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<br /> � DEED OF TFiUS7 9?... 1n6�a35 -=�
<br /> I,oan IY15-4093616 .
<br /> THiS DEED OF TRUST Is mado thla 7th d�y of AuOUtt . 1��7__.�monp the Tru�tor
<br /> ichard R. W�saN • d �th L. Wess�l husbank3 and ife (hareln 'BorrowN'),
<br /> — __,_, (haNn 'Tru�tN'1�
<br /> � end iho Beneliclery, Emqire Fundino Coro an Oklahom� Corpor+�tlon --
<br /> a corporntlon arganized anci existing under tho Inws of Oklahomd (h�rNn 'L�nd�r'). —
<br /> �� whoae address Is 9737 Qrest Hllls Tr Auatin TX ?8759 -_
<br /> °`"""� BORROWER, In conslderation of the Indebtedness hereln recited and the lrust hereln craated, IrrevocabN pnnte md conv�y�to Tru�tu, In _
<br /> � ��f , trust,with power of aele,the toliowing described property Iocated In the County o1 Hall , St�t�oi N�bntk�: e_
<br /> Th� W�st�rly Fifty and Etght Tenths (50.8) fa�t of the North�rly Sixty-�Ix (86,0) fo�t of Lot Fiv� (6). In �_
<br /> " �� FracNonal F]lock Farty-¢lght (48) In Russel Wheeler's Additlon to th� City of Q►�nd (si�nd, H�II County� —_
<br /> N�braska. —
<br /> . �� �
<br /> . li -
<br /> � -
<br /> ;i;,,., . � 6
<br /> � � `�` which hae the address oi 823 WeSt 12th Street C�r�nd lal�nd _, -•-
<br /> �sveot� (cicyl �r=.
<br /> t��. Nebraskn 68801 (hereln 'Properry Address'); �''.
<br /> . [Zlp CodaJ ��
<br /> - TO(�ETHER wdh all the Improvements now or hereafte►erected on the property, and all eeeemente, righte, eppurtenances �nd rents(dubJ�ct -_
<br /> however to the rights and �uthoritiea given herein to Lender to coAeat and epply such rents), ell of whlah ahall be deemsd to b�and r�ln �
<br /> part ot the properiy covered by thie Oeed of Trueh and all ot tha loregoing, topethar with aald property (or the leaaehold �st4t�H thle Ds�d af
<br /> � 'fruet is on a lenaehold)are herelnaftu referred to as the"Property';
<br /> TO SHCURE to Lender the repayment of the Indebtedness evkfenced by Borrower'e note dated Au��t! 7, 1997
<br /> and extenalons end renewals thereof(herein 'NOte'), In the principai sum oi U,S.S 1�.L�0�•�Q r��th :nter�!lhstean,pra�ld!n�So!sn�nttlly
<br />-• Installments of ptincips�and interest,with the balance o}the Indebtednesa,If not sooner p�ld, due and payable on�St �2. 2002 �
<br />�:,;`,,:'. }; the payment oi ell ather sums, wNh Interest thaeon, advanced In accordance herewith to protoct the eecurity oi thla Dad o}Tru�t; �nd th�
<br /> v�7�,�.t„y�Y_ ',, perlormance of the covenanta end agreemente oi Borrower hereln contained.
<br /> ;�••- Bortower coven�nts that Borrower Is kwtully aelaed of the eatate hereby conveyed end hcs tl�e►ipht to gnnt�n d convsy t he P rop e r t y,�n d
<br />= ' ``•' that the Propeity la unencumbered, except for encumbrencea of record. Borrower covenants that Borrower wnrrants�nd wlll defend p�neraly the
<br />="-T��Kk:, �� tftle to the Property against sll cia(ms and demands, subJeat to encumbrances of rocord.
<br />'��`�'F r• � UNIFURM COVENANTS. Bortower end Lender covenant and egree as followe:
<br /> i���....�,.,�f-.
<br />-��'"';n,;;:. .,, 1, p�ym�nt of Princip�l and Int�fsst. Bortower ahali promptly pay when due the princlpal and Interest indebt�dneaa evld�nasd
<br />_3�'.;Ra.fc Y'��;.
<br /> .,�,,;: �,� by the Note�nd kte ch�rqes�s provided In the Note.
<br /> �;,,,-�ar..., 2. Fu11df 10f TaX�s �nd Insur�nc�. SubJect to eppliceble law or a w�itten waiver by Lender, Borrow�r sh�ll pty to Landa on
<br />_:;� the day monthy paymente of princlpal and interest are payable under ihe Note, untli the Note la pald in lull, � eum (h�reln 'Funds') puu to
<br />'��_::=a^;^:� onctweMth ot the yeary texes and as�essmenta (Including condominium md pienned unft devNapment aeeessments, N my) whlch rrNy �ttaki
<br />"`'r:°��;:�`c'�,� prtorfry over thla Deed of Trust,and ground rents on the Property,H any,plue onatwe�th o}yeuly pramlum InataUm�nts 1or hazard Insunnc�,plu�
<br />-r=��^=';'."'��j�" ono-twetlth ot yeerly premium Installmenis far mortgaye insurance, It nny, all es reasonaby estlmeted Inkielly md irom tlm�ta tkn� by L�nd�r on
<br />=�"'�~�`' the basls of aaaeasmente and biHs and rensonabte eatlmates thaeof. Borrower shsll not be obllgated to rtu�ke auch p�ym�nts ot Fundt to
<br />°��rlSi'.- `7:•.. .
<br /> _:7a„�,.�,,��:.: Lender to the extent thnt Borrower makes such paymente to the holder ot a prior mortgage or deed ot truet M such holdK la �n In�tRuUon�l
<br /> -,�-�,,,�� lendx.
<br />_���.w�. It Borrower pays Funda to Lender,the Funds ehell be held ui an institutlon the depoafts or accounts of whlch are ineursd or pu�nntNd by
<br />�� �_��^:�-.�.� a Federal or stete a9ency (Including Lender if Lenda Is auch an Institution). Lende► ehall eppy the Funda to pay aald t�xee, asteesm�nt�,
<br /> ----, i�
<br /> —..�;;�( inaunnce premlums and qround renta. Lender may not charge for so hoiding end epplying the Funda, an�yzinp eald account or v�q and
<br /> ';:;�r--�•-r��*•'� eomplling s�id aseessments and bllis, unlesa Lender paye BoROwer Intetest on the Funds and epplicable Inw permRe Lender to trnk� such ■
<br /> --_�`•`�.�`-''�``:' � charge. Borrower end Lender may agreo In wdting at the time of executlon ot this Deed ot Truat that Intereat on the Funda ehaN be pald to
<br /> - ��:�"��"' +i• Bortower, and unle�e auch ngreement is madn or applicnble law requlres such Interest to be paid, Lender ahnll not be requlrad to pay Borrower
<br /> - •-'z•. ,;..�., .�:
<br /> - `• � any Interest or eamfngs on the Funds. Lender shall give to Bortower, without charge, nn annual iccounting of the Funda ehowlnp credfte and
<br /> °';. debits to the Funds and the purpoae tor whlch each debit to the Funds wae made. The Funds are pledged ae addltlonel securfry for the suma —
<br /> secured by thls Deed oi Truat. �
<br />— � Ii the smount of the Funds held by Lender,together with tha tuture monthly Instalimenta of Funds peyable prior to the due dates ot tut�s, --
<br /> �, eseessmenta, Insuranne premlums and ground rents, ehall exceed the amount requlred to pay aaid taxea, esaeaements, Inaurance premium� �nd __
<br /> -. s ground renta ne they fall due, such excess shall bo,et Bortower's optlon, efther prompty repAld to Bortower or c�edtted to Bortower on monthly �_
<br /> � .�� Instdlments oi Funds. It the amount of the Fund� held by Lender shall not bd sutflclent to pay taxea, 866B36It1Q11t0, Ineurence premluma and �
<br /> �+ ground rents as they i�A due. BoROwer ehall pay to Lender eny amount necesaery to make up the dellcienoy In one or more peyments as �`:-
<br /> Lender mey tequlre. �-,
<br /> _ �;,:- �: Upon psyment in full of all aum� eecured by thls Deed of Trust, Lender shall prompty refund to Borrower sny Funds held by Lender. If �..
<br /> , -
<br /> �"� under paragreph 17 hereof the Property Is eold or the Property Is otherwlse ecquired by Lender, Lender ahnll epply, no Iater thnn Immedktery prior �;�
<br /> ' .. . ...._ .�___.�. __�_ ___..��u�.,.,ti..�e..a.. snv F��ndn hald 6v Lender 8t the t11118 01 BppIICAtlO�de e C�Bdlt n9il�6t thE oUI11S 6QCU�Qd E'�
<br /> .:- --- Fi 1 �^1..�..�.�..�. ..� �....,..... -•.
<br /> -�� ta tne asio o� u�a rw �� ..� �.v a -• -- - • -
<br /> � by thls Deed oi Trust.
<br /> { a, AppIlC�ti011 Of P�ym6nte. Unless epplicable law provides othervvlae, sIi payrnents received by Lender under the Note end
<br /> � per�grephs 1 and 2 hereot shell be applled by Lender tirst In payment ot emounts peyable to Lender by Bortower under paraflraph 2 hereof,then
<br /> to Interest payable on the Note, and then to the princlpel of the Noto.
<br />— + 4. Prior Mortg�gea and Desde of Truat; Ch�rgea; Llens. Borrower shall perform all of Bortower'a obligatlona under eny
<br /> j mortgage, deed oi trust or other security agreement with a Ilen whlch hes priorlly over thls Deed of Trust, Including Botrower'e covenanta to meke
<br /> Ipayments when due. Bortower shali pay or cauae to be pald all texes,assessments end other charges, fines and Impositlons attNbuteble to the
<br /> I Property whlch may atteln a p�lority over this Deed nf Trust,and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any.
<br /> I F11Y09.LM0(10/94) Pagn 1 of 4
<br /> I
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<br /> .
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