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<br /> • � 17.'�r�nstcr ot thc 1'ro�x�rty�►r u HcnedciWl lntcrc.wt In Borr��wer.If ull��r nny pun at'ihc F'ro�xny ur uny intcrc�t in it
<br /> i��suld nr tran�fcrrcd lur if n bcncticml intcrr�t in Hurraw�r is soW ur trunsfcrrrd und Hurrowcr i+nut u ninural Ex:rsi�n►withnut
<br /> I�:n�lur'� prior wriucn run,cnt. lAnJcr mi�y. �U itr upti��n. rcyuirc imnudiutc paynun� in full ui ull sum+ ucurcd hy thi�
<br /> '.; ; Scrurity Inti�rununt. Huwcvcr. thiti��pii�m:,hall nat hc cxcrci,cd by lan�lrr il'czcrci+r is pruhihilcd by 1'rdcri�)luw iiy ��f U�c dntc
<br /> ��f tl�i�tic,�w•uy Intitrumcnt.
<br /> U I.end�r ux�r�iu�tlti+uptiim. l.�`nd�r�h��ll givc Hnrruwer notia��t nrrrlcruuim."1'hr nuu�r �hi�ll 1x„�idc il�34111HI li� IIII(
<br /> ' Ic„ th�in �0 duyy 1'ram tl�c du�c �hr nntirc i.r dcliver�Yl ur nutil�Kl wf�hin whirh Hurruw-rr mu��p.ry ull sumti ,cctu�cd hy Odti
<br />-~� ticruriq�In,trununt. If Nurrowcr failti tu p.iy �hryc tiums prior ti�!hc c.rpiratiun af thiti{xri�xl. lAn�lrr nuiy iuvukc nny rcmcdics
<br />_�a!�1� �xnnittcd hy 1hi+Sccurity Instrumcnt without furthcr noticc ur dcmunJ nn Hurruwcr.
<br /> , IS. Rnrrower'y Rl�tht to Rclnytute. 11' Horn�w�r meets renain c�mditionti, liiirruwcr +h��ll hnvc thc riglu tu hnve
<br /> ; enl��rccm��nt i�f thiti Sccurity Inxtru�ucnt Jisruntinued ut uny timc prior ta tlic curlicr ui: lu) 5 dc►ys (ur,uch uthcr�xrioJ us
<br /> � •ipplianhlu law miry spccifq for rcinstntcmenq txfore salc of thc Pmperry pursuant to imy �wwur of salc contuincd in this
<br /> S�xurity Inrtrument:or�h)entry uf u judgnwnt eni'orcing this S�curity Instrumen[. Thoxe cun�liuonr.nre thnt Ror�i�wer:(a) pays
<br /> , . Lcndar ull tiums which�hcn wuuld bc due undcr this Scruriry instrument und thc Ni�tc as if n�i accelerati��n hud cxcurrui;(b)
<br />` 4+�.: � :! rums any� dcl'.wlt of any �xhcr covenunts�ir ugrcements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrure�ent.
<br /> - including, but ni�t limitcd w, reasonublc attorneys' fees; und(d)tukes such uction ati l.c:nder may rcusonubly rcqu�re to ussure
<br />' � �.'�` thut the licn of this Securiry Inrtrument, l.ender's righes in the Property and Borrower's obligution to pay thc sums secured by
<br /> '';' �;;�; ' thlh Security instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrowc:r, this Securiry Instrument iind the
<br /> 3;•'�;,`�:�" obligutions seeured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no aceeleratian hud occurred_ Hnwever,this right to reinstate shnll
<br /> :' ;:��«f .� nM upply in thc ra�c of a�ccicration undcr p:�ragraph 17.
<br />- ' 19. Sale of Note; Chan�e oP Loan Servicer. Thc Note or a punial interest in thc Naic (togethcr with this Securiry
<br /> ��u=i;w�,�l�' � Instrument)muy bc sold onc or more times without prior noticc to Bom�wcr. A sule may result in a change in the entiry(known
<br /> ••.''•'�•,. 4 as the "Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also may be one
<br /> ;,.�,f •' or m��re changes of tlie Laan Servicer unrelated to u sale of the: Not�.lf th�re is a change of thr Luan Servicer,Borrower will be
<br /> =,�=.�- gioen�vritten notice of the change in accardance with paragraph 14 above and upplicuble law. The notice wiU state thc nume and
<br />`�'S'�.;..�: add�uss of the ncw l.oan Servicer and the uddress to which payme�nts should be made. The notice �vill also contain any other
<br /> ��;^;�`f.� �, information required by applicable law.
<br />:;��;:'. 20. Ha�urdous Substanc�. BoiYOwer shall not cuusc or pc:rmit thc prcsencc, usc, dispasal, SLOi1�'C, or release of uny
<br />:=i�ri
<br /> � r Huzardaus Substances on or in the Prooert�•. Borrower shall not do, nor allow unyone else to do, unything uffecting the
<br />���::a}+=�� Property that is in violation of any Emironmental Law. The prececling two sentences shal! not upply to the presenee, use,or
<br /> -`t,' �� srorage on the Prope��ty of smull yuantiti�s of Haza�dous Substunces that are generally recognized to be uppropriate to normal
<br />"`��i:`',`�% residential uses and ta maintenance of the Property.
<br />-""'�'���; g.�.s�N.P����I( �,��n,rrly�ive I.�nder wriuen notice of any invcstigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> ��� � governmental or resulatory agcnc��or private pany involving thc Praperty und any Hazurdous Substance or Environmental l.aw
<br /> � = of which Borrower hus actuul knowledge. if Bormwer learns, or is notified by uny governmental or regulatory authoriry.that
<br /> ��� � any removal ar other remcdiation of any Huzardous Substnncc affecting the Propeny is necessary. Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> - all necessury remedial actions in accordance with Environmental l.aw.
<br /> ' As used in this puragraph 20, "Hnzarcious Subatances" are those substances defined ns toxic or hazurdous substances by
<br />_;x,��
<br /> - Environmental Law and the following su�stunces: gasoline, kero�ene, other flammable or toxic petroleum prociucts, toxic
<br /> _ pesticides and herbicides, volatilc solvenGV, mnterials cantaining asbcstos or formaldehydc,and radioactive matcrials. As used in
<br /> -. this paragrsph 20, "Environmental Law" meuns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br />---"�— relute to heulth,safety or cnvironmental protection.
<br /> "` - NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.endcr furthercovenant and ugree as follows:
<br /> . -H� � 21. Acceleratton;Remedles. Lender shall�ive notice to Borrower pr[or to acceleration�ollowing Rorrower's breach
<br /> � of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not pr[or to aceeleration underpa ragraph 17 unless
<br /> ' appllcsble Is►w provides otherwlse). The notice shall specify: (a)the detault; (b)the action required to cure the default;
<br /> ' (c) a date,not less than 30 days from the date the notice is�tven to Bornc►wer,by whlch the default must be cured;and
<br /> �� (d) that fallure to cure the default on or bePore the date specifled in the notice may result in aceelerutlon of the sums
<br /> secured by thls Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further intorm Borrower of the right tu
<br /> ___- reinstAte after acceleratlan and the right to bring a court uction to assert the non-exlstence of a defAUlt or uny other
<br /> `-- defense of Borrower to acceleration und sale. IP the default Is not cured on or before ttie date specified tn the notice,
<br /> � I.ender, at its opt[on, may requlre immedlste payment in full ot all sums secured by this Security Instrument witbout
<br /> -= further demund and may invoke the power of sale and any other remecltcs permitted by applicable law. Lender shsll be
<br /> entitled to collect a(I expenses Incurred In pu►suinR the remedies provlded in this paragruph 21,including,but not limlted
<br /> to,reasonAble ettorneya�'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> It the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record � notice of defeult in e.�ch county in which any part ot the
<br /> -�-�-- . Property is locuted and shall aiail copies of such notice in the mnnner prescrlbed by applicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> — the other persons prescrlbed by applicable law.After the time required by applicable law,Tr�:stee shall give publlc notice
<br /> of sale to the perso�.s and in the manner pmscribed by appllcable law. Trustee, without demand ou Borrower,shall sell
<br /> the Property at public auction to the hlghest b[dder at the time and place und under the terms designAted in the notice of
<br /> --= sale in one or mure parrels and in any order Trustee determina.Trutitee mny postpone sale of all or uny parcel of the
<br /> Property by public announcement at the time and place of any previvusly scheduled sale. I.ender or its designee may
<br /> -- purchase the Property at any sale.
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