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. .I� , ... . �.�� . <br /> , , ;. =-�--�_- <br /> ..,,+ '..._r,�.vMNf►,%�•..�M"�iM'°+..wnnr.�.4�vrfilh������5����� • - _. - <br /> .. . , . ������ —_ <br /> .r•- i' <br /> „ '-{, ' 8ortoww� �scrow �coount unda th�hd�nl RNI Estat� S�ttl�m�nt Procodur•s nct o� �9�4 �s am�nd�d hom tlm�to tkn�, t2 U.9.C. _ <br /> {, 2601 �t aq.("FiESPA"),unMts�nothK Itw that�pplN�to th�Funds��ts�I�e��r�mount. If eo,l�nd�r rMy, at my tMn�,aoN�ot�nd <br /> I hold Fund� h m�mount not to�xcNd th�Nue�mount. L�nde m�y ntlmal�th�amaunt of fund4 du�on th�be�lt ol CurrMt d�t� -_ <br /> nnd r�asonabM astknRtos of cxpendl:ures of tuturo Escrow Itoms or othorwlse In ocr.ardance wRh appllc�bM I�w. <br /> Th� Fundo eh�ll bo h11d fn an InstRulbn whos� d�posNa ar� hsured by � bd�r�l �qtnoy, InetrurrNntaiky, or entky (fnCludhq <br /> `� L�nd�r, H L�nd�r Is ouoh m inttkutlon) or In �ny F�d�nl Hom� Loan Bank. Undar shall apply iha Fundt to p�y th� EtCrow ItNn�. � <br /> � , Lond�r m�y not ohup� Bortow�r tor holdinq �nd epptyhp the Funde,�nnutlly enay:lnp ths eacrow account, or wrMylnp th�Esorow .J <br /> � It�ma,unMts L�nd�r p�ys Borrow�r Intenat an tho Funds and applb*ble 4w pKmNe L�nd�r to mak� auoh �charp�. Howw�r,l�nd�r r <br /> � rruy rsquk� Borrowe to pay • on�-tlrrN Chup�for an Indapind�nt rwl eattte tax nporthp servicl us�d by L�nd�r In conMOtbn wRh . <br /> ., �, thls ban,unM�9 applbabM yw provfd�s oth�rwia�. UnNss an aytNmMt Is m�G� or appi��bM Iaw rsqufns IntK�st to bs pa1d, L�ndw � &: <br /> . sheA not b�nquM�d to pay Bortow�r any IntK�st or�rninps on th�Fundl. Bonow�r�nd LondK mey aqrN in wrRlnp, howwK,that i': <br /> u� IntK�st sh�fl b� pald on Ih� Funde, L�ndK ehall qN� to 6ortowe, wNhout ohupe, an �nnual�caountlny of th� Funds, showhp �' <br /> Cndka �nd dWRt to th� Fund�tnd th�purpoa�for whbh �aoh dWR to th� iunds w4a mad�. The Funda are pbdp�d a��ddRbn�l E•. <br /> 6ecurRy for atl tuma seCUred by thls SeCUrRy Instrumsnt. ` <br /> I}tha Funds hsld by Lender excNd th�amounts pertnitted to be hold by �ppl�able law, Lender sholi account to Borrow�r tot th� <br /> ixcoss Funds In accordanCe wkh tho raqulrwrwnts of eppl�cabb taw. I( the amour.t of the Funds held by Lend�r at any tkn� Is not �_ <br /> �� suM�fent to pay the Escrow Items whan due,Lender may ao notNy Borcower in wrRfnq,�nd, In such case BorcowK shau pay to L�nd�r �: <br /> t tho amount nacssa�ry to rtuke up the dsibiency. Borrower ahnll m�ks up the defblenoy In no maro th�n tweNS monthy paym�nte,at !' <br /> �' Lenders sob dlscrotbn. � <br /> j� Upon payrtwnt In lull ol sli aums secured by thls SecurRy Instrument,Under shail prompty reNnd to Borrower any Funds h�ld by � <br /> ' L�nder. I�, undsr pareyraph 21,L�ndN ehall�cquhs or aell tha PropKty,L�nda, prbr to th�acqulskbn or eaM ot th�Proputy, shatl _ <br /> � eppy Any Funds held by Lender et the tims of acquisRbn or sale as a credR ap�lnst the suma secured by thls SscurRy InstrumK►t. _ <br /> 3. Applicatfon Qt Peyments. Unkas applbabb kw providss othsrnlse,all pRyments r�cotwd by Lend�r und�r puapraph� F <br /> � 1 md 2 ah�N b�applbA: fYSt,to any prapayment charqes due under th�Notr, second,to �mounls payabM under pu�preph 2; third = <br /> �+ to Interest due;tourth,to pnc�ipoi due; and lest,to any�ate charyes due unda the Note, µ <br /> � 4. ChirQQi; Llena, Borcower shall pay all toxes, assessments, charpes, thes and knpositlons attributtbk to ths Property k. <br /> whbh may attain prbrky over thls SeourRy InsUument, and Iepsehold payments or pround rents, if any. BoROwer Shnll pay thess �: <br />- " obliyetbns h the manner provided fn parayraph 2,or H not pald in that manner,Borrower shall pay lhem on tkne dkecty to tha parson <br /> , ow�d ptymanL Bortowe►shall promptly lumish to Lender a11 not�es of amounts to be pald under this paraprnph. If Borrowir makes <br /> theso paymwits dlnotiy, Borcower sh�ll promptly tumish to Lender receipts evidenchp the paymente. <br /> ' . Borrow�r shall promptF�discharpe any Ilen wh�h has prbrity over thts Securky Instrument unbss Bortower. (e)apreea In wrkiny to <br />-� th�paym�nt ot th� obilpatbn sacured by tha lien In A mannar acCepttbk to Lender; (b)contests h pood fakh the Ibn by,or dN�nds <br /> a• epthyt enforCSment of ths Ilen h, lepnl proCesdhga wh�h in the Lender's opinbn operats to prevent the enforcertwnt of the Ibn; or(c) <br /> secuns kom th� hokfer of the ilen �n ayreemant satisfectory to Lender subordinatinq the I�en to Ihls Securny inatrument. if Lender ' <br />��.��•• • � d�tKmhes that any part of tha Property Is subJect to a lien wh�h may ettain prbrky over thfs SecurRy Instrument, Lendir msy Olw <br /> F• � Borcowar 1�notlC� IdentHy(ny th�Ilen. Borrower shail satisty the Iien or take one or more of the aclbna set torth above wRhin 10 days - <br />-�i a'��",'r�, „ �. of tho yNinp of notlae. <br />��...,�:,y �,.... <br />�`'F `•:., . <br />= 5. Hazard or Property Inaurance. Borrower shell keep the knprovements now existkip or here&fter ereCted on th6 <br />�;'�„�,,�r;,,' Property Inaured apahat loss by fire,hazards hck,ded withh the term "extended coveraqe" and any other haYards, k+oludhp tboda or <br /> .��,- �. <br /> y�,:,;L� �- floodinp, for wh�h Lender requlres hsurance. Thls Insuranca shali be mnintahed In the amounts and for the perbds that Lender <br />�_,,;,,;;fity� requires. The hsurance carrter provldfnp the fnsurance shall be chosen by Bonower subJect to Lender's approval whbh shell not b� <br /> �•;:`�ti'! unnasonabiy wkhheld. if Borrower fnils to mafntah coverefle dascribsd above,Lender may, at Lenders optbn, obtafn Coverap�to <br />��';��.�_ , proteCt Lendsr's riphts h the Prope►ty in accordance with pareqraph 7. <br /> �""``"�''�'� All hsunnco pol�les �nd renewais shoq be acceptable to Lender nnd shau tnclude a standard mortqaye ctause. Lender shall have <br /> _-.;:r:�?:�r_;� the ripht ta hold ths poibbs end renewals. If Lender requkes, Bortower shah prompty yhre to Lender ell receipta of peld pr�miums <br /> sy� and renowal notbes. In the event oi loss, Borrower shall pNe prompt notiCe ro the fnsurance cartier and Lender. Londsr may make <br />—.-�:K;_;•_-- proof of bst R not made prompty by Borrowx. <br /> =-�--"°.`,�;'=. UnMss L�nd�r and 8ortower otherwise epree In wrkhy,Insurance proceeds shali be applied to restoratbn or ropaM of ths PropRty <br /> --=;.�V�^L;. <br /> =- tit���_;, d�map�d� M ths natoratlon or repaY Is econom�aly teasible and Lenda�s securriy Is not lessened. If the rostorotbn or rsp�k Is not <br /> _��:�`��':,'� sconomfcalry feasibie or Lander's seCUrky would be lessened, the Insurance procaeds shall be applbd to the sums securod by this <br /> - _''"'�"'� S�CUrity Instrum�nt, whethK or not then due, wRh any excess pald to Borrower, If Borrower �bandons the Propsrty, or does not <br />�?i;•:.�v: , . <br /> ••"'r+• answ�r withh 30 days a notke bom Lender thet the hsurance certier has ottered to settle n clalm, then Lender may coiiect ths <br /> '�"P"'—"'=� insuranc� procwds. Lendor may use the proceeds to repalr or restore the Prpperty or to pey sums securad by thls S�ourky <br /> — �......:� . <br /> �R;'..,;�•""•,c, ' <br /> ,_`.��,fi;' In6trum�nt,wheth�r or nOt than due.Ths 30�day pe►bd wlll beph when the notlCe b gNen. ! <br />—_= sr• '�' Unkss Lendsr and Borrower othervvlse ayree In wrkhp, any appl�Catbn of proceeds to princlpal shnll not extend or postpone the <br /> "'•�� '�� dw dat�of ths monthy p�ymentc referted to h parapnphs 1 end 2 or Chanqe the emount of the paymente. It under parayraph 21 _ <br /> -_ .`...�1:b,-�, � <br /> -- •�:�'� the Property IS�aqulred by Lender, Bortower'a rlpht to eny hsurence pol�les end proceeds resuRing from damaqe to the Prop�rty prbr = <br /> _ • � ��•�� to th� acqulsRbn shall Y <br /> p�ss to Lender to the eMent of the sums secured b thls SecurRy Instrument knmedlately prbr to the <br /> - • acquiskbn. <br />_ � 6. Occupanoy, Preaervatton, Mafntenance and Protection oi the Prope�ty; Borrower'a Loan — <br /> - . . AppllQiti011; Leaaeholda. Bortower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's princlpal resldence wfthh sbcty <br />- Oays ef1Yr the ex�outlon ot this Security Instrument flnd shall comhve to ocr.upy the Property as Borrowers principal resldenCe tor at _ <br /> leUSt one year aher Ihe date of aCCUpanCy, uniess Lender othenv�se aqr6e5 h writhg, whlch consent shail not be unreasonebly <br /> wMhheld,or uniess exlenuelhp clrcumstances exist whfch are beyond Borrowd�s control. Borrower shell not desiroy, damape or knpalr <br /> th�prop�rty,albw the Property to deterlorate, or commft waste on the Property. Bonower Shall be in defauR it any forfekute aCtbn or _ <br /> .:��" prxeedhp,whether cHil or crhnlnal,fs begun that h Lender's good talth Judgment could resuk h lorfedure of the Property or otherwiss _ <br /> -------- -� -_ .....�.LU. �...�� u.� �w. ...���..� ►... �wb c.w...qo Imm��nwnf nr t andors socuritv hterest. Bortower II1flY CU�B 6UCh 8 dlfflUK tfld <br /> _.. _. _ . -�_. ��...�..�..� ...�.�. ...� ..,... ........... ..� ....� ,.�_...� ..._�_..-'-.• - -- <br /> nhst�t�, �s provkMd h p�raynph 18, by causlnp ths actbn or proceedlnq to be dlsmissed with a ruling that, in Lenders pood fakh <br /> detertrhttbn, precludes forfeiture of the Bonower's Interost In the Property or other materlal impakment of the Ifen Created hy thls <br /> Socurky Instrument or Lender's securRy hterest. Borrowor shali also be h defaurt H Borrower,durhp the ban applfcatbn procesa, <br /> qeve mataritlly talse or fnacourete Infortnatbn or statements to Lender (or falled to provide Lender with eny mnterial htartnatbn) h <br /> connectbn with the ban evidenced by the Note, Includhp, but not limited to,representetlons conceminq Borcower's occupenCy o1 the <br /> PrOpKty le a pnc�lptl resldenCO. i� thls Security Instrument IS on fl IeYSehold, Borrowor shall compry with all tho provfslon6 of th� <br /> bese. I} BorroN�er acqufres tee tkb to the Property, the �easehold end the fee title sha�l not meree unless the Lender egrees to the <br /> fI19f49f h WfRMIq. Form 904E 6/90 <br /> � FfOlY.LMO(E197) Pap��o�5 <br /> I <br /> sse � <br /> � <br /> . i <br />