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<br /> ,:�.��.,: 97.�sos53o
<br /> � prirtclpal amaunt of th�+InclBbled�eea secured by thls Deed of Truat,n�t Including eums edvanGOd to protoct the security of thi9 Qaed oi
<br /> Tnnl,exoeed the oripfn�+t,princlpal emount eteted hereln,A►i �gAB.,p(}.._.��Ghevor Is greater.
<br /> 1A.Ml�o�llnnr►ou�Provl�lon�.
<br /> i. (p)gorrow�r Nat R�bu�d.Extensbn ul the tima ior peyment or rr�cxfl0callan nf��nortlzadan oi the suma secured by thle _
<br /> Dead oi 7rust granttM by Lender to eny successw In Interest oi Bo►rower ehall not aperpte to retease,In eny manner,lhe Iiablil-
<br /> ty ai thn orlyUnal gortower end Borruwe�'�wccessoro In Intereat.Lender shall nal be requlred to commenca proceedlnps
<br /> ' agaln�t sur:+mucceasor or refuse to extsnd Ilme lor payment or otherwise modffy umartl7atlan M the sums aecured by thls
<br /> Defed of 7niFt by reawn ol eny demenda made by tha orlglnAl Borrowar and Borrower's successora In Interost.
<br /> (b)I.�nd�er'r pavwn.Y�ithout dfacling the Ilabiilry of eny othA�penun IlaGle!or the paymAnt al eny oblipatlon hereln men-
<br /> tic�ned,and wlt��out a}fecting the Ibn or cherpe o1 thlt�Deed af Truat upon any portbn of the Pro�rty not than a therntolore
<br /> r�tipased as stxurity(or the full amount oi ell unpaid oblt{�aflons, LanQor may,(ram time to time end withoul nallce (I)releaae ,
<br /> �`�n+•"�`r any persan sa liable,(il)extend the mAtuHty or atter any of the te�me of eny auch obtigetlona, (III)grant other fndul�enCea.(Iv)
<br /> release or raoc�nvey.or ceuae to bo rebaeed w reconveyed at eny time at Lendere optton any parcel,portlon�x eN oi the
<br /> Property,(u)t,ak9 or releaee eny WhAr o►edditbnnl securlty for eny obligat{an hereln mentloned,or(vl)make composilbne or
<br /> otheir artnngt+m�nta with debtora In retatio�thereto.
<br /> t (a)Fotbe�rnnca by L�nd�r Not a Waiwr.My forbearenae by Lender In exerGlsing any right or remedy he�eunder,or oth- _
<br /> ' � erwiss aliaMt�d by appYcable law,shall not be e waiver ot or preclude the exeraise of any auch riyht or remedy.The procure�•
<br /> t meN of insurAnpa or tna paymont of texes or other Ilens or cherQet�by Lender shall not be a waiver w Lenders rfpht to ecceler- _
<br /> �;; eto the rtt�turity of the indebtednea secund bY th�e Deed ot Truat _
<br /> �4 (d)Suocnsor��nd Aulpns Bound:Joint�nd S�v�ral Lisbtllty:CapNons.The covenante and agreemente hnroln con-
<br /> ' talned shNil bind. and the rfghte hereunder shell Inure to, the resp�ctivo successors and asstgns ot Lender ancl Trustor.All
<br /> � oovenants and agreements of Trustor shell be Jolnt and several.The captiona end headings oi lhe paragraphs oi tt�ls Deed oi
<br /> Trust are far aonvenlence only and ere not to be used to Intorpret or define lhe provislons hereot.
<br /> • '� (ay Rsquest fo�Notic�s.The paftlss hercby requeet that e co�y oi any noUce of default hereundAr and e copy of any nolice
<br /> � of sale her�under be mailed to each party W this Deed of T►ust at the sUdress set torth above in the manner prescribed by
<br /> applicable I�►rv.Excnpt for any other notice requlred�mder appl�able law ro be glven in another mannar,any notbe P�ovlded tor
<br /> � In this Qeed af Trust shall be given by mafling such noUce by certlfled maN eddm�sect to the othe�Pertisa,at the address set
<br /> �c� , tarth abwe.Any notice provlded for in thla Deed of Trust shall be effective upbn�mailing Ih the manner deslgnated hereln. If
<br /> T�ustor is mare than one persan,notice sent to the eddress set forth above shall be noNce to elt such peroons.
<br /> M. (t}Insp�cNon.Lender may meke or cause to ba mede reasonabls(ntriee ��nd�u sp���re������Pr�'E°int�
<br /> • ' that Lender sha11 give Trustor noUce prlor to any such Inapection specity r►g
<br /> • `.°, est in tha Proporty.
<br /> . • .: :� (g)Racoav�yanc�.Upon payment of ell sums secured by this Deed ot TNSt, Lender shell requast Trustee to reconvey the
<br />'..`.,�,,,; Property eod shait suRendtir thls Deed o(Trust and all notes evidencind indebtedness secured by thls Deed of Truat to
<br /> Tn�stee. T�ustee shall reconvey the Property, wkhout warcenry and without charge to the person or persa►s�e9aMY���
<br /> �:=°:�;,';!'�; tt�ereW.Trustor shaA pay eil costa of reootdadon.if any.
<br />:;�:ti:'^� ` (h)P�nonal Prop�rty; S�eurity Apr�r�n�.As add�Uo"e� security for the payment of the Note, TNStor heroby grents
<br /> �:- � „�:j Lender under the Nebraska Unifam Commercial Coda a secudty Mtereat in all fixtures,equfpment,and other personal propeRY
<br /> ���.���y�~: usnaf i�marenectton with the real estete or improvements located the�on,and not olherwise dedared or deert►ed to be e pad oi
<br /> �;"t'Y'�yf tha real esta'te secured hereby.Thls instrument shaU be cansWe+cf as a Secwity Agreemani una,� wiiu G►�n. arid ti�a Lsstdar
<br />�r::,�., ,, .r.
<br /> ' -��.-,:.; shail have s�i the rights end remedies of a secured partY under said Code in eddiUon to the rights and remedies aeated under
<br />��,�"?i���� and accorded the Lender pursuant to thla Deed of Trust;provWed thet Lenders rights end remed(es under this peregrePh sheH
<br /> "--�;:�.r.�,,Yq ba cumulathre witfi,and in no way a Iimitatlon on,Lenders rights and remedlea under any otlter security egreemart�a�pned bY
<br />��.�;�T,t Bomnwer or T�ustor.
<br />=�%�;;_•_.�{�� (i)Ue�and Encumbraocas.Truatqr heteby warrants end representa thet there Is no defauit under the provisions ot enY
<br /> �- �;�r�,��. mort�ape•deed oi Inist�lease or purchase contract desc,�iWng ell or any pad of the Property.or otlier contraG,lnstru�nont or
<br /> agreement cons6tuGng a ilen or encumbrence against all w any part of the Property(collectively,'Llens�,exisdng as oi the
<br />==�_:� date of this Deed of Trust,and thet any and a�l existing Liens remain unmoditied except as disctosed to Lender in T�uslor's writ-
<br />=�=�t%��ni ten disctoaure of Ilens and encumbranCes provided for herein.Trustor shell timely perform aii oi Truators obligatians,
<br /> —=- — covenants,representetlons and wamntlea under any and ell exlstlng end future Llens,shaH prompdy forw+wd ta LendM copbs
<br /> _�=- of aA�ot+ves of defauit sent In cunnectton wilh any and all existing or future Lfens,and shalt not witlwut LenQers pdor writlen
<br /> __-_— conaetit 7n any manner modfiy the provisions oi or albw any tutur+e advances under any exisUng or future Iiens.
<br /> —� Q)Appllcadon of Paym�n�s.Unless otherwise required by iaw,sums pald to Lender hereundar,indudinp wKhout NmNatlon
<br /> ������. payments oi principa{ and fnterest, Insurance proceeda,condemnaUon proceeds end rents end profits,shall be aPP��bY
<br />--"�""� Lencier to the amounts due and owing from Trustor and Borrower In such ader as Lender In its sole discretion deems desir-
<br />_���. eble.
<br /> (k)Sw�rabllfql.If any provisbn ot lhia Deed of Truat conlHcts with eppticabfe law or ts dodared InvaNd or otl�ervrise ur�en-
<br /> -'°"— foroesble,such contlict or Invei{dily shall not affect the other provisions ot thb Deed of Trust or the Note whkh can be pivan
<br /> - — eifect without the conflictlng provisic�n,and to this end the prov(sbns of this Deed W Trust and the Note are dedared W be sev
<br /> ---�-""'"� ereb{e.
<br /> ,,,,�� (q TKms.The tertne?rustor'and'Bortower shal:InGude both sfngular and plural,and when ths 7rustor end Bortower are
<br /> the same peroon(s),those terms as used in this Deed oi Trust shall be Interchangeable.
<br />— (m)Qov�min�Law.This Deed oi Trust shall be govemed by the laws of the 5tate of Nebraska.
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<br /> ` t•�� �•• Truator has executed thls Deed of 1'rust es ot the date wriBen above.
<br />.. � : �. _(�,� �� _ �-� -
<br /> �� w�?�. • E.W. SKALA, A PARTNER Trustor CO NEY PROP RTIE . A RTNER TNSt«
<br /> ` .�;y
<br /> � Ttustor Trustor
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