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. � . . . i . . '.�i,t.�r�jA�=- <br /> - • �'�I:.i.�fiYll:'�. <br /> ���� f"+•y:• �r+�e`w�ti��:.�..�..... _ •/ .� ._"A�►`_ �_ �_...�,r T�. a...l.�.. ...�.r� , ' nr. .. ,. . .._�_ --� <br /> . .. . � . -x �—�-sms... <br /> �..<. <br /> ' 'al; "�� � <br /> . � r„� 7. Protectlon of Lender'� Rlghb In the Property. u eorrowK r���s co p�rform �n• co��n�nts •na �pn«„enie <br /> � contaln�d fn thb&�CUrRy Insimm�nt,ot thoro Is �Ipal procMdhp thtl m�y bipnNfcmUy aH�ct Lmdsr'e r�ghie h ihe Property(auoh aa _ <br /> a proc�dlnp h bankruptcy. probato,for condamntlbn or foAafture or to enlorc• lawa or rpulatlont�), then lmder mey do and pny lar �- <br /> whatsv�r Is n�c�s6�ry to pr0t�ct th� �elu� 01 th�Property and Lender'6 rphts h th� Proparty. Lender'es �ctiune nipy hofude peyfnp <br /> • �ny sums 6�cur�d by � NM wh�h has prbrAy over thls S�curNy Instrum�nt, �pp�arhp fn Court, paylnq roa�onnble �ttomey'�t Iwt �nd <br /> �nt�rhp on lh� PropMly to m+ke rp�ke. Akhouyh L�nd�r may t�k� �CtWn und�r fhh pat�pr�ph 7, L�nder doss nof hev�to do so. <br /> +� My amount� dlaburNd by Undw und�r thb panpnph 7 �h�ll b�cort►� �dd�bn�l dabt of Borroww s�cur�d by thls S�CUrqy (p <br /> �f Instrum�nt. UnMS� 8ortowK and L�ndh �yrN to oth�r t�rm6 of p�ymM�t, th�1� �mounts 6hltll b�ar htK�st kOm th� d�ls of 1 <br /> dlabursnmsnt at Iha Note rat��nd ehall ba payabb,with Int�rosR upon not��hom Linder lo Borrow6r r�qwstinp paympnt. <br /> � � 8. MortpaQe Ins�irallCQ. If L�ndK r�qulr�d moAptp� htur�nC��s �oonditbn of makhp th� b1n 3�CUnld by thlf S�ourNy�� � <br /> .�w j,� Instnimw►t, Bortow�r sh�l p�y th�promiums nqukW to rtulnt�in Ih�mortq�p� htunnc� in �M�ot. It, fqr�ny rOA60t1, the mortq�pa Q <br /> - hsutanc� cowny� rsquired by LendK Ieps�s or cNa�s to ba in�M�Ct, Borrow�► th�ll p�y ths premlums rlqukld to obteln Cov6rape � <br /> �� substantyMy�quNaMnt to tho monp�pe hsuranc�prwbuty In aM�ct, �t�coat subitantl�ly�qukabnt to Ihe coat to Bortowqr of thn <br /> mortyape hsuranc� praviousy h �flect hom an aRsmats mortp�ye Insunr �pproved by Lender. If eubsantiA�y �qulvak�nt martnepe � <br /> � ; � Insunnce covenpe b not evdl4bk, Borrower sh�p pay to Le�d�r uch month � sum �quel to ono-twoMlh of the ywry mortp�pe � ` <br /> hsuronco pramium being paid by Bonower when the hsurance coverepe lepsed or ceesed to be In eHect. Under wiA aacept, uoe end <br /> ;•. retah thes� payments as a bss reserve h Iieu o� moAyape Insurance. Loss resavo payments mey no b�per be nquk�d, at the <br /> optbn of Under, R mortpaye fnsurance coverape (in the �mount and for the perbd that Lender riquirls) pro�lded by an heunr <br /> ;} approvsd by Lsnder apah Mcam�s avaikble and is obtalnad, E3orrow�r ch�ll pay the premiuma requr�d to maintah mortpepo <br /> �'r' insur�ncs In �ffect, or ta provlde a bss rsswve, untii ths raqulrsment for mortpaps Inaunnce �nds h �ecordance wkh any wdtlen <br /> ; �prestrNnt bNw�en Bonower md Under or appiicable �w. <br /> � 9. Intpectlon. Lendlt or NS epent may make rqsonabk entries upon and hbpeCtiona Of Ihe FrOpedy. Lender ShCM plva <br /> Bortowar notic�at ihe thn� ol or prbr to an hspectb�specMyinp nasonabM causs tor the hspectbn. <br /> 1Q. Condemrea�tion. The proceeds of any award or cltim lor dameges, dkeot or consequentW, h connectlnn wRh any <br /> condemreallon or othx takinq of any part of the Property,or(or canveyance h lieu of aondemnation, are hereby assipnod end shaA be <br /> - '.',: , pflld t0 Lender. <br /> , In ths went of a total takk�p of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the suma securod 6y thfs :ecurity Inatrument, <br /> , ,� whethe� or not thsn duo,wRh any excess peld to Borrower. In lhe event of a pertial takfng of the Propertp in whbh the fair muket <br /> value of the Propertyr Mnmedf�tety betore the takhp is equel to or preater than the ampunt of the surns 68cured by this SeCUrity <br />_ ' Inttrum�nt Mnrtwdkt�y bMon the taki�p, unbss BorrOwqr �nd Under otherwisa aproa h wrltinp, tha aume s�cur�d by thk S�curky <br />_ Inatrumer►t ahaM b� raduc�d by the r�rnount of the proceeda muhipli�d by the tobwinp haatian: (a) the IoU�amount of th� tumt <br /> t�cund k►wrNdkbly betore tlw takNO, d�vided by(b) lhe fnk merkst vtlue oi ths PropeRy Mnmedtutny bela� tM t�kinp. My bahnC� <br /> ahaN W patd to Dortower. In the evont of d partyl takiny of the PropeAy in whiCh tho tair merket wlue of thi Propwly knrn�dMt�y <br /> � ' befon the t�kinp 1s Iass than tha omount of the sums secured knrnediftey boTOrti the tekhp, unless Bortawer t�d Lender otharwfs� <br /> � a9ns h wrkinp or unMsa applicable k�w otherwka provides, the proceeda ahall be applied to the sums sscurod by this S�curky <br />*"�; � Inatrum9nt wh�thK w not th�aums are then tluo. <br /> '� ' `�`�'� N the PropNty la eb�ndonsd b 19ottowe►, or R,after notke by Lender to Barrower Ihet tho condemnoroMers to mak�an award or <br />�..:t_•_;;,r , Y <br />;'�Y'��''. �-� settie e cMim tor dama�es. Barower 9nils ro respond to Lender w�l�nin 30 days af:er the dato the notice is phren, Lender k authorixsd <br />"'��'«`J� � to coNect md appy the proc�eds,at ds optbn, eRher to restorotion or repnfr of the Praperty or to the sums secured by this Sscurfty <br />-?5-'�.;�a: . <br />;�J,�{'?x+:?r Instrument,whether or not tMn due. <br /> '�'' Untess LentMr and Bortowef otherwlse ayree in writinp, any epplicatbn Of proceeds to prtnclpal shall not extend or postpon�ths <br /> #„u,'�SL;,;.- <br /> ���_� :i�c,; dua date of ths monthry paymmts refertod to h para�raphs 1 and 2 or c�anpe the emount of such paymenls. <br />;_:;:�-����` 11. Borrower Not Releeaed: Forbesrance By Lender Not s Weiver. Extensbn ot me nme ror paymone or <br />'�;i5,,,-`,, , moditbatbn of amortiratlon of ihe eums secured by this SecurRy Inetrument pranted by Lendsr to�ny succasor h ht�at of BortowK <br /> i ,� shaN not opor4ta to rele�se Iha Iybility o}the orqhal Bortower or Borcowers suCCessora In htxsst. Lend�r sAaM not b�r�quirsd to <br /> ;��,�� cortwnenco proce�dinps apalnst any successor tn Interest or retuse to extend tfine lor payment or oth�rwis�modify�mortlration of ths <br /> =_-;..�:���} aume sscund by this S�cudy Inetrument by rwson of �ny demand mado by tha oripfnal Borrowor or Bonpwwc cucc�ston In <br /> ------—�� Int�nat. My faU�uanc�by l�ndor iri sx�rcfsinp ony ripht or renedy shan not be�wahror o}or pnclude Ihv ncKOias ot�ny�yht or <br />�y�����'.�� �y. <br />�'�`�`�1�� 12. Succeasors snd As�iqna 6ound; Joint end Several Liabfltty; Co•st�nera. rn� cown.nn and <br /> �w.T_�� <br />-�=- preern�nts of thfa S�curity Instroment shaN bind and benetit the sucCessors and assipns of Lender and 6oROwK, sub�ct to th� <br />�=�,4,,;,�� provisbns o}panpnph 17. Borrow�r's covenants end aprosments sh�u be Jolnt and 6everel. My BoROwar wl�o casipna thia S�curky <br /> _` Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-slpnhy thfs Security Instrument only to mortpape, yrant, and convsy that <br /> t������ ' Borrowars htarKt h th�Property undx the terms of this SeCUrity Instrument; (b) fs not personatly Oblipatld to pay the Sumt 6aCUrod <br />:�„��.y:�� by this S�curity IntWmint: Nd (c) eyrees that Lender and any other Borcower may aqree to extend, modify,forbear or maks sny <br /> -•--=•-s �ccortxnodatlona wkh rep�rd ro terma of this Security Instrument or the Note wRhaut thflt BorrOwers Consent <br />��� 1'3. Loan Ct�qeso If th� btn secured by this SeCUrity Instrument Is subjeot to a law whiCh SNS muchtum ban Ch8rpe3, <br /> � s <br /> �'�"_�''�� �nd tMt kw is NnaAy InfsrprNsd so that th� Intanst or other ban charpes collected or to be coll�ct�d h connectbn wRh the bon <br /> T-=���'�w sxceed th�p�rmRted IMnks. then; (e) any suCh lan Cherqe5 ShOA be reduCed by the emount necessery to reduee the Ct►�rye to the <br />`-��:v;�, permlttad Nmk; �nd(b) any sums aYsady coltected Nom BoROwer whbh excaeded permitted Iknks wi{I ba relundad to Borroww. Under <br /> -` "'•`t� ' may chooso to maka tAls nlund by reduohp the prinClpel owed und�r ths Nots or by makinp a drect payment to Borrowar. If a <br />�-=�� ���7���� ro(und rsduas prk�cipal,the nductbn wiN be trs�ted as a partfnl prepeyment wkhout any prepayment cha�unda tha Note. <br /> �. 14. Noticea. My notbe to Borrower provlded tor h this SecurRy Instrument shau be qhren by deFeriny R or by maNinp k by - <br /> ;:.,:�`° first clesa mail unbss appliGble law requires use of another method. The notfce shall be directed to the Property Address or any - <br /> - other addrass Barrowar desqnates by notice to Lender. My notico lo Lender shall be pxen by fi�at cless meY to Lender's addrsss = <br /> -it Steted hereh or any other address Lendor desiynetss by notice to Borrowor. Any notfce provided for h thls SeCUrity In6tnrment shell _ <br /> be deemed to havo been given to Bonower or Lender when fliven as provided in this paregraph. �� <br /> _, - , 1b. Governing Law;Severebility. Tn�s Securiry insm,r�e�c sneu be gavemed by tederai �aw and cne �aw ot �ne <br /> - , jurisdiCtbn h whbh the Property Is bCated. In the event tAat any provl5bn or Clfluse ot this Securky InsiNment or the Nots ConiliCts � <br /> '•: wRA eppUCabb �w, 6uah conlifct shall not effect other provisbns of this Security Instrument or the Note whlCh can b� yiven aftect <br /> .�.:t� without th�contibtinp provisbn. To thls end the provlsbns of thls SeCUrity Instrument end the Note ara declt�ed to be severabie. � <br /> i` - ' 16. Bo��ower's Copy. Borrower shatl be qhron ane confom�d copy oi the Note and ot this Securky InstNment. <br /> � 17. Tranater of the Property or e Benefic(al Interett to Borrower. i� au or any puc o� ene proparty or .ny <br /> htarast h k Is soW or Uan6brred(or If e beneflcial interest h Bor►owe� fs sold or transferted end Borrower fs not a natural person) <br /> without Landers prbr wrilt�n co�sent, Lender may,at Rs optbn,nquire immedlate peyment h full of all sums s�cured by this S�cucity <br /> , Instrument. Howevvr, thfs optbn 5h8i1 not be oxerclsed by Lender M exercise Is prohibRetl by federal lew as of lhe dflte of thls SeCUrity <br /> Instrumsnt. <br /> .. If LencNr exe�c�ses this option, Lender shail pMe Borrower notice of occeieratbn. The notice shall povide a period of not �ess <br /> •� th&n 30 days hom lhe d9te Ihe notiCe is deiivered or maiied within which the Borrower must pay all sums 58CUred by this SeCUrity . <br /> � I InGtrument. I} BortOwe�I�fls lo pay Ihese sums prior to the expPatbn ot lhis period,Lender mey�nvoke anr remedies ptsrmRted by thfs . <br /> � Security Ins[rument without furlher notice or demand on Borrower. Fu�m �oze 9roo <br /> F�029.LM0(e/a7) P�ge 7 0�S <br /> . i i <br /> i <br /> � I <br /> I 551 I <br />