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<br />�"dr�ph 6onow�r't ��crow �cCOUnt unWr lh�hd�r�l Fwal E�t�t� SNIMrtMnt Proc�dur�s Act ol 197� o�amMd�d hom lim� to tlma,12 U.S.C.
<br /> •• : �ti 2601 N s�q. ("RESPA"),unNss �nothK I�w ih�t applws to Ih�Funds etta a bseK�mount. H so,Land�r mly, �t any IMe,aolbol and
<br /> � ,� , hok!Funde fn�n emount not to�xcMd ih� MstN amount. L�ndu may estMnate the �mounl ol tunds du� on the bwsis oi current dnt� r s_;
<br /> , �nt1 rsuon�bM�atknlles C}�xprndkur�s of futur�Eacraw ItNns or oth�rwls�k► aCCarMnc�wRh�pplic�bla Yw.
<br /> °`' '� Th� Funds shal! b� h��d h rn hstRutbn whoe� dsposRs �n hsund by � Ud�►al �p�ncy, h�trum�nt�Nty, or mtRy (inoUdinp =.
<br /> � �1 Lmdw, N L�nde Is such an Insl�utbn) or 1n �ny F�ckrsl Hom�Loen Bank. Lsndsr thaN�ppy th� Fund�lo pty th�HaC�ow It�mf,(0 __
<br /> ��`� •�v Und�r rn�y not ah�� BoROwK tor holdlnp md �pplybp lIN Funds, �nnaaMy �n�y:hp th�oacrow �ccount, or wrMyh�Ih� E�crowy `-
<br /> Itwns,unM�� L�nda p�yt BoROw�r htenat on th�Funde �nd �ppNcabk kw permka Undsr te mak�SuCh�chups. Hpww�r,Lmda� �,:
<br /> , a; � rrNy nqulr� Borrowu to p�y o ons-tkn� chup�for�n hcf�MnWnt rNl�stat� t�x r�pORMtp s�nr�� u9�d by Lsnd�n c�onmatbn wilN� �
<br /> thk ban, unNss�ppNc�bM �w Drovid�s othuwi��. UnMs��n �pnan�nl b m�d�or�pplic�bM kw nquk�s ht�rKt to b� p�W.L�nd�r _.
<br /> ,.���� � -
<br /> � �h�M not W nqukM to pay Bortowu�ny ht�nst or Mmfnyi on!h�Funds. BortowK�nd L�nd�r mty �prN h wrRlnp, howmnr,th�t _
<br /> inl�ntt �h�N b� p111d on th� Funcis. L�nd�r ah�N pi+» to Bortow�r, wRhout charp, �m m�utl accounthq ol the Fund�, showiny _
<br />_y,�`'Iti - cndRs�nd dWka to fh�Funds�nd th�purpos� for whtch Nch d�bR to tha Funda w�s made. The Fund1 an pl�dq�d �s addkbn�l� _
<br /> •�"i s�curity for aM suma aecund by thfs S�curMy Inatrument.
<br /> . •. If lh�Funds hsld by L�ncl�r�xcMd th��mounts pwmNlW to be hsld by eppl�c�bN I�w, Lender shall�ccounl to Bo�rowae for the --
<br /> �xc�ss Funda in �coordanc� w�h th�nqufr�ts of �pplkobM I�w. If the �mou�t of th� Funda hNd by L�nd�► �t any tim� b nat
<br /> � suNbbnt to pay th�EsCrow Items when due,L�nd�r rtuy so notMy BortowK In wrRinq,and,h such c�s� BorrowN ShtA p�y to Under
<br /> u;:�, th�amount n�c�sauy to m�ko up the delicfency. Borrower ahall mpke up the dNiciency in no more than tw�hn monthy p�ymenta, �t
<br /> ': � Undwt soM dkcntbn.
<br /> == Upon paymwit h IuN of aH wms a�ured by thfs S�curity Instrummt,Under 6ha1 prompty nfund to Bor►oxw �ny Funda held by
<br /> -� Lender. It, und�r p�npnph 21,Lender sh�N�apuko or se1 the Propwty,L�nda,p�br to ths �cqulskbn a aaM of the Property,ahel
<br /> • � appy�ny Funds h�W by L�nder�t the time ot acqulskbn or sale as�cndk aq�inat the sums a�curad by this S�curity Inaqument.
<br /> ;•y •,` ~ •: 3. Applicatlon oi P�yments. Uniess �ppllc�bq�w provides oth�rwk�. �1 paymants rocNwd by Lender under p�rapnpha
<br /> � 1 �nd 2 shall be �ppFed: tirst, to any prepayment charpes due under the Note: second, to amounta payabM under p�rnyreph 2;third
<br /> :.;;•.�•:-qf;� to fnt�rtst dw; lourth,to pnc�ipel dW; Y�d I�st, to my IatY Charpes due under ths Note.
<br /> ' �. � 4. Chaf�es; LIl11s. Borrower shrll pay all taxes,assessments, charpes, fnes and YnposRbns �ttributable to the Property
<br /> ''�`-'`'+��` whfCh may attain p�iority over this Security Instrume�it, and leasehofd paymenta or pround rents, H any. Bortower ahaA pay these
<br /> =-;,"�:t',�i'�
<br />- � •'�:' obNpatbns In the manner providod in paraynph 2, or R not peid h that mannM,Borrowe►shall p�y them on tkrn direCly to the peraon
<br />--�_,��
<br /> owsd payment. Borrower shaM prompty Iumish to Lender��nolbes of amount6 to be p�ld under thVS panpnph. It Bortow�t mak�e
<br />�=';r•: th�ss payments dk�cty,BortowK sh�W promptry fumish to UncMr recepts widanchp Iha p�yments.
<br /> ������'� BoROw�r shaM prompty diseharpe any N�n which hts prbrity owr thls S�curRy Instrument uniess BorrowK:(o) �yrNS h wdln�to
<br /> o.rr.:,�,=..
<br /> �va.�.a�:� the payment of the obNpation s�cured by the Ifen in a mannK accoptabM to Lender;(b) contests In pood 1eRh the Nen by,or dNsnda
<br /> _v��, �patnat mforcemant ot the IMn N, lepel procs�dinps whbh N th�Undw's ophbn operate tu prtv�►t the �nroraMn�nt oi ti��ii�n;w (oj °
<br /> �-°��i��'�� ��uros hom tM hoklsr of the lian en ayrMmsnt aatbfacto.y to Undu subordhathp the ti�+ to thls Security k►nttumxnt If Und�r
<br /> . .;,,� d e t e�m i n e s th a t a n y ptrt ot th�Pro p e r t y Is aub j e ct to a IiMi whlCh mey 8t1Bh prforiry Over t��fs SeCUrity InBtrumMlt,Lander rt�y pIw
<br /> ---=__ = Bartower a notlCe identNyfnp th�Yeo. Bortower ah�N satisly the Nen or take one or more ot the nctbns sat lo�th abow witht� 10 days
<br /> --,��..r� of the pi�vfnp of noNce.
<br /> Y---- 6. Nezdrd or Property Insurance. Borrower shaH keep the +mp�ovemence now e,��stho or n�ne� e�we�ed on c►�
<br /> -- - -- Property hsund�palnat bss bp cir�,ha�rds fncluded wkhtn the term "extended ccveraqe"a,�d any other hazards. Maludiip floods a
<br /> "'�� tbodiny, tor whbh L�nder requYes hsurance. Thls fnsunnce shell be mahtahed 'n tho amounts and for tM prrbds that Undu
<br /> ,�,,��� nqulns. TM InsunnC� Cartlsr provldhy th� Insunnca shel b�chosen by Borcowor subJect to Lsnder's�pproval whbh 6h.r not a
<br /> _ unnasonaby wkhhNd. If Borrower IaNS to rrphtaln cover�pe dsscr�bad above, Lender rtwy,at Lendei's optbn. obcain covKp�to
<br /> prot�ct Lend�r's rlphts In th� Prop�ty fn acoordanca wkh puaynph 7.
<br /> Ap hsunnce poNCbs and renawals shaB be�cceptebb to Lender md shall Inctudr a stand�rd mort�y�cl�us�. lend�r shall haw
<br /> the rlpht to hold tha potiaks Nd renewals. It Lender requires, Borcower shaH prompty qhre to Lander �1 roc�pts of p�W pnmluma
<br /> - �nd ranawal noticss. In tha e+snt of bss, Borrower shaN yive prompt not�e to the Insuranc�cartler and LondK. L�reaNr may mak�
<br /> proof of bss M not mada prompUy by Borrower.
<br /> . Unksa Lsnder and Borroww otherwlse apree h wrdhy,hsuranca prxeeds sheN be epplled to restontbn a re(Ht ot lhe PropsRy
<br /> -_- � darru�ped, N the nstontlan or ropafr fs econom�caNy (easible and lenders eacurity ts not lessened. If tM rostorntfon or npaP fs not
<br /> � aconom�aNy fsasble or Lendere security would bA lessened, the Insurance prxeeds shalt be appWd to the sums securod by thls
<br /> - - - S�curky Instrurr�t, whsther or not then due, with any axcess pald to Bonowir. If 6ortower abAndona the Propwty, a do�a not
<br /> �naw�r wkhln 30 days a notkv trom Lender th�t tho fnaurance cmkr has oHxed to ssttb a clin+, tMn lw�du may colNct th�
<br /> Insunncs prx»ds. Lender m�y u6e the proceeds to repak or restore the Property or to pay sums s�curqd by thls S�curity
<br /> -- Instrum�nt,wh�thsr or not then due.The 30�day perbd wiA beqh whon the notbo is phron.
<br /> -���� UnNas L�ndar and Borroxw otherwise apree In wrkiny,any applfcatbn of proceeds to princlpal ahaY not extend or postpone ths
<br /> -�;�-:-W=�.' dus d�ta of the monthly payments referred to h perapraphs 1 end 2 or Chanye the amount of the paymints. If undsr puapnph 21
<br /> '�� th�Prapaty Is ocquked by Lender,BoROwor'3 rlght to Qny Insuronce poliCfes and proceeds resuRhy kom damaqo to the Propwty prbr
<br /> _s 3��r� to the aCqubRbn eh�N p�as lo Lender ro the extent ol the sums secured by thls SecurRy InsUument knmed�tey prior to th�
<br /> '` � acqulskbn.
<br /> -.:;;:..`5.,�.'''�� �
<br /> -- ..;•;�.:: 6. Occup�ncy� Preservdtion, Maintenance and Protectlon of the Property; Borrower a Loan
<br /> �'�;i,a;��.. Appllcatfon; Leaseholds. Barrowar shall occupy, establlsh, and use the Property as BorcowePS prinaipal re5ldence wkhin sbcty
<br /> - ''"�'= days aRer the axeCUtlan of thls SeCUrky Instrument and shall contfnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's prnclp�l resldence tor�t
<br /> ����: ��" 2 Mtst one y�ar �ft�r the date ot occupancy, unless Lender otherwlse aprees h wMing, whfch coasent shaY not be unrwsonaby
<br /> �`.5�'::__ wkhheld,or unNss extenuathfl clr�cumstences exist whlch �re Eeyond Borrower's convol. Bottower shall not destroy,dam�pe or imp�ir
<br /> ._:.
<br /> `` ��r• • the Property,albw the Propehy to deteriorate, or Commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be In de1�uR M tny forPelture aCtbn or _-
<br /> •-��__� •�.... ...w�.�e...�u......:,Nai b ►,a,��n enne r, �onrwa nnnd tnHh iudamont could resuR fn forlekure of the ProDertY or othKwfS�
<br /> __:��..,.-:�-:.��- M�wwv..yr ............ �..� ... �......�...� ���_.. ..._. ... _' " " �. . ' ' —.
<br /> -• .�"f materkNy Impalr the Ibn created by thls Securlty Instrument or Lender's security InteresL Borrower nuy cure such � dehuk nnd E
<br /> :�ap�.•
<br /> '� •„ . . �r rshstate, as provlded in ptragrlph 18, by causlnp the aCtbn or proCee�hq to be d�missed with a rulinp th8t,h Lender6 flood faNh �
<br /> j detarmhat�en, prealudes todekure ol tho Bonower's Interest k� the Property or other materlal knpalrment ot Ihe Iten crented by thk �
<br /> � �`, SeCUrity InsWment or Lender's security Interest. Borrower shall also be h delauR K Borrower, durhg the b�n applicalbn process, �
<br /> yave rtwterinly false or inecca�tH fn�ormntbn or statomenls to Lender (ar talled to provlde Lender wkh any materlal inlomutbn) in
<br /> _ � connactbn wRh th� bon evfda�ced by the Note, includinq,but not Iknited to, representatbns conceminy BortowePs occupanay of ths �
<br /> Proporty �s � prinCptl rssldencY. If thfs Securky Instrument Is on e IeasehoW, Borrower shall cempry wRh t0 th�prov�bn6 Of lh�
<br /> ; � lease. If BortOwer aCquires tc�title to the Property, the leasehold and the tee title sha11 not merge unless the Lender �preis to tho
<br /> rtI6fOQf h wfitYlQ. Form�aza C/CO
<br /> ' .�.. I
<br /> �° � F109Y.LM�(!/97) Pap.z o�s
<br /> - i
<br /> � ��I ssa I
<br /> .i —-�1
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