;�`S. y�•` � NYI f
<br /> •',� yj�j `�•; "-'�:% t�r, 1/
<br /> ;� "��AR � • r � `- 'it:: �1 1t;`�(l,.�ii .��t..
<br /> . . f `1 f; -�-S I f ::11:"1�C] I��yi��r•.�,r. ,.
<br /> --. t -� � -'.'i'%1t'.l(r��'yil��(�'i � �._.
<br /> . • , ,a.i•���'ir ,. . . l�tt_._--,c.li.4�._ . .fl.t..._a_..�ill.L'..r�:Si6�i1:JY.'RSri�- ...,.
<br /> .F.r-�... ... .. . . .. .... — �c.
<br /> _ "'_ �^=a
<br /> � , �7—so�5 ��-
<br /> 5. H�z�rd In�u1'a11C�. BortowK sh�N kNp th�Nnpror�m�nt� now �xl�t�nq or hxaher erected on the Proporty�Inaured epRinat loas �..�.
<br /> . by flra, haarda IncWded withln tht tKm '�xUnd�d covK�p�'��nd�uch oth�r hutrd��� L�ndK may requlre and In euch amounts end tor euch �+'
<br /> � . perfode�e Lender rtMy rpuin.
<br /> The Inaurance canlx providlnp the Inaur�e�ce sh�n bd cha�s�n by Flotrowe►euGJtaf to�pproval by Lender; provlded,that such epprovel shAll
<br /> not be unre�aonably withheld. RII Ineur�nc�pollcl�d �nd nnwvaU thK�o1 �h�N b• In � lortn accept�ble to Lender and shall In�ludc+ a standerd
<br /> mortgage ckuse In I�vor of and In� form �cctphbl�to L�ndK. lmder th�M h�v� th�rlyht to hold the policle�and renewals lhereof,Ai1b�Ett'I 1P
<br /> the tertns o1 any modpAqe, deed ol trwt or olher e�cu�ty waMnnMt wlth �Nan whloi� hu prloriry over thla Deed of Trust.
<br /> In ihe event of loae, Bortower ehdl pks prompt notia to Ih� Intur�nae c�rrler �nd LandK. Lender may make praoi of losa ii nat rnade
<br /> � � pramptiy by Borrowa.
<br /> .; � If the Properry la �bandoned by Eiorrowor,or li 0orrnwcr falla to ra��ond to Lender withln 30 d�yd fram the dete notice is malltxl by LEndr.r
<br /> ' ��� to Bortower thst the Ineurance urrler oftws to s�ttl� � cukn tor In�ur�nce bmtlil�, L�t►d�r le �tutharized to callect and t+pply the inaurenca
<br /> ��r I • proceeda at Lender's nplbn Nther to reetonllo�or rep�lr o1 ths PropMy or to th�suma eecured by this Deed oi Truet. _�Y
<br /> _..„„�,,,�.� � B, pns�rvatlon �nd M�Int�n�nc� of Prop�rty; L�as�holdr, Condominlums; Plann�d Unit Developments. �;;�,
<br /> Bortower eheil keep the PropeAy In qood r�p�ir�nd ehdl not commlt wast�or pKmR Impdrtnsnt o►deterioratlon of the Property end shall comply �_`
<br /> s. with the provlsione of nny le�se If thle Deed o1 Tnret la on e lutshold. It thle Deed of Trust la an a unit in a condominlum or s planned untt �_
<br /> F dAVeiopment, Bortower ehell peAorm dl of Borrower'e obllq�tlo�e under ihe decl�ratlon or covenanta creatine or goveming the condominium ar =__-
<br /> pianned uNt devNopment,the bykwe�nd rpul�tlona o1 the condominlum or pl�nned unit dweiopment, and conntituont documente. =
<br /> 7. P�otsCtlOtl O�t L�ndor'� S�CtJ►Ity. N Bortow�leile to pertortn the coven�nta Rnd eqreemaita contAlned In this Deed of Trust, R„,
<br /> � •� or ii an actton or proceedinp Is commenced whlch m�teridy �tlsete L�ndx'e Int�rest In the Property, thon Lende►, h Lation ea�lstneces ery -._
<br /> Y
<br /> } noilce to Borrawer,mey make euch �ppeanncea, dlaburee auch�ume,InGudinp rM�on�bl��ttomeys'tees, end t�ke euo e =_
<br /> � to protect Lender'a Intereat. It Lenda requlred mortga4s Inaur�ncs �� � condNbn o} rrMkinp th�t Iwn secured by this Doed ot 7rust, Borrower � ;
<br /> � shall pay the premiums required to malnidn such Insunncs In �fbal untH wah tlm� �s tha requkemrnt tar euah Inourance temdnates In =-
<br /> ' aacordence wtth Borrawa'a end Lendnr's wdtten agro�mant or appNcabl�kw. `
<br /> , ,� , qny amounte disburaed by Lender purouant to th�a p�nqr�h 7, with Inta��t thKeon, at tha Nota rntp, ehall become addHlonal
<br /> Indebtednesa of Bortower aecured by thla Dsad of Truet. Unl�e�BortowK�nd L�nd�r�yrM to otha term�of p�yment,auah emounta shall be
<br /> payable upon notice f►om Lender to Borrowa raqueatinq paymenl thereol. Nothlnp contdned In thi�p�ragraph 7 sh�U rFtquke Lender to Incur any __
<br /> .�� expense or take any aclbn hereunder. =
<br /> � 8. Inopeetlon. Londer may make or cause to be m�de reaeombls �ntdee upon �nd In�pectlone at the Property, provided th�t Lender `
<br /> shall give Bonower notke prlor to any auch Inepection specltyinp rsa�on�bl�cau�s th�rdor rel�ted to Lenda'e Interest In thC WropeRy. -
<br /> 9. COltd�mnttlOn. The proceeds ot any aw�rd or cLalm lor d�m+�qea, dinal or consequentlal, In connectlon with any condann�tion
<br /> or other teking of the Property, or p�R thereof, or far convey�nce In Il�u of condemmtlon, u� hereby �ssiqne+d �nd ahxfl be pald to Lender,
<br /> aubJeat to the tertns of�ny mortyage.dead oi truet or othK e�adty�pn�m�nt wfth�Iim whbh ha pdorib over th4s Deed af Tn,st.
<br /> �. , 10. Borrowsr Not Rel��e�d;Fo�bsaranc� By l.�nd�r Not� W�Iv�r. @xtent�on ot the tkne far qay+mtuit or modHlcatlon oi —
<br /> amorllzatlon of the sums secured by thi3 Deed of Truet qnntsd by LendK to any eueetsaor In IntKO�t o1 Bonaw�eh�ll nat operate to release,
<br /> . In any manner,the Iiwbity of the ohgnat norrower�na 8orrow:ie succ:a:ar. M ks:w�l. i�d!r ehe!!not be rsquksd ta commence proceedinga
<br />-: • agalnat auch aucceasa or retuse to extend tims tor paym�r►t or oth�rvvlaa modify �mortlxatbn o1 th� num� sscured by thi� Deed of Truet by
<br /> ' . � reason ot any damand made by the odgind Borrower�nd Borrower'a succeasore In Intenst. Any torbMnna by L�nder in exsrds�n9 any right or
<br />�' ,w„ .. remedy hereunder,o►otherwlse attorded by applicable kw,ehall not ba�waiver of or preciud�tha�x�rclt�ol�ny euch dyht or remody
<br /> '��' �' r , 11. Suoaeasws �nd As�lpnt Bound; Jolnt and S�v���l Ll�bllfty; Co�lpn�n. 7h� cownante�nd �yreements haNn
<br />�-; ,•:,;�;�.� � conlained ahell bind, end the righta hereunder ehdl Inure to,�he re�pectNe succ�asora and anlpn� of Und�r �nd BoROwK, aubJeot to the
<br /> :f',,{_;�,;;;�, provialona of parapraPh 18 hereof. All covenante and ayreements ot Bortower eh�N b���int �nd �w�nl, MY Bortnw�r who co•slqne thle Deed
<br />^.;. ' of Truet,but does not execute the Note.(t) is co•siqninp this Deed ot Truat only to prant and convey that Bonow�r'� Int�rtst In the Praperly 30
<br />-_�:•,�„�,� Truetee under the terms ot this �eed of Trust, (b) le not pereonaly Il�bls on ths NoU or und�r this OMd ot Tru�t, pnd (o) �preda th�t Lender
<br />">^+•� �nd any other Borrowa hereunder may �proe to extend, modNy, forbeer, or rtu�ks any other�ccommod�tlon� wtth rp�rd ta ths terma o1 thla
<br /> Y •- i�
<br /> i�,�:;,.�• peed oi Truat or the Note, without thet Borrower'a consent �nd without releaalnq th�t 8ortowK or modltyiny thls De�d ot Truet �e to thet
<br /> W-�r�r�t y BOROWE('a Interesi In the Property.
<br />� *�y.
<br /> k� : _ . 12, NOtiC�. Except tor any noUce requked under appYcnbM Iaw to be pNen In�notha mann�r, (�)�ny notic�to Borrowe►provide or
<br />-=�:.i;,; "a��• in thls Dead of Trust shall be given by dc�lvering It or by mailing suoh notice by certifl�d maN addrus�d to Bortow�r at the Property Addresa or
<br /> -'•'-`°'���� � at such other adcke�a na Barrower may deaignate by natk;e to lender�a provided herNn, and(b)�ny notic�to Lmd�r�haU b�pfvm by catHled
<br /> iz;`x`'��`� mNi to Lender's �ddress st�ted herdn or to euch other addross ee Lendx rru�y dealpn�te by notke to Dortow�r a provlded h�rrin. My notice
<br /> -LA'��f:?:�h�;'.
<br />:_;_-,w,,,��,. provided tpr in thla Oeed o1 Truet shdl be decmed to have been gNen to Bortower or L�ndx whun pNm M th� rrwnn�r daly��ted her .
<br />-=�s..• • 13. �overninp I.aw; SYVarability. The atate and loal lawa spplicable to thla Doad of Trust ahtN b�th�I�ws ot tho Judsdlotlan In
<br /> R=,�!'��''• whlch the Property la bcated. The forepdng sentence ehnll not Iimit the appllcablllty o1 Fedenl law to thli Dwd of Ttust. In the event thtt any
<br />=;?�:.n' °;"„
<br /> ___�_�.� provision or ekuae of this Deed of Tnist or the Note conlNcta with epplicsble I�w, such conlNot �h�ll not�tt�at oth�r provlslons of thls D�ed ot
<br /> �'"�""' Truet or the Note whlch can be givm elfect without the conflkling provlsion, nnd to this end th�provl�lbne oi thl� Ds�d of Trust�nd the Nots
<br /> _ ,���-.
<br /> ��+!� �:°�• � sre decared to be eevereble. Ae usad herein, 'coats', "expensea' end 'attomeys' fe�s' InGud� �8 wms to ih� �xtent not prohlbit y
<br />' `'��'''n epplic�ble Inw or Amked hereln.
<br /> T-".Y:*ntl•.�.. .
<br /> =,;:•':'`�`,°. 14. Bo�row�r's Copy. Borrower shall be tuminhed a contortned copy o} the Note and o1 thie Dud o0 Trwt�t th�tlme o1 execuUon
<br />�� �' �' or�fter reco�dation hereot.
<br /> � . . 15. Reh�bilkation Losn Agremtn�nt. eorrower shall fumn all ot eorrower'e obNyatlons und�►�ny hom�nhablltt�tlon, Improvement,
<br /> repdr or other lan �greement whlch Bortower entere Into with Lender. Lender, at Lender's optlon, m�y nqulr� BortowK to �x�cut�u�d dNhrer
<br />- • to Lender. In a torm eceepteble to Lender, an esslgnment of �ny dphts, cl�ims or detene�s whleh Bortowe may h�v��Wk►s1 WRNs who euppy
<br />_ � labor, tn�terfals or servlces In connection wlth Improvementa rn�de to the Property.
<br /> �• 16. Trander af the Proparty or e B�n�ficiat Int�r�st in �or�ow�r. N nA or�ny p�d of th� Propety or sny Interest In It
<br /> 1+ . ��r,�� Is sold or tnneferred(or N e beneflcial Interest in Borrower la sold or tranaterred and Borrower le not � n�tur�l pMreon) wNhout L�nder's prfor
<br /> - � � written consent,Lender may,at its option,requlre Immedlate p�yment In tull of all aume eeeurod by thls D��d oi Trutt. HowevK, thle optlon eh�ll
<br />_ � '�� nat be exerclaed by Lender it exerclee la prohlbited by tederal uw aa of the date of thls Deed of Truat. _
<br /> � �,.,.; k `� If Lender exerdsos this optlon, Lender shall give BoROwer notice ot �cceler�tlon. Tha notic� thall provld� � p�rlod ol not lus than 30
<br />- `�.' daye trom the dute the notice la de�vered or malled withln whkh BoROwer must pey tll sum�eecured by thle O�d ol Trust. II Borrow�r ldla to
<br /> . - .r - `___. .. _..__ _�_.._,�_ e,...�.su.,., nl fhla �nded. �ender mav invoke anY remedlea pertnitted by thl• OKd ol Truet wlthaut fuAhK notice or
<br /> - - -- .,,..
<br /> . pay innsn ouu�a y .v�.... ....r......_.. _. _...- �- • -
<br /> ' demnnd on Borrower.
<br /> � NON•UNIfORM COVENANTS. F3arower and Lender tudher covenant and agree as tollowe:
<br /> 17. Accoler�tion; Remeeltes. Except as providsd In par�pr�ph 16 h�nof, upon Borrow�r'• bnaoh of �ny
<br /> covenant or agroement of Borrower In thfs Da�d of Trust, includinp Borrow�r's f�llun to p�y, by th� �nd of
<br /> 10 calendar dayd Mter they are due, any sum� s�cur�d by this Ds�d uf Trust, L�nd�r prlor to �cc�l�r�t{on
<br /> sh�ll glve notic� to Borrowar as provided In panpraph 12 h�r�ot �p�ciiylnq: (1) th� bn�ah; (Z) th� �ctlon
<br /> _ „ Borrower,�by which suchbb each m3ust be cu�red;t and (4) th�t fdluri t cun auoh br���h�on or�Mfor�h� d�t�
<br /> F11209.LM0(10/94) Paqe 2 of 4
<br /> - .-�
<br /> : ��� � '�/�� �
<br /> I15-409J676 .. . .. '
<br /> � .. _1 . . ...
<br />