt�e value,marketability or
<br />_ . re�tability of the Property,or eny part thereof or Int�mst tharein,or to incraase the income therefrom ar p�oied the secu�iry hereof and,
<br /> with or wlthout takinq posaessbn of the Property,suo ipr or othervvlse callect the rents,Issues and profits Ihereof,induding those past
<br /> due and unpaid,by ratityirx,�tenants to meke payments to Lerxiar.Lender may apply renta,lssues and profits,less costa and expons-
<br />,ti:;?'. es of operaUon and collmction Inciuding attomey's tees, to any (ndebtedness secured hereby, an in such order as Lender may deter-
<br /> mtne.The entedng upan and taking possesslon of the Property,the cdlectbn of such rents, issues a�d protits, and ttte applfcatian
<br />;::;�;;;s:F thereof as aforesaW ahau not cure or waive any deiauii or noiicn ui iieinuii i�n�aur�der or in�sS:�.'ta a�y :�ct rlat�c!rt r�snse to ssxtt
<br />-'�J"���•��Ff,; defauit or pursuant ro such notice ot de}ault and, notwithstanding the continuance in possessbn d the propeRy or the collectbn,
<br /> �'f� receipt and appiication ot rents,issuea or profits,Trusteo and Lender shall be entit�ed to exercise every right provided tor In any of the
<br />'' F't ' .`" Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Qefeuit,i�cluding wiNwut Iimitatbn the dght to exercise the power of sa{�.
<br /> . .�. . .
<br /> a;�!' •�>�:�� Furthar,Lender's�iphts and remedies under this paregraph shall be cumulaUve with,and in no way a limitation on,Lenders�ights and
<br /> ����;��
<br />-?�;;,f4��;•;, remedies under eny esslgnment of lease8 and rents recorded aga(nst ihe Properly.Lender,Truscea and the reoeiver shail be Ilabie to
<br />-*''�'f}�;'���' account oniy for those rents ectualty received.
<br />���4`'" 11.Ewnts of D�hult The folbwinp shall constitute an Event of Default under this Deed of Tn�t:
<br />�:�;�.Y:t
<br />�:..�.y� (a)Failure to pay any Installment ot pdncipal or interest of any other sum securad hereby whan due;
<br />-,.��.,�,;.5 A (b)A breach of or default under eny provisbn contained in tha Note,this Oeed of Trust,any of the Loan(nstruments,or any
<br />--,��.,:;:;� other Ifen or encumbrence upon the Property;
<br /> '""'�s'•���' (c)A writ ot execuUon or ettachment or any slmilar prceess shalt be entered agafnst Truslor which ehall become a Ilen on
<br />���� the Pr o p e r t y or any podion thereof or interest therein;
<br />��,u:.�sa��
<br />_ (d)There shall be filed by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present a future federal,state or other etatute,
<br />=,�r�!r±��� law or repulatbn relating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other relief for debtors;or there shall be eppointed any Uustee,recetver or
<br />-.:!�i� Ilquidator ot Ttista or Borrower or of all or any part of the Properry,or the rents,tssues or pro�ls thereof,or Truetor or Borrower
<br /> ---- - — shali make any generel assignment tor the benefit of creditars:
<br /> :;�_;;;��� ' (e)The sale,transfer,lease, asslgnment,conveyance or fudher encumbrance of all or any part ot or eny Interest in the
<br /> �:.��,, •,.
<br /> -_�.. Prop�erty,either vduntariiy or invotunta�ily,without the express written consent of Lander,prouided that Trusror shall be pertn -
<br />-� -��,�;� te�to execute a lease of the Properly that does not contaln an opUon to purchase and the temi ot whlch does not excc�sed one
<br /> ------- -= year,
<br /> _ __ __— (�pbandonment ot tho Property;or
<br /> ____-- (g)It 7rustor Is not an individuai,the issuance,sale,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than(if a
<br /> - corporetbn)e total of na percent of its Issued and oulstanding stock,or(if a padnership)a total of na per-
<br /> =--=y� cent of partnershlp interests,or((f a Iimited Iiability company)a totat ot pg perce�t of the lim(ted Ilability compa-
<br /> �'"''-��� ny interesta or voting dghts during the pedod this Deed of Trust remains a Iten on the property.
<br /> r-=�,'�� ' 12.R�medla; Acceleratlon Upon D�hult In the event of any Event of Detault Lender may,without notice except as required
<br /> _,.��.t��' � i
<br />-°_-��.`�;,� . by law,deciare all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same st�a0 thereupon become due and payable with-
<br />`=�=
<br /> _S,;.,F�; out any presentment,demand,protest or notk;e of any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br />,., � _ �`•.. � (a)Demend that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Truatee she�thereatter cause Trustor's Inter-
<br />��� •��L�-•�- � est in the Properry to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,all(n the menner provfded in Ihe Nebreska Trust Deeds Act;
<br />;�,:, . ;-�
<br />;W�,..�„�.�;� (b)Exerdse any and all dghts provlded(or In any of the Loan Inatruments or by law upon occurrence of eny Event o
<br /> -_ � ti DefHUtt�and
<br /> ='�,�' ; '`'� -'` (c)Commence an actbn to toreclose this Deed of Trust as e mortgage,appoint a receiv�r,or specif�ally enforce any of the
<br />�:,.... . . covenents hereof.
<br />- No remedy herein conferced upon or reserved to Truetee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy hereln,in the Loan
<br /> Instruments or by law provtded or pertnitted,but each shall be cumulative,shall be In sddrtbn to every othe�remedy gfven hereunder,
<br /> _��.� in the Loan Instruments or now or hereaRer exisdng at law or In equlty or by statute,and may be exirclsed concunentty,Independentty
<br />-- �.c,v_rn_yye�iy
<br /> � � ; �� 13.T�ustM.The Trustee may resign at any time without cause,and Lender may at any time and wnhout cause appoint a suc�
<br /> , � rt �'��' ces,wr or substltute Tnrstee.Trustee shall not be tieble to any party. Including without Iimitation Lander,Bonower,Trustor or eny pur
<br /> ��� � chaser ot the Properly,for any loss or damage unless due to reckiess or willtul mtsconduct,and shell nat be required to take any ecUon
<br /> � in conneCtion with the enforcement of thfs Deed of Trust unless indemnffied,in writing,for all costs,compensatiw�or expensea which
<br /> may be assodaded therewfth.In additfon,Tiustee may become a purchaser at any sale oi the Property�udiclal or under the power of
<br /> sate granted hereln);postpone the ssle of atl or any portlon of the Property,as provided by law;o r sell the PropeAy as e whole,or In
<br /> separete parcels or bb at Trustee's discretlon.
<br /> 14.FNS and Expen�es.In the evont Trustee sells the Property by exercise of power of sale,Trustee shail be entftled to appiy
<br /> � `� any sale proceeds first to payment o}all costs end expenses of exercfsing power of sale,inctuding an Trustee's fees,and Lender's and
<br /> - Trustee's attomey's fses, actually Incurred to extent pertnitted by applicable law.In the event Borrowar or Tnistor exerclses any�ight
<br /> ' provided by law to cure an Event of Default,Lender shall be entltied to recover trom Trustor all costs end oxpenses ectually incurred as
<br /> a result ot Trustors defeult,Including without Iimitetbn all T�ustee's and attomey's fees,to the exlenl permltted by applicable luw. '
<br />� 15. Futun Adv�nca�. Upon request of Borcower, Lender mey,et Its optfon,make additional and luture advances and read• ,
<br /> _' � vances lo Borrowec Such advances and readvances,with Interost thereon,shall be secured by this Deed of Trust.At no time shall the
<br />