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<br /> j'��;.ei�. THIS DEED OF 7AUST ('S�cur'�ty InsWm�nt")Is mads on_ AU U���11�� _ 1997 . TM trustor
<br /> -� f � i�a��c gg�r��Tr a�tn W!1�!�!� P eENNETT , IFE A D �US9AND .
<br />-�.:�,s�-
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<br />�T;�.;��� � ('Haroww").
<br /> Tne m,su.�s D N B BAN 700 N W 88 R AO R ND I ND NEBR 68803
<br /> -—=::�:z�; (rTmate�").
<br />—.___�.��� TM b�nNicYuy ts BAN �
<br />�-li����:� whlch b orp�nfaW�nd pclsthy unda the Y�ws ot B A ,�nd whos��ddroas
<br /> � -_--= �s 00 . WE88 RD GR ISLAND 68 �'U"�+�•
<br /> --— aorrow.r ow�s�►d.r th.prr�ctpai cum ot N ne I sa e d 1 0
<br />_ --- DoUars (U.S.i 98.000.001. This dabt is evidsnced by Borrowers nots d�l�d the
<br /> �—„��+r, sartM d�a ��this S�curity IndWmont ('NotP), whiCh provtdes for monthy paymants, with the fuM debt, B not p�id e�ANr,dus md
<br /> �:���}� payabN on September 1. 20'12 . This SaCUrky InaWmMt secures to Lsnd�r: (a)tAe npiymM�t of ih� dlbt wk1�1C�d
<br /> — 6y th�Nob,wkh hbnst, snd aM renewils. �xtensbns and modificatbns ol the Note;(b)ths payment ot�N othx 6ums,wkh htsnat,
<br /> ��!^T��"� adwnc�d und�r panpnph 7 to protect the aecurity of thls Securky Instrum�nt:�nd (o) th�psrtormana of Borrowws covarunts�nd
<br /> a9rMrtNnts. Fw thM purpoao,Bortow�r Irnwocaby ynnt6 md conwys to TrustM, h wst,wkh power o(sap,the foYown� d�scrbsd
<br /> _° — prop�rty bcaud in HALL County, Nebnskt:
<br /> --�— COUNTY� NEBRASKA.
<br /> - �:,
<br /> ..W.�
<br /> :u-r%��
<br /> Myf�J�
<br /> •!!�f.Y�.1 J
<br /> �`_l���j�l�._—
<br />���•��Ji���'��
<br />�;;:;°..'�:: whbh haa tns sddr�ss ot 171fi DOREEN ST ,GRAND ISLANO .
<br /> �:.r�.v atn�t aty -
<br />� r,ax.s�saam t•Properly Address"r
<br />;! ` • nn ooa.
<br /> ' TODETHER WITH all knprovements now or hereafter erocteA on the proporty, and aN easertients, eppurtonances,and taxlures now
<br />�' . ' or henaRK a pah of tha praperty. All riplecernents and addftions s�aA bo covered by th�s Securky Instrument. AY of the forepoing ia
<br /> �''�'� nfernd to In thta Security Instrument as the'Property.'
<br />-_ . •.?.:��,: BORF10VYgR COVENANTS that Bortowar is �wtuly seised of the esUti Aereby conveyed and has the rght lo yrant tnd eonvoy -
<br /> - th� Propwty and tlut tAe Proputy fs unencumbered, exCept tor encumbnNCes of record. Bonower worrants and will dekr+d psnealy
<br />�,„ �..,�.pr the t�tN to th�Prop�rty syafnst atl ttt�r+s and demends,subJect t0 any encumbrenCes ot reCOrd.
<br /> THIS SECURITY IN51'RUMEfYT comOk�es unHOrm cavQnants for nationel use and nonanitorm covenants wkh Imited vsrhtbns by
<br /> lurltd�tbn to constkute a unflorm securilY inswment covering real proper4y.
<br /> • ''��• UNIFOFNA COVENANTS. Bonower and lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> • � 1. Payment oi Prtr►cipal and Interest; Prepayment and Lete Charyes. Borcower shall promptty pay ►.hen due
<br /> the prinolpal of�nd hterest on the debt evidanced by lhe Note and any prepayrnmt end late cherpes due under the Note.
<br />= 2. Funda toP Tal(CS end Inaurance. SubjeCt tu 9ppliCable lew or to a w�itten weNer by Lender, Bortower shll pay to
<br /> �� Lender on the day monthly payments ere due under the Note, until the Nota is pald In luii, e cum ("Funds")for.(e) yeufy luces and
<br />-` assessments whiCh may atteh prbrfty o��er thfs Security Instrument as a lien on the Property; (b)yearry�easehold ptyrnents or flround
<br /> - ronts on the Proparty, fl any; (c) rearFy husud or property hsurance prem�,ms;(d) yeariy fbod hsur8nce premiums, if 1ny;(e) yNrly
<br /> = mort�y� heuranc�promlum�,If any; and (f)tny�ums payebb by Borrower to Lender, fn eccordnnce with the provbbne of peraqreph
<br /> 8, In Neu o1 lhe payment of mortyepe in6uranCe premlums. These Items ere called 'EsCrOw Items." Lender may,�t eny time, Collect
<br />- end hold Funds In nn flmount not to exceed the mar.imum amount a lender lor o tederely related mortgeye ben mey requke tor
<br /> , - , NEORA9KA•31np1�F�mn�•F�nni� Mu(FroEE4 Mu UNIFOHM iN8TRUMENT Forn 002E 9/90 ;
<br />- Ft029.LM0(0/97) Pap�� 015 �
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