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<br /> S.HAxprd or Praperty Insurance. Borrowcr shall kocp t�n improvemcnts now cxistin$a hctcafter crcctcd on thu Property _
<br /> . x
<br /> � insurcd against los9 by fire. harauds includcd wiU�in thc tcrm"ex�crtdcd covcrnge" and eny othcr hazards, includ'uig Aoods or .
<br /> El�aoding,For which i.cndcr rcquires insurance.This insurance shallbe maintaincd in the emounts and for tha periods that Lcndcr ;�;:,,
<br /> • od
<br /> �,,,,� requires.Ttia insurance cacrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subjtct w Lender's upprovel which shell not '�.'
<br /> �. ..�IF ba unreasanably wlthheld. It Borrowcr fails to malntain coveragc dcscribed ebove, I.cndu mey, at Lendcr's opdon, obtain ;_t;'
<br /> coverage w protcet Lender's dghts in the Prapecry in accordance wi�h paragraph 7. ;.-,;
<br /> All insuranca policies and renewals shall be ecceptabk tn Lender and shall include a st�ndard mortgege clause.Lender shell '°:.,,�,_
<br /> huvo tha right to hald thc poUcies end renewels. lf Lcnda requlres,Borrowcr shall prompdy givc to Lender all receipts of pald
<br /> prcmiums and renewel no�ces.In the event of loss,Porcower shall give prompt nodce to thc:.ins�ce carrler and L.ender.Lender -
<br /> may makc proof of loss if not madc prompdy by Borrawcr, "-_:_
<br /> Unloss Lcnder and Borrower othcrwisc agrec in wri�nB+NSUrence Procecds shell be appued�° ms�°ration or rcpair of thc ,_�.�.-
<br /> property darnaged.if the resloradon or repair is economically feasble and Lendcr's security is not lessened.If the restoradon or �-___
<br /> rcpatr is not economically feasible or Lender's exuriry would be lesscned,thc insurAnce pcaeeds shall lx:applied to the sums ,��
<br /> secured by this Security Insuument, whether or not then due, with any excass paid w Borcow�r. If Borrower abandons the �:_'
<br /> Property,or does not answer withir► 30 days a noace fmrt► I.ender that the insurance carrier has offered to seule a claim,then G;_:__
<br /> ���_
<br /> I.ender may cc�llect the insurance proceeds.I.ender maY � �p���repair or restore the Property or to pay sums secured �
<br /> � by this Security I�swment,whether or not then duc.'Itie 30-dey period will begin wt►en the naicc is g�ven. �`,__
<br /> .� lication of roctxds co imnciPal shall not ezk.nd or postponc �:_
<br /> Unless I.ender and Bormwer otherwise agree in writin8• �Y ePP � P
<br /> the due date of the monthly payments refened to in paragrephs 1 and 2 or chttr►ge thc amount of ttic�ayment�.If under paragtsiph
<br /> Zl the Property is acquire�d by Lender,Borrower's right to eny insurance policies and proar.ds resulting from damage to the ��j.--
<br /> � property pria to thc acyuisition shnll pass to Lender to�he cztent of the sums secured by this Sc�uriry Instrument immcdjately
<br /> prior to the acquisition. _
<br /> 6.Occupancy,Preservatbn,Ms�intenadoe And Pratectkn otthe Praperty; Borrower'e Loan Application;Leaseholds.
<br /> Bocrower shell occupy.establish,and usc the Property a�Bocrowu's principal residence wi�in sixty days after the execudon of
<br /> this Security lnstrument and shall continue to occupy the Proputy�s Bocrower's principal residence for at Icast one year after the
<br /> �-------- date of occupancy�unkss Lrndu otheiwise agrees in wniwg. wiuct� wnseni st:all nat �z:nce�onsbl; ,s,�pl�.�r �mlcta
<br /> eatenuaGng circumstances cai5t which are beyond Borrower's conuol.Borrower shall not desuoy,dameBe or impair the Ptapetty.
<br /> alloW the property to deterlorat�e, or commit waste on the Rvp�rty Borrower shall be 3n defeult if any forfeiwre action or
<br /> , _ proceeding,whether civil or crimuial,is begun thet in Lendet�s Sood feith judgment could rault in fafeipue of the Property or _
<br /> ;�,�':.
<br /> otherwise materially impair the licn created by this Security Instrument or L.ender's securi�y intcres�Bomowu may cuse such a
<br /> �...?r dcfault and ceinstate, ag provided 'u► ParaBraPh 18,by ca�sing the acdon or procading to be disnvssed with a niling that,1n
<br /> -� ;!` Lcnder's good faith detuminatiion,precludes forfeiuue of the Bortowc�'s interest in tha Pr+opaty or other materlal impairmu►t of
<br /> ' s ` the lien cxeaeed by�his Sc:curiry Instiument or Lendei's socuriry int�resG Borrower shall also b� in default lf Borrower,during the
<br /> �• loan applicatic►n pmce.ss,gave mate,riaIIy felse or inaccunte infornwtion or statem:.nts to I.eadcr(or failed to provide I.ender wlth
<br /> " _ any material lnformation) in connecdon wtth the loan evidenced by the Nou, including,but not limited to, represeateHons
<br /> �, � }:.1 .� concrming go�rower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Sec�uity In�rument is on a leatehold,Bo�rawu
<br />_#�•��...�;:�: shall comply with all the pmvlsions of the lease.If Borrower acquires fee ride to the Propeaty,the leasehold and the fa tide shall
<br /> ==°•~�... �: not mage unless Lender agras to t1►e merger in writing.
<br />-i1.t��.:� �` I ��protectioo of I.ender's Rig6ts in t6e Property. If Bocrowcr fails to perform the covenants and agrec�nems containcd in -
<br /> ,: n�.
<br />,�' this Socurity Instrumant, or there is a legal proceeding that mP►y signiticandy affoct Lenda's rights in the Froperty(suc es a
<br />�;'••.. � proceeding in bankruptcy.probate,for condemnation or torfeiwseor to enforce laws or regulxions).then Ler►der may do and pay
<br />_5.•�'�i'y�
<br />�;-.r,. , for whatever is neces.sacy to protect the va(ue of the Pcoperty and L.ender's rights in the Property Lender's acdons may include
<br />;s;d�` , paying any su�ns secured by a lien which hes priority over this Socudty Instrwnent, appeacing in court. PaYinB reasonable
<br />" � �:- attomeys' fees and Enuring on thc Propaty to make rtpaits.Allhough Lender may talce aGion under this pazagraph 7,I.endet
<br /> -w� y�y �-� does not have to do so.
<br />_ �;., .
<br /> -�.•+••- •• �ny arnounts dis'bursed by LendCc under this parasaph 7 shall become addltional debtof Bomower secured by thls Security
<br /> '�' •'r� Instr�vmen� Untess Borrower and Lender agrcc to other tc�ms ot paymen� these amounts shall bear interest from tha date of
<br /> ��- . ,..:�_.
<br /> disbwsement at the Note ratc and shall bc payable,with interest, upon notice from Lendu to Borrowcr requesting paymenG
<br />- � �• � S.Mortga=e lasuraaca If L.ender required mortgage insurance as a candidon of mating the loan secured by this Securiry
<br /> Instrument, Borc�nwer shalt pay the premiums requiced to maimain the mongage insurance in effect If, for any reason. thcs =
<br /> , mortgage insivance covcrage rcquired by Lender lapses or ceascs to be in effoct,Borrowu shall pay the premiums required to _ _
<br /> ` obtain covuage subswntially equivalent to the mortgage insorance previously in effect, at e eost substantially equivalent to the �_T,_`
<br /> cost to Borrower of the matgagc insurance prcviousty in effat, f�nm an alternate mongegc insurer approvecl by Lender. If .;
<br /> `� substantielly aquivalent martgagc ins�ance coae.ra�ge is not evailable,Borrower shall pay w Lender each month a sum equal to �`�
<br /> ' ' one-twelfth of the yearly moRgage insnrance premium being paid by Borrower when th�insurance wverage lapsed or ceased to ' .
<br /> � be in�effect I,ender will accept, use�and retain �hese payments as a loss reserve in G�u of mortgage insurance.Loss reserve
<br /> � Form 90Z� Y190
<br /> . . �•6R(NE)coz��l.o� P.o.�ot e inwau:
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