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.�� <br /> .� <br /> �a���w�,. . .��,. <br /> ' ._ ',,�_.� <br /> � � "+��-- <br /> . . . ... �=• <br /> . • ;LA.u.:. <br /> . - - . .. ���_- <br /> .. .. .. .. . . ... '��1� . . /lH7F�� .. <br /> �� - . .. .. . . .. . ' <br /> � � <br /> �?-�0645� <br /> , 'POGETHIiR WI7'H�1 the improvements now �or hereafter crecuxi on the property,end ell easements,appurtener�ces,end <br /> ' Cueturas now on c�rcafter a part of the praperiy.All rcplaccmcnts and addirions shall nlso be covcrcd by this Socuriry Instrumcnt. <br /> � All of tha foregoing is rcferr�ed to ln thls Security Instrument as the"Property." <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estatc hercby conveycd and ha�the right to grant and ,r�� <br /> ;„„,,,� convey the Propeny and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrences of record. Borrower warrants end will �.�- <br /> defend genaaUy the Htlo w the Property against all claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances of record. '�� <br /> THIS SECURTTY INSTRLTMS1VT cambines unifoun covenanis for nadonal use and non-uniform covenants with limiced -�`'_ <br /> � variaUOns by jurisdicuon lo consdwte a uniform security insirument covering real property. - - <br /> � UNIFORM COVE4VAN'I'S.Borrowcr and Lender covenant and agrce as follows: <br /> l.Payment o!Prindpal�nd Iaterest;Prepayment and LAte Charges. Borrower shall prompdy pay whcn due the <br /> � principal of and interest on Ihe debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due undv the Note. _-= <br /> �' 2.Funds tor Tpaces aN1 Iasurance. Subjoct to applicable law or to a wriuen waiver by L.ender, Boaower shell pay to = <br /> Lendcr oa the day monthly�ayments are due undu the Notc,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for: (a)yearly taxes <br /> � and assessmants which may apain prioriry ovu this Securlty Instrument ac a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold paymenis � _ <br /> or ground rents on tha Prc�perty,if nny�(c)yearly hazsM or property insurnrtc�premiums:(d)Ycarty flood insurance premiuins,if <br /> any: (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if any; and(t�any sums payable by Barower w I.ender,in accordance with the <br /> provisions of paragraph 8, in liw of the payment of mortgage insuronce praniums. These items are called "F.scrow Items." - <br /> Lender may,at any tune,collect and hold Funds in an amoant not to excecd thc maximum nmount a lender for a federally related -" <br /> mortgega loan may cequire for Bomuwa's escrow account under the foderal Real Estatc Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as <br /> amcnded from timo W t,ime, 12 U.S.C.SectiQn 2601 et s�q. ("RESPA").unless anothet law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser - <br /> amount If so.l.enckr rr�ay, at any time. coliect and hold Funds in an nmount not to excerd the lesser amonnt L.e�tder u�ay •"r`�-- <br /> � �to the cunount of Funds due on the basis of current daa and reasonable esdmates of eupendlWms of fuWre Fscrow Items or , ° <br /> otherwise in accordance with applicable l�w. � �_ <br /> � 'I U e Funds shall be tuld in an insuwtion whosc deposits arc insnred by a federa!agency,instrumentality,or endty(including �' •�° <br /> - - -.;..`� I.tnder�if I.ender is such u� instiwtlon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow '�,. <br /> - ^-- _ Items.I.cnclu may not cturge Borrowu for holding and anplying tlte�F��r��.ar��;��,,,�e��p.;.����y��yg =_ <br /> •t��;.- <br /> thc Eaxow Items,unks9 Lender pays aorrowu intucst on the Funds and applicabk law�xrmlts Lendcr to rnake such a charge. ,���,:_ <br /> However.I,ender may roquin Borrowa to pay a one-tjme cherge for an indq►e�clent rcal estate taa reporting s�vice u�by ,�!,;.� <br /> ' I,enclu ln connoction with this loan, unkss applkable law provides othawise.Unless an agrcxn�ent is made or applicabk law ';: <br /> �:.f reQuites intaest lo bc p�aid,I.uuicr shall not bo requirod to pay Borrowu any intcrest or eamings on ttxs Funds. Bormwcr aad ;'. <br /> I.cncfar may agroc in wri�ng. however,that intcrest shall bc paid on tho Funds.Lcndcr shaU give w Bcxmwu.without charge,an ;-�� <br /> _ . aimual ecconndng of the Fluids,showing credit�end dcbits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit tn the Funds was ?�t <br /> _ ' mtde.The Funds ae�e plodgal as addiliunai securiry for all sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument �r<`.+- <br /> • � If the Fuads held by La�da exceod the amounts pe,�miued to be hcld by applicable law,Lender shall acco�nt to Borrowu for �_� <br /> : � th�exass Funds in xcc�rdu�ce with the roquircmcnts of applicable law.If the amau�t of the Funds held by Lerider at any time is �' <br /> not sufficirnt to pay�he Escnow Items when due.Lender may so notify gorrower in such case Bormwu shall pay ` <br />= w Ler�der the unount nactssuy to make up the defciency. Borrowu shall make up the deficiency in no mae than tnrelve —`' <br />_—_.,..F. . � �. <br /> �:�1�;..,,.^p� • monthlY MYments.atl.aadtr s sok discnetion �; <br />_�_;- ���: Upon pa�Yment in fuU of all sums secur ' �is Sccarity Insnumei►t,Le�dcr shall prompdy refund W Borrowu any Fuads = <br />:r%'�":;�;: heW by L�cndar.If.under ptrAgraph 21,L (acquire or sell the Praputy.Lendcr. nor to the uisidon or sak of the <br /> ;= .:•`';.`, , Propaty. shaU epply any Funds hctd by Leu. �he time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by this -- <br />- ' Socurity Inswmai� - <br />�, `�`' 3.Applicatbn of P�ym�nb. Unkss applicable law prnvides otherwise,all payments roceivod by Lender unda paragraphs �'=-- <br /> ;,�.;....: 1 and 2 shap be appltod:fust,to anY P�[�Y�t charges due undcr thc Note:second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; �:.:� <br /> - '.. inienest due:[ourth�ta princlpal due:and las�tn any latc charg.�s due under the Note. � � <br /> y� 4.Cbar6esp Liens. Barow�r shall pay all �a�ces. a�sessments, charges. fines and impositions suributable to the Property ""__- <br /> _y�,.�V.: which may attain priaity over UiLs Socurity Instrurtient,and leacehold paymenu or ground rents,if any.Borrowe�shall pay these <br /> �,,:.:. <br /> -. obiigati�ons in the mannesprovidod in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that mannu.Bomawer shall ?;;�`.,_-- <br /> F... .�, , person owed PaY them on time dirocdy w the ,_ _ <br /> PaYmcnG Barowcr sl�all prompUy fumish co L.endcr all noticcs of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. If ":,:;�� <br />�. . � Botmwer mak�these payments direcdy.Borrower shall prompdy fumish to I.ender reoeipts evidencing the payments. <br /> Borrower shall prompdy discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Socurity Insrnuner�t unkss Borrower.(a) agrers in <br /> jwridng w the payment of the obligation securod by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender:(b)contests in good iaith the lien • • <br /> by, or defentis against cntorament of thc lien in, legal procealings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent ihe - <br /> � enforcemer�t of the lien: a(c)socuros from the holder of tho lien an egroement saasfxtory to Lender subordinating the lien to . - <br /> � ihis Sceurity Instrument� If Lender determines that any pazt of the Property is subjoct to a lien which may attain priority over tA�s - <br /> � Securiry Instcument,Lendci may givc Eocrowcr a notia identifying the Lien. Borrowcr shall satisfy thc lien or take one or more <br /> of the actions set fonh abore within 10 days oF the giving of notice. <br /> j Form 302t YI90 <br /> �� �-�H(NE)(os�21.o� aap�2 ot 6 imaib: <br /> _—� • - -- _ <br /> , �. <br /> , . ... ... . _ <br /> ..._ . .. .. <br /> �,,, _ <br /> - <br /> ... ......... ..... ... <br /> �.,.,.:�•.. _. .. . . . <br /> - ' <br /> �__ _ - <br />