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<br /> "Proceeds')In c�nnectl�n wllh condemnaUon or other taking oi the Property of part thereoi,or for coRO�ance In Ileu of condemnatlon. �___
<br /> Lender shall be, entitled at its option to commence,appear In and prosecute In Ue own neme any ectton or proceedings,end shall also --_
<br /> be ontitled to make an;�c:ompromise or settlement in connection with such teking or damage.In the event any portion ot the Property is .
<br /> so taken or de�magod, LAnder shall have the optlon In Its sole end ebsolute discration, to epply all such proceeds, afler dcductinp
<br /> lhereirom eil cosis and expenses incurred by it In connection with such Proceeds,upon any indebtedness secu�ed hereby and In euch
<br /> order es Lender may determine,or to apply all such Pmceeds,efter such deductlons, to the restoretlon of the Property upon suah con- ...,
<br /> ditions as Lender may determine.Any applicallon of Proceeds to Indebtedne3s shpil not extend or postpone Ihe due dalo oi any pay-
<br /> menta under tha Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplied funds shell be pald t�Trustor. 1.
<br /> � 8. P��formence by Lender.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default hereunder,or if any act is takon or legal proceeding
<br /> commencod whiCh materially atfects Lander's interest in lhe Property,Lender rnay in its own dfscratian,but wilhoi�t obligalion to do so, '�
<br /> `" and without notico to or damand upon Trustor end without releasing Trustor from any obligation,do any act which Trustor has egreed __
<br /> : �.
<br /> �f�• � but falled to do and may also do eny other act it deems necessery to protect the security hereoi.Trusto�shall,immediately upon •; ;F.
<br /> . ..,,,,�, demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all Cosls and expenses incurred a�d sums expended by Lender in connection with the exer- „_
<br /> Gse by Lender of the foregoing rights,together with interest therean at the defauit rate provided in the Note,which shau be added to "
<br /> the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shail nol incur any liability because ol anything it may do or omit to do hereunder. �,�_
<br /> 9. Har.ardou�M�te►I�Is. Trustor shall keep the Praperty in compliance with all applicable Iaws,ordinances and regulations �=-
<br /> relating to ind Q fapmYall substances d eme d orbe haza douscorV o'xic undeaeny Envi mm�talrLaws(co'llectivaly efesrredsto'hereln �~
<br /> the Property —
<br /> � as"Hazardous MatoriAls'). Trustor heredy warcants and represents to londer that there are no Hazardous Mate�ials on or under the
<br /> '�� Properiyr.Trustor hereby egrees to Indemnffy and hold harmtess Lender,its dEsectors,o�cere,employees and egents,and eny succes- _�
<br /> a sors to Lenders interest,from and against any and all clalms,demages,t�sses and liabilities arising in connectbn with Ihe presonce, c
<br /> use,disposal or trensport of eny Hazerdous Materials on,under,trom or about the Property.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND
<br /> � 10.Assfgnm�nt of R�nts.Trustor hereby ass{gns to Lender,and gr�nts Lender a securiry tnterest In,all present, future end =.
<br /> after arising rents,issues and profits of the Property:provided that Trustor shail,untit ihe occuRen�of an Event of Defautt, hereunder,
<br /> heve the rtght to coliect and retain such rents,Issues and profits as t�ey become due and payadle.Upon the occurrence of an Event of ��
<br /> qefauft,Lende�may,elther in person or by egent,with or without bringing eny action or proceedi��r by a�eceive�eppolnted by a �
<br /> ,. .� court and without regard to the adequacy oi Its secu�ity,enter upon and take possesslon of the Pro or an part thereof,in its own �,
<br /> neme or in the name of the Trustee,end do eny acts whlch it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value, marketebility or
<br /> rentablliry of the Property,or any part therepf or Interest therein,or to increase the Income therofrom or protecl the securily her8oi and, _
<br /> with or without taking possesslon of the Property,sue for or otherwis9 coilect the rents,issues and profits thereof.InGuding those past .
<br /> due and unpafd,by notifying tenants to make paymants to Lender.Lender may apply rents,issues and pmfits,less costs and expens- __
<br /> es oi oparatbn end cafiection includinc�attomey's fees,to any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as Lender may deter-
<br /> mino.The entedng upon and taking possesston of the Property,the collection of such rents,issues and profits,end ihe eppllcetion
<br /> - l��seof s�3rQfQ�i�chell not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or Invalidete any act done in response to such
<br /> �• default or pursuant to such notico of defauft and, notwithstanding the continuance in possession ar tne properiy o�thv oviiai:iii,��,
<br /> receipt and applMation of rents.(ssues or profits,Trustee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every dght provided fa in eny oi the
<br /> Loan Instroments or by lew upon occurrence oi any Event oi Default,Including without Ilmltation the�ight to exercise the power of safe.
<br /> ' _. ,,� Further,Lender's rights end remedies under this paragraph shall be cumulative with,and In no way a IimltaUon on,LendePs dghts and
<br /> � . remedies under any assignment of leases and rents recorded againsf the Property. Lender,Trustee and the receiver shall be liable to
<br /> - . aceount oaly for those rents actually recelved.
<br /> ,�:.� ,..��' 11.Evsnts of Wfauit.The following shall constitute an Event af Default under this Deed of TrusC
<br /> J''�3 �-� (a)Feilure to pay eny installment of principal or interest or any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br />'.,,,,�;�_,�,.�;;: (b)A breach of or detauit under any provision contafned in the Note,this Deed of Trust,eny of the Loan InsWments,or any
<br /> .�,,., ;< . other lien or encumbrence upon the PropeRy:
<br />�;, �,::.4' (c) A writ of execution or attachment or eny similar process shait be entered agafnst Trusior which shall become a Iien on
<br /> •�-' the Property or any portion thoreof or interest thereln;
<br /> ':`:"�;3�'"'`� (d)Thore sha11 be 61ec1 by or against Trustor or Borrower an actbn under any present or tuture federal. state a other stetute,
<br /> T;*T:.,a;� � lew ur regulatbn relating to bankruptcy.Insolvency or other reliet for deb;ora:orthere ahall be eppointed any truetee,rocxlver or
<br /> `;;~--�G Iiquidata oi Trustor or Barrower or of ell or eny part of the Property,nr tl�e rents,issues or proflts thereof,or Trustor or Borrower
<br />-- -ycv�il+:1
<br />=t°,:•���� sheil make any general assignment t�r the benefit of creciitors; _
<br />='" ���"'� (e) Tho sale,transfer, lease, aasignment, conveyence or tuRhe�encumbrance oi all or any part of or any Intarest in the
<br />- ' ,
<br /> . 1.i .
<br />��";�,��";�, ' prpparty,efther voluntarily or involunta�ily,without the express written oonsent of Lender,provided that Trustor shall 6e pertnit-
<br /> '- �
<br /> • ted to execute a tease of the Property that does not contain an opUon to purchase and the term of wh�h does not exceed one
<br /> -'`=�?� year,
<br />' -_'`-_,:�'s;' (�qbandonment of the Property:or -
<br />-__,_.,r°1 (g) If TNStor Is not an individual,the Issuance, sele,trensfer,asslpnment conveyanco ar encumbranca ot mnre than(ff e
<br />-�-r���� rcent of Ib issued and outstanding stodc, or(ff a partne�ship)a total of per-
<br /> �5,,..�::, corporaUon)a totel oi .P8
<br /> ,�°�'�1 � {� cent of partnershfp interests,or(If a Iimitad I{abflity company)a total oi percent otthe limitod Ilabflity compa-
<br />�rP�'<<�... •.
<br /> �� ny interests or voUng�ights during the perfod this�eed of Trust remains a Ilen on the property.
<br /> ' �'�' 12.Rem�di�s;Accel�ratlon Upon DehutL In tfie event of any Event of Detault Lendor may,without notioe except as required
<br /> . by law,dedare all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabte and the seme shall thereupon become due and payable with-
<br /> ' . out any presentment,demand,protest or�otice oi any kind.The�eafler Lender may: --
<br /> (aD pemand tfiat Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE grented herein,and Trustee shatl thoreaRe�cause TrustoPs Inter- �--
<br /> ` est in the Properly to be sold and tho proceeds to be distributed,all in the manner provided In the Nebreska Trust Deeds Ach, �
<br /> (b) Exercise any and all rights provided for in any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of ��__
<br /> .�
<br /> Default and _
<br />_ � (c)Commence an ection to toraclose this Deed oi Trust as e mortgage, appoint a rocoivor,or speciflcally enforce any of the �_
<br /> s covenants heraof. �°�
<br />- No remedy herefn conferteC upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to be exclusfve of any other remedy herein,in the Loan ��__
<br />- � InsWments or by law proviCed or pem�i3ted,but eaCh shall be cumulaNve, shall be In additlon to every other rernedy givan hereunder, .
<br />- -. - � fn the Loan InsWmenis or now or hereafter exlsUng at law or In equity or by statute,and may be exercised concurrenty,independenUy �
<br />_ O�SUOCBSIV@��I. _ r�_�r_.�.......,s...e��nn sf nnv tima u�ithnut rause.and L@�1dB�1119V 8t BIIY Grt18 811d WilhOUl CBUSA appOlnt 8 SUO�
<br /> - _ _ -' � .-'-
<br /> . .----- ----`- w. �rusas. mo ��ao..........�.__..a.._._.., _...- ---- --
<br /> � � cessor or subsUtute Trustee.Trustee shati not be IIaWe to any party,Induding without UmitaUon Lender, Barower.TNStor ar any pur-
<br /> chaser of the Property,for eny ioss or damage unless due to reckiesa or wiltful mfsconduct,and shall not be requfred to take any action
<br /> � in oonnection with the enforcement oi thfs Deed o(Trust unless indemnified,in writing,for all costs,compensation or expenses which
<br /> may be assodated there�vith. In addition,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property(judiGai or under the power of
<br /> sa{e granled hereln);postpone the sale of aIl or any portfon of the Property,as provlded by law:or sell the Property as a whole,or in
<br /> separate parcels or lots ot Trustee's discretlon.
<br /> 14.F��and Exp�ns�s.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exercise of power of sele,Trustee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds first to payment of aIl costs and expenses of exerclsing power of sale,induding atl Trustee's ices,end Lenders and
<br /> Trustee's attomey's fees. actually incurred to extent permitted by appllcable law. In the event Borrower or Trustor exerclses eny right
<br /> provided by law to cure an Event of Default,Lender shall be entitled to recover from Trustor aIl costs and ezpenses actually incum3d es
<br /> a result ot Trustors dafault,Including without Ilmitatlon alt Trustee's and attomey's teos,to the extent permifled by applicable law.
<br /> 15. Futun Advanus.Upon request of Borrnwer,Lender may,at ils optlon, make additional and tuture advances and read-
<br /> vances to Bortower. Such advances and readvances,wfth fnterest thereon,shall bo secured by this Deed of Trust.Atno time shall the
<br /> . S
<br /> - . ar�-�_ . . .
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